What did you think of the film?How does the way the story is told affect your understanding of the characters?Do you have a better sense of the meaning of the term neorealist after this? Of Italian cinema?

World cinema

Open response: Umberto D (1952) dir. Vittorio De Sica;What did you think of the film?How does the way the story is told affect your understanding of the characters?Do you have a better sense of the meaning of the term neorealist after this? Of Italian cinema?

The journal is set-up as an open response assignment and you can choose to answer any of these questions or explore ideas of your own. Whatever you decide to focus on, try to stay focused on a clear idea and cite examples from the film to support your analysis. The journal entry should be about 2-3 pages (350-800 words). Be sure to edit and proofread carefully.


Chose one of your favorite cinematographers for this essay to research and analysis of his/her works on your own choice.


Chose one of your favorite cinematographers for this essay to research and analysis of his/her works on your own choice. analysis essay about a cinematographer and 1 or 2 of his selected works in aspects of cinematography styles, creative approaches, and cinematic techniques(focus on cinematography .

Use at least four (4) sources of screen captures from his/her works to describe and analyze creative approaches and cinematography techniques.



React to two performers in the play. Be sure to reference actor and character names. How were they true to the play, the production, the theatrical conditions?

Discussion Essay

Make an opening statement using three adjectives describing the play, hooks readers and gives the gist of where the rest of the review will go. Be Dramatic & Descriptive.

Introduce the name of the play in italics.

Reference the Director & Author to give proper credit.

Place of performance

In a few sentences talk about the basic theme of the play and discuss the general plot.

Cultural Play Critique Guide & Rubric 4-22 / Page 2 of 3


◄ React to two performers in the play. Be sure to reference actor and character names. How were they true to the play, the production, the theatrical conditions?

VOICE: Discuss volume, tempo, vocal quality, interpretation, articulation, projection.

BODY: How were the gestures, movement and business suitable to the characters. Provide details of what they did to be convincing in bringing their characters to life.


◄ How did the set establish the mood and background for the play. Reference the designers.

SET: Describe. What did it look like/consist of? Create pictures with your words. Identify type of stage and describe how used, decorated & what represented. Distinguish Background scenery, set pieces and properties

LIGHTS: How did the lighting support the mood & convey emphasis & illumination?

SOUND: Support how sound effects & music contributed to mood with examples.


◄ How did cultural diversity play a role in the play.

Consider issues of diversity within the play and its theme.

Discuss directorial casting choices and if cultural awareness was important or ignored.

Comment on behaviors and beliefs of social, ethnic or other groups presented

Focus on what was addressed and included not what wasn’t

Link your diversity observations to topics discussed throughout the course

Identify Multiculturalism, Interculturalism or Transculturalism; explain integration


◄ Focus on the elements of this production.

MESSAGE: What does the play have to say about people, relationships, human nature?

Make strong statements that summarize this theatrical experience.

Note how or why the play was engaging & entertaining.

Avoid writing about the audience.


In general, do you prefer viewing films at a movie theater or at home, either by playing a DVD or streaming/downloading from the Internet? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

Movie business

How has COVID-19 impacted the movie business and/or theaters? (Cite at least one reputable source from a major newspaper or magazine to answer this question). List at least 2 changes or impacts on the industry.

In general, do you prefer viewing films at a movie theater or at home, either by playing a DVD or streaming/downloading from the Internet?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of both?

  • in addition to your opinion and personal experiences, include concepts that were discussed in the textbook in your responses.
  • Note that you will not be able to see any other posts until you first post your initial reply.
  • Find a minimum of one outside source to answer. Use an established, reputable source


Does this film (of your pick) pay homage to a certain aesthetic that was introduced in our earlier lectures? In what ways, what cinematic techniques are deployed?


In this week’s lecture, we have introduced a handful of film making in the post-colonial spheres since 1970s.

  • Analyze one film and/or a filmmaker that was introduced in the lecture in regard to the following common themes:
    • Corruption following liberation
    • Ethnic conflict
    • Exploring the role of women in culture
  • Does this film (of your pick) pay homage to a certain aesthetic that was introduced in our earlier lectures? In what ways, what cinematic techniques are deployed? (e.g., camera movement, shot size, sound design, score, color, lighting…etc.)

For your second post this week,

  • Introduce a film made in the post-colonial sphere (since 1970s) which was not included in the lecture. Brief the filmmaker(s) of your pick, then close analyze a specific scene. What cinematic techniques are at play here? Please include a video clip.


Choose ONE scene from any movie you have seen in class to-date and explain why it affected you.

Choose ONE scene from any movie you have seen in class to-date and explain why it affected you. This might include your altered/new understanding of a political issue, sense of injustice or emotional reaction for example. You might not have agreed with a particular film’s message. It is entirely fine to discuss this as well. Your choice.

