Which act/s in the US Banking Sector supports the lifeline banking service? Explain the different services that are covered under Lifeline Banking for low-income people.

Finance Question

  • Which act/s in the US Banking Sector supports the lifeline banking service? [1Mark]
  • Explain the different services that are covered under Lifeline Banking for low-income people.[2 Marks]
  • What are the different non-deposit sources of funds for banks? [1Mark]
  • Explain the risks for the banks especially associated with non-deposit sources of funds.[2 Marks]
  • What is the difference between real and nominal interest rates? [1Mark]
  • Explain the concept of Interest Rate Determination in the light of the Loanable Fund Theory. [2 Marks]
  • What are financial derivatives? [1Mark]
  • Explain the process of a financial Put Option with the help of an example. [2 Marks]
  • Interest-sensitive assets (ISA) and interest-sensitive liabilities (ISL) of a financial firm are $125 million & $100 million respectively, what will be its interest-sensitive GAP (IS GAP)? Calculate the Relative IS GAP ratio for the same financial institution and comment, Is that firm Asset sensitive? [2 Marks]


What is the role of the central bank on the financial system? What policies they implement, how would be implemented and their effects on the financial system. When the central bank should implement those policies? (

Financial Institutions & Markets  

  • Would you prefer independent or dependent central bank? Why? (3 points) 500 words
  • What is the role of the central bank on the financial system? What policies they implement, how would be implemented and their effects on the financial system. When the central bank should implement those policies? (4 points) 500 words
  • Contractionary monetary policies in Saudi Arabia last for more than one year and expected to last further (but with slower increase in interest rate); how should financial institution react to this? (3 points). 500 words


Explain the Covered Call and Protective Put strategy with example? Illustrate with example strategies using the three different types of swaps.

Financial derivatives

Assignment Questions

Q1: Explain the Covered Call and Protective Put strategy with example?  (03Mark)

Q.2 Illustrate with example strategies using the three different types of swaps. (03 Mark)

Q.3 a- The price of a forward contract on a generic asset that expires on September10 whose spot price as of June 10 is $45,assuming that the annually compounded risk-free rate is 6.01percent.   (03 Mark)

b- On a particular day, the S&P 500 futures settlement price was 899.30. You buy one contract at the settlement price at around the close of the market. The next day the contract opens at 899.70, and the settlement price at the close of the day is 899.10. Determine the value of the futures contract at the opening, an instant before the close, and after the close. Remember that the S&P futures contract has a $250 multiplier. (03 Mark)

c- Consider a currency swap for $10 million and SF 15 million. One party pays dollars at a fixed rate of 9 percent, and the other pays Swiss francs at a fixed rate of 8 percent. The payments are made semiannually based on the exact day count and 360 days in a year. The current period has 181 days. Calculate the next payment each party makes. (03 Mark)


Explain the Covered Call and Protective Put strategy with example? Illustrate with example strategies using the three different types of swaps.

Financial derivatives

Assignment Questions

Q1: Explain the Covered Call and Protective Put strategy with example?  (03Mark)

Q.2 Illustrate with example strategies using the three different types of swaps. (03 Mark)

Q.3 a- The price of a forward contract on a generic asset that expires on September10 whose spot price as of June10 is $45,assuming that the annually compounded risk-free rate is 6.01percent.   (03 Mark)

b- On a particular day, the S&P 500 futures settlement price was 899.30. You buy one contract at the settlement price at around the close of the market. The next day the contract opens at 899.70, and the settlement price at the close of the day is 899.10. Determine the value of the futures contract at the opening, an instant before the close, and after the close. Remember that the S&P futures contract has a $250 multiplier. (03 Mark)

c- Consider a currency swap for $10 million and SF 15 million. One party pays dollars at a fixed rate of 9 percent, and the other pays Swiss francs at a fixed rate of 8 percent. The payments are made semiannually based on the exact day count and 360 days in a year. The current period has 181 days. Calculate the next payment each party makes. (03 Mark)


Explain what you did to try to break the ciphers, how you went about it, challenges, and issues you encountered.

Fintech Crypto 101

You will try to decipher some encryped messages. This will give you exposure to traditional crypto versus the new crypto based on hash functions, and illustrate some concepts crucial to the crypto side of Fintech such as:
– proof of work
– collision resistance
– proximity breaking
– asymmetrical workload for encryption/decryption

Explain what you did to try to break the ciphers, how you went about it, challenges, and issues you encountered.

Traditional ciphers:
1) aipgsqi xs wyrrc qmeqm
2) ltardbt id hjccn bxpbx
3) ftmf ime dqmxxk qmek
4) ocvo rvn mzvggt zvnt

Non-traditional ciphers (new crypto based on hash functions)
5) hb!evrb ov rqarq
6) iqbzlbzdb a !akqg

Based on the above summary, recommend and justify the risk exposures that should be reported as part of an Enterprise Risk Management System for XYZ Motor Company.

