Describe the clouds you currently see outside.

Describe the clouds you currently see outside. All of us are completing this assignment in different areas and at different times so we should see differences in our answers. Take a picture and attach it to your discussion post so everyone can see what you are describing.

Some of the characteristics you should include in you description are

Current weather conditions

At the end of your post you should pose a NEW question to your classmates about the atmospheric moisture. This is wide open for interpretation – what did you wonder about as you worked through this activity & discussion? Example question could be “Is fog a type of cloud?”

What is Global Warming and what solutions are there

6 pages long (does not include works cited page, so 7 pages total)
Double spaced
Times new Roman 12 font
Include a visual aid such as a picture, graphic, table, chart, etc. in the research paper and give credit to the source of this visual aid. In the six pages this assignment requires, the graphic should take up no more than one-half of one of those pages. (That really means 5.5 pages of writing with .5 of a page allowed for the visual aid).
The paper needs to have at least 4 outside sources. At least half of the sources you use need to be non-internet. By non-internet, this means general web pages found through a search engine such as Google or Yahoo. It is acceptable to use library sources that are accessed online.
The paper uses a formal, academic tone of voice.

Why is hiring for diversity (e.g., women and minorities) an important issue in public agencies such as the fire service?

Why is hiring for diversity (e.g., women and minorities) an important issue in public agencies such as the fire service? Do you believe it is necessary for the fire service to have diversity?

What is the relationship between population control and greenhouse gases?

Imagine you have been hired as a consultant for the United Nations. You have been asked to write an analysis on how global population growth has caused the following problem and how it affects a developing country of your choosing:

A growing global population that consumes natural resources is partially to blame for the release of greenhouse gases since human consumption patterns lead to deforestation, soil erosion, and farming (overturned dirt releases CO2). However, the critical issue is the burning of fossil fuels (hydrocarbons) such as coal oil and natural gas to produce energy that is used for things like electricity production, and vehicle, heating, and cooking fuels.

The U.N. has asked that you choose a developing country from the World Bank Classifications for Developing Countries list.

The U.N. has also given you the following guidelines.

The U.N. has asked that your paper contain three sections. It has asked that each section be one page (or approximately 300 words) in length and answer specific questions, identified in the outline below. It also asks that you use examples from your developing country when answering the questions.

Provide an introduction of half a page minimum that addresses points points 1–5 below:

Explain the problem the U.N. has asked you to address in your own words.
Identify the three sections your paper will cover.
Identify the developing country you will consider.
Telly the U.N. which causes of greenhouse gases you will explore.
Provide a one-sentence statement of your solutions at the end of your introduction paragraph.
Section I. Background
What are greenhouse gases?
How do greenhouse gases contribute to global warming?
Section II. How Emissions Causes Problems for the Developing World
Which countries produce the most greenhouse gases?
What are the economic challenges of these emissions (include examples from your chosen country)?
What are the security challenges of these emissions (include examples from your chosen country)?
What are the political challenges of these emissions (include examples from your chosen country)?
Section III. Causes and Solutions of Greenhouse Gases
Name two causes of greenhouse gases.
What are potential solutions to address each of the causes you identified?
What is the relationship between population control and greenhouse gases?
Provide a conclusion of half a page minimum that includes a summary of your findings that the United Nations can use to inform future policy decisions.

How is SLR affecting salinity in the coastal environment?  Is salinity increasing or decreasing due to SLR?

Current Events in Oceanography: Salinity

Intro to SL project

Introduction to SL assignment.

A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions that come from the production, use and end-of-life of a product or service. It includes carbon dioxide — the gas most commonly emitted by humans — and others, including methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases, which trap gas in the atmosphere, causing global warming. Usually, the bulk of an individual’s carbon footprint will come from transportation, housing, and food.  The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide is affecting our climate, but most people do not know that it also affects our oceans and its organisms in multiple ways. The service-learning project will make you more aware of your carbon footprint and the effects of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide on the ocean. Effects are the following 1) increasing temperatures, which affect development of organisms, (i. e., coral bleaching) 2) ocean acidification (affects food chain, dissolved calcium carbonate, so dissolved shells of organisms making them weaker,  and 3) sea level rise, which affects salinity and habitats.  It is said that ocean acidification is climate change’s evil sister, in which a few people know about. You will have to list the effects (three listed above) of increase atmospheric carbon dioxide to the ocean and ocean organisms (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Climate change on Marine_ Brierley and Kingsford 2009.pdf

In your own words, summarize the topic being discussed in your current news event. Please submit a .docx file.

