Discuss the Insurance Licensing Guidelines and Minimum Criteria published by SAMA.


Assignment Questions

  1.     Explain the following banking laws in the context of Saudi Arabia.

1.1.   Banking Control Law [2 Marks]

1.2.   Anti-Money Laundering Law [2 Marks]


  1.     Explain the following Finance laws in the context of Saudi Arabia.

2.1.   Regulation of the Finance Companies [2 Marks]

2.2.   Regulation of the Real Estate Finance Law [2 Marks]


  1.     Get the inflation report of Saudi Arabia for Q3 of 2021 and Q3 of 2022 from the SAMA website and compare the changes. [2 Marks]



  1.     Choose a Bank of your choice and do the following

4.1.   Provide the list of its all lending programs. [1 Mark]

4.2.   Discuss any two lending programs in detail [2 Marks]


  1.     Discuss the Insurance Licensing Guidelines and Minimum Criteria published by SAMA. [2 Marks]






Calculate the present value of the coupons. Calculate the present value of the maturity value. What is the value of my retirement account in 25 years?


Remember, read the questions, and don’t overthink them.

You can answer all questions  in excel ( including the short written answers)

  • You need to buy a computer system in 3 years for $37,000. The interest rate is 5 %. How much do you set aside now to buy the system?
  • You have 9,000 set aside now, and it is expected to purchase $10,000 in new equipment in 5 years. The assumed interest rate is 8.5 %. Do I have enough capital set aside to make this purchase?
  • As US treasury has a semi-annual coupon of 6 %, and it matures in 15 years. The yield to maturity is 5 %.

Calculate the present value of the coupons.

Calculate the present value of the maturity value.

  • Suppose you have 25 years to retire and save 8,000 per annum ( paid semi-annually in arrears) at an assumed investment rate of 7%.

What is the value of my retirement account in 25 years?

  • Assume the following cash flows and calculate the IRR

-765,000 ( T0)

215,000 (T1)

25,000 (T2)

605,000 (T3)





Choose an industry that you want to analyze throughout the course. Examine and describe how the company makes money and when revenue is recognized. Is it clear to you how the company makes money?


Choose an industry that you want to analyze throughout the course. Perhaps you have worked for a company in a particular industry, or you are interested in possibly being employed in a company within a certain industry. The best way to decide on an industry is to do the following in the CWU library (here is a script of this video available for download: Video Script – Hoovers.docx

Prepare a three-page analysis (the header/title page and the references page are NOT included in the count of pages) where you describe the following for the FIRST company you have selected:

  1. Examine and describe how the company makes money and when revenue is recognized. Is it clear to you how the company makes money?
  2. Find one interesting thing that you did not know about the company that is related to a specific line item on the income statement or the balance sheet. Start by identifying something that you think is unusual on the income statement or balance sheet (maybe one line item has variations in balances from year to year, or you see in one year a balance that is much higher than in other years). Seek the answer to this anomaly in the SEC 10-K report. Assess what you researched, why you researched it, and what you found out

Reminder: You will choose one industry and two companies. This assignment is analyzing the FIRST company you have chosen in the industry of choice.


Write an essay on the performance of German Banks and how they have changed compared to European banks. Do they have Adequate regulations or overregulation?

Adequate regulations or overregulation

Prudential requirements and the results of German banks

Banking supervisory requirements

1. introduction
– Definition and importance of banking supervision
– Background and objectives of banking regulation
– Question and structure of the seminar paper

2. bank regulatory requirements
– Overview of important regulations for banks (e.g. Basel III, CRD IV, MaRisk)
– Content and objectives of the regulations
– Effects of the regulations on banks (e.g. higher capital requirements, stricter risk assessment)

3. results of German banks
– Overview of the economic situation of German banks in recent years
– Analysis of the development of key figures such as profit, return on equity, cost-income ratio in comparison to other banks in Europe and worldwide
– Impact of regulations on results (positive/negative)

4. discussion
– Evaluation of the results: Appropriate regulations or overregulation?
– Statement on possible alternatives to current banking regulation
– Outlook and recommendations for the future design of banking supervision

5 Conclusion and summary

What matters to me is the performance of German Banks and how they have changed compared to European banks. If they have Adequate regulations or overregulation.

Define financial system? Explain the major component of financial system? Discuss various classification of banking as per the RBI Act? Explain the role of NBFI in Indian economy?

