Describe some ways that the Emergency Response Guidebook is used when responding to incidents involved the release of hazardous materials.

A company is planning to transport hydrogen, carbon, and sulfur by train to another city. Identify the labels, marking, and placards that the DOT requires when transporting these elements.
Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

Describe some ways that the Emergency Response Guidebook is used when responding to incidents involved the release of hazardous materials.
Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

Describe how the chemical characteristics, production methods, uses, and associated unique hazards of sulfur can affect the safety of an environmental health and safety (EHS) and fire science (FS) professional.
Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

A nursing home is installing their own bulk oxygen system due to their large volume of consumption. OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.104(b)(2)(iii) requires owners of bulk oxygen systems to provide noncombustible surfacing in areas where liquid oxygen might leak during operation of the system or during the filling of a storage container. If the nursing home provides an asphalt surface in areas where oxygen could potentially leak, will it be in compliance with the workplace regulation regarding oxygen? Explain your answer.
Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

Describe atmosphere taste, smell, feel,

Describe atmosphere taste, smell, feel, etc.. add pictures for the reader to get a better understanding of the atmosphere. Use of transitions and concrete words.

Explain the pros and cons of aquaculture.

Use the CH8 aquaculture article: “Effects of aquaculture on world fish supplies”, and please explain the pros and cons of aquaculture.

Why is it important to consider the natural, social, cultural and economic environments in any environmental problem-solving?

People want scientists to give them precise and definitive solutions to environmental problems. How possible is this? Be sure to include your responses to Q#1 and Q#2 in your own postings and/or replies.
Number your responses so I can clearly see how you have addressed each part of the overall question.

How does science work to solve environmental problems? Explain the steps in the scientific process as it relates to an environmental problem and describe one potential challenge to solving that problem. And…

Why is it important to consider the natural, social, cultural and economic environments in any environmental problem-solving?
Be sure to back up your explanations with some research before discussing this topic online with your classmates.

Describe your area (no address or specific location needed) and discuss your food web with the class.

Draw a simple food web for a natural area near you. The natural area can also include your backyard, open areas of condo and/or apartments, work, school, etc. Include producers and at least three levels of consumers, as well as, detritivores, and decomposers. Include the HAND-DRAWN food web. DO NOT INCLUDE A FOOD WEB OF THE EVERGLADES UNLESS YOU ARE AT THE PARK AND OBSERVING. The goal of the assignment is to construct a food web using observations, not copying from known examples.

Describe your area (no address or specific location needed) and discuss your food web with the class.
Also identify any non-native species in your food web.

Website links to assist you are: &

I prefer if you use an area such as Florida, USA or a country in the Caribbean.

This is a two part assignment. Please use about 300 – 350 words for the first part and I would advise you what to do with the remaining 200 words.

Describe how the human relationship to nature will be different from what it is at present.

Imagine a future (probably a long time from now) in which human beings have achieved environmental sustainability on a global scale. That means that we as a species have figured out how to maintain a lifestyle that can go on indefinitely. Humans will exist in harmony with their environment, not needing more resources than can naturally be replenished. What would such a world be like? How might we get there from here?

In this final assignment, you will play the part of science-fiction writer, imagining and describing what a sustainable Earth, inhabited by humans, might look like in the distant future. You will need to provide examples throughout to support your descriptions. You should include all the terms that you have researched during Weeks 1 through 4 of this class, underlining each term as you include it. Be sure to expand on your terms and include other concepts that you learned in the course. Provide as detailed a picture as possible of how that future world might function on a day-to-day basis.

