What is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global financial market, and how has it influenced the economies of specific countries?

What is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global financial market, and how has it influenced the economies of specific countries?

The following factors are critical in project evaluations:
The novelty of the topic (30%)
Data-driven analysis (35%)
Well-written document (35%)

Using peer-reviewed articles
The quality of your project is assessed compared to other students as well.
You have total flexibility regarding the topic of the project as long as it is related to finance.
There is no minimum or maximum page required for the project.

There are many ways you can write about a research topic. In my opinion, a project can be structured as follows:

Introduction (explain the topic and why it is important)
What have been done before regarding the question or topic?
What are the possible explanations regarding the research topic?
What is your thought about the research question? (you can use numbers, previous data to make an argument)

Describe and explain capital budgeting items that may or may not be taxed as part of a capital budget project.

Week’s discussion assignment

Your Discussion should be a minimum of 250 words in length and not more than 450 words. Please include a word count. Following the APA standard, use references and in-text citations for the textbook and any other sources.

For this week’s discussion assignment, refer to the Managerial Accounting text; Chapter 8 and answer the below question.

Describe and explain capital budgeting items that may or may not be taxed as part of a capital budget project.

Evaluate social costs of the firm’s improper actions and their effect on public support for explicit corporate social responsibility policies, supporting response with concrete examples from the case and relevant research.

Wealth Management Crisis at UBS

Prompt: For this milestone, continue your analysis of the “Wealth Management Crisis at UBS” case study from Harvard Business Review by addressing the system flaws and repercussions identified for your final project case analysis. Specifically, your Milestone Three System Flaws and Repercussions analysis should:

 Analyze personal or professional pressures that might have contributed to ethics breakdown, supporting response with case evidence and relevant research
 Analyze opportunities that allowed for illegal/unethical behavior with little risk of detection or consequences, supporting response with case evidence and relevant research
 Analyze rationalizations that might have led those behaving improperly to believe that actions were justified, supporting response with case evidence and relevant research
 Assess dollar and qualitative financial impact of crisis on the company, supporting response with evidence from case study
 Evaluate the company’s compliance with implicit expectations of corporate social responsibility and impact on business sustainability, supporting response with case details and relevant research
 Evaluate social costs of the firm’s improper actions and their effect on public support for explicit corporate social responsibility policies, supporting response with concrete examples from the case and relevant research.

Explain the Covered Call and Protective Put strategy with example?

Financial Derivatives

Assignment Questions

Q1: Explain the Covered Call and Protective Put strategy with example? (03Mark)



Explain why preferred stock is considered to be a hybrid of equity and debt securities? Define bond yield to maturity. Why is it important?

Principles of finance 101

Explain why preferred stock is considered to be a hybrid of equity and debt securities?

Define bond yield to maturity. Why is it important?


How is market risk measured? Describe the common methods of estimating VaR? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Assignment 2 Questions: Week 7 & Week 8 (15 Marks)

Q.1. Write a critical analysis on 2007-2008 financial crisis that had hit the United State financial market and had severely affected powerful economies of the world. Include the following points in your writing.                                 (8 Marks)

  • Introduction of the crisis
  • Causes of the crisis
  • Whom to blame for the crisis.
  • Conclusion


Q.2. How is market risk measured? Describe the common methods of estimating VaR?  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method.    (4 Marks)


Q.3. Describe the stress testing and scenario analysis in risk management. Discuss the benefits and Limitations.   (3 Marks)




Based on the above summary, recommend and justify the risk exposures that should be reported as part of an Enterprise Risk Management System for XYZ Motor Company.

Case Study & Problem solving


Q.1. Abdullah follows the automotive industry, including XYZ Motor Company. Based on XYZ’s 2021 annual report, Abdullah writes the following summary: XYZ Motor Company has businesses in several countries around the world. XYZ frequently has expenditures and receipts denominated in non-U.S. currencies, including purchases and sales of finished vehicles and production parts, subsidiary dividends, investments in non-U.S. operations, etc. XYZ uses a variety of commodities in the production of motor vehicles, such as nonferrous metals, precious metals, ferrous alloys, energy, and plastics/resins. XYZ typically purchases these commodities from outside suppliers. To finance its operations, XYZ uses a variety of funding sources, such as commercial paper, term debt, and lines of credit from major commercial banks. The company invests any surplus cash in securities of various types and maturities, the value of which are subject to fluctuations in interest rates. XYZ has a credit division, which provides financing to customers wanting to purchase XYZ’s vehicles on credit. Overall, XYZ faces several risks. To manage some of its risks, XYZ invests in fixed-income instruments and derivative contracts. Some of these investments do not rely on a clearing house and instead effect settlement through the execution of bilateral agreements.

