Demonstrate an awareness of the variety of financial instruments. Examine the role of the financial system in the economy and the rationale for financial intermediation.

Financial intermediaries

Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes:

After completion of Assignment-1 students will be able to:

LO1.Demonstrate an awareness of the variety of financial instruments.

LO2. Examine the role of the financial system in the economy and the rationale for financial intermediation.

LO4.Compare and contrast the role of and function of organized financial markets and financial intermediaries

LO 5. Demonstrate the connection between interest rates and asset prices.

Assignment Questions

Students must use proper references to justify their assignment work.

The Assignment questions are as follows:

  1. Suppose Lina wants to start her new business for producing organic products, but she has no money to start her business. Suggest her two different funding options and their functions. So Lina can get the funds easily to run her business.
  1. Suppose you are interested in buying your dream Sports car after one year from now. You estimate that the car will cost $40,000. If your local bank pays 5 percent interest on savings deposits, how much money will you need to save in order to buy the car as planned?
  1. Distinguish between primary markets and secondary markets with the help of suitable examples.
  1. Explain the phrase with an example “a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow.”





Identify different issues and laws applicable in the context of doing business. Examine the different legal approaches and legal tools available for the conduct of business. Analyse different systems of law, their interpretation and their application to business.

Business Finance

1.1 Considering the legal system in England, create a scenario concerning the commercial activity of an English organisation that brings together four individuals and that meets the requirements set out below:

One of the individuals is personally responsible for the organisation’s debts and controls and manages the business;

The other three individuals are only liable for debts up to the amount of money or property they had contributed to the business when it was set up;

The organization does not have a separate legal personality and is tax transparent.

The scenario should include a general description of the organisation’s business operation(s).

1.2 Concerning the scenario you created in the previous answer, indicate which areas of law are most relevant to the management of the commercial organisation you described and explain why.

It assesses the following learning outcomes:

Understand the role of law as a business and management tool;

Identify different issues and laws applicable in the context of doing business;

Examine the different legal approaches and legal tools available for the conduct of business.

  1. A seller from Brazil agreed to deliver 400 tonnes of corn to the premises of a buyer in Iran for $ 60,000. While the merchandise was in transit by sea, a war began, and the ship was seized for a few months. Thus, when the corn finally reached the buyer, it was mouldy. The buyer, however, accepted the corn since the war interrupted the grain imports.

Buyer and seller agreed the goods delivered are worth about $ 56,250, not the $ 75,000 that would be the value of the merchandise without mould.

2.1 Explain if the situation described is governed by the UNIDROIT Principles of International Business Agreements or the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (or neither or both).

2.2 Explain how much should the buyer pay for the corn delivered?

It assesses the following learning outcomes:

Identify different issues and laws applicable in the context of doing business;

Examine the different legal approaches and legal tools available for the conduct of business;

Analyse different systems of law, their interpretation and their application to business;

Apply theoretical knowledge and understanding of business law to practical issues and challenges.


What rules and regulations do companies wishing to list on this U.S. exchange need to follow and how might that affect listing decisions?

4-2 Project

Oversight and Governance. Use this section to explain how different markets are regulated, by which agencies, and how that might impact decisions on which market(s) to list in. You must address:

A. U.S. Exchanges. Select a major U.S. exchange(s) that the company you are reviewing could have considered in making its IPO listing decision. If the company is listed on a specific U.S. exchange, use that market. Be sure to answer:

  1.  What rules and regulations do companies wishing to list on this U.S. exchange need to follow and how might that affect listing decisions? Your answer should focus on basic entry and operation standards, including requirements for non-U.S. companies to trade on U.S.
    exchanges, citing relevant sources.
  2.  How are U.S. market regulations enforced and by which agencies? How might the costs of compliance and consequences of non compliance have affected the company’s listing decision? Justify your response.

B. International Exchanges. Select a major non-U.S. exchange(s) that the company you selected could have considered in making its IPO listing
decision. If the company is listed on a specific non-U.S. exchange, use that market. Specifically:

  1. How can you determine the rules, regulations, and oversight bodies for this non-U.S. market? In other words, where would you look to
    find this information and how would you know to look there? Support your response with concrete examples.
  2. What rules and regulations do companies wishing to list on this non-U.S. exchange need to follow and how is compliance enforced? How might those factors have affected the company’s decision? Your answer should focus on how basic market requirements and compliance mechanisms are (or are not) different than those for U.S. exchanges, citing relevant sources.

C. Multiple Markets. Analyze whether the selected company should or should not have considered listing its initial public offering (IPO) in more than one market. Justify your response. For example, can a company legally list in more than one market? If so, under what conditions? What are the risks and returns for attracting individual and corporate investors?

D. Interest. Analyze how interest rate policies and announcements affect returns and decisions about listing in the two markets you selected. Provide specific examples to illustrate your answer. For example, how are interest rates determined in U.S. versus non-U.S. markets? How do governments use interest rate decisions to try to influence the markets under different conditions?

As you consider the many concepts you have studied in Chapter 3, which are pertinent in this case? What do you believe caused these problems? What were the failures of control systems, at all levels, What allowed the dysfunctional behaviors to go unchecked?

