What is their current net worth? Assuming that they have no current bills other than those that are listed, what is their current ratio? What is their debt ratio?

Tim and Autumn Davis

Tim and Autumn Davis are trying to figure out their current financial health. They will pay off their car loan in three years, their gross household income is $5,700 per month, and they receive $95 per month in interest income from their investments. They have listed the following items from their most recent statements.  They have approximately $48,000 of expenses every year.

  • Savings account: $3,200
  • Checking account: $1,800
  • Credit card balance: $3,000
  • Car loan balance: $18,000
  • Car market value: $15,000
  • Furniture market value: $4,000
  • Stocks and bonds: $15,000

1) What is their current net worth?

  1. A) $21,000
  2. B) $39,000
  3. C) $18,000
  4. D) -$21,000

2) Assuming that they have no current bills other than those that are listed, what is their current ratio?

  1. A) 0.79 times
  2. B) 1.67 times
  3. C) 2 times
  4. D) Not enough information available

3) What is their debt ratio?

  1. A) 123 times
  2. B) 3 times
  3. C) 1.23 times
  4. D) 0.54 times

4) What is their approximate month’s living expenses covered ratio?

  1. A) 2.50 months
  2. B) 1.25 months
  3. C) 0.50 months
  4. D) 3.50 months
  5. E) Not enough information to answer this question

Choose three of the prompts below to address in your journal entry. Discuss the exchange rate system classification of the home country of the company you have chosen to study. What influence has the government of the country had on the exchange rate in recent years, if any?

Unit III Journal

Choose an international company (not based in the United States) on which to base your journal entry. Reflect on the company and the concepts in the unit while considering the current exchange rate and the interest rate for the company you have chosen.

  • Choose three of the prompts below to address in your journal entry.
  • Discuss the exchange rate system classification of the home country of the company you have chosen to study.
  • What influence has the government of the country had on the exchange rate in recent years, if any?

Consider the 1-year interest rate of the home country for the company you have chosen to study. In your opinion, is covered interest rate arbitrage feasible for a U.S. investor? Is it feasible for investors of the foreign country? Explain in detail why or why not.

Based on the theory of purchasing power parity (PPP), what is the general forecast of the value of the currency in the country?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length.


Do they offer guidance to you as a retail investor in choosing between passive funds and actively managed funds? Do they state some investment beliefs?

EBC2054 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management

Mutual Funds Case B – Active versus Passive Fund Management

The assignment

Check the websites of several mutual fund families and try to answer the following questions:

  • Do they offer guidance to you as a retail investor in choosing between passive funds and actively managed funds?
  • Do they state some investment beliefs?
  • Do they favor active management over passive management?
  • Does the opinion differ for the different asset classes?

As an alternative to mutual funds you may also look at pension funds, insurance companies, and/or large wealth management firms. Search their websites for brochures or statements on their investment beliefs.

Of course, you may also talk to investment managers if possible.

Collect at least 6 opinions from different sources. Finally provide your own opinion on this issue.


Explain some of the reasons why comparisons of this type can frequently be either difficult to perform or produce misleading results.

Company’s performance

Your boss, the CEO, asks you to analyze our company’s performance in relation to our competitors, but she only gives you a short timeframe for the project. You can do this either by comparing the firms’ balance sheets and income statements or by comparing the firms’ ratios. If you only had time to use one means of comparison, which method would you use and why? What are the drawbacks of using your selected method?

It is commonly recommended that the managers of a firm compare the performance of their firm to that of its peers. Increasingly, this is becoming a more difficult task. Explain some of the reasons why comparisons of this type can frequently be either difficult to perform or produce misleading results.

It’s said that going public is the ‘dream come true’ moment for private companies. If taking a company public is such a good idea, why don’t all companies choose to do so? What are the risks? What are the benefits?

Week 5 Discussion

Answer the following questions. cite all sources used, do not use Wikipedia.

Assignment: It’s said that going public is the ‘dream come true’ moment for private companies. If taking a company public is such a good idea, why don’t all companies choose to do so? What are the risks? What are the benefits?

ain how fiscal planning ties into the strategic planning. Describe the role that healthcare administrators play in budgeting. Specifically address the role administrators play in the construction and implementation of operating and capital budgets.

Finance in healthcare

For this assignment, you will create a paper designed to train others on the role of healthcare administrations in fiscal planning and fiscal management. Instructions:

As a regional healthcare administrator for a long-term care organization, you have been asked to train a new group of healthcare administrators who just completed their degrees. They have no work experience in healthcare administration or financial management.

For this assignment, you will develop 4 page paper explaining the role of healthcare administrators in fiscal planning and financial management. Your paper should address each of the following:

Explain how fiscal planning ties into the strategic planning. Be sure to provide at least two concrete examples. In this context, fiscal planning may be considered strategic financing.

