Which techniques does the creator of the comic strip use? How does the creator make his/her point in the comic strip?

Assignment Instructions: Comic Strip or Political Cartoon Analysis
Writing Assignment: Comic Strip or Political Cartoon Analysis
You are required to submit the FINAL copy of this assignment, but you may first submit an optional DRAFT. This will allow you to receive qualitative feedback that can inform your revision. You should always avoid focusing solely on the grader’s DRAFT feedback; use the feedback as a supplement to the course lessons and your own revision ideas. Always expect the revise beyond what the DRAFT grader specifically notes.

You have two options for this assignment:

Option #1: Analysis of an Individual Comic Strip or Political Cartoon
Choose one comic strip or political cartoon. If you visit the website of a newspaper such as The Baltimore Sun, The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc., you should be able to search for comic strips or political cartoons easily.

Which techniques does the creator of the comic strip use? How does the creator make his/her point in the comic strip? What do we learn about the characters and/or ourselves from this comic strip or political cartoon? If colors are available, what do they tell us about this comic or cartoon? What language is used and how can that be interpreted?

And importantly, which of the key terms from the topic lesson can you discuss in your analysis? For example, how of elements of imagery, symbolism, metaphor, and/or irony help reveal the cartoon’s message?

As with all academic essays you write in this course, this essay should have a well-defined introduction with a thesis statement, body, and conclusion.

In essence, what are some of the physical elements present in the cartoon1 – characters, text, colors, etc., along with figurative elements such as metaphor and symbolism, that help to explain the cartoon’s message? It can be helpful to focus on a single element in the cartoon in its own body paragraph (including the element in the topic sentence and in the thesis) and describe how it portrays the cartoon’s message before moving to the next cartoon feature in a new paragraph.

Sample Thesis Statement: “John Smith uses (add one element from the cartoon), (add a second element from the cartoon), and (add a third element from the cartoon) to show (add the cartoon’s message).”

1A successful analysis will go beyond the obvious, literal elements of the cartoon and will analyze figurative elements, too. Use the course topic lessons to inform your analysis.

Option #2: Analysis of Multiple Comic Strips or Political Cartoons
Choose two political cartoons or comic strips created by the same person. Which techniques does the creator of the political cartoons use? How does the author make his/her point in the political cartoons? What do we learn about the characters and/or ourselves from these political cartoons? How does the language transmit the creator’s message? Using a comparison or contrast mode of development, draw conclusions about the techniques the author uses in the political cartoons and how they apply to our lives. As with all academic essays you write in this course, this essay should have a well-defined introduction with a thesis statement, body, and conclusion.

Use the point-by-point or subject-by-subject structure to compare and contrast about three to five elements found in the cartoons that help to explain how they apply to our lives or to a message present in today’s society. After you compare and contrast each paragraph, be sure to explain the message those elements and the cartoons help to depict.

Sample Thesis Statement: “John Smith’s cartoon strips Cartoon 1 and Cartoon 2 use (add one element from the cartoon), (add a second element from the cartoon), and (add a third element from the cartoon) to explain (add the cartoon’s message).”

Be sure to document the cartoon or comic strip on a Works Cited page. Please visit the following source for citing an electronic image: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/08/

The guidelines for this assignment are as follows:
Length: The assignment should be at least 500 words.

Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with the following information:

Your first and last name
Course Title (Composition II)
Assignment name (i.e., Cartoon Analysis)
Current Date

MLA-style source documentation and Works Cited2
Your last name and page number in the upper-right corner of each page
Double-spacing throughout
Standard font (Times New Roman, Calibri)
Title, centered after heading
1″ margins on all sides
Save the file using one of the following extensions: .docx, .doc, .rtf, or .txt
Underline your thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.

Discuss who was this lady, and how she affected the entertainment and political world.Josephine Baker (Dancer)

1. QAnon… Explain in details its beliefs, and talk about your personal views.

2. Josephine Baker (Dancer). Discuss who was this lady, and how she affected the entertainment and political world.

3. Kendrick Lamar (Rapper) Do some research on this rapper, and explain the likes and dislikes of this artist.

4. Write a comparison/ contrast paper on Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns

5. Write a paper on one of the following artists Cardi B, Bhad Bhabie, The Weeknd, or Drake.

Paper must have the following

A title, Proper format/MLA format, Page numbering, Works Cited Page with 2-3 sources.

Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes

When completed properly, this assignment demonstrates your mastery of one or more of the following student learner outcomes (SLOs), per the official Vernon College syllabus for this course:

Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing processes (SLO 1).
Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution (SLO 2).
Write in a style appropriate to audience and purpose (SLO 3).
Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts (SLO 4).
Use Edited American English in academic essays (SLO 5).
Work collaboratively to complete various course requirements (SLO 6).
You have learned that writing from an observational perspective involves four main components:

1) presenting information about the subject,

2) organizing information effectively,

3) assuming an authorial role, and

4) conveying perspective.

