According to you, which example of masculinities stood out the most from the article?

According to Copeland’s Moonlight (2016) review the film covers significant ground in the realm of examples of Black masculinities. According to you, which example of masculinities stood out the most from the article? Provide three examples of how that ma

Identify a protagonist and an antagonist, identify the protagonist’s’’s goal, and identify the conflict/obstacles to that goal.

Choose 3 possible story ideas for your screenplay. This means three completely different ideas, not 3 ways of telling the same story. For each idea, write a brief concept — identify a protagonist and an antagonist, identify the protagonist’s’’s goal, and identify the conflict/obstacles to that goal.

Give written feedback to a student on one of their ideas.

First person, post an idea, and then do the usual cycle of feedback.


Is there strong conflict?
Will the main idea grab the audience?
Is there a clear theme? /What is movie about?
Is there a time frame that makes sense?
Is there a goal?
Are there obstacles?
Is there rising action?
Is there a plot twist?
Is there a resolution?

How does this information connect to your life experiences or the life experiences of a person (or group of people) that you know about? Your paper will focus on 3 elements of your film review and analysis:

1. How does this film connect or relate to the topics we have covered/discussed in class and/or in the required resources? Does it confirm any specific information that we covered or that you read? Does it contradict any specific information that we covered or that you read? 30% of Total Points (6 out of 20 points)

2. In addition to information in the film that was connected to our class material, what new material covered in the film added important depth and relevance to our class topics and course? In other words…how did this film ADD to our course and course material? 30% of Total Points (6 out of 20 points)

3. How does this information connect to your life experiences or the life experiences of a person (or group of people) that you know about? This does not require you to divulge or discuss personal information. This element of the paper can be framed entirely in third person and/or with made up names. It does require you to think critically about the material in relation to your knowledge and life experience. please dont forget to add references if you use any

Compare/contrast the first & second versions of the opening song posted in the Orientalist Media folder in BB Course Docs.

ARTH 465  Islam & the West in the 19th C

Response Paper #1  Cultural Stereotyping in Film   2½ -3 pages

To be done individually or in teams of 2. Be sure to include SPECIFIC DETAILS (visual images/music/dialogue) from the film as evidence in support of your arguments.

“One aspect of the electronic, postmodern world is that there has been a reinforcement of the stereotypes by which the Orient is viewed. Television, the films, and all the media’s resources have forced information into more and more standardized molds. So far as the Orient is concerned, standardization and cultural stereotyping have intensified the hold of the nineteenth-century academic and imaginative demonology of “the mysterious Orient” (Said, Orientalism, 26).

Keeping Said’s words in mind, watch the first 25 minutes or so of the 1992 animated version of Disney’s Aladdin (NOT the 2019 live action version), then answer AT LEAST THREE of the following questions*:

1.Compare/contrast the first & second versions of the opening song posted in the Orientalist Media folder in BB Course Docs. Why the change? What cultural sterotypes regarding ‘the Orient’ are introduced here?

2.Describe 1) the city of Agrabah (sound familiar?)& its inhabitants 2) the Sultan’s Palace (look familiar?) & its inhabitants. Compare/contrast the two. How does each exemplify “standardization and cultural stereotyping?”

  1. Paired characters that act as “foils”* are a frequent device in literature and film. Focusing on physical appearance, actions, and voices, discuss how Aladdin and Jafar function as foils in Aladdin (think binaries). * a foil is a character who contrasts with another character, usually the protagonist, highlighting the opposing qualities of each.

4.In the Disney version of this very old story, how does Aladdin exemplify “the American Dream?” (social mobility, rags to riches, $$ success, etc.)

5.In what ways can Aladdin be described as “an Orientalist fantasy,” or in Said’s terms, “a Western idea of the Orient?”

Give a brief overview of the medium addressing its history, important people, and important events.

Books, magazines, radio, news, television, film, video games, Internet/etc.). First, research that particular medium and in a concise and well-organized response address the following:

Give a brief overview of the medium addressing its history, important people, and important events.
o Who are the key players in the development of the medium?
o What were the major factors contributing to the growth of that medium?
o When did that particular medium really take off?
o What has communication research told us about the impact of this medium?

