In each of the above situations, what are the main financial planning issues that need to be addressed? What additional information would you like to have before recommending actions in each situation?

Answer the following about the Situations 1-3 below:

Situation 1: Fran and Ed must balance their current living expenses with increasing college costs, covering long-term care facility living expenses for Fran’s mother, and saving for retirement.

Situation 2: Patrick needs to consider his spending activities in relation to the money he has available in his emergency fund, while also taking actions related to finding employment.

Situation 3: Nina must decide whether to spend or save these funds, and how. She should consider various alternatives for both short-term and long-term financial decisions.


  • In each of the above situations, what are the main financial planning issues that need to be addressed?
  • What additional information would you like to have before recommending actions in each situation?
  • Based on the information provided, along with Exhibit 1-1 of Ch. 1 from SmartBook and financial planning process, what actions would you recommend in each situation? Submit your assignment.


Write a 4–6-page paper in which you discuss the value of ratio analysis in decision making for health care organizations.

Assessment #4: Ratio Analysis

Exercise sound business and financial management principles in healthcare settings through process mapping and strategic planning

Write a 4–6-page paper in which you discuss the value of ratio analysis in decision making for health care organizations. Complete the following in your paper:

  • Discuss the meaning of ratio analysis in healthcare.
  • Pick only one (1) ratio from EACH major group from the financial statements. (e.g. Current ratio, ROE, Debt to equity, ALOS)

Major Groups:

Liquidity ratios (Current ratio, Days Cash-on-Hand, Quick Ratio)

Discuss one (1) ratio (from EACH major group) using the following criteria:

Explain the factors that affect the results related to the financial health of the organization.

You can also utilize the sample Help4UHMO Organization financial statements or a real-life health care organization to evaluate by researching their financial statements. Show relevant calculations.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Provide a minimum of two (2) cited sources in your paper. Properly cite in APA format.


A company had cash and marketable securities worth $200,000 accounts payables worth $51,000, inventory of $1,501,500, accounts receivables of $5,288,128, short-term notes payable worth $220,000, other current liabilities of 100,000, and other current assets of $121,800. Calculate the company net working capital and describe how managers manage the firm working capital.

Finance Question

  1. A company had cash and marketable securities worth $200,000 accounts payables worth $51,000, inventory of $1,501,500, accounts receivables of $5,288,128, short-term notes payable worth $220,000, other current liabilities of 100,000, and other current assets of $121,800. Calculate the company net working capital and describe how managers manage the firm working capital. (2 Marks)


  1. Your parents have given you $1,500 a year before your graduation so that you can take a trip when you graduate. You wisely decide to invest the money in a bank CD that pays 7% interest. You know that the trip costs $1600 right now and that inflation for the year is predicted to be 3%. Will you have enough money in a year to purchase the trip? Show your calculations. (2 Marks)


  1. If the following financial information related to XYZ Company. Total Revenues last year $970, depreciation expenses $50, costs of goods sold $450, and interest expenses $55. At the end of the year, current assets were $121 and current liabilities were $107. The company has an average tax rate of 35%. Calculate the net income for XYZ Company by setting up an income statement. (2 Marks)


  1. Calculate the common-size balance sheet from the following information for the company: (2 Marks)


Cash 50,000 Accts/Pay 25,800
Acct/Rec 60,000 Accrued expenses 30,000
Inventories 200,500 Short-term N/P 9,700
  Total Current assets 310,500   Current liabilities 65,500
Net fixed assets 132,000 Long-term debt 150,000
  Total assets 442,500 Total liabilities 215,500
    Owner’s equity 227,000
    Total liabilities and owners’ equity 442,500



  1. Ten years ago, Amanda Cortez invested $20,000 in an account paying an annual interest rate of 5%. What is the value of the investment today? What is the interest on interest earned on this investment? (2 Marks)


  1. You have just won a lottery that promises an annual payment of $120000 beginning immediately. You will receive a total of 15 payments. If you can invest the cash flow in an investment that is paying 8% annually, what is the present value of this annuity? (2 Marks)


  1. XXX company has forecast a rate of return of 20% if the economy booms (30% probability); a rate of return of 19% if the economy in in a growth phase (40% probability); a rate of return of 2.50% if the economy in in decline (20% probability); and a rate of return of -10% if the economy in a depression (10% probability). What is the company standard deviation of returns? (3 Marks)



Identify and disclose specific assumptions used in analyzing each goal and need. Discuss the resolution of any conflicts between the clients’ goals and needs, and the ability to satisfy them due to financial or other constraints. Identify the extent to which other professionals are required to implement any recommendations.

The Future of Bush Brothers & Company: Developing a Shared Vision for a Complex Family Enterprise

The case study should include the following:

  1. Assess the clients’ current financial condition.
  2. Identify the major Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. (SWOT).
  3. Identify and disclose specific assumptions used in analyzing each goal and need.
  4. Discuss the resolution of any conflicts between the clients’ goals and needs, and the ability to satisfy them due to financial or other constraints.
  5. Identify the extent to which other professionals are required to implement any recommendations.
  6. Conclude by statichong your recommendations and implementation plan.


Ten years ago, Amanda Cortez invested $20,000 in an account paying an annual interest rate of 5%. What is the value of the investment today? What is the interest on interest earned on this investment?

