What collateral and/or security is SCS prepared to offer to secure the loan with Second Arizona? How likely is it that the Bank will actually lend SCS this much money?

Scottsdale Ceramic Supply

Read the whole case and answer questions 6 and 7 in the document. that is about corporate finance

  1. What collateral and/or security is SCS prepared to offer to secure the loan with Second Arizona?
  2. How likely is it that the Bank will actually lend SCS this much money?
  3. Can you develop practical suggestions to guide SCS in the near future?
  4. What advice do you have for Hernandez? Provide any additional analyschoes you believe is important.


What are the different ways to fund a company or the government? If you had a company, what method of financing would you use and why?

Workshop 5 Essay

Write an essay in which you develop the following topic:

What are the different ways to fund a company or the government?

If you had a company, what method of financing would you use and why?

Contribute a minimum of 3 pages. It must include at least 4 academic sources (there are 2 references for each question, 4 in total), formats and cited in accordance with current APA regulations. Avoid plagiarism.

What process does a company take to raise capital? Are there different methods for different types of companies? What are the risks and benefits of each?

Week-3 Discussion

What process does a company take to raise capital?

Are there different methods for different types of companies?

What are the risks and benefits of each?


1 page in APA format, provide sources use to answer the questions. Do not use Wikipedia.

Book use in this course: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance by Brealey | Myers | Marcus, 10th edition, McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9781260703887



How much will you have in 4 years? You have $450,000 to invest. If you think you can earn 7%, how much could you accumulate in 10 years? If a commodity costs $500 now and inflation is expected to go up at the rate of 10% per year, how much will the commodity cost in 5 years?

Assignment 1.1

Solve problems by finding and using the Future Value, annunity table, and Present Value tables and show your solution process step by step including the formulas. You won’t get any credit, if you simply give the answer to the problem. You deposit $2000 today at 6% interest.

How much will you have in 5 years? You invest $5,000 today. You will earn 8% interest. How much will you have in 4 years? You have $450,000 to invest. If you think you can earn 7%, how much could you accumulate in 10 years? If a commodity costs $500 now and inflation is expected to go up at the rate of 10% per year, how much will the commodity cost in 5 years? How much would you have to deposit now to have $15,000 in 8 years if interest is 7%? If you want to have $10,000 in 3 years and you can earn 8%, how much would you have to deposit today?

If you think you can sell an asset for $25,000 in five years and you think the appropriate discount rate is 5%, how much would you be willing to pay for the asset today? How much will you have when deposit $25,000 for 9 years, if the interest is 12%? If you want to have $200,000 in 3 years and you can earn 12%, how much would you have to deposit today? If you think you can sell an asset for $60,000 in five years and you think the appropriate discount rate is 9%, how much would you be willing to pay for the asset today?

For example, you were buying a classic car. John is 25 years old right now. He needs $650,000 at age of 65 to retire comfortably. If his mutual fund account can generate an average annual rate of return of 7%, how much money he needs to put in right now? Bank Certificate of Deposit (CD) gives you 3% interests, how much money will you have in 20 years when you deposit $7500 today? John deposits $1000 into company Raw IRA each month (another type of retirement tool) that could earn 5% average each year. How much will her account be worth at the end of the 20-year period?

Steve receives $1500/month from a trust fund for 30 years when he turns 20 years old. What is the present value of total payment given discount rate of 7%. You rent a booth in Christina Mall to sell cell phone covers. You order the covers from a ware house for $28 a dozen (12 pieces). The average selling price for the covers is $9.98. You have to pay $3200 for the monthly rent and $200 administration fee every month.Calculate your monthly Break Even Point.

You rent a booth in Christina Mall to sell cell phone covers. You order the covers from a ware house for $28 a dozen (12 pieces). The average selling price for the covers is $9.98. You have to pay $3200 for the monthly rent and $200 administration fee every month. You also need to pay a sales person commission $1.2 per cover sold.Calculate your monthly Break Even Point.


Place your ratio calculations in the PayPal Financial MS Excel on the Ratios sheet for 2013 -2015. Provide the formula used to calculate each ratio in the column to the right of your calculations.

Unit 2 Discussion

Must be completed in Microsoft Excel

In 2015, PayPal was spun off from eBay and provides electronic payment solutions for both consumers and merchants and maintains a focus on online transactions. For this assignment, you will utilize the attached PayPal Financials MS Excel file to create the major financial ratios. There are four sheets in the PayPal Financials MS Excel file; ratios, income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow. Using this file you will calculate and report the ratio data for PayPal for 2013 – 2015 and input the data on the first sheet (Ratios).