Explain why the understanding the medium’s history is important to the study of mass communication.

o How has the medium influenced other media?

o How has policy or society changed because of this medium?

Choose a specific example from medium and analyze it using a media literacy strategy (5 questions, framing analysis, critical analysis of corporate ownership).

o This may be a specific television program, a film, a social networking site, etc.

Discuss the future of the medium.
o Where do you see this medium in 10 years? 20 years?
All papers must:

have a clear, introduction, body, and conclusion.
be approximately 3 pages, typed, double-spaced, and in 12-point font.
include at least two outside sources. One source should come from a peer-reviewed journal article.
include in-text citations and a bibliography page. You must use APA style for your citations and references!!!

Analyse the formal elements of Pull My Daisy and Little Stabs at Happiness that draw attention to the process of making the films.

  1. Analyse the formal elements of Pull My Daisy and Little Stabs at Happiness that draw attention to the process of making the films.
  2. Analyse one or two films on the module that share techniques in common with other art practices (e.g. music, poetry, painting [abstraction expressionism]). You can make the comparison between film and just one other art practice if you wish.
  1. Who or what is the protagonist of Window Water Baby Moving?

* You may also wish to compare Window Water Baby Moving with Cat’s Cradle.

  1. Analyse the formal treatment of femininity or masculinity in one or two of the films studied on the module.
  2. Analyse the ways that The Act of Seeing With One’s Own Eyes positions spectators in relationship to the film’s subject matter.
  3. Analyse the formal treatment and sensuous and affective* appeal of popular culture in one or two of the films studied on the module.

* Of or relating to the affections or emotions, especially as contrasted with the intellect or rational faculty; emotional.

  1. Analyse performance in one or two films studied on the module.
  2. Analyse the formal treatment of sexuality in one or two films studied on the module.
  3. Critically reflect on Carolee Schneeman’s suggestion that Fuses is in conversation with Window Water Baby Moving.
  4. Analyse the use of split-screen in Chelsea Girls. Questions to consider include (but are not limited to): what implications does the use of split-screen have for spectatorship?

Critically reflect on the politics of representation in any film or two films on the module (paying attention to the intersection of any pairing of sexuality, gender, class, and race [remembering that analysis of representation may include engaging with issues relating to cultural appropriation, and that to think about race may include thinking about whiteness]).

  1. Analyse the mix of documentary and narrative fiction modes in any two films on the module.

What is the relationship between sexual representation and questions of aesthetic form in your chosen film?

Your final research essay requires you to synthesizethe material we have discussed, read and watchedin class in order to articulate an argument regarding a film (or group of films), a particular debate about sexuality, gender andcorporealityin the moving image, or a set of aesthetic or cultural practices in film or moving image culture. You are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to examine films beyond the syllabus and what we have seen in full inour module screenings. While you will not be penalized for choosing a film on the syllabus, you are urged to seek out other works we have not screened. Pleasecontact me for suggested films and to discuss your essay topic.Your paper should consider the function of sexuality, gender, and/or embodiment as an animating problematic within the films or media textsyou are discussing. Some organizing questionsthat will help guide your research:•What kinds of discourses sexuality does your text engage with? How might sexuality be theorizedby the film in question? What ideas about sexuality does the workbut produce and conceptualize? •What is the relationship between sexual representation and questions of aesthetic form in your chosen film?•What are the contexts of production,reception, and regulationof your chosen text(s), and how might these inform your understandings of itsoperation?What kinds of spaces has the work screened in and what kinds of spectatorshipdoes it presume/address?

Describe Norman’s human environment. Select one of the following three theories: Activity, Continuity, or Disengagement, and use it to describe how Norman and his human environment interact.

Recall the character of Norman from the film On Golden Pond that you watched for the previous lesson. Using information from this unit’s readings and study notes, write a 3-5 page paper in which you:

Describe Norman’s human environment.
Select one of the following three theories: Activity, Continuity, or Disengagement, and use it to describe how Norman and his human environment interact.
Explain why you chose the theory you used to analyze Norman’s environment.
Tell whether you feel that the theory you have used is useful and credible.

Explain in how far The Bridge is representative of West German Postwar Cinema. How does the film compare to other movies that we have watched this semester?