Wells Fargo

From 2011 until 2016, the employees of the Community Bank, Wells Fargo’s Consumer retail banking arm, opened 2 million unauthorized customer accounts and credit cards and sold products and services to customers under false pretenses in an effort to increase sales and drive up profits.

As you have observed while reading the case, there were many different problems at Wells Fargo: their sales practices, their internal control systems; their employee incentives, their risk management and control systems and their board structure. Underlying all of these is a flawed Structure, the key contingency factor that led to the widespread misconduct and later prevented it from being detected and eliminated.

As you consider the many concepts you have studied in Chapter 3, which are pertinent in this case? What do you believe caused these problems? What were the failures of control systems, at all levels, What allowed the dysfunctional behaviors to go unchecked? What was the roles of the Board? Why did they not intervene? What should be done to repair the damage and prevent such a crisis from ever happening again?

Remember, these questions are just to spur your thinking. Your Case Notes should:

-Highlight a limited number of key points from the case;

-Describe the major issue and offer solutions; and

-Apply course concepts form the Structure chapter to support your analysis.

If you wish, feel free to offer more current information on Wells Fargo. Here is a very brief, and very low-key overview of the Wells Fargo crisis from the Financial Times:

Wells Fargo scandal explained

2- Answer this question in one paragraph :

After a several years and several mistakes, in 2019, the Board of Directors of Wells Fargo finally found a new CEO, Charles Scharf, who had a long and successful career in the banking and credit card industry. Shortly after assuming his position, a headline in the February 12, 2020 Wall Street Journal announced “Wells Fargo Shuffles its Business Units.” According to the article’s author. Scharf overhauled the banks reporting lines in his first move “to stamp out the corporate structure implicated in its fake-account scandal.” (Eisen, WSJ 2/12/2020)

If Scharf had consulted with you prior to this overhaul, what structural changes would you have recommended and why?

Remember to support your answer and comment on one of your classmates responses


What was Tropical Clinics dollar growth in assets during 2021? What was Tropical Clinics growth rate in assets during 2021? What was Tropical Clinics growth in equity?

Answer question 1 and 2 showing your calculations / formulas. Assignments submitted without calculations will receive a zero grade.

  1. Tropical Clinic had total assets of $500,000 and an equity balance of $350,000 at the end of 2020. At the end of 2021, Tropical Clinic had $570,000 in assets and $375,000 in equity.
    1. What was Tropical Clinics dollar growth in assets during 2021? (Dollars)
    2. What was Tropical Clinics growth rate in assets during 2021? (Percent)
    3. What was Tropical Clinics growth in equity? (Percent)
  2. Fill in the missing values labeled (a) through (i). You will have 9 answers. Below is financial statement information on three not-for- profit organizations.
Financial Statement Data on Three Not-for-Profit Clinics
  Lowland Clinic Casio Clinic Jarrod Clinic
December 31, 2019:      
        Assets $80,000 $100,000 (g)
        Liabilities $50,000 (d) $75,000
        Net Assets (a) $60,000 $45,000
December 31, 2020:      
         Assets (b) $130,000 $180,000
         Liabilities $55,000 $62,000 (h)
         Net Assets $45,000 (e) $110,000
During 2020:      
         Total Revenue (c) $400,000 (i)
         Total Expenses $330,000 (f) $360,000
Increase in Equity $15,000 $8,000 $65,000


Explain Risk and Return. How important are the exceptions to the efficient market theory? Is management an off-balance sheet liability? How can we explain the success or failure of new securities or markets?

Week Seven Assignment

See below for ten (10) unsolved problems in finance, answer number one and choose three (3) others and analyze those problems.

1. The effects of Inflation on Financial Management

2. Explain Risk and Return.

3. How important are the exceptions to the efficient market theory?

4. Is management an off-balance sheet liability?

5. How can we explain the success or failure of new securities or markets?

6. How can the dividend or payout controversy be resolved?

7. What risks should a firm take?

8. What is the value of liquidity?

9. How can we explain the concepts of mergers and acquisitions?

10. Why are financial systems so prone to crisis?

Use APA format for all written assignments, content should be a minimum of 5-6 pages in length. Not including the cover and reference page.

Write a brief paragraph that explains how financial analysts use accounting principles to analyze a business’s financial health. What accounting information do financial analysts use?

FIN 320 Project One Financial Analyst Job Aid

[This job aid has two goals. First, it reviews a financial analyst’s daily responsibilities. Second, it describes how financial management is important to a business.

To complete the job aid, replace the bracketed text with your own content. Remove this note before you submit your job aid.]

Financial Responsibilities

[In this section, describe the responsibilities of a financial analyst. Write five to seven bullet points outlining the responsibilities a financial analyst has. Use complete sentences.]

  • • [Responsibility 1]
  • • [Responsibility 2]
  • • [Responsibility 3]
  • • [Responsibility 4]
  • • [Responsibility 5]
  • • [Responsibility 6]
  • • [Responsibility 7]


Financial Management Decisions

[In this section, discuss the importance of analyzing and managing finances to help make business decisions. Give examples to support your claims.

