What problem did you fix with each of these revisions? Issues may be unity, cohesion, rhetorical appeals, content, or any other areas on which you received constructive feedback.

Revise an Argumentative Research Essay

Review the in-text comments and summary feedback you received on your Touchstone 3.2 draft to enhance your writing. You will then submit a revision of your Touchstone 3.2 draft that reflects the evaluator’s feedback. Make sure to include a copy of your Touchstone 3.2 draft below the reflection questions for this unit.

Below your assignment, include answers to all of the following reflection questions.

How much time did you spend revising your draft? What revision strategies did you use and which worked best for you? (2-3 sentences)

List three concrete revisions that you made and explain how you made them. What problem did you fix with each of these revisions? Issues may be unity, cohesion, rhetorical appeals, content, or any other areas on which you received constructive feedback.

What did you learn about your writing process or yourself as a writer? How has your understanding of the research process changed as a result of taking this course? (2-3 sentences)

Briefly describe the artifact and explain why it is relevant or controversial.

You will select an artifact related to digital information/communications for which you will engage in a meaningful analysis and evaluation that will be demonstrated in an essay.

Briefly describe the artifact and explain why it is relevant or controversial.
• Refer to the sample essay posted in Assignments labeled “Sample Critical Analysis”


What are their motives? What point of view does each have? Describe the characters and quote from their scenes to make your point.

Choose two characters in The Cherry Orchard and analyze and compare them

What are their motives? What point of view does each have? Describe the characters and quote from their scenes to make your point.

Describe the challenge, project, or problem to be solved.Describe the specific actions or steps you took.

Using the space provided, briefly describe one specific example from your education and/or experience in which you demonstrated your ability to engage in critical thinking. In your response,  follow these guidelines as you write your response:

-Describe the challenge, project, or problem to be solved.

-Describe the specific actions or steps you took.

-Describe the outcome, results, or impact.

-Keep your response to 2500 characters or less.

How does the character work as an artistic creation, how does Shakespeare create such depth in so many characters.

The Character Analysis of Hamlet “The Prince of Denmark”

Choose a character from the play and do an extended character analysis. Research could go in the psychological direction ( the nature of Hamlet’s madness – pretend or real – or his inability to act- where codes int come from ) or in a more literary direction

How does the character work as an artistic creation, how does Shakespeare create such depth in so many characters, etc. etc. or you could look at the moral dimensions of Hamlet – how he struggles over the commission to kill Claudius, how he is so concerned with doing the right thing, etc..

What’s the dominant theme of the story? How do various parts of the story highlight or support the theme?

“Everyday Use” Alice Walker

What’s the dominant of the story? How do various parts of the story highlight or support the theme? Some ideas include heritage and tradition, ownership, limitations of being educated vs. a rural existence, race, etc

This essay will require you to do more than simply back up your opinions with lines from the story; this time you will also bring in at least two outside sources for support for your argument. You may use more sources (and probably will/should).

For your research paper, One goal of this assignment is to write a critical essay in which you show how your specific argument is exemplified in the story. A second goal is to show the scope of your research process and how you integrated quotes from scholarly articles.

You must also quote from your story. Your story does not count as one of the outside sources. This is your primary source. So, most of you will have at least three sources from which you’ll pull information.

What Are the Causes & Solutions to an Addiction that Interests You?

What Are the Causes & Solutions to an Addiction that Interests You?

Who might disagree with one of your causes or one of the solutions you recommend for the addiction your essay focuses on & why?

1. Access the (CONCESSION-REFUTATION GUIDE FILE ) as a reference and guide for this assignment.

2. Write a CONCESSION-REFUTATION paragraph for your essay#3 using the 4-part class model.

3. Who might disagree with one of your causes or one of the solutions you recommend for the addiction your essay focuses on & why?

4. Review (LARISSA’S CONCESSION REFUTATION PARAGRAPH) highlighted in YELLOW & then scroll to see her concession-refutation also highlighted in YELLOW

Use this sample to give you ideas about how your paragraph should look, but do not use her arguments, reasons or evidence; branch out and do your own thinking and writing

 Compare/Contrast essay about the short story and the film.


Compare/Contrast essay about the short story and the film. no research please watch the movie and read the short story.

Discuss each viewpoint and analyse/explain why the authors approach the topic in the way that they do.

Declining cases in emonton alberta

• Introduction (no more than 1 page in length) – if, through your analysis, you have been able to demonstrate that one of the camps of thought under discussion has a stronger argument (as defined by Lewis), However, you are not to take sides when it comes to the topic itself.

Write the review in third-person and be as objective and inclusive as possible. The literature review must be structured so that it is not just an annotated bibliography– remember that the main purpose is not only to examine different viewpoints on a topic but, more importantly, to discuss how these viewpoints are presented in different ways.

If your analysis points to the strength of the argumentation employed by a particular camp of thought, you will introduce this idea in your introduction and give an overview of the main ideas in each of your sections.

As you write your sections, remember to relate your information back to the main idea. Additionally, use the introduction to introduce the scope and types of sources you are analyzing.

• Background (no more than 1 page in length) – in this section, you will summarize some basic facts/background information about your issue using a variety of sources.

Describe what the issue is and why it is important. Use sub-headings where appropriate. You will probably wish to organize this section like a mini-essay, with a short introductory paragraph to introduce your main idea and main points, and a conclusion that wraps up your ideas in a satisfying manner and relates them back to your overall idea.

• Viewpoints (no more than 3 pages in length) – in this section, you will group the different viewpoints that your authors have about this issue into several categories or camps of thought, with a separate sub-heading for each category. Discuss each viewpoint and analyse/explain why the authors approach the topic in the way that they do. Set the viewpoints in context by discussing how they relate, respond, or appear to be influenced by each other