In the Excel document, “Input Area” summarizes the information for the word document. Use that information to fill in the blanks in “Output Area”.

What is the NPV?

Read the word document first. The word document includes all the information for the question. You can see this is a company’s four years project. You need to compute the NPV for this project at the end.

In the Excel document, “Input Area” summarizes the information for the word document. Use that information to fill in the blanks in “Output Area”. At the bottom of the output area is your answer for NPV

  1. You are working with a consumer product company on estimating the expected cash flows from a new brand of toothpaste that they plan to introduce. From your prior experiences with earlier introductions of similar products, you have collected the following information:

You are likely to sell 8 million tubes in the first year that you introduce the project, 10 million in the second year, 12 million in the third year and back down to 8 million in the fourth year. At the end of the fourth year, you will have to replace the brand with a new one.

You price toothpaste at $ 3 a tube currently, and expect to increase prices at 5% a year for the next 4 years.

You will have to advertise most heavily in the first year, spending $ 10 million on advertising, but you expect this to drop to $ 6 million in year 2, $ 4 million in year 3 and $ 2 million in year 4.

Your costs associated with producing the toothpaste are $ 0.50 a tube currently, and you expect this to increase at 5% a year for the next 4 years.

You will have to invest $ 10 million in new equipment at an old plant to create the manufacturing facilities and you expect to depreciate this expenditure straight line over the 4 years down to zero.

You have a 40% tax rate.

The firm’s weighted average cost of capital is 12%. This is the required return on the project.

After reading the textbook chapters, listening to my lecture(s), and then reviewing the medical billing training segments linked above, review the attached case study and answer the questions provided.

Claims Training and Case Study

Medical billing is the preparation of invoices for procedures rendered, which are then given to patients and insurance companies. Medical billers act as the financial waypoint between patients, providers, and payers. Without billers, healthcare providers could not be reimbursed for the procedures they perform (
Follow the link below and review the 10 training videos (3.01 through 3.10) found under “Section 3: What is Medical Billing?”. These short video segments cover the key concepts and guidelines that underpin the billing process. By watching the videos you will learn how the insurance process works, and what types of payers affect the reimbursement process. Finally, you will review Medicare, Medicaid, and the regulations enforced under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
After reading the textbook chapters, listening to my lecture(s), and then reviewing the medical billing training segments linked above, review the attached case study and answer the questions provided. Your responses should be detailed and demonstrate significant depth in critical analysis and proposed solutions. Claims Case Study.docx
All written submissions should reflect professionalism in grammar, spelling, writing style/format (one-inch margins, double spaced, typed in 12-point Times New Roman font), include APA 6th citations and references when appropriate, an appropriate title page, running heads and page numbers, and be uploaded as .doc or .docx documents.

Medical Billing Overview.pdf
Claims Case Study.docx

Evaluate the potential and actual risks that occurred during the merger and what the companies could have done differently to mitigate these risks. Discuss the companies’ management of human capital in the merger or acquisition.

Finance Unit 8 Essay

Evaluation of a Merger or Acquisition
For your final essay, you will be applying the concepts learned throughout this course to an analysis of a merger or an acquisition. Much of the information you will need to complete this analysis can be found in the company’s annual report. You may choose any recent merger or acquisition (within the last 5 years). Using the concepts from this course, you will analyze the success of the merger or acquisition.
The completed project should include the information listed below.
Provide an introduction to the companies involved in the merger or acquisition. Include the companies’ background information and the reasons for the merger.
Evaluate the financial statements of both companies (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement).
Evaluate the potential and actual risks that occurred during the merger and what the companies could have done differently to mitigate these risks.
Discuss the companies’ management of human capital in the merger or acquisition.
Evaluate the soundness of the company’s financial policies after the merger (e.g., capital structure, debt, leverage, dividend policy, enterprise risk management, and others.) based on the material covered during class.
Include a synopsis of your findings, including your recommendations and rationale for whether the merger or acquisition was beneficial to both companies and your recommendation on best practices for moving forward.

This analysis should be at least three pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. Support your findings and recommendations with evidence from the annual report and at least five scholarly sources, such as the textbook, industry reports, and articles from the CSU Online Library. Use APA format to cite and reference all sources, including any websites that were used to access company information.

Describe various types of consumer loans. Explain the process of evaluating consumer loan applications. Discuss any five personal finance programs of Riyad bank.

