What is the maximum tensile load Pthat canbe applied without causing yielding of the material?

It is known that the yield strength of an iron is related to grain diameter as shown in the table. Determine the grain diameter that would have yieldstrength of 205 MPa.Grain Diameter (mm)Yield Strength (MPa)5 x 1021358 x 103260

2.(a) What is the approximate ductility (%EL) of a brass that has yield strength of 275 MPa?(b) What is the approximate Brinellhardness of 1040 steel having yield strength of 690 MPa?Hint: refer to Figure 7.19 in the textbook.

3. (a) What is the maximum tensile load Pthat canbe applied without causing yielding of the material?(b)Indicate in the drawing where you expect cracks to initiate and the direction of crack propagation if an excessive load is applied. Yield strength of the material is 475 MPa.

4.While inspecting a machineusingxray, you found an internal crack of length 4 mmperpendicular to a stress in service. If the material has a planestrain fracture toughness of 28mMPa, what is the limiting stress for a factor of safety of 1.

5? The geometric correctionfactor for this crack is 1.12. 5.A 12.5mmdiameter cylindrical rod of 2014T6 aluminum alloy is subjected to a repeated tensioncompression load cycling along its axis. Computer the maximum and minimum loads (force) that can be applied to have a fatigue life of at least 1.0 x 107cycles. Assume a mean stress of 50 MPa. Hint: reference page 32 of lecture file 140305.

6.A flat plate is subjected to constantamplitude uniaxial cyclic tensile and compressive stresses of 120 and 35 MPa, respectively. If the largest initial surface crack is 1.00 mm and the material has a plainstrain fracture toughness of 35 mMPa, estimate the fatigue life. The Paris equation, in MPa and m units, for the material is da/dN = (5.0 x 1012)(K)3.2.The geometriccorrection factor is 1.4.

7.A flat plate is subjected to constantamplitude uniaxial cyclic tensile and compressive stresses of 120 and 35 MPa, respectively. Compute the critical internal crack length if the fatigue life must be a minimum of 0.7 x 106cycles. The maximum initial internal crack length is 0.8 mm. The Paris equation for the material is da/dN = (7.5 x 1013)(K)1.8in MPa and m units. The geometric correction factor is 1.12.

Discuss effect of electric vehicles on the economy.

Discuss effect of electric vehicles on the economy.

Discuss Black Americans’ image in a society controlled by Whites, through the play “Fences” by August Wilson

Discuss Black Americans’ image in a society controlled by Whites, through the play “Fences” by August Wilson.

Describe how lighting is used to enhance or detract from the production.

You are required to submit the FINAL copy of this assignment, but you may first submit an optional DRAFT. This will allow you to receive qualitative feedback that can inform your revision. You should always avoid focusing solely on the grader’s DRAFT feedback; use the feedback as a supplement to the course lessons and your own revision ideas. Always expect to revise beyond what the DRAFT grader specifically notesif you want to improve your score.For this media analysis, you will analyze how one part affects the whole media production. Note that you should select only asingle piece of media; you should not be discussing more than one film, for example. You shouldchooseone1of the following parts to explore:

Genre: Explain how the production you chose fits into its genre.

Camera: Analyze how the camera’s use (camera angles, for instance) affects the overall production.

Lighting: Describe how lighting is used to enhance or detract from the production.

Actors/Characters: Analyze how the actors OR the characters themselves enhance or detract from the production.

Symbols: Explain what the symbols are and how their usage affects the overall production.

Music: Describe how the music enhances or detracts from the media production.

SoundEffects: Analyze how the sound effects enhance or detract from the production.

Special Effects: Explain what special effects are used and how they affect the viewing experience.

Comparison to a Literary Work: (Note: This option may only be chosen if the film you chose is also in print form.) How are the book and film similar? How are they different? Which is better, and why?

How does your insight about Helga’s life during the Harlem Renaissance translate to help you see new things, or see familiar things in new ways, in the world we live in today?

Identify and explain a specific insight you gained from reading Nella Larsen’s novel about how gender intersects with race and socioeconomic class in ways that impact people’s treatment, opportunities, or sense of self? What is the author trying to get the reader to see and understand? How does your insight about Helga’s life during the Harlem Renaissance translate to help you see new things, or see familiar things in new ways, in the world we live in today?

Discuss the evolution of post-truth from the era of All The President’s Men to ours shown in The Social Dilemma.

What is post-truth? Explain and exemplify the concept. Discuss the evolution of post-truth from the era of All The President’s Men to ours shown in The Social Dilemma. How has technology and social media contributed to that evolution? What challenges does our current era pose to the pursuit of truth? How do we use critical thinking skills to overcome those challenges? Or can we?

Explain Financial limitation to accessing post-secondary education.

Explain Financial limitation to accessing post-secondary education.

How can the United States lessen its dependence on fossil fuels?

Note: Choose only one of the following topics for your essay.

• How can the United States lessen its dependence on fossil fuels?

• What can be done to improve the college graduation rate?

• How can a city promote the use of public transportation?

• What can be done to promote better health for the American population?

A. Write a proposal essay (suggested length of 4–7 pages). In your essay, do the following:

1. Respond to one of the given topics.

2. Provide an effective introduction.

3. Provide an appropriate thesis statement that previews two to four main points.

4. Explain the significance of the problem.

5. Propose a clear recommendation, with support, to solve the problem.

6. Provide an effective conclusion that includes an evaluation of the importance of the topic.

B. Include at least three academically credible sources in the body of your essay.

1. For your sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Compare or contrast the content of the essay with an experience or understanding or perspective of your own.

1. Text to Self: Compare or contrast the content of the essay with an experience or understanding or perspective of your own. Be sure to use specific textual references to support your claims, and properly cite these in MLA style.

2. Text to Text: Compare or contrast the essay with another text of which you are familiar. Obviously, the texts should deal with similar issues. Be sure to use specific textual references to support your claims, and properly cite these using MLA style.

3. Text to World: Compare or contrast one major idea in the text with an issue or problem or tendency you have observed in the world. This observation should be very specific, but can be rooted in a particular culture or region, or a particular perspective, like science or politics or religion. Be sure to use specific textual references to support your claims, and properly cite these using MLA style.