Choose a place that has special meaning in your life and observe this place for an extended period of time (two to three hours). Consider not only your reasons for finding this place special but also other people who also frequent or visit this place in order to convey multiple perspectives.

Then, write an observational essay in which you convey a specific perspective about this place. Ideas to consider as you brainstorm:

Who is your intended audience? (Think bigger than your instructor; consider a group of peers or perhaps a younger audience who will benefit from hearing about this place.)
What role will you assume: spectator or participant-observer?
How can you demonstrate the importance of this place for your reader? How can you make the reader see the place as more than just a location?
Consider the cultural significance of your subject. Who are the “insiders” and what role does this place serve to a wider community than just yourself?
Do others benefit from this place? How do “outsiders” view it?
Remember, you should offer implied judgment through a combination of showing and telling. The reader should walk away from this essay with a dominant impression of the chosen place.

This assignment should be two to four pages. You should use a thorough, attention-grabbing introduction, body paragraphs that hold the reader’s attention and clearly develop an impression through tone, organization, and vivid details, and a book-ending conclusion that reminds the reader why he or she has dedicated time and energy to reading your essay.

Compose your essay in MLA format using the sample essay we worked through together in the first week of class as guidance. You will only have a Works Cited page for this assignment if you interview someone at the place you choose to observe.

Describe one advantage and one disadvantage to using traditional medicine as an approach to medical treatment.

Part I Science in your personal and professional life

Think about your day from the time you wake up to the time that you go to sleep.

List four technologies that you rely on and would find it difficult to get through your day or night without. Discuss any negative impacts these technologies have on your life, society, and the environment.
Think about your day from the time you wake up to when you go to sleep. Describe one scientific discovery that you think is the most important for making modern life possible.
List as many negative and positive impacts you can think of that this scientific discovery and the technologies that it allowed to be developed may have. Evaluate and discuss if the positives outweigh the negatives overall, or whether the negatives outweigh the positives.
Part II Science and technology in a multicultural world
Many research programs around the world focus on the discovery of cures for ailments from cancer to mental illness. Modern society invests a great deal of money, and time while pushing the boundaries of modern technology to develop new cures, and improve existing treatments.

Review the Assignment Resources.

Describe one advantage and one disadvantage to the westernized high tech research approach to medical treatment.
Describe one advantage and one disadvantage to using traditional medicine as an approach to medical treatment.
Are there benefits to having multicultural approaches to medical treatment? Explain your answer.
Could these two cultural approaches both be improved by drawing upon the other? Why or why not?
Discuss any challenges there may be in combining these two different cultural approaches to treatment that have a very different level of reliance on scientific research and technology.

How would you describe your daily activitieswithin the agency?” “How many times have you received services from the agency?”

One of the main assignments for the course is the creation of a Code of Ethics for an organization. The readings and lecture provide insight into the construction and purpose of Code of Ethics and should be consulted in this project. You will secure an organization to work with and begin interviewing key stakeholders (board members, elected officials, administrative leaders, workers, clients, etc) about their actions, goals, and potential ethical concerns. You will use this information to draft a Code. Your organization does not have to know the exact content in your Code, nor do they have to apply it. There are several key steps to this project:

1)Identify an organization Identify key stakeholders and reach out to them 3)Interview key stakeholders (a potential template for an interview is below, you do not have to use this one, but you can if you’d like)4)Review the interview findings5)Write a Code of Ethics (should be 12-point font, Times New Roman

2)Begin with questions about the person and their role. Examples: “What is your title?” “What is the nature of your relationship to the agency?” “How would you describe your daily activities within the agency?” “How many times have you received services from the agency?”

3)Dive into questions about the existing ethics infrastructure. Examples: “How do you think about ethics? Can you list some ethical expectations the organization has for its employees and leaders?” “Can you tell me about a time your organization had to make a personnel decision related to ethics?”“Can you tell  about a time the leadership of the organization grappled with an ethical issue?” “When these issues come up who works on them? What is the process involved?”

4)Determine what’s missing in the current infrastructure

5)Come up with a few ideas about how the organization can change to resolve the current gaps

6)Put both the working mechanisms and the proposals for the gaps in the final assignment

Present strategies for each of the aspects of change and corresponding skills the leader would need to implement strategy. Present general leadership skills that support organizational change.

6-8 pages presenting leadership responsibilities for adaptive change related to changes in policy, funding, and community. Present strategies for each of the aspects of change and corresponding skills the leader would need to implement strategy. Present general leadership skills that support organizational change.

Explain the basic beliefs and tell the story of the early Hebrews through their conquest by outsidersin the 500s BC.

