Explain the Covered Call and Protective Put strategy with example? Illustrate with example strategies using the three different types of swaps.

Financial Derivatives

Q1: Explain the Covered Call and Protective Put strategy with example?  (03Mark)

Q.2 Illustrate with example strategies using the three different types of swaps. (03 Mark)

Q.3 a- The price of a forward contract on a generic asset that expires on September 10 whose spot price as of June10 is $45,assuming that the annually compounded risk-free rate is 6.01percent.   (03 Mark)

b- On a particular day, the S&P 500 futures settlement price was 899.30. You buy one contract at the settlement price at around the close of the market. The next day the contract opens at 899.70, and the settlement price at the close of the day is 899.10. Determine the value of the futures contract at the opening, an instant before the close, and after the close. Remember that the S&P futures contract has a $250 multiplier. (03 Mark)

c- Consider a currency swap for $10 million and SF 15 million. One party pays dollars at a fixed rate of 9 percent, and the other pays Swiss francs at a fixed rate of 8 percent. The payments are made semiannually based on the exact day count and 360 days in a year. The current period has 181 days. Calculate the next payment each party makes. (03 Mark)




Distinguish between international funds, global funds, worldwide funds, and overseas funds. Determine how international funds have been performing, in U.S. dollar terms, relative to mutual funds offering purely domestic portfolios.

Financial question

All major mutual fund companies now offer a variety of internationally diversified mutual funds. The degree of international composition across funds, however, differs significantly. Use the Web sites listed below, and others of interest, to do the following:

  • Distinguish between international funds, global funds, worldwide funds, and overseas funds.
  • Determine how international funds have been performing, in U.S. dollar terms, relative to mutual funds offering purely domestic portfolios.


  1. Fidelity www.fidelity.com
  2. Rowe Price www.troweprice.com
  3. Merrill Lynch www.ml.com
  4. Kemper www.kempercorporation.com



Look at the IMLS data site data categories. Determine the categories you’ll use for comparison. You’ll see nine categories of data. Use the six categories, and skip the (1) Electronic Technology, (2) Programs and (3) Program Attendance categories.


Reading: Sannwald, pp. 64-66 (attached below) and the IMLS Data site: https://imls.gov/search-compare/

Instructions: Use the Institute of Museums and Library Services (IMLS) data site (above) to determine your cohort. A “cohort” is a group of libraries in which to compare your library.

1. For your cohort, you will choose 9 other libraries, in addition to your hometown library. (Hometown library: Athens-Clarke County Library, Athens, Ga). You can search the IMLS data site provided to find all the public libraries in the state.

2. The IMLS data site (above) does not include population statistics for the community served. In addition to the data from the IMLS site, it would be best to identify the population of the community in order to have a good comparison. Most of the libraries in the IMLS site serve counties, but some serve just cities, so try to compare apples to apples. The population search will have to be from some other source (and Wikipedia is OK to use for this purpose, or any other source with population data). The populations do not have to be an exact match – ballpark figure is better.

3. Look at the IMLS data site data categories. Determine the categories you’ll use for comparison. You’ll see nine categories of data (framed in “boxes). Use the six categories, and skip the (1) Electronic Technology, (2) Programs and (3) Program Attendance categories. There are a lot of data points. Make this easy on yourself. Don’t try to use every data point to compare. Choose the most relevant, but one data point per category is best. You may use more. Choice of data point is a key issue. You want to choose data points with the most usefulness. Part of your work is to determine and justify the usefulness of the data points you used.

4. Once you have established your cohort:
a. create a chart/spreadsheet of your choices and comparative data.
b. write an explanation of your choices and why you chose them
c. where does your library fit within the list of cohorts (i.e. the rank among the 10) and how would you use this cohort information to improve your library and use for advocating for your library

Describe the importance of factors to consider when developing a retirement plan. These will include age, marital status, number of dependents, health, life expectancy, and other sources of income such as social security and pensions.

Client Memo: Understand and Mitigate Risk


Financial management applies to personal as well as business financial decisions. In this week’s assignment, you will lay the groundwork for creating a personal retirement plan in Week 9.

This week’s analysis requires you to apply what you have learned using the textbook, as well as additional Internet and SU Library research. Also, please refer to the assignments in Weeks 2 and 4, in which you evaluated stocks and bonds as investment options and applied the concept of present value.

For this assignment, you take on the role of a personal retirement planner who is preparing a memo for your client. In the memo, explain to the client the financial and risk considerations that go into planning for retirement.

Write a 4–5 page paper using the following instructions:

Describe the importance of factors to consider when developing a retirement plan. These will include age, marital status, number of dependents, health, life expectancy, and other sources of income such as social security and pensions.
Examine the relationship between risk and return and its impact on decisions about saving for retirement. Provide examples of the relationship.

Explain how risk factors (such as age and personal risk tolerance) impact the allocation of assets included in a retirement plan. Support your explanation with examples of how asset allocation changes as the risk factors change.

Analyze how fiscal and monetary policies may impact retirement plans.
Research how changes in fiscal policy and monetary policy can impact retirement savings.

This research should include how changes in policies, including interest rates, tax rates, and policies that impact savings (IRAs, 401k), can impact retirement plans.

Evaluate the implications of the time value of money with respect to saving for retirement. Support the answer with specific examples and explanations.

Use 4–5 sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment.

Which of the variances below are positive and which ones are negative? What does the director need to report to senior leadership as to what has happened and why, and what she is doing to make appropriate adjustments?

Calculating Variance in Healthcare

1. The invasive radiology department has just purchased a piece of equipment, which enables them to be able to perform many of their procedures faster. One of the results of this improvement is that they are able to schedule 20% more cases on an average weekday. During the preplanning of this improvement, the director of short stay was not included and was told her staffing needs might increase by 10%. After the first month of the use of the new equipment, the short stay unit had variances as seen below.