Your paper will consist of seven paragraphs using the format below to address the elements with the assumption that environmental sustainability has been achieved:

Paper must have 7 paragraphs addressing the following:

Paragraph 1:
Describe how the human relationship to nature will be different from what it is at present.
Examine how humans will cope differently with the ways that natural phenomena like hurricanes affect lives.
Paragraph 2:
Describe what Earth’s biodiversity and ecosystems will look like in a sustainable future.
Explain what humans have done differently to enable biodiversity and ecosystems to function sustainably.
Paragraph 3:
Examine how agricultural production will be different in a sustainable future.
Paragraph 4:
Differentiate between how humans will manage water resources (fresh water and ocean) in the sustainable future compared to how it is done now.
Paragraph 5
Examine how humans will meet their energy needs in the future in a way that will enable maintenance of a sustainable, habitable atmosphere and climate.
Indicate the changes that humans have made that are enabling them to maintain a healthy atmosphere and climate for all.
Paragraph 6:
Describe how waste management will be different in a sustainable future.
Indicate the changes have been made to how humans think about and treat what is currently called “waste.”
Paragraph 7:
Summarize some of the major social, economic, political, and ecological choices and tradeoffs that will need to be overcome for this sustainable future to arrive. What are some of the major issues and challenges humans will have to face in order to achieve sustainability on a global scale?

Must also include the following terms:
Natural Capital
Aquifer depletion
Energy efficiency
Must also include 2 scholarly sources

 What types of limits would you need impose if you decided to allow DDT use?

Role Playing:  Let’s pretend that this class is an advisory board for the World Health Organization.  As a member of the advisory board, you have been asked to develop a policy of using DDT for Indoor Residual Spray in households in Benin, West Africa.  Because you are a member of the advisory board, you are expected to be familiar with the issues impacting malaria control in Benin (e.g., Insecticide Resistance, etc.).
In this discussion board, please state why you think DDT would/would not be appropriate in this instance.  What types of limits would you need impose if you decided to allow DDT use?  Are there other options?  Please provide EVIDENCE supporting your policy.  The evidence may be from peer-reviewed articles, health agencies (e.g., Centers for Disease Control, World Health Organization, etc.), and other credible resources.

Discuss the four characteristics of a hazardous waste, of which ignitability is one.

In this unit, you became familiar with categorizing hazardous waste; hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities; and remediation of old hazardous waste sites.

For this assignment, you will write an essay that discusses the following components:

the four characteristics of a hazardous waste, of which ignitability is one;
the four lists of hazardous waste, of which one is the P list;
the manifest system of tracking hazardous waste;
treatment, storage, and disposal facilities in your area;
two features of a hazardous waste landfill that are not in a municipal solid waste landfill; and
progress made by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)—otherwise known as the Superfund.
Your paper should flow smoothly from topic to topic with thoughtful transitions.

Discuss interventions to improve the nutritional status of the population.

Select one country from the list below.
South Africa
United States

Use your knowledge of biostatistics and epidemiology to consult the relevant research literature and describe and discuss interventions to improve the nutritional status of the population. This is an opportunity to apply biostatistics and epidemiology knowledge and information and find relevant evidence (published studies or reports). Be sure to describe two nutritional interventions and their impact on measurable indicators such as low birth weight, growth retardation, school performance and mortality, etc.

Make sure to include statistics and examples to support your statements. Avoid quotations and opinion writing and be concise and clear. Use a professional scholarly tone and cite accordingly. Use statistics and facts. Please cite a minimum of three references, two of which must be different from your textbook. Your paper must range between a minimum of 3 pages and a maximum of 4 pages and should be written following current APA style guidelines.

Textbook: Global Health 3rd edition by Richard Skolnik

Discuss how Firestein suggests you should approach this data. 

Please review the TED talk by Stuart Firestein (The pursuit of ignorance).  Then review the powerpoint slide (50 year weather trends in Eastern TN and Western NC).   In a 1-2 page essay, discuss how Firestein suggests you should approach this data.  Please submit a clearly delineated essay.  I must see the following elements:

1) Introduction with a clear thesis statement

2) Review of Firestein’s main points (What does the pursuit of ignorance mean?)

3) What can the Weather Data (Power Point Slide) tell us?   What doesn’t it tell us?

4) Where do we go from here?

Note, please avoid using “opinion” and base your response on what is known and what questions we may ask.