HIS 1163Exam 1 Essay QuestionsDr. Ryan RuckelChoose any two. Be careful to show a wide range and significant depth of learning. Don’t double-dip. Think. Use your imagination. Enjoy.1.Were the foundational civilizations more similar or more different, and what useful facts do we learn from them about humanity in general? Compare/contrast all four foundational civilizations: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus River Valley, and China. Choose at least two, possibly three of the following on which to compare/contrast them: cities, writing, government, warfare, art, technology, families, roles for women, standard of living, architecture, cultural values, greatest failures, greatest successes.2.What differentiates the world’s two oldest organized religions (Judaism and Hinduism) from each other? Explain the basic beliefs and tell the story of the early Hebrews through their conquest by outsidersin the 500s BC. Explain the basic beliefs and tell the story of the creation of Hinduism until the Buddhist reformsin the500s BC. In a third section, use Mesopotamian or Egyptian religious beliefs as a baseline or “foil” against which to compare the Hebrews and the Hindus. 3.What do we learn about present-daypeople by exploring the cultures of the first civilizations? Imagine yourself a Mesopotamian child captured and sold as a slave in 1000 BC. You are traded to Egypt, then to India, and then to China. Finally, at an advanced age, you are able to buy yourfreedom and return home. Tell us what you have seen and describe the Mesopotamia to which you return.4.Bonus: Decide whether or not you agree with this statement by a David Gelernter, and then compose and essay in which you argue your case by using specific examples from Hebrew history. You may also make comparisons to any of the other civilizations we have discussed.“if we were forced to choose just one, there would be no way to deny that Judaism is the most important intellectual development in human history.”-David Gelernter, Yale University Professor

According to the author, in what specific ways are the districts depicted as authentic while the Capitol is seen as inauthentic

Our reading this week [The Hunger Games – Art for The Occupy Era] asserts that we need to look deeper into the meaning of popular culture texts such as movies. This deeper meaning is called a subtext, as opposed to the surface meaning which is the basic plot. The author asserts that The Hunger Games has a nuanced political context as opposed to a story that merely romanticizes martyrdom.

You may pick one of the topics below to form your discussion post for this week. Write using your own words, citing when needed.

Pick a film [that is not covered in this class] and argue the subtext. What is the deeper meaning? [Please note that if you choose a film, you are permitted to use this same film for your Reflective Essay.]

According to the author, in what specific ways are the districts depicted as authentic while the Capitol is seen as inauthentic

What caused the issue and what prompted past and present interest and concern with it? Who is interested in this issue and why? What are the various views in the ongoing conversation associated with it?

An exploratory essay lays out and explains three (or more) of the major positions on a controversial issue – they explore an issue further than “pro” or “con” and can provide mutual understanding and common ground. This type of essay not only summarizes each view, though; it also includes an analysis of the overall rhetorical situation: What caused the issue and what prompted past and present interest and concern with it? Who is interested in this issue and why? What are the various views in the ongoing conversation associated with it?
Your Mission: Select an issue you’re interested in exploring, and do some research and background reading on the subject. Consult four outside sources (three of which must come from the library) and integrate their information into your paper. Then, analyze the rhetorical situation. And finally, give your personal response at the end of the essay, after the various views have been thoroughly explored.
Remember, the focus of this essay is not traditional argument – to make a claim and support it with evidence – that’s what your research paper is for! You’re exploring the various claims surrounding the issue, while remaining objective. Your concluding paragraph will offer your personal opinion/response to the various views, but not before then.
Max. Pts.
Introduction & Rhetorical Situation
(2 paragraphs)
Position 1
(1 paragraph)
Position 2
(1 paragraph)
Position 3
(1 paragraph)
Personal Response
(1-2 paragraphs)
Grammar and Spelling
MLA formatting – In-Text Citations
MLA formatting – Works Cited
Explanation of Criteria:
The introduction explains the issue and provides a brief background on it.
The rhetorical situation is explained in a longer paragraph that expands on the introduction: Why people are currently interested in this issue. In addition, the various viewpoints held by certain groups are introduced as well as who holds these viewpoints and any assumptions these groups may have, respectively.
Position 1, Position 2, and Position 3 are clearly stated in one or more paragraphs, showing what the positions are and who holds them. Source material is quoted and paraphrased to support these ideas. Note that this section should be described objectively – free from your own stance or opinion.
A final paragraph is included that explains which viewpoint the writer agrees with and why. This is the only paragraph that should be written using first person.
Grammar and spelling are correct with zero to minimal errors.
The document is typed in correct MLA format.
All sources used are cited correctly in the text of the document using MLA parenthetical documentation.
The works cited is paginated as the last page of the paper and is formatted correctly in MLA format.
MLA Format: Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced, 3-4 pages, Works Cited
Due Date: Feb 28th by 11:59pm

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Write a research paper regarding how misinformation and the public distrust in science has affected the US's response in dealing with the COVID19 pandemic.

Please write a research paper regarding how misinformation and the public distrust in science has affected the US's response in dealing with the COVID19 pandemic. Here are some resources I've already collected, please utilize these and find one more of an alternative/counter viewpoint. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMms2027985 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112552 https://www-nejm-org.rpa.laguardia.edu/doi/10.1056/NEJMms1813043