Express your opinion on whether or not activism on social media has the potential to make a difference in the world.

In a carefully written essay, express your opinion on whether or not activism on social media has the potential to make a difference in the world. In other words, do people need “act” in order to be activists? Or does social media bring much needed attention to important problems in the world? Or both?

What are the causes of crime in the society.

What are the causes of crime in the society.

Why is English the lingua franca of the whole world? Briefly, what caused this development to occur?

  • Why is English the lingua franca of the whole world? Briefly, what caused this development to occur?
  • What historical and current facts and conditions make it the principal global language?
  • What is the capacity of the English language to fulfill the often competing obligations of a language, to serve as a global medium of communication, and to provide differing communities with differing senses of identity?
  • Can English exist coherently as an untold variety of Englishes?
  • What is International English and what form(s) will English(es) take as we move forward?

Discuss 5 ways which demonstrate how external factors influence children to become teens without going through preadolescence.

Discuss 5 ways which demonstrate how external factors influence children to become teens without going through preadolescence.

Write a research paper on the deaf culture in MLA format.

Write a research paper on the deaf culture in MLA format.

What are some implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for family therapy?

Answer question #1 (as it is) and any three of the other questions. Provide a fuller answers to each question ( two pages double-spaced). Please indicate each question answered with sub-heading.
1. According to Boyd-Franklin, what would be important themes and strengths to explore in working with African American families? What are some of the typical traps that a social worker might fall into? What is her thinking on the concept of “vibes”?
2. Different theories, theorists, and models have been developed in Family Therapy. Compare and contrast two of them.
3. What are some of the key issues to consider with the first session with a family?
4. What are some implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for family therapy?
5. What are some ethical issues to consider in working with families?

Make the research paper about abortion and include the resources on the final page of the paper.

Make the research paper about abortion and include the resources on the final page of the paper.

Reflect on the ted talk , and explain how it will make you a better leader in the future.

Watch the TED TALK (the link is provided in the word doc below). This is an informational leadership paper. How this “start with why” book compares and relates to army leadership attributes and competencies. Reflect on the ted talk , and explain how it will make you a better leader in the future. ( the chart is provided in the doc below, along with a PDF).

Discuss the positive effects writing has on mental health.

Discuss the positive effects writing has on mental health.

Imagine you are exploring a new world. What are you most curious about exploring? What would you examine first?

Imagine you are exploring a new world. What are you most curious about exploring? What would you examine first? The libraries, schools, places of entertainment, outdoors, indoors, books, or cooking utensils? What would you be most interested in learning? Why?