Format your response using the headings from prompt below

  1. a) Title of Film:
  2. b) Theme or Subject Matter: Describe the theme of subject matter you will be discussing adding some context detail regarding the specific film. (2 Points) (Two Sentences)

(Suggestions: Inequality, Marginalization, Oppression, Heroism, Hope, Illness, Resilience, Transformation and Escape and so one. Please identify a theme. It does not need to be one I have suggested here. Some ideas: You could discuss the lack of family love for Amelie which lead to crippling shyness. You might discuss a scene from Tangerines that illustrated the oppression and cost of war. It might be a film that underscored the possibility of hope and transformation. This will be up to you. Be clear to identify the theme in b))

  1. c) Briefly Describe the Scene (2 Points) No more than 4 sentences. Two are fine.
  2. d) Briefly Describe why the film had a strong impact on you. Be specific and avoid generalizing. Provide one reason only and support your reason with a thought-provoking response that includes some detail. (3 Points) No more than 5 sentences – 3 sentences are fine if specific.


Juno has some strong ideas about the kind of parents she wants for her baby. What did you think about her criteria? What criteria might you set in that situation? What did you think about Juno’s relationship with Bleeker? Do you think their relationship will endure? How is love presented in this film?


  1. Did you enjoy this film? How believable did you find the characters, and with which of them did you find most easy to empathize?
  2. Screenwriter Diablo Cody asserts that the film “raises a lot of questions about love, freedom, marriage and where we’re ultimately supposed to end up in life.” What did you think were the key themes in the film? To what extent did you think that the film took these issues seriously?
  3. Some have suggested that the unconventional dialogue in the film serves to either mask or reveal the thoughts and feelings of the characters. What do you think about that? Why do you think people, especially adolescents, invent new words and phrases to express themselves? What was your favorite line in this film, and why?
  4. “I think that kids get bored and have intercourse.” What do you think contributes to “sexually active” adolescents and unplanned pregnancies? How did you feel about the way “Juno” approaches these issues? Any thoughts about how we might respond effectively to these issues in contemporary society?
  5. Juno has some strong ideas about the kind of parents she wants for her baby. What did you think about her criteria? What criteria might you set in that situation?
  6. What did you think about Juno’s relationship with Bleeker? Do you think their relationship will endure? How is love presented in this film?
  7. The film starts and end with a chair. Did you see any significance to that? To what extent do the characters and their lives change in between, and what lessons are learned?
  8. What insights from readings, assignments, forums or other avenues come to mind as you reflect on this film from the perspective of a student of the family (and I consider all of us as students of the family)?


Do people learn to become violent or aggressive just by watching/observing violence on TV, video games, and/or internet?

Brown vs. Entertainment Merchants Association

1- Do people learn to become violent or aggressive just by watching/observing violence on TV, video games, and/or internet?

(Also look up and read Brown vs. Entertainment Merchants Association, 564 U.S. 786( 2011).

What are your personal thoughts on this?


How does John Berry, the filmmaker, capture Claudine as a woman in the context of the narrative? How has this depiction of Claudine as a Black woman evolved from the earlier depiction of Delilah as a Black woman in Imitation of Life? How are the narratives similar and how are they different?

Written reflection

Choose one or more of the questions below and compose a well-thought out, well-written reflection. Make sure to address each part of the chosen question and include 2-3 specific examples from the movie.

  1. How does John Berry, the filmmaker, capture Claudine as a woman in the context of the narrative (i.e. the 1970s, racial tensions, economy to name a few)? How has this depiction of Claudine as a Black woman evolved from the earlier depiction of Delilah as a Black woman in Imitation of Life? How are the narratives similar and how are they different? Cite specific examples.
  2. How does Claudine combat the pejorative stereotypes that have been perpetuated against African Americans since the days of slavery? Does the film validate the stereotypes in any way? Cite examples for both questions.
  3. Referring to Chimimanda Adiche’s Ted Talk “The Danger of the Single Story,” choose a character from Claudine and cite examples of how that character in the movie is relegated to a single story being told about them. Identify the single story and discuss how it affects their lives.
  4. Choose at least one commentary you can draw from Claudine (socially, historically and/or otherwise) and provide examples from the film that speak to the commentary.


Compare and contrast Cory and Lyons. Consider, too, in what ways they resemble Troy and in what ways they differ from him. Support your answer with textual evidence from the play.

DISCUSSION BOARD Prompt 10: Fences (2)

Compare and contrast Cory and Lyons. Consider, too, in what ways they resemble Troy and in what ways they differ from him.

Support your answer with textual evidence from the play.

(Include work count. Post must be between 200-250 words/ Responses between 150-200 words each).

The following requirements must be met to ensure full credit for this Module’s discussion:

  • Post an original submission to the discussion board each week.
  • Ensure that postings are detailed responses relating to course and/or chapter content.
  • Read and respond to at least 2 other student’s posts with a substantive response.
  • Indicate the name of the other student you commented on within your response.
  • State your position on whether you agree or disagree with your colleagues’ statements.
  • Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected.
  • Adhere to the most recent MLA standards and use MLA guidelines to cite references.