What are the strengths and weaknesses of this argument?” Additionally, how has the criminalization of immigration contributed to the humanitarian crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border?

In chapter 7 of Gomberg-Muñoz’s book, she makes the argument that “the proportional expansion of the incarcerated population in the U.S. has to do with changes in criminal legislation that disproportionately affect racial minorities, and she hypothesizes that these policies are similar to those that have ‘illegalized’ immigrants. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this argument?” Additionally, how has the criminalization of immigration contributed to the humanitarian crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border? What should be done about it?

Compare and contrast the major or minor characters to arrive at a personal insight.

You can choose one of the three types of literary research papers which will analyze different aspects of Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez:

Compare And Contrast
Compare and contrast the major or minor characters to arrive at a personal insight.

Choose an image or symbol and trace it throughout the novel to highlight the major theme.
After you choose and analyze your examples, you should come to some greater understanding about the work, as well as your chosen image or symbol’s role in developing the major theme and stylistic strategies of that work.

Ask a question you can argue about: for example, is Florentino Ariza a likable character?

In this kind of essay, you’re being asked to debate a moral, ethical, or aesthetic issue regarding the work. You might be asked to judge a character or group of characters ( Is Caesar responsible for his own demise?) or the work itself ( Is Jane Eyre (Links to an external site.) a feminist novel?). For this kind of essay, there are two important points to keep in mind. First, don’t simply base your arguments on your personal feelings and reactions.

Second, remember that strong literary essays make contrary and surprising arguments. Can you think of any arguments for the opposite side? Even if your final assertion is that the novel depicts a cruel, repressive, and therefore harmful society, acknowledging and responding to the counterargument will strengthen your overall case.

Who was Petrarch and what was his contributions to the Humanist thought?

Who was Petrarch and what was his contributions to the Humanist thought?


Do we give up part of who we are to be more educated?DISCUSS

Do we give up part of who we are to be more educated?DISCUSS

Discuss Wuthering Heights as a romantic novel by identifying at least six different traits of Romanticism found in the novel.

Discuss Wuthering Heights as a romantic novel by identifying at least six different traits of Romanticism found in the novel. Prove each of your assertions with examples from the text in order to develop your paragraphs.

Why is it Minerva who destroys the machine?

*Writer must be familiar with The Marrow Thieves*

Choose ONE of the following reflection questions and write an answer in the form of a paragraph. Your instructor/TA is not looking for right or wrong answers here, but for evidence of your engagement with the text and for your ability to present and support a critical response. Remember to provide quoted evidence from the text to support your statements.

1. Why is it Minerva who destroys the machine?

2. Why is it voice and language and song that destroy the machine?

3. Why doesn’t Frenchie kill the moose?

What is hell like?

What is hell like?

Specify the quantities of glassware used during the experiment in the list.

Write the pre-lab. Furthermore, specify the quantities of glassware used during the experiment in the list.

Did the actions and policies of Europeans and U.S. Americans toward Indians qualify as genocide or not?

Topic: Genocide or Harsh Invasion?: Did the actions and policies of Europeans and U.S. Americans toward Indians qualify as genocide or not?

Do the benefits of artificial intelligence out way the risks.

Do the benefits of artificial intelligence out way the risks.
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