Write a 500- word Critical introduction explaining how the annotations help you support that interpretation from your Close reading, and how this helps you to retell the fairy tale for a new audience.

Retelling the Fairy Tale Assignment

Overview: A growing number of young adult authors are using fairy tales as seeds for their stories. Some of these retellings remain faithful to their original source material, while others present clever adaptations. Still others take the form of mash-ups, or creative combinations of multiple tales. Educators call these fractured fairy tales where the story of a traditional fairy tale is rearranged to create new plots with fundamentally different meanings or messages.

To do this, writers rearrange the fairy tale for an updated audience’s social and moral ways. In other words, what 1800’s Germany thought was acceptable may not be acceptable in 1920’s Florida. These updated tales reflect the values and ideals of a new society, while keeping recognizable story lines.

Task. For this assignment, you are going to delve deeper into your fairy tale of choice and its culture/author(s). Using your interpretation, you are going to create detailed annotations for your text to show how the close reading helps you to retell your fairy tale. Then, you will create a new adaptation for the fairy tale of your choice in a modern culture. In order to do this, we need to start thinking about retelling, we first have to know the original culture that the story comes from and the interpretations of the story that we know

Assignment Details and Requirements:

  • You will be rewriting your fairy tale for a modern audience (readership).
    • Research 21st century culture.
      • You will be using our present-day culture. You do NOT have to set the story in America though.
      • You may and are encouraged to explore what these fairy tales would be like in a world dealing with a horrible virus.
    • For the Content of your Story
      • You may change the perspective of the story, giving readers a new point of view. I.e. The stepmother in “Little Snow White”.
      • Your fairy tale’s setting must be recognizable for today’s world even if you decide to set the setting in a “far away land.”
    • Write a 500- word Critical introduction explaining how the annotations help you support that interpretation from your Close reading, and how this helps you to retell the fairy tale for a new audience.
      • You will have a Work Cited Page to go along with the Critical Introduction and your annotations.
    • You will be creating a series of annotations (at least 8 footnotes/endnotes on the Word Document).
      • Your annotations will present information (facts, definitions, images, maps, links, maybe clips depending on your project) you’ve collected across your research process that helps shape your interpretation of this text.
      • Your annotations will present information to help support your analysis that you present in your Critical introduction, which will help you rewrite the fairy tale.

Document design and format

  • For the Critical introduction: MLA formatting, 12 point-font, double-spaced.
  • For Your Story: Choose an appropriate length for your piece based on the type of story you are telling, (i.e. short story, play, fairy tale, short movie, etc.…)
    • Be creative in this portion
    • Also, be realistic.
  • Stories should be Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1-inch margins for short stories. But each project will have different requirements.
  • Have a catchy title.

Language, Style, and Tone

  • Craft your style for the people of the day (period you have chosen). Look at different examples of media from the time period.
  • Use engaging, vivid, and clear diction. Carefully construct a sentence of varying length and structure designed to keep your readers interested.
  • Use short paragraphs (standard in the genre) that are focused, developed, and coherent.


  • You will have a minimum of 15 sources consulted for this assignment.
  • Sources will be kept accounted for on a Work Cited Page (for both the Critical Introduction/annotations and the Retelling), separate from the assignment, but turned in with the final.
    • You will be changing sources, finding new ones, not using others.

You will be given writing liberties, meaning there is no one way to approach rewriting your fairy tale. You are the writer, you are in charge. Have fun, be creative and original.


Write a paper on the poem “Bisclavret” by Marie de France.

Focus on some aspect of the poem that you found interesting, perplexing, strange, or familiar. You can choose to write an analysis of one character, do a close reading of the poem in terms of marriage, violence, fidelity, or some other topic.

Address the historical situation of the novel in some way. You can rewrite the ending or add onto the ending as it is in the novel

Write an extra final chapter the novel. Address the historical situation of the novel in some way. You can rewrite the ending or add onto the ending as it is in the novel
4-6 pages double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, MLA formatting
The novel name is :Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

How has your understanding of the NP provider role changed?

1.What were the highlights of practicum?
2.What challenges did you face?
3.What did you learn that you did not expect?
4.How has your understanding of the NP provider role changed?
5.Which system exams or techniques do you feel most confident performing?
6.Which system exams or techniques do you feel least confident performing?
7.Do you feel you are proficient and timely in performing exams?
8.To what extent do you feel prepared for the NU664 clinical practicum specialty course?
9.What have you seen in practicum that would be helpful to address in the online course?

Explain why junk food should be banned in schools

Why junk food should be banned in schools

Describe the mission, vision, and values of the organization that will provide the product or services.

Now that we have our Marketing plan, we will take it to the next level with creation of an Infographic Flyer. This flyer should be creative, with pictures or items that make it attractive to the people or entities that you are targeting (be creative). Your flyer should speak to the reading level and be focused on the target audience. There is a template provided that must be used for this assignment. The infographic is NOT a copy and paste of your market plan.

Infographic Newsletter (template provided*) – The flyer should be an advertisement for your marketing plan that details the following six headers:

Name of Service/Product – List the name at the top of the Infographic

Mission/Vision & Goals of the Organization – For each of these items describe the mission, vision, and values of the organization that will provide the product or services.
Population Demographics of Target Market – Discuss the population that will use the product/service. What is their location, ethic and gender background, preferences for the product and services that you will offer.

Services/Products Offered – Describe the services/product of your marketing plan. Ensure enough detail that the reader can see exactly what you plan to offer and the characteristics.

Projected Benefit of Services/Products Offered – Detail the benefits of your product/service. This should be persuasive for the target market.

Funding for Services/Products – How will these services/products be paid for (e.g. using insurance, out of pocket, grants etc.). Tell the target market how they will be able to fund and access the services/products.

*You may change the colors (but not the template itself) as long as you cover the required areas. You also may add additional information as desired. This Infographic should be NO LESS than 2 pages in length and no greater than 4 pages in length. Have fun with this. The more creative the better.

Infographic Flyer Template

Use this template to create the assignment using the instructions above.

Using examples, show how the seven deadly sins are committed at school or work.

Read about “ All Seven Sins Committed at Church Bake Sale.” Using examples, show how the seven deadly sins are committed at school or work.

What kinds of changes are they suggesting?

Essay Question: Modern writers such as Ernest Hemingway, and Kate Chopin were reacting to an increasingly complex and changing world; there was a sense that “new ideas needed to be expressed in new ways,” and often their stories were told in “…very gritty or realistic ways” (Kirszner&Mandell 126-127). How do Hemingway, and Chopin’s essays show us a changing world? Hint: what are the “new things” they write about, or what is being communicated in a very “gritty, realistic way”? What kinds of changes are they suggesting? You must generously cite from the primary sources, as well as selectively cite critical readings per author and you must include a works cited page.

Primary sources: “Hills like White Elephants” by Hemingway, and “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

What kind of social and cultural messages are they sending about America through their stories?

Essay Question: Jamaica Kincaid, Gish Jen, and Edwidge Danticat create short stories that explore characters, conversations, plots, settings, and themes about traditional and non-traditional American society. What is the American society that they create? What kind of social and cultural messages are they sending about America through their stories? Support your ideas from the text and from the critical theories.

Texts: “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid, “New York Day Women” by Edwidge Danticat, and “In the American Society” by Gish Jen

How can a disease like AIDS be a political issue? What social structures affect (or have affected) the risk of HIV exposure?

Answer the question: How can a disease like AIDS be a political issue? What social structures affect (or have
affected) the risk of HIV exposure?
