Write an essay about something they’re familiar with or spend time with every day. Often that’s the family dog cat or pet. Write about what this animal means to them.

A Dog, Cat Or The Family Pet

Sometimes younger students find it difficult to write an entire essay about a challenging topic. If that’s the case it’s much easier to write an essay about something they’re familiar with or spend time with every day. Often that’s the family dog cat or pet. They can write about what this animal means to them.

How have you progressed? How have you worked with the coding and categorization? What do you think was easy/hard? Write shortly about the most central or interesting findings and tie them back to the topic question.

Qualitative and quantitative method with SPSS-coding/datasheet

Quantitative task
1. Introduction (min.175 words): Presentation of theme and topic question.

2. Presentation of which variables you have chosen to use to highlight the topic. Use boxmodels/causality models. Present how you have modified the variables for analysis (for example by recoding or making indexes) and thereafter the analyzes of data. Present shortly some univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyzes and the most important findings (min. 2000 words)

3. Ending (min.175 words): Summarize what you have done in the quantitative task and evaluate wether the findings contribute to showcase your chosen topic. Say something about what you think you have learned, and if there are something you would have done differently if you were to do it again.

Write 10 pages for task 2, if you need more for task 1 and/or 3, then just cut task 2 shorter (but task 2 must atleast be 9 pages)

Qualitative task
1. Introduction (min. 175 words): Presentation of theme and topic question. Something about why you have chosen the topic. You can also reflect on the choice of method in the two tasks, for example what order you chose to do the tasks in, and why.

2. Planning and execution of interviews (min. 1250 words): Presentation of the work and the interview guide (create 8-10 questions related to the topic and make up answers for interview subject 1 and 2), practical planning and execution of the interview and the transcribing. Discuss and draw in relevant references to shine a light on the discussion

3. Its important that you reflect over the choices taken during the task. 2 pages of transcribed coding of the interview, should be made as an attachment

4. Analysis of the interview data (min. 1000 words): How have you progressed? How have you worked with the coding and categorization? What do you think was easy/hard? Write shortly about the most central or interesting findings and tie them back to the topic question.

5. Ending (min. 175 words): Summarize what you have done in the qualitative task and if there are something you have learned and what you would do differently if you should do it again.

Write an essay analyzing the challenges and ethical requirements with regard to working with diverse populations.

Challenges and Ethical Issues in working with Culturally Diverse Populations

In the human services field, providers will generally encounter clients from very diverse backgrounds, in terms of age, race, ethnicity, ability status, religion, sexual orientation, etc. In a 4-5 page essay, analyze the challenges and ethical requirements with regard to working with diverse populations. Submit an essay addressing the following items:

Challenges a provider might face in working with culturally diverse populations.
Unique concerns when working with at least two specific populations (i.e., LGBT clients, clients with disabilities, etc.).
Relevant ethical codes regarding working with culturally diverse populations.
What it means to be a “culturally skilled counselor.”

What are your values and beliefs? How do you think they relate to social work? What leadership and personal qualities do you bring to the social work program and profession?

What are your values and beliefs? How do you think they relate to social work?
What leadership and personal qualities do you bring to the social work program and profession?

The Montclair State University MSW program educates students to engage in anti-racist and anti-oppressive social work practice. How have you demonstrated your commitment to anti-racist and anti-oppressive practices in the past or how might you do so in the future?

The Montclair State University MSW program educates students to advocate for and to engage in clinical social work practice with children, youth, and families. Why is this program the best fit for you and your career goals?
Your experience as a student

How do you expect your academic and social performance in graduate school to compare with your academic and social performance as an undergraduate student? Give reasons for any differences you may anticipate.

Have you ever received low (D’s) or failing grades, been on academic probation, or been dismissed from or denied readmission to any college? If so, explain. Be specific.
If your overall GPA is below a 3.0, explain.
Your experience with others

Describe any social work experience in which you were supervised by an MSW professional.
Give an example of a work-related problem you experienced and how you were able to resolve it. What did you learn from this experience?
Describe your experience/participation in school and community activities.
Describe your experience in the helping role, such as family or other social or work experiences, in which you gave or received help.

Your time commitments

The program is academically rigorous, emotionally challenging, and time consuming. If you are a full time student, you should plan on devoting at least 40 hours per week to your coursework and 15 or 22 hours of field work per week. If you are a part time student, you should plan on devoting at least 25 hours per week to your coursework and 15 or 22 hours of field work per week.

How do you plan to manage your time and commitments to successfully complete the program?
If you are expecting to be employed while in the program, how you will ensure that you have at least one day available to complete your field placement hours?