Please include:

1.The reasons for the increasing temperatures of the ocean? Which affect development of organisms. Explain the ocean acidification (affects food chain, dissolved calcium carbonate, so dissolved shells of organisms making them weaker. Why the sea level rise? Which affects salinity and habitats

  1. Relating to your service-learning project.  Increase in CO2 is related to sea level rise (SLR). How is SLR affecting salinity in the coastal environment?  Is salinity increasing or decreasing due to SLR? Please see the article listed below. Please note that your final question for the service-learning project is to list ways that increase in CO2 in the atmosphere is affecting the ocean.

Once you are finished, you should have written a robust 2 paragraphs (15-30 sentences).

In a minimum of 250 words list and explain an example of each of the 3 major issues.

The major issues of the health care system in the United States are the cost of health care, access to health care and quality of health care.

In a minimum of 250 words list and explain an example of each of the 3 major issues.

Describe the chemical properties, uses, and ill effects that first responders may encounter upon arrival to the scene.

Your company has been contracted to assess and cleanup a site that previously had a manufacturing facility for an organochlorine pesticide (i.e., aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, eldrin, or heptachlor). You are tasked with shipping these wastes off-site to a treatment, storage, disposal facility (TSDF) for disposal.

Review the information found in the 16-point GHS SDS for at least two of the organochlorine pesticides detailed in this question. Describe how you would prepare for transport of these materials and ensure proper shipping documentation based on DOT regulations (hazard class, descriptions, labels, markings, and placards). Describe the importance of having these regulations in place when transporting hazardous materials.

In the event that there is an emergency release of the material while being transported, describe the chemical properties, uses, and ill effects that first responders may encounter upon arrival to the scene.

Summarize the information found in the SDS, and explain how that information prepares EHS and FS professionals to assess and mitigate workplace hazards related to organochlorine pesticides during the assessment and cleanup phases of the project.

Your essay must be at least one page in length. You are required to cite the relevant SDS in your response as well as at least one other sources. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced. Paraphrased and/or quoted materials must have accompanying citations in APA format.

What kind of local action can we ask our audience to take?

In society today we have a lot of problems with humanity and the environment, we tend to not treat it as the way it should be: we litter, pollute streams and river, deforestation and many other awful things to the environment, but there are ways to turn these problems around and have people fight for a cause to save the Earth.
Pre Main Point #2 Protecting the ocean from overfishing, oil contamination, then protecting endangered species as well.
Pre Main Point #3-How to use the environment to our favor by using it for different types of energy like solar, hydroelectric and wind.
What kind of local action can we ask our audience to take?
Who/what are likely to be your best local resources and types of supporting material or grounds for my claims.
*This is to be a 8 min speech *Was wondering when a rough draft or outline would be available to review?

Identify and describe your recommendations for practical ways to overcome some of the limitations of an environmental analysis.

Identify and describe your recommendations for practical ways to overcome some of the limitations of an environmental analysis. (Review the slides from Week 5 for additional information). The overall goal of an environmental analysis is to position the organization within its environment. · Identify and analyze current important issues and changes that will affect the organization. · Detect and analyze early or weak signals of emerging issues and changes that will affect the organization · Speculate on the likely future issues and changes that will have significant impact on the organization. · Classify and order issues and changes generated by outside organizations. · Provide organized information for the development of an internal analysis (mission, vision, values). · Foster further strategic thinking across the organization Limitations of environmental analysis Environmental analysis is important for understanding external environment, but it does not provide any guarantees for success. Limitations can often include – Environmental analysis cannot foretell the future. Managers cannot see everything. Sometimes pertinent and timely information is difficult or impossible to obtain. Delays between occurrence of external events and management’s ability to interpret them. Inability to pivot and adapt quickly from the organization’s standpoint. Leadership egos and strongly held beliefs inhibit early detection of issues or rational interpretation. The greatest limiting factor in external environmental analysis is preconceived beliefs of management. Please focus on Evolve Treatment Centers as the organizationl