Choose one episode of Black Mirror that we have watched thus far and relate it to one situation or occurrence in your life

Choose one episode of Black Mirror that we have watched thus far and relate it to one situation or occurrence in your life where your interaction with technology has had both positive and negative ramifications.

Write an informative speech that is 7 mins long.

Write an informative speech that is 7 mins long.

Explain the correlation between graphic design and film.

Explain the correlation between graphic design and film.

Consider how digital has changed movie making in the 21st century and the impact this has had on storyte

Take an in-depth look at the digital revolution, exploring a range of comparable films that present a continuum of influence or technological advances.Consider how digital has changed movie making in the 21st century and the impact this has had on storyte

Which of the four plays is the one that you found most original and compelling (whether dramatically or humorously) and why?

Plays 1-4 in Out of Hell and Wonder Options Menu: Forum
Which of the four plays is the one that you found most original and compelling (whether dramatically or humorously) and why? And which one is the least original and compelling and why?
please only use plays 1-4

Does the show or movie you’ve chosen reflect racial and gender diversity? Why or why not? Explain why this kind of diversity is important in media.

Choose a television show or movie you are familiar with and consider the characters in terms of racial and gender diversity. Then answer the following short-answer questions. Each response should be one to two paragraphs.

Does the show or movie you’ve chosen reflect racial and gender diversity? Why or why not? Explain why this kind of diversity is important in media.

Are there any racial or gender stereotypes present in the show or movie you’ve chosen? If so, identify them and describe how they are stereotypical. If not, describe what elements would prevent the portrayal of a female or ethnic minority characters from being stereotypical.

Choose the time period Nazi cinema and write about the movies “Jud Sub(jew suss)” and “la habanera”.

Choose the time period Nazi cinema and write about the movies “Jud Sub(jew suss)” and “la habanera”. Both movies came out around the Nazi regime.

What thoughts came to mind after viewing each video? Explain.

Appendix J – Grief
Due on Tuesday, Oct 20 at 6:00 PM

Ticket to class:

Place in dropbox prior to the start of class
No single word responses (at least 100+ words in each response)
Give examples
Cite resources
Give the questions some thought and answer honestly
Number your answers to correspond with the question
Worth 12 points / 10%

• Watch the following videos: COPY IT ON YOU TUBE AND WATCH
– The Five Stages of Grief and Loss –
– The Words We Use Uploaded by Pallium Canada

1.-How did each of the videos make you feel? Explain.
2.What thoughts came to mind after viewing each video? Explain.
3.What were some interesting facts that reached out to you while watching each video? Give examples.

Summarize the entire film or focus on a particular section/topic from the film and discuss it.

• For the writing assignment, you can either summarize the entire film or focus on a particular section/topic from the film and discuss it. Be sure to include information you found interesting, personal experiences you may have had that relate to the topic, or what you may have liked to have learned more about regarding the topic, etc.

How does this information connect to your life experiences or the life experiences of a person (or group of people) that you know about?

Your paper will focus on 3 elements of your film review and analysis:

1. How does this film connect or relate to the topics we have covered/discussed in class and/or in the required resources? Does it confirm any specific information that we covered or that you read? Does it contradict any specific information that we covered or that you read?

30% of Total Points (6 out of 20 points)

2. In addition to information in the film that was connected to our class material, what new material covered in the film added important depth and relevance to our class topics and course? In other words…how did this film ADD to our course and course material?

30% of Total Points (6 out of 20 points)

3. How does this information connect to your life experiences or the life experiences of a person (or group of people) that you know about? This does not require you to divulge or discuss personal information. This element of the paper can be framed entirely in third person and/or with made up names. It does require you to think critically about the material in relation to your knowledge and life experience.

20% of Total Points (4 out of 20 points)