Case Study & Problem solving) Question(s):

Q.1. Abdullah follows the automotive industry, including XYZ Motor Company. Based on XYZ’s 2021 annual report, Abdullah writes the following summary: XYZ Motor Company has businesses in several countries around the world. XYZ frequently has expenditures and receipts denominated in non-U.S. currencies, including purchases and sales of finished vehicles and production parts, subsidiary dividends, investments in non-U.S. operations, etc. XYZ uses a variety of commodities in the production of motor vehicles, such as nonferrous metals, precious metals, ferrous alloys, energy, and plastics/resins. XYZ typically purchases these commodities from outside suppliers. To finance its operations, XYZ uses a variety of funding sources, such as commercial paper, term debt, and lines of credit from major commercial banks. The company invests any surplus cash in securities of various types and maturities, the value of which are subject to fluctuations in interest rates. XYZ has a credit division, which provides financing to customers wanting to purchase XYZ’s vehicles on credit. Overall, XYZ faces several risks. To manage some of its risks, XYZ invests in fixed-income instruments and derivative contracts. Some of these investments do not rely on a clearing house and instead effect settlement through the execution of bilateral agreements.


Based on the above summary, recommend and justify the risk exposures that should be reported as part of an Enterprise Risk Management System for XYZ Motor Company. (5 Marks)


Q2 An investment manager placed a limit order to buy 500,000 shares of Ahmad Corporation at SAR 21.35 limit at the opening of trading on February 8. The closing market price of Ahmad Corporation on February 7 was also SAR 21.35. The limit order filled 40,000 shares, and the remaining 460,000 shares were never filled. Some good news came out about Ahmad Corporation on February 8, and its price increased to SAR 23.60 by the end of that day. However, by the close of trading on February 14, the price had declined to SAR 21.74. The investment manager is analyzing the missed trade opportunity cost using the closing price on February 8 as the benchmark price.


  1. What is the estimate of the missed trade opportunity cost if it is measured at a one-day interval after the decision to trade? (2.5 Marks)


  1. What is the estimate of the missed trade opportunity cost if it is measured at a one-week interval after the decision to trade? (2.5 Marks)

Q3.Consider some stocks that trade in two markets, with a trader being able to trade in these stocks in either market. Suppose that the two markets are identical in all respects except that bid–ask spreads are lower and depths (the number of shares being offered at the bid and ask prices) are greater in one of the two markets. State in which market liquidity-motivated and information-motivated traders would prefer to transact. Justify your answer. (2.5 Marks)


Q4. Zaid retired from his firm. He has continued to hold his private retirement investments in a portfolio of common stocks and bonds. At the beginning of 2019, when he retired, his account was valued at SAR 453,000.By the end of 2019, the value of his account was SAR 523,500. Zaid made no contributions to or withdrawals from the portfolio during 2019. What rate of return did Zaid earn on his portfolio during 2019? (2.5 Marks)


What are the natural differences in perspectives/priorities and the related tensions between styles? How do these insights about style differences help explain where/why Sasha is not connecting well with Henry and with Dana?


Analysis Assignment Instructions

You will need to first purchase the case from Harvard Business Review Website www.hbr.org and search for the case “Henry Tam and the MGI Team” by Jeffrey T. Polzer, Ingrid Vargas, and Hillary Anger Elfenbein , 17 pages. Publication date: Oct 20, 2003. Prod. #: 404068-PDF-ENG 


This case exemplifies typical dysfunctions that can occur in a team. Unclear leadership in this case has put the team in danger of not fulfilling its two main goals of developing a business plan and submitting an entry to the business plan competition. The case requires you to address interpersonal conflict, unclear roles and unclear processes, lack of conflict resolution and how de facto leaders on the team are/or are not displaying the appropriate approaches to help the team be effective.

 The focus of this assignment is to demonstrate that you can:

  • Accurately apply four key tools to analyze the major leadership and team dynamics causing dysfunction
  • Apply each concept accurately and credibly based on the specific definitions upon which it is constructed.
  • Recommend 3-4 actions that could help to the team move past the dysfunction and reach its goals
  • Use the insights from your analysis to be pragmatic in accounting for lingering effects of what has happened so far so that your actions work
  • Write in a clear, logical, and persuasive manner

Required Format

This paper should be between 4-6 pages long double spaced not including a cover sheet if used and the reference page.  The headers that are underlined below should appear as headers in organizing your paper.

 Section 1- Situational Analysis

This section shows that you understand how theory applies to this complex situation and establishes the basis for why your recommendations will work. In this section you will apply the following concepts to explain the dynamics of the players (Sasha, Henry, and Dana) and to some extent the rest of the team. The questions under each concept are solely there as a guide to help you as you formulate your analysis.