Based on the above summary, recommend and justify the risk exposures that should be reported as part of an Enterprise Risk Management System for XYZ Motor Company. (5 Marks)


Q2 An investment manager placed a limit order to buy 500,000 shares of Ahmad Corporation at SAR 21.35 limit at the opening of trading on February 8. The closing market price of Ahmad Corporation on February 7 was also SAR 21.35. The limit order filled 40,000 shares, and the remaining 460,000 shares were never filled. Some good news came out about Ahmad Corporation on February 8, and its price increased to SAR 23.60 by the end of that day. However, by the close of trading on February 14, the price had declined to SAR 21.74. The investment manager is analyzing the missed trade opportunity cost using the closing price on February 8 as the benchmark price.

  1. What is the estimate of the missed trade opportunity cost if it is measured at a one-day interval after the decision to trade? (2.5 Marks)
  2. What is the estimate of the missed trade opportunity cost if it is measured at a one-week interval after the decision to trade? (2.5 Marks)


Q3.Consider some stocks that trade in two markets, with a trader being able to trade in these stocks in either market. Suppose that the two markets are identical in all respects except that bid–ask spreads are lower and depths (the number of shares being offered at the bid and ask prices) are greater in one of the two markets. State in which market liquidity-motivated and information-motivated traders would prefer to transact. Justify your answer. (2.5 Marks)


Q4. Zaid retired from his firm. He has continued to hold his private retirement investments in a portfolio of common stocks and bonds. At the beginning of 2019, when he retired, his account was valued at SAR 453,000.By the end of 2019, the value of his account was SAR 523,500. Zaid made no contributions to or withdrawals from the portfolio during 2019. What rate of return did Zaid earn on his portfolio during 2019? (2.5 Marks)



How is market risk measured? Describe the common methods of estimating VaR? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Describe the stress testing and scenario analysis in risk management. Discuss the benefits and Limitations.

Assignment 2 Questions: Week 7 & Week 8 (15 Marks)

Q.1. Write a critical analysis on 2007-2008 financial crisis that had hit the United State financial market and had severely affected powerful economies of the world. Include the following points in your writing.  (8 Marks)

  • Introduction of the crisis
  • Causes of the crisis
  • Whom to blame for the crisis.
  • Conclusion

Q.2. How is market risk measured? Describe the common methods of estimating VaR? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method.  (4 Marks)


Q.3. Describe the stress testing and scenario analysis in risk management. Discuss the benefits and Limitations. (3 Marks)



Write an essay on the impact of COVID-19 on the global financial market or in various countries.

Impact of COVID-19 on the global financial market

Write an essay on the impact of COVID-19 on the global financial market or in various countries.

Write a summary of what the financial statements indicate about the company’s financial health and performance. Discuss the accounting process and the resulting financial statements as they relate to meeting the informational needs of the user.

Summary Report

After you have finished preparing all the financial statements, analyze the statements and write a short report summarizing your findings. Use the template provided in the What to Submit section to complete your report. There is also a Final Project Walkthrough video available in Supporting Materials that will provide guidance for completing your template. In addition to the financial statement results, the owners have requested that you provide them with additional information as further growth is anticipated. They would like more input from you to support the best possible decisions for the business.

In addition, the owners are requesting that you provide them with some suggestions on simple internal controls they can integrate to ensure protection of company assets, and accuracy in the company’s financial data. The owners are also considering acquiring more long-term/fixed assets, such as vehicles, equipment, buildings, and so on. They would like your input on the different options available for depreciation of these costs. Adding sales of product is also a consideration for expansion. The owners want to know what accounting considerations will be involved with this change.

Summary: Write a summary of what the financial statements indicate about the company’s financial health and performance.

Purpose: Discuss the accounting process and the resulting financial statements as they relate to meeting the informational needs of the user.

Process: Explain the process used to produce accurate account balances and financial statements from the individual transaction data.
Consider what is being communicated through each of the financial statements you prepared (income statement, statement of equity and balance sheet) and how this information will be used in business decision making and planning.

Analysis: Explain the company’s cash position, its net income as a percentage of sales, and its current liabilities to current assets position.
Results: Discuss the results regarding profitability of the first month of operations.
Consider how well the company is positioned to meet current liabilities.
Be sure to include the percentage of revenues that result in profit/net income and the current ratio when discussing profitability and liquidity based on the recorded month’s results.
Consider key points in your observations of results: is the company operating profitably (what percent of revenues result in profit/net income)? How well-poised are they to meet liabilities (discuss liquidity and current ratio)?

Recommendations: Recommend a simple system of controls that can be implemented to ensure protection of company assets and the accuracy and integrity of their financial data as they anticipate further growth.
Consider additional controls that will support the potential for adding merchandise and additional assets with business growth/expansion.

Asset Valuation: Discuss the treatment of current and long-term assets on the balance sheet.
Discuss at least two different methods of depreciation. Consider how the methods of depreciation will be determined.
Discuss how LIFO, FIFO, and average methods will differ and provide examples of types of applicable merchandising.
Consider how accounting will change with the addition of merchandise inventory.