Describe the role (direct or indirect) that healthcare administrators play in budgeting. Specifically address the role administrators play in the construction and implementation of operating and capital budgets.

Assess how fiscal planning and financial management help ensure that provider organizations remain compliant with federal, state, and local regulations. Conversely, you should assess how those regulations impact fiscal planning and healthcare financial management. Review the 4 Cs of healthcare finance: cost, capital, control, and cash by writing a brief definition of each and explain, with rationale, the impact of the 4 Cs on the success of health service organizations.

Propose the application of Lean Six Sigma concepts as a tool for in strengthening the revenue cycle of provider organizations. Your presentation should meet the following formatting requirements: Be 4 pagers in length. Include 3–5 quality references. The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is: Analyze the healthcare administrator’s role in fiscal planning and management.



How much the investor would pay for the bond assuming $1,000 face value and using the last price listed in quotation? Calculate the current yield of the bond assuming that par value of the bond is $1,000. How much is the YTM listed in quotations is for the bond? Explain the meaning of YTM.

FINC 330 – Week 4 Discussion

For this week discussion you will be using


The information on bonds can be found on the website http://finra-markets.morningstar.com/BondCenter/Default.jsp.

In your initial response you should answer the main question: If you are an investor who is looking for a corporate bond to invest to, are you going to buy a bond that you chose?

To answer this question you should complete three steps:

1). Copy the bond’s quotation from the website.

2). Describe the main elements of the bond:

Coupon rate

Calculate annual coupon payment (assuming face value $1,000)

What is the frequency of coupon payments of the bond? If the frequency is greater than 1, how much is payment is going to be?


Rating. Explain the meaning of rating.

The last price listed in quotation

  • How much the investor would pay for the bond assuming $1,000 face value and using the last price listed in quotation?
  • Calculate the current yield of the bond assuming that par value of the bond is $1,000.
  • How much is the YTM listed in quotations is for the bond? Explain the meaning of YTM.
  • Is the bond callable or not? If the bond that you chose is callable (non-callable), will it change your decision to buy it?

3) Take a look at the balance sheet and income statement of the company. What data or ratios support your decision to buy this bond or not? You should develop a specific recommendation, with supporting rationale to explain your answer.

In your responses to other students you should answer the question: Would you prefer to buy the bond issued by the company chosen by another student? You should develop a specific recommendation, with supporting rationale to explain your answer.


Compare the types of equity securities that companies can use to raise equity capital and understand how share prices are determined.

Research Project 2022 Financial Instruments and Markets

You are expected to undertake research, analysis, take responsibility for your submission. Questions are linked – they are broken down into marks to assist you in structuring your answers and research.

  1. Compare the types of equity securities that companies can use to raise equity capital and understand how share prices are determined.
  2. Interpret international financial economic theories in relation to financial instruments and markets, including the effect on calculation of financial instrument prices
  3. Ethics and behavioural finance


Compare and contrast the basic financial statements for non-profits to those same statements for government and for-profit organizations. Explain why these differences and similarities are important when contrasting non-profit organizations from the government’s financial roles and responsibilities as well as effectiveness and efficiency.

Financial Statements

Download the booking exercise spreadsheet, fill out the spreadsheet, and post it to your discussion.


Compare and contrast the basic financial statements for non-profits to those same statements for government and for-profit organizations. Explain why these differences and similarities are important when contrasting non-profit organizations from the government’s financial roles and responsibilities as well as effectiveness and efficiency.

As a reminder, check out this website to help with understanding the key differences between Non-Profit and For-Profit Organizations.


Was the decision to expand internationally likely based on one theory or a combination of theories? What method of business does your company use to conduct international business? Why? Is there another alternative form of conducting business that might have worked for your company?

Unit I-International Finance

Choose an international company on which to base your journal entry. Find a recent online article about your chosen company that discusses international finance, provides real-world examples, and discusses concepts covered in this unit. Briefly summarize the article, and provide a link.

Reflect on the company, the concepts in the article, and the commonly accepted goal of a multinational corporation to maximize shareholder wealth.

Choose three of the prompts below to address in your journal entry.

Do you believe the company is doing a good job of shareholder wealth maximization? Why, or why not?

Does the company you have chosen to study have any additional goals, besides maximizing shareholder wealth?

What theory of international expansion did your company most likely have as a rationale for expanding internationally?

Was the decision to expand internationally likely based on one theory or a combination of theories? What method of business does your company use to conduct international business? Why?

Is there another alternative form of conducting business that might have worked for your company?

Suggested search terms are listed below: repatriated foreign earnings, country risk, direct foreign investment, joint venture, international licensing, multinational corporation, finance risk, balance of trade, international trade, outsourcing, and currency effects.