Consider the bullet points you outlined in the previous section. Then write a brief paragraph that answers the following questions. Use examples to support your claims.

  • How do these responsibilities help inform management decisions?
  • •What would happen if management didn’t have this information?]


Accounting Principles

[In this section, explain how to use accounting principles to analyze a business’s financial health. Give examples to support your claims.

Write a brief paragraph that explains how financial analysts use accounting principles to analyze a business’s financial health. In your paragraph, also answer the following questions:

  • • What accounting information do financial analysts use?
  • • What would happen if that information was not available or was not accurate?]


Financial Statements

[In this section, describe how to use financial statements to help businesses make finance-related decisions. Give examples to support your claims.

Think about how financial analysts identify the information contained in financial statements. Then write a brief paragraph that answers the following questions. Use examples to support your claims.

  • • What do financial analysts need to do their job?
  • • What types of finance-related business decisions would this information help businesses to make?]


Financial Terminology

[In this section, explain how a financial analyst uses key financial terms every day. Make sure your response is clear and easy to understand.

Define each term listed below. Then, for each term, write one or two sentences showing how a financial analyst might use the term. In your response, imagine the analyst is communicating with management, helping them make an important decision.]


• Financial statement

o Definition: [Insert definition.]

o How this is used: [Insert explanation.]


• Liquidity

o Definition: [Insert definition.]

o How this is used: [Insert explanation.]


• Working capital

o Definition: [Insert definition.]

o How this is used: [Insert explanation.]


• Diversification

o Definition: [Insert definition.]

o How this is used: [Insert explanation.]


• Time value of money

o Definition: [Insert definition.]

o How this is used: [Insert explanation.]



[List any references, including the textbook, in APA style.]

demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Describe the purpose and function of financial management in an organization.

Job aid templete is attached on uploads

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Describe the purpose and function of financial management in an organization

You’ve been an entry-level financial analyst for six months. Your supervisor plans to fill another entry-level financial analyst position on your team. Your supervisor has asked you to create a job aid about the financial analyst role. The purpose of the job aid is to help the new hire move smoothly into the role. The job aid must describe the responsibilities of a financial analyst. It must also describe the impact the role has on a business.

Create a job aid for a new hire to an entry-level financial analyst position. Your job aid should be thorough. But it should also be easy to understand for someone new to the field of finance. You’ll use the Project One Financial Analyst Job Aid template (linked in the What to Submit section) to complete this assignment.

In your job aid, you’ll give a general overview of financial management and its importance to a business. Specifically, you must address the following:

Financial Responsibilities: Describe the responsibilities of a financial analyst.
Write five to seven bullet points outlining the responsibilities a financial analyst has. Use complete sentences.

Financial Management Decisions: Discuss the importance of analyzing and managing finances to help make business decisions. Give examples to support your claims.
Consider the bullet points you outlined in the previous section. Then write a brief paragraph that answers the following questions. Use examples to support your claims.
How do those responsibilities help inform management decisions?
What would happen if management didn’t have this information?

Accounting Principles: Explain how to use accounting principles to analyze a business’s financial health. Give examples to support your claims.
Write a brief paragraph that explains how financial analysts use accounting principles to analyze a business’s financial health. In your paragraph, also answer the following questions:
What accounting information do financial analysts use?
What would happen if that information was not available or was not accurate?

Financial Statements: Describe how to use financial statements to help businesses make finance-related decisions. Give examples to support your claims.

Think about how financial analysts identify the information contained in financial statements. Then write a brief paragraph that answers the following questions. Use examples to support your claims.
What do financial analysts need to do their job?

What types of finance-related business decisions would this information help businesses to make?
Financial Terminology: Explain how a financial analyst uses key financial terms every day. Make sure your response is clear and easy to understand.

Define each term listed below. Then, for each term, write one or two sentences showing how a financial analyst might use the term. In your response, imagine the analyst is communicating with management, helping them make an important decision.

  • Financial statement
  • Liquidity
  • Working capital
  • Diversification
  • Time value of money

Understand the role of financial statements and how they help a business determine its financial health. Explain why cash flow management is important to the financial health of a business.

Journal: Financial Statements and Cash Flow Management

In Project Two, you’ll analyze and evaluate a business’s financial health. You’ll also recommend financing options that improve the company’s financial health. Use the Project Two Business Options List to choose the business that you’ll examine in Project Two. Then use Mergent Online( to locate the most recent quarterly financial statements for the business: the balance sheet, the income statement, and the cash flow statement.

To succeed in your Project Two assignment, you will need to understand the role of financial statements and how they help a business determine its financial health. You will also need to explain why cash flow management is important to the financial health of a business.

Explain and analyze any one of the rescue programs either for the global financial crisis or Covid-19 crisis with a focus on what was the intended effect?

Discussion Post

Various rescue programs were employed by Central Banks during the 2008 Financial Crisis as well as during the Covid-19 induced pandemic.

Explain and analyze any one of the rescue programs either for the global financial crisis or Covid-19 crisis with a focus on what was the intended effect?