Which of the variances below are positive and which ones are negative?

What does the director need to report to senior leadership as to what has happened and why, and what she is doing to make appropriate adjustments?

Volume (patients) 1,000 1,200 200 Overtime hrs (staffing) 50 75 25 Supplies 5,000 5,100 100

 Marketing Question

Write a one-page paper with your opinions of the chosen concept for the restaurant you studied. The brand as a whole — their purpose, positioning, voice, look, and consistency along with good quality food and outstanding service — is what makes up a memorable experience and a great restaurant that attracts customers and keeps them coming back.

What are your impressions?

What are their strengths and weaknesses?


What is Inventory Management? What is Investment Management? Review the Simulation Example on a Camera Warranty.

Financial question

What is Inventory Management? What is Investment Management? Review the Simulation Example on a Camera Warranty.

Explain how inventory and investment management are related to this example regarding Discount rate/cost, Warranty period, NPV, etc.?


Distinguish between international funds, global funds, worldwide funds, and overseas funds. Determine how international funds have been performing, in U.S. dollar terms, relative to mutual funds offering purely domestic portfolios.

Financial question

All major mutual fund companies now offer a variety of internationally diversified mutual funds. The degree of international composition across funds, however, differs significantly. Use the Web sites listed below, and others of interest, to do the following:

Distinguish between international funds, global funds, worldwide funds, and overseas funds.

Determine how international funds have been performing, in U.S. dollar terms, relative to mutual funds offering purely domestic portfolios.

  • Fidelity www.fidelity.com
  • Rowe Price www.troweprice.com
  • Merrill Lynch www.ml.com
  • Kemper www.kempercorporation.com



Write a critical analysis on 2007-2008 financial crisis that had hit the United State financial market and had severely affected powerful economies of the world.

Assignment 2 Questions: Week 7 & Week 8 (15 Marks)

Q.1. Write a critical analysis on 2007-2008 financial crisis that had hit the United State financial market and had severely affected powerful economies of the world.  Include the following points in your writing.   (8 Marks) 800 words

  • Introduction of the crisis
  • Causes of the crisis
  • Whom to blame for the crisis.
  • Conclusion

Q.2. How is market risk measured? Describe the common methods of estimating VaR? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method.  (4 Marks)  400 words

Q.3. Describe the stress testing and scenario analysis in risk management. Discuss the benefits and Limitations. 300 words   (3 Marks)






Select a capital investment that you would recommend making for a patient safety concern.

Capital Budgeting Justification (125 points)

Capital budgeting is an essential process for healthcare organizations. The challenge in quality and patient safety organizations is proving return on the capital investment without revenue impacts.

Select a capital investment that you would recommend making for a patient safety concern. In a 12-13 slide PowerPoint Presentation address the following requirements:

  • Introduction
  • Describe the capital item in detail:
    • Item description
    • Rationale for selection
    • Cost-benefit analysis
  • Complete a capital budget with projected financial benefit:
    • Revenue or positive financial impact
    • Capital equipment cost
    • Personnel cost
    • Supply cost
  • Review financial ratios
    • Return on investment
    • Net Present Value
    • Cash Payback period
  • Make a recommendation to lease or finance the capital item. Please support your decision with financial data.
  • Conclusion

Your presentation should meet the following structural requirements:

  • Be 12-13 slides in length, not including the title or reference slides.
  • add graphics
  • Be formatted according to Saudi Electronic University and APA writing guidelines.
  • Provide support for your statements with citations from a minimum of six scholarly articles.
  • These citations should be listed in the Notes section of the slide in which they appear. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but four must be external.

Each slide must provide detailed speaker’s notes to support the slide content. These should be a minimum of 100 words long (per slide) and must be a part of the presentation. The presentation cannot be submitted in PDF format, which does not make notes visible to the instructor. Notes must draw from and cite relevant reference materials


As explained in the Class. each group is required to pick one public company and find its associated information to report below financial ratios.

Financial ratios

As explained in the Class. each group is required to pick one public company and find its associated information to report below financial ratios. You are required to submit an excel file showing your calculation.

Also, some of these ratios are already reported on financial news websites. For those, you are required to compare your calculated ratio with the one reported on the financial websites.

There is no single format for the submission. Obviously, the best submission report receives the highest grade.
1. Short.term solvency, or liquidity, ratios Days’ sales In receivables 365 days ro-1 Receivables turnover J
Current ratio _ Current assets 365 days Current liabilities Days’ costs in payables – Payables turnover
Quick ratio Current liabilities
Current assets – Inventory
Cash ratio
Current liabilities
Longterm solvency. or financial leverage, ratios Total assets – Total equity
Total debt ratio Total assets
Debt-equity ratio Total debt Total equity Equity multiplier Total assests/Total equity Times Interest earned ratio EBIT interest
Total asset turnover – Sales Total assets
Capital Intensity Total assets Sales IV. Profitability ratios Profit margin – Net IncomeSales
Return on assets (ROA) Net income – Total assets Return on equity (ROE) = Net IncomeTotal equity

EBIT + Depreciation Cash coverage ratiointerest ROE – › x Net Income Sales Assets Sales Assets Equity III. Asset utilization. or turnover, ratios V. Market value ratios Cost of goods sold Price per share Inventory turnover Price-earnings ratio Inventory Earnings per share
365 days Days’ sales In Inventory – Inventory turnover
Receivables turnover = Sales Accounts receivable Cost Of goods sold Payables turnover = Accounts payable
Price-sales ratio – Sales per share
Price per share
M Market-to-book ratio _ arket value per share Book value per share
EBITDA ratio Enterprise value