Week 12: Interactive activity

12.1 Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe various types of consumer loans.
  • Explain the process of evaluating consumer loan applications.

12.2 Action Required:

  • To access the web page, just click on the link (If not working, copy it and paste it to the URL)

12.3 Test your Knowledge (Question)

Q: – Discuss any five personal finance programs of Riyad bank.

12.4 Instructions

Post your answer on the discussion board using the discussion link below (Week 12: Interactive learning Discussion)




Using this alternative comparison, what is your policy recommendation to the city council? Why do you feel that this is the best solution to resolve the problems identified by the city council related to economic decline and community building concerns?

Sensitivity analysis

Using the information below, forecast the costs associated with each alternative and perform a sensitivity analysis. For the sensitivity analysis, focus on the construction overrun cost and change the discount rate to 5%. Perform a separate sensitivity analysis for each component. Make sure to present the NPV for each relevant alternative and under each condition recalculated for the sensitivity analysis. Use Appendices 7.2 and 7.3 (attached) from the textbook to calculate discount costs. (on excel and summaries is it on the word)

Since you have been hired to conduct the policy analysis for the City of Green bow’s community pool proposal, you are in a position to make a recommendation to the city council. How would you present the comparison of alternatives to key decision makers? Using this alternative comparison, what is your policy recommendation to the city council? Why do you feel that this is the best solution to resolve the problems identified by the city council related to economic decline and community building concerns? Would you make any alternative policy recommendations beyond the community pool to resolve the problem? Finally, how would you determine if your policy analysis is successful.


What are stocks and bonds? Describe how you could estimate their values. If you are investing in the stock market, which would you invest in and why?

Stocks and bonds discussion post

What are stocks and bonds? Describe how you could estimate their values. If you are investing in the stock market, which would you invest in and why?

Be sure that your post meets APA formatting requirements and that you use at least three outside sources from the readings to support your post.

How does this company’s ratio compare to those of its competitors? Why is comparing this ratio to the industry average important? Explain how a well-managed supply chain can come into play here.

Unit 7 Finance Essay

Supply Chain Management

Select a company of your choice, and calculate the most current days of working capital (DWC) that are available. Review page 656 in the textbook, and watch the short video segment “Working Capital,” which is one of the required unit resources in this unit. In addition to your calculations, include the information below in your essay.

  • How does this company’s ratio compare to those of its competitors?
  • Why is comparing this ratio to the industry average important?
  • Explain how a well-managed supply chain can come into play here.

You may use the company’s webpage, or keep in mind that the CSU Online Library has several databases to choose from that are good starting points for your research:

Mergent Online,
Business Insights: Global,
Business Source Ultimate, and
ABI/INFORM Collection.

Your essay should be at least two pages in length. Use APA format to cite and reference all quoted and paraphrased material, including your textbook. Use a minimum of two sources, one of which may be the textbook. Include a title page, introduction, body, conclusion, and references page. An abstract is not required.

TV Choice Ltd. (Producer). (2011). Working capital (Segment 3 of 6) [Video]. In Accounting & finance clips 4: Cash flow and working capital.

Discuss the various risks of international investing. What is the basic difference between a closed-end fund and an open-end fund?

Risks of international investing

  1. Discuss the various risks of international investing. [03]
  2. What is the basic difference between a closed-end fund and an open-end fund? [03]
  3. The Closed Fund is a closed-end investment company with a portfolio currently worth $325 million. It has liabilities of $80 million and 5 million shares outstanding.
  4. What is the NAV of the fund? [02]
  5. If the fund sells for $45 per share, what is its premium or discount as a percent of net asset value? [02]


Explain the effect of currency fluctuations on rates of return.

Effect of currency fluctuations on rates of return

Access the link just click on the link (If not working, Copy it and paste in the URL)

Q- Explain the effect of currency fluctuations on rates of return (150-200 Words)


Explains your interest in this specific course. Describes how this course will help you to achieve any future study plans. Describes how this course will help you to achieve any future career plans.

Personal Statement

Draft a brief personal (4500 characters maximum) statement that:

Explains your interest in this specific course.
Describes how this course will help you to achieve any future study plans.
Describes how this course will help you to achieve any future career plans.

Note: they scraped off the word limit and asked me to write freely, but I wouldn’t want to go way over that.