Start a new thread for this post. In your post, engage with the film and the readings in a thoughtful and meaningful way. Write your Discussion Analysis Post in paragraph form. Think of it as a short film analysis essay and try to use some of the terms from the film terms lecture and handout in your analysis when they are helpful. You should be organized in your thoughts and ideas and provide evidence of critical, university-level thinking making connections to our course materials and other relevant experiences. Try your best to contribute to the learning community by being creative in your approaches to the film and readings and by making an effort to motivate the discussion. Avoid summarizing the film or the readings as all members of the learning community have seen the movie and read the assigned chapters in the book. If you quote from our textbook or other sources, please use MLA style. Be aware of spelling, grammar, and sentence mechanics and use proper etiquette. Remember that being respectful is critical. Your Discussion Analysis Post has to be at least 200 words long.
The following ten questions offer possible topics that you might want to discuss in your Discussion Analysis Post. The questions are there to help you critically reflect on the film and readings for this week. Feel free to engage with as many or as few of them as you see fit in your post. Rather than a number of individual answers to the questions in the prompt, present your post as a short coherent film analysis essay, i.e. do not write separate answers to the questions but use them to launch your own coherent analysis and interpretation of the film. This also means that you should not copy and paste the questions into your post. The questions are only there to help you get started and to show you possible topics that you might want to explore in your analysis. Do not think that you need to answer all questions in your Discussion Analysis Post. In fact, it would be very hard to do these questions justice if you tried to answer all of them in one short, coherent film analysis post.
It is important that your post offers an academic analysis of the film rather than a summary or a mere statement of what you liked and disliked. Make sure to analyze and interpret the film and to support your argument with evidence. Try to be original and avoid repeating what others have already noted before you in their posts. At the end of your post, please include any additional questions that you bring to the movie to spark further discussion.

Carefully look at the picture above. In what context does this scene appear in the movie? What is happening here? Describe in detail what you see in the image and how it is structured. Pay particular attention to the facial expression of the character and his gaze. What can we hear in this scene? With whom are you identifying and empathizing in this scene? Why?
Why did the boys want to go to war? Were they misinformed and if so, why? Did peer pressure play a role in the movie? If so, how?
Do you find the characters well developed? What characters can you remember particularly well? Why? Select one particularly dynamic character and describe his or her character development in detail.
Analyze and interpret what happened on the bridge. How are the different war parties depicted in the film? Which scenes are particularly important in this regard?
In your opinion, are their heroes and villains in this film? Explain your answer and support your argument with evidence from the film.
What are your observations concerning issues of loyalty, personal integrity, freedom, and idealism in this film and how are these values being challenged?
Do we see traces of a generational conflict expressed in the film and if so, how does it manifest itself? Give specific examples and put the generational conflict in the larger context of German history.
What are the most important moments in this film and why? What aspects of the film did you like and which did you not like? Why?
With the help of the readings in our textbook and our discussion about Trace of Stones,compare and contrast East and West German Postwar Cinema. Explain in how far The Bridge is representative of West German Postwar Cinema. How does the film compare to other movies that we have watched this semester?
Is this film still relevant for us today from a historical and/or moral-philosophical perspective? What can we potentially learn from this film?

What is the impact of the African-Americans on the creation of Hollywood Films? What characteristics and qualifications deter African-Americans from appearing in Hollywood films?

The following research questions (RQs) would be useful to ensure that an in-depth understanding of the study topic “Hollywood and the lack of diversity” obtained.

RQ1. What is the impact of the African-Americans on the creation of Hollywood Films?

  • What characteristics and qualifications deter African-Americans from appearing in Hollywood films?
  • What characteristics and qualifications promotes white dominance in Hollywood films?

RQ2. Why is the media so stereotypic, despite being a federal agency that should promote equality and non-discriminative ideologies?

  • What roles does the media play in Oscar’s awards films?
  • What is the relationship between culture and media in the United States of America?

RQ3. How does America’s media compare in terms of African-Americans and white’s composition?

  • Is a higher population of one category in the Hollywood associated with the white dominance in Oscar’s award?
  • Does the media undermine the roles of African-Americans in the Hollywood Industry?