Principles of Finance (FIN101) Deadline for students

A company had cash and marketable securities worth $200,000 accounts payables worth $51,000, inventory of $1,501,500, accounts receivables of $5,288,128, short-term notes payable worth $220,000, other current liabilities of 100,000, and other current assets of $121,800. Calculate the company net working capital and describe how managers manage the firm working capital. (2 Marks)

Your parents have given you $1,500 a year before your graduation so that you can take a trip when you graduate. You wisely decide to invest the money in a bank CD that pays 7% interest. You know that the trip costs $1600 right now and that inflation for the year is predicted to be 3%. Will you have enough money in a year to purchase the trip? Show your calculations. (2 Marks)

If the following financial information related to XYZ Company. Total Revenues last year $970, depreciation expenses $50, costs of goods sold $450, and interest expenses $55. At the end of the year, current assets were $121 and current liabilities were $107. The company has an average tax rate of 35%. Calculate the net income for XYZ Company by setting up an income statement. (2 Marks)

Calculate the common-size balance sheet from the following information for the company: (2 Marks)

Ten years ago, Amanda Cortez invested $20,000 in an account paying an annual interest rate of 5%. What is the value of the investment today? What is the interest on interest earned on this investment? (2 Marks)

You have just won a lottery that promises an annual payment of $120000 beginning immediately. You will receive a total of 15 payments. If you can invest the cash flow in an investment that is paying 8% annually, what is the present value of this annuity? (2 Marks)

XXX company has forecast a rate of return of 20% if the economy booms (30% probability); a rate of return of 19% if the economy in in a growth phase (40% probability); a rate of return of 2.50% if the economy in in decline (20% probability); and a rate of return of -10% if the economy in a depression (10% probability). What is the company standard deviation of returns? (3 Marks)



Analyze the financial statements to better understand and use the information that they provide us. Reflect on this chapter and comment on one thing that stood out to you in this weeks materials and assignments.

Chapter 17 Analysis of Financial Statements Discussion

As we wrap up the final week of financial accounting for the course, we are looking at how we can analyze the financial statements to better understand and use the information that they provide us. In this discussion post, in about 2 paragraphs to reflect on this chapter and comment on one thing that stood out to you in this weeks materials and assignments.

Be sure to post not only your original response to this prompt,


Describe two (2) steps you should take to evaluate and choose health care insurance options. Describe one (1) consideration you should take into account when looking into the option of private health care insurance.


C07J Personal Finance

TEXT Book: Personal Finance (Subscription) BY Jeff Madura Seventh edition


Part A:  Describe two (2) steps you should take to evaluate and choose health care insurance options.

  1.   Describe one (1) consideration you should take into account when looking into the option of private health care insurance.


Part B:  Describe one (1) way that the decision to invest in stocks affects financial planning, liquidity management, financing, and protecting your wealth.


Part C:  Before investing in mutual funds, describe two (2) other issues that you would want to address in your overall financial plan.


What can the historical income statements and balance sheets tell you about the financial health and current condition of KK Doughnuts? Are there items in the financials that would concern investors?

Krispy Kreme case analysis

The Krispy Kreme case analysis (done in group) focuses on financial ratio analysis and financial statement analysis for a firm that expanded too quickly which consequently hurts its financial health.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What can the historical income statements (case Exhibit 1) and balance sheets (case Exhibit 2) tell you about the financial health and current condition of KK Doughnuts? Are there items in the financials that would concern investors?
  2. How can financial ratios extend your understanding of financial statements? What questions do the time series of ratios in case Exhibit 7 raise? What questions do the ratios on peer firms in case Exhibits 8 and 9 raise?
  3. Is Krispy Kreme financially healthy at year-end 2004? If yes, what else accounts for the firm’s recent share price decline? If no, which part of the firm’s financial fundamentals mainly explains the recent share price decline?
  4. What recommendation would you like to provide to the senior managers in Krispy Kreme?


Explain the risk structure of interest rates. Differentiate between the expectations theory and the market segmentation theory of the term structure. Explain the liquidity premium theory

Risk structure of interest rates

Explain the risk structure of interest rates.

Differentiate between the expectations theory and the market segmentation theory of the term structure.

Explain the liquidity premium theory



Explain the importance of Glass-Steagall Act in the U.S. Banking Industry. Provide the summary of two past events where Glass-Steagall Act was used. What are the main steps to be followed by the organizer of a new bank especially in the U.S. Financial Market?

Explain the importance of Glass-Steagall Act in the U.S. Banking Industry.

Assignment Questions

Q1: Explain the importance of Glass-Steagall Act in the U.S. Banking Industry.  Provide the summary of two past events where Glass-Steagall Act was used.


Q2A: What are the main steps to be followed by the organizer of a new bank especially in the U.S. Financial Market?

Q2B: What Factors are often taken into consideration while evaluating the sites for the new branch office of the bank.                                                                                            


Q3: Albilad Bank decides to install 2 ATMs near to its one of the full services branches in Dammam. Each ATM costs 35000 SAR to the bank. ATM Installation cost is 16000 SAR for each machine. Each ATM has a projected life of 10 years. Both ATMs are expected to handle 50,000 cash transaction collectively and, on an average, bank can save 0.40 SAR on each transection in teller expenses. If Albilad bank has a 12% cost of capital, should the bank go ahead with this Investment in 2 ATMs.