Financial system

  1. Define financial system?
  2. Explain the major component of financial system?
  3. Discuss various classification of banking as per the RBI Act?
  4. Explain the role of NBFI in Indian economy?
  5. What is financial market?
  6. Explain the money market instrument?
  7. What are the major stock market instruments?
  8. Discuss the stock market performance in India.
  9. What is financial services?
  10. Explain the different categories of financial services provided by the NBFC.
  11. Discuss the role of Life Insurance Corporation of India.

Explain the types of leasing. Discuss the advantages of lease financing. Explain the features of venture capital. Explain the types of factoring.

Lease financing.

  1. Explain the types of leasing.
  2. Discuss the advantages of lease financing.
  3. Explain the features of venture capital.
  4. Explain the types of factoring.
  5. What is FDI? Explain it.
  6. Discuss the functions of merchant banking.
  7. Critically evaluate the role of credit rating agencies.
  8. Enumerate the types of mutual funds.


Explain the various sources of financing. What is meant by security financing? What is debt financing? Critically examine the advantages and disadvantages of equity shares.


Sources of financing.

  1. Explain the various sources of financing.
  2. What is meant by security financing?
  3. What is debt financing?
  4. Critically examine the advantages and disadvantages of equity shares.
  5. Discuss the features of equity shares.
  6. What are the merits of the deferred shares?
  7. Explain the merits and demerits of preference shares?
  8. List out the types of debentures.
  9. Evaluate the overall view of debentures.
  10. How internal sources of finance is used in the industrial concern?
  11. What is retained earnings?
  12. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of retained earnings.
  13. How does depreciation funds help the industrial concern as sources of finance?
  14. Evaluate the overall structure of the loan financing?
  15. Explain the Commercial Bank financing?
  16. Enumerate the major development banks.
  17. Explain the role of UTI and LIC in industrial financing?
  18. What is cash credit?
  19. Mention the functions of IFCI.


Calculate the gross Profit Margin Net Profit Margin Net Asset Turnover Receivable Days Payable Days Return on Capital Employed Debt / Equity Ratio Return on Equity.

Question 1 Required:

1.1 Calculate the following ratios for Shaybah Plc:

Gross Profit Margin Net Profit Margin Net Asset Turnover Receivable Days Payable Days Return on Capital Employed Debt / Equity Ratio Return on Equity

(12 marks)

1.2 Comment on the financial performance of Shaybah Plc between the years 2020 and 2022 using the ratios above and any other financial measure you feel appropriate.

This is ratio is good based the text book Financial management (Kemp, 2022) Alternatively another author identifies that this ratio is rubbish because of xyz reason (Walid, 2022)

(10 marks)


Write a 2-3 page paper describing the characteristics of stock and ensure the following points are addressed. Explain three characteristics of common stock that are different from bonds.


When individuals start to invest, they consider common stock or mutual funds invested in equities (common stock).
Issuing common and preferred stock is an important source of financing for corporations but this creates new management difficulties.
The earnings of the corporation are divided by the number of shares.
Current owners do not want their current return to decrease which will happen if the total earnings do not increase.

Write a 2-3 page paper describing the characteristics of stock and ensure the following points are addressed.
Explain three characteristics of common stock that are different from bonds.
Explain how return on equity (ROE), return on assets (ROA), and price earnings ratio (P/E) are affected when new common stock is issued by a corporation.
Identify two different factors that affect stock price besides issuing new shares or repurchasing shares and how the price is affected.
Explain the difference between common and preferred stock.

Explain why interest rates change in the economy and the impact on the yield curve. Break down the determinants of market interest rates. Explain how changes in the yield curve affect the organization’s cost of financing.

Interest Rates

Organizations must obtain money to exist. Think about the balance sheet; assets equal liabilities (debt) plus equity (the money contributed by the owners). Even equity financing has a cost; no one would want to invest in a company if they were not going to get a return. Organizations must provide the minimum return that investors require to let the organization use (i.e. borrow) their money. Investors compare the returns from other potential investments when deciding where to put their money.

The paper describing the yield curve and interest rates.
Ensure the following points are addressed:
Define the yield curve
Explain why interest rates change in the economy and the impact on the yield curve.
Break down the determinants of market interest rates.
Explain how changes in the yield curve affect the organization’s cost of financing.