Overall Tips for this section: Remember that the concepts are based on specific definitions. Keep those dimensions in mind as you analyze the situation. The more you use “observable” behavior vs speculation to support you points, the more likely your analysis will be accurate.

A)DISC Styles

Use this concept to explain the interpersonal styles of the three major characters so we understand their perspectives and how they may contribute to the conflict/dysfunction.

  • What are the DISC styles of Sasha, Henry, and Dana?
  • Provide evidence in terms of their behavior patterns
  • What are the natural differences in perspectives/priorities and the related tensions between styles?
  • How do these insights about style differences help explain where/why Sasha is not connecting well with Henry and with Dana?

Tip: When considering their behavior think carefully about what each person seems to be emphasizing/focused on. For example, you may see directive or assertive behavior in more than one person, but consider what they seem to be emphasizing, what are they reacting to, or what are they trying to achieve.

  1. B) Thomas Kilmann Conflict Model

Use this concept to explain the differences in how characters are approaching conflict and how it contributes to the dysfunction of the team.

  • Which of the five approaches to conflict is Sasha taking with the overall team on most decisions?
  • Which of the five approaches to conflict do you see Henry and Dana taking with the overall team on most decisions?
  • Which of the five approaches to conflict do you see Henry and Dana taking with Sasha?
  • How do some of the other characters (Alex, Roman, Igor and Dav) seem to be approaching conflict?
  • Support your insights with behavior described in the case
  • Are there factors such as interpersonal style that might influence their choice of approach to conflict?
  1. C) Normative Decision Making Matrix (Vroom-Yetton Model)

Use this concept to explain the degree to which Sasha, Henry and Dana are engaging the team in decision making to the appropriate degree

  • What approach(es) does Sasha take on key decisions: With the overall team? With Henry and Dana?
  • What approach(es) do Henry and Dana take on key decisions: With the overall team? With Sasha?
  • Are the approach(es) each is taking appropriate given the criteria (speed, risk, quality, and commitment?) Please justify/explain why
  • How are the approaches you describe making the team ineffective?
  1. D) Situational Leadership

Use this concept to explain the degree to which Sasha is applying the appropriate leadership support to individual team members based on the task they are assigned.

  • What 2-3 major tasks assigned to:

–   Henry and Dana?

–   Russian team members Alex, Roman and Igor

–   Dav

  • What is each person’s readiness level compared to her/his assigned task? As you answer this take in consideration why the individuals were brought onto the team. That can give you insights as to what the standing members skill capabilities were, the gaps and what other members brought to the team
  • To what degree was Sasha providing the most appropriate of the four Situational Leadership approaches to each team member?

Section 2 – Actions to Fix the Dysfunctions and Move Forward

In this section explain 3-4 of the most important actions you think Henry and Sasha can take to address the problems from your analysis the team can move forward in a timely manner and accomplish their two goals.

  • Between Sasha and Henry, who would you like see take the central role as leader to get the team through this period?
  • What steps would Henry or Sasha need to take to assume the leadership role?
  • What would they need to do so the team rallies around and supports the main leader?
  • What steps would you suggest to ease the interpersonal conflict between Sasha and Dana , and to some extent between Sasha and Henry?
  • How might you change how decisions are made and who is involved in them?
  • How would you help the team members redirect themselves from being in one of the less effective conflict modes to start acting one of the more effective ones?

Tip: The reader will naturally ask how history, past unclarity or mistrust will impact your recommendations. The more you recognize and account for these concerns in your actions, the more credible your recommendation will be




 Discuss the benefits and challenges for investors if they are investing in international assets.

Discussion Topic:

 Discuss the benefits and challenges for investors if they are investing in international assets. (3 Marks)



Compare your assessment of the fund performance to the Morningstar rating for the fund, indicating your agreement or disagreement with the rating. Provide support for your position.


Review the investment information for the Fidelity® Large Cap Stock Fund.

Write a 4–5 page paper in which you:

Assess the year-to-date performance of the FLCSX fund, including the key drivers of the fund performance, and how the performance of the fund compares to the S&P 500.
Evaluate the volatility risks in the fund, providing an assessment of the fund manager’s performance based on the risk measurements for the fund. Make a recommendation to the fund manager for improving the performance. Provide a rationale for your recommendation.
Compare your assessment of the fund performance to the Morningstar rating for the fund, indicating your agreement or disagreement with the rating. Provide support for your position.
Assess the top 10 holdings in the fund, indicating the level of diversification in the fund. Identify a company that may impose increased risk and any changes that you would recommend in the fund composition to improve the fund performance. Provide support for your rationale.
Use at least three quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Recommend changes to improve the performance of a fund, based on volatility risks, holdings, and level of diversification.

Write an essay on how legislation of cryptocurrencies in Ukraine affects the banking system and economy of Ukraine.


Write an essay on how legislation of cryptocurrencies in Ukraine affects the banking system and economy of Ukraine.