Place your ratio calculations in the PayPal Financial MS Excel on the Ratios sheet for 2013 -2015.
Provide the formula used to calculate each ratio in the column to the right of your calculations. For example, for calculating the Gross Margin for a company, you would enter Gross Profit / Sales (gross profit divided by sales).
When calculating values, you should use the SUM function in MS Excel and reference the values directly from the accounting statements provided. You will find an example for the expectations for calculations and the formulas in the attached file with Gross Margin calculated for 2013 – 2015.

Utilize the attached PayPal Financials MS Excel file to create the major financial ratios. There are four sheets in the PayPal Financials MS Excel file; ratios, income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow. Using this file you will calculate and report the ratio data for PayPal for 2013 – 2015 and input the data on the first sheet (Ratios).

Unit 2 Discussion

Must be completed in Microsoft Excel

In 2015, PayPal was spun off from eBay and provides electronic payment solutions for both consumers and merchants and maintains a focus on online transactions. For this assignment, you will utilize the attached PayPal Financials MS Excel file to create the major financial ratios. There are four sheets in the PayPal Financials MS Excel file; ratios, income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow. Using this file you will calculate and report the ratio data for PayPal for 2013 – 2015 and input the data on the first sheet (Ratios).

Place your ratio calculations in the PayPal Financial MS Excel on the Ratios sheet for 2013 -2015.
Provide the formula used to calculate each ratio in the column to the right of your calculations. For example, for calculating the Gross Margin for a company, you would enter Gross Profit / Sales (gross profit divided by sales).
When calculating values, you should use the SUM function in MS Excel and reference the values directly from the accounting statements provided. You will find an example for the expectations for calculations and the formulas in the attached file with Gross Margin calculated for 2013 – 2015.

Discuss the reason the firm exists (the goal of the firm) and the remedy for unethical practices.

Week 2 – Discussion


Many believe that the dodgy actions of some bankers in the years leading up to the financial crisis were encouraged by a competitive culture in which success was measured by the number and profitability of each person’s deals. In light of such a culture:

Discuss the following:

  1. i) The reason the firm exists (the goal of the firm)
  2. ii)  Remedy for unethical practices (10 points)

(Further explanation: you need to discuss the role and/or the goal of corporations. Next, you offer some of the unethical corporate practices that may have led to financial turmoil or sowed the seed of their demise (going to jail or huge fines). After that, offer some possible solutions to curb such unethical practices. Do some research on the topic and make sure that you provide the references at the bottom).

Utilize the Park Library Databases to collect and analyze data relevant to your final case. Access the Library databases from Canvas and select Library. Select Company Research and scroll down to Business Source Complete.

Unit 1 Discussion

Resources are prevalent and accessible for conducting research on publicly traded companies (Yahoo Finance, MarketWatch, CNN Money, etc). For this week’s critical assessment, you will utilize the Park Library Databases to collect and analyze data relevant to your final case. You will access the Library databases from Canvas and select Library. Select Company Research (top center of page) and scroll down to Business Source Complete. Business Source provides reports and analyses covering company, industry, and financial data.

Using Business Source choose one of the following topics to present in a professional critical analysis using a minimum of 350 words.

Asset 340.png Topics (Choose one)
Choosing either Visa or MasterCard, conduct your search via Business Source. Identify key competitors with the industry and utilize the SWOT analysis information to discuss and critically analyze Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

Choosing either Visa or MasterCard, conduct your search on Business Source or an external financial site. Using the Financial Data, Financial Statement and Analysis and our Ratios and Formulas, evaluate your chosen companies ROE and Net Profit Margin from 2019. Critically evaluate the importance of these ratios and how your company compares to their competitors.

Your critical response should have a minimum of two sources published in the last 12 months which should be used to support the content within the postings, proper in-text citations. Your responses should be professionally written and correctly formatted references should be prepared consistent with the APA. The list of references should be physically positioned at the end of the postings.

Integrate the course concepts and integrate them with Biblical concepts. Write an essay describing how the Bible is related to the topics covered in the course.

Biblical concepts

This assignment seeks to integrate the course concepts and integrate them with Biblical concepts.
More specifically, you will write an essay describing how the Bible is related to the topics covered in the course.

Below are the specifics requirements for this assignment:
 The essay must be at least 1,000 words and include a clear integration of the Bible in relation to a course topic,
 You must use at least 2 scholarly sources to substantiate your position (you may use the textbook as 1 source).
 Sources must be cited in current APA format.

What unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today.

Undergraduate admission essay

Prompt is Tell us your story. What unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today.