Give a two page report (written in a MS WORD DOCUMENT Form) about “Soils conditions requiring drainage, drainage types and methods”.

A two page report (written in a MS WORD DOCUMENT Form) about “Soils conditions requiring drainage, drainage types and methods”.

Explain the pros and cons of the ESA

Use the CH10 articles on the Endangered Species Act and please explain the pros and cons of the ESA

Would you want one of these facilities in your neighborhood? Why or why not?

Read the information from the following links: and Discussion Question: Would you want one of these facilities in your neighborhood? Why or why not? Explain your answer. Additional links with information that may help you: – – – – –

Explain whether or not you think hunting is ethical, addressing either holism or the land ethic (or both) as you express your opinion about the justification of hunting.

In this discussion, you will explain whether or not you think hunting is ethical, addressing either holism or the land ethic (or both) as you express your opinion about the justification of hunting.

In Chapter 8 of DesJardins, read the discussion topic “Hunting, Ethics, and the Environment” on pp. 177–178. Use information from this reading, as well as other assigned texts from this Module, to answer these discussion questions from the text.

“Is hunting an environmentally responsible activity? On one hand, concern and care for the natural world would seem to count against a practice that intentionally kills animals for sport. On the other hand, hunting can play a role in wildlife management that seems to contribute to healthy ecosystems. While some defenders of animal rights and biocentric ethics argue that hunting is always unethical in all forms, other critics challenge hunting along several dimensions: which animals are hunted, and how, when, why, and with what they are hunted.” (DesJardins 177).

Respond to the question that begins Chapter 8: Is hunting an environmentally responsible activity? (Desjardins 177) Why or why not?
When might hunting be justified, or unjustified, on environmental grounds? Use the land ethic and/or holism to explain.
Is it ironic that there is a code of ethics for hunting, when the entire aim of the hunt is to kill, and this aim is supposed to meet an ethical code? Why or why not? (Desjardins 178)
Please use spell-check and write in complete sentences. Post your initial post (no less than one full paragraph) by the third day that the discussion is open. For an A, three replies to your peers (3–5 full sentences) on three different days of the week are needed. Please also see the discussion rubric.

Explain what ecotourism is, and its pros and cons for the environment, education, and local communities.

explain what ecotourism is, and its pros and cons for the environment, education, and local communities.

Post an original thread of approx. 150 words that give at least one idea for growing food during a prolonged flood.

Think about food security and sustainability in an entirely new way. We have always assumed that food was available, though perhaps it was sometimes not equally accessible to everyone (some reasons: income, transportation, ‘food deserts’). But what if circumstances make it difficult to grow food for a significant part of the population? In many parts of the world, recurrent weather conditions can be a barrier to growing crops. Your task for this week:
Please post an original thread of approx. 150 words that give at least one idea for growing food during a prolonged flood. What kind of food would it be? How nutritious do you think it is (could it sustain humans)? How could it be grown? How could you distribute it to people? Provide any kind of reasonable rationale for your answers. Use your imagination to come up with creative solutions — nothing is off limits!
If you can relate it to Hawaii, that’s great but not required

In what ways does Gilio-Whitaker argue that EJ should be thought about differently in Indian Country?

Environmental Justice (EJ) as a concept is relatively new in the United States. In what ways does Gilio-Whitaker argue that EJ should be thought about differently in Indian Country? How does she talk about these differences politically, culturally, and legally? Finally, how does she disrupt the ideology of environmental racism with an Indigenous perspective?

Think about your own life… how do you use plastic products? What items do you throw away every day?  

  1. Think about your own life… how do you use plastic products? What items do you throw away every day?
  2. What is plastic made out of? How long does it take for plastic to deteriorate?
  3. What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? Where is it located?
  4. What kind of animal nests on Midway Island? What percent of the total population do they represent?
  5. When was the garbage patch discovered? Why does all the garbage end up here?  How big is the garbage patch?  (compare it to a state)
  6. How did the world become so dependent on plastic? What are some things we use every day that used to be packaged or manufactured differently?
  7. How do these plastic items harm the environment? And the wildlife? (use examples that you see in the film)
  8. What are some of the hazards caused by nylon (plastic) fishing nets?
  9. How many tons of nets have been removed?  How many tons of nets are still floating out in the oceans?
  10. Why is plastic turning up in the food we eat? What are some potential health risks to eating fish contaminated with plastic?
  11. What is bisphenol-A? (BPA)  Where is it used?
  12. How can bisphenol-A mess up your body?
  13. Why can’t all the plastic we use be recycled?
  14. What was discovered from the study on touching the receipts? Who is at greatest risk for health issues from receipts?  (think about who touches A LOT of receipts in one day)

15.How was the journalist Angela Sun treated when she tried to get some of the processors to discuss the giant garbage patch?

  1. On average, how many bags are used by the average American each year?
  2. What happened to the activist who created the BAG MONSTER?






Choose a renewable source of energy that you think would work best for Canada’s energy production in the future.

Choose a renewable source of energy that you think would work best for Canada’s energy production in the future. Some examples include: solar energy, wind energy, biomass energy and nuclear energy.