What are your values and beliefs? How do you think they relate to social work? What leadership and personal qualities do you bring to the social work program and profession?

Social work program and profession

What are your values and beliefs? How do you think they relate to social work?
What leadership and personal qualities do you bring to the social work program and profession?

The Montclair State University MSW program educates students to engage in anti-racist and anti-oppressive social work practice. How have you demonstrated your commitment to anti-racist and anti-oppressive practices in the past or how might you do so in the future?
The Montclair State University MSW program educates students to advocate for and to engage in clinical social work practice with children, youth, and families. Why is this program the best fit for you and your career goals?
Your experience as a student

How do you expect your academic and social performance in graduate school to compare with your academic and social performance as an undergraduate student? Give reasons for any differences you may anticipate.
Have you ever received low (D’s) or failing grades, been on academic probation, or been dismissed from or denied readmission to any college? If so, explain. Be specific.
If your overall GPA is below a 3.0, explain.
Your experience with others

Describe any social work experience in which you were supervised by an MSW professional.
Give an example of a work-related problem you experienced and how you were able to resolve it. What did you learn from this experience?
Describe your experience/participation in school and community activities.
Describe your experience in the helping role, such as family or other social or work experiences, in which you gave or received help.
Your time commitments

The program is academically rigorous, emotionally challenging, and time consuming. If you are a full time student, you should plan on devoting at least 40 hours per week to your coursework and 15 or 22 hours of field work per week. If you are a part time student, you should plan on devoting at least 25 hours per week to your coursework and 15 or 22 hours of field work per week.

How do you plan to manage your time and commitments to successfully complete the program?
If you are expecting to be employed while in the program, how you will ensure that you have at least one day available to complete your field placement hours?

Discuss at least 3 ways that you see yourself using family ministry in the future. Describe a barrier to change that you have seen demonstrated in a local church. What model of family ministry would fit the church you now attend? Describe how it would work.

Family Ministry

1. Discuss at least 3 ways that you see yourself using family ministry in the future.

2. Describe a barrier to change that you have seen demonstrated in a local church.

3. What model of family ministry would fit the church you now attend? Describe how it would work.

4. Give an example of how a change was handled well in a church that you were a part of. What was done right?

5. As you think about your own competencies as a family minister, what are your strengths and what are your weaknesses

Identify and discuss the core value of the profession that you believe most clearly plays a role in working with people experiencing racial disproportionately .

Analyze the Values & Standards in the NASW Code of Ethics

Identify and discuss the core value of the profession that you believe most clearly plays a role in working with people experiencing racial disproportionately .

Identify two specific ethical standards from the NASW Code of Ethics that you think might become the greatest ethical challenge in addressing the racial disproportionately.

Explain why you chose those specific standards. For example, the most recently revised Code contains information on texting clients, electronic communication, Facebook, etc., which may present ethical issues for social workers who use social media.

In your own words, define the term ethical “gray area.” For each of the two challenges you identified above, given an example of an ethical “gray area,” and develop at least one recommendation for how a social worker might handle such a situation.

Discuss how your personal ethical values compare and contrast with the NASW Code of Ethics that you are required to follow as a professional?

Write a one (1) paragraph summary of your understanding of what it means to ‘Monitor” as a parent.

Read AIP textbook pages 12-15.
Write a one (1) paragraph summary of your understanding of what it means to ‘Monitor” as a parent. The minimum words required is 300. Please make sure to reference your book

Define professionalism in your own words What qualities does a professional person hold?

Watch the video clip from The Office on professional ethics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1Xk_w9PHyE (direct link on Module 3 home page in Reggie.net) It will make you laugh but hopefully provides food for thought when considering what professionalism looks like in FCS. Define professionalism in your own words What qualities does a professional person hold? How do these characteristics impact individuals, families & communities? Think about the FCS Body of Knowledge & Cross-Cutting Themes when discussing how professional impacts the services we provide family.

What are the communication patterns of family members in this film? Are they effective or ineffective?

In your write up / analyses, you should address the following questions:

  1. What role does gender or sexuality play in the lives of the main characters in this film? Do these factors impact the way family members interact with one another?
  2. How does work/employment (or lackthereof) impact this family and their dynamics?
  3. What are the communication patterns of family members in this film? Are they effective or ineffective?
  4. What sorts of stressors are the family in this film experiencing?
  5. What sort of resources for resilience does this family have that might help them overcome those stressors? What additional resources would have benefitted the family(ies) in this film?
  6. What sorts of effective parenting strategies do the parents in this film engage in? What sorts of ineffective or harmful strategies are present?
  7. Based on what you have learned in class, do you believe this film provided a realistic example of how relationships and family dynamics operate in the real-world, or was it more fantastical?