Explain why reading critically is so important to a person’s educational goals.
What main steps do you take to read a text critically? Be sure to explain them.
Explain why reading critically is so important to a person’s educational goals.
What main steps do you take to read a text critically? Be sure to explain them.
Explain why reading critically is so important to a person’s educational goals.
An argumentative essay on police brutality. the question is,” how has the black lives matter movement brought attention to police brutality?”
With an increase in the use of social media, more people are getting their news through social media platforms instead of print newspapers. Write an essay of 500-600 words, comparing and contrasting social media and print newspapers as the two news outlets for people to consume their news.
Is the poem effective in illuminating current issues, enhancing readers’ understanding of those issues, or offering an alternative viewpoint to the issue
*You need to have these two (2) books for this assignment: Images of English: Cultural History of the Language (2009) by Richard W. Bailey and English as a Global Language by David Crystal.*
Based on your opinion, experience, reading, and reflection, is English being corrupted by forces such as email and texting language habits, or by the influence of pop culture or of other languages, such as maybe Spanish, or even others? Is corruption of a language possible? Is this a real threat to English? (Do not underestimate the subtlety and complexity of this question.)
Read Chapter 12 in Everything’s an Argument pp. 286–317
Read “From The Power of Words” by the Japanese American Citizens League, pp. 667–76
What does the Japanese American Citizens League aspire to accomplish with their proposal that the language used to represent the Japanese internment in the United States during WWII should not involve euphemisms. Respond to this prompt with at least a paragraph and respond to the post of at least one other student.
You will be writing an argument essay using Letter from a Birmingham Jail. You will argue whether or not Martin Luther King’s overall argument in the letter was effective or not effective. You may approach your claim any way you choose. (i.e., you can examine its impact at the time it was written, at the height of the Civil Rights movement, or through the lens of current affairs. You must use the text and two to three other sources.
What has been the driving force for you to pursue a higher education? What are your passions and how do you plan to ensure you follow them?
The research topic is why civic classes should, for the "democratic project", be mandatory. You will write a 1 1/2 – 2-page research proposal that poses a narrowed, research-based research question and answers some fundamental questions about your research question.
How does this question fit within the subject area of “(higher) education, civic engagement, and democracy”?
Explain the research you did that led you to this question. Summarize that research briefly, citing your sources appropriately.
What have you learned so far through preliminary research? What are the major controversies, questions, issues currently surrounding this question (i.e., what is the “they say”)?
What are some enduring questions or concerns you still have about your research question?
Make sure you include at least 2 sources you found in your research. You should cite your sources in your proposal and include a works cited page.
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