What are the strength, weakness, and/or limitations associated with implementing the discounted cash flow valuation model and the comparable multiple valuation model, respectively

Case study on Baidu.com

What are the strength, weakness, and/or limitations associated with implementing the discounted cash flow valuation model and the comparable multiple valuation model, respectively?

Compare various definitions in this workshop’s readings of adequacy, equality, and equity in school finance programs and formulas. Identify the implications of a changing demographic on developing equitable and equal finance programs and formulas.

School finance

WS 1 School Funding Instructions

Part 1-
Create a chart or matrix that presents the pros and cons of utilizing the following sources of revenue for school funding:
• Income taxes
• Sales taxes
• Property taxes
• Sumptuary taxes
• Severance taxes
Research the Serrano v. Priest and San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriquez cases.
Write 350 words comparing and contrasting these cases. How do these cases guide and inform current school funding principles?

Part 2
Create a table or diagram summarizing the problems and ramifications involved with creating school finance formulas designed to provide greater equity and equality in schools.
Compare various definitions in this workshop’s readings of adequacy, equality, and equity in school finance programs and formulas.
Identify the implications of a changing demographic on developing equitable and equal finance programs and formulas.
Include a brief summary of how education benefits the economy and society.

To what extent were the global markets affected financially by the impacts of COVID19, and how were these impacts reduced?

Effect of COVID19 on global markets

To what extent were the global markets affected financially by the impacts of COVID19, and how were these impacts reduced?

What are the most important current threats to the stability of the major financial systems? In particular, what risks are posed by the prospect of higher interest rates in response to rising inflation?

Stability of the major financial systems

What are the most important current threats to the stability of the major financial systems? In particular, what risks are posed by the prospect of higher interest rates in response to rising inflation?

Provide a written report that addresses key aspects in relation to Business Finance and Economics taught in the module, such as the economic factors that determine the competitive environment of an organisation, the role and importance of accounting and financial reporting in terms of planning, control and decision-making.

Business Finance and Economics

The assignment requires a written report that addresses key aspects in relation to Business Finance and Economics taught in the module, such as the economic factors that determine the competitive environment of an organisation, the role and importance of accounting and financial reporting in terms of planning, control and decision-making. In addition, the report requires a numerical element that offers a solution to a set of key financial ratios and demonstrates an understanding of these in terms of organisational performance. The report must include relevant theories, concepts and formulas from which a solution will be offered, using five elements.

Following the Assignment Brief and Guide, address each of the 5 questions / elements of the assignment and use appropriate theories, concepts and formulas to demonstrate your understanding of the key concepts involved

Perform a stand-alone valuation and a valuation for Acquisition. Come up with a justifiable long-term growth number.

Valuation Case


Project should include the executive summary, the case write-up, and formatted and relevant spreadsheets (8-page max). The Excel workbook should be your own and not just provide back to me the case spreadsheets (format and keep what is relevant and provide “pretty” worksheets of your calculations). Use Sun Micro systems case to complete below

  •   Perform a stand-alone valuation (i.e. no synergies) and a valuation for Acquisition (i.e. using the synergies and associated costs).  The Synergistic valuation will be the valuation that you use for the recommendation.
  •   Use a tax rate of 35%
  •   Use an MRP of 6.0%
  •   Constant growth/steady-state is not obvious within the case. Come up with a justifiable long-term growth number. GDP growth forecasts would be a “ceiling” on growth. The 10-year treasury is sometimes used, inflation forecasts (2% to 2.5%), or a rate between inflation up to 5% could be used as well. Just be able to justify your position.
  •   Make sure to give only one opinion, but feel free to discuss alternative valuations that were considered but not recommended.
  •   Hint: since this is for acquisition, you may want to look at the WACC for the true comparable rather than just the WACC of Sun and/or also consider a “re-levered beta”.
  •   Hint: A lot of the work is done for you in this case including Net PPE (i.e. Fixed Assets). Use the percent of sales technique (2009 NWC/2009 Revenue) to forecast Net Working Capital.

Let the numbers tell the story. Look at the forecasted years’ (2010-2014) EBIT (Operating Income).

What to (at least) include in the case write-up:

  • The assignment
  • Relevant history of Oracle, Sun, and the prospective merger
  • Cost of Capital
  • Valuation
  • Assumptions with justification
  • Recommendation

Who was involved? How was the fraud committed? What was the outcome? What recommendations do you have to stop such a fraud relating to this conflict of interest?

Fraud Case

Research fraud cases that involved agency conflicts. Provide the following:

· Overview of the organization

· Who was involved?

· How was the fraud committed?

· What was the outcome?

· What recommendations do you have to stop such a fraud relating to this conflict of interest?

Identify and discuss a recent global financial crisis. Critically evaluate financial literacy including the impact on macroeconomic factors i.e. inflation, unemployment and GDP.

Personal Finance

1. Significance of the assessment

This is the coursework for the Personal Finance module of the BA Hons Accounting & Finance. It consist of an INDIVIDUAL 2,000- word limit Report (pg3)

2. Assessment Requirements


Written Report – Assessment 1: 60% Weighting
Research and prepare an individual report on the impact of financial literacy on global financial crisis and mental/physical wellbeing of the citizens.

Your report should cover the following minimum requirements:
i. Identify and discuss a recent global financial crisis.
ii. Critically evaluate financial literacy including the impact on macroeconomic factors i.e. inflation, unemployment and GDP.
iii. Conclude your report with interventions and measures taken by the public and private sector to improve financial literacy.

Plot the movement of the cross rates you calculated from part c) on a separate diagram. Clearly label your axes. In no more than 1-2 sentences, briefly comment on the cross rate diagram you have constructed.

International Finance, Cross rates

The information you present in the report is up to you but there are some questions that must be specifically addressed. These are listed below and must be incorporated into your report/presentation.

  1. Comment in no more than 2-3 paragraphs on the exchange rate movement of each of the two chosen currencies (i.e. the Australian Dollar and the Turkish Lira) over the time period shown and make any comments as to possible explanatory causes you believe may have contributed to any noticeable patterns, peaks or troughs in the diagrams shown


  • Note* While Covid-19 certainly had an impact on exchange rates, it must be remembered that this was a relatively recent event (2020 -2022). Your discussion should therefore be inclusive of the entire 5 years shown on the graphs.


  1. Comment on whether the Australian Dollar and the Turkish Lira have appreciated or depreciated over this period in terms of the Chinese Renminbi. Justify your analysis with relevant calculations using the information shown below (which was taken from the diagrams).


Year Australian Dollar/ Chinese Renminbi rate Turkish Lira / Chinese Renminbi rate
18 Jan 2017 5.17838 1.82311
18 Jan 2018 5.12899 1.68475
18 Jan 2019 4.86940 1.26408
18 Jan 2020 4.71856 1.16493
18 Jan 2021 4.98210 0.867676
18 Jan 2022 4.56488 0.469323
  1. We also have access to the cross rates for USD/TRY for the same comparable time period i.e. the United States Dollar and the Turkish Lira. These cross rates have been added to the previous table and are shown below. Based on these three (3) series of cross rates, complete the table below showing the cross rates for the Australian Dollar / United States Dollar (AUD/USD) for the time periods listed below. In other words, calculate the cross rates for column 5 below.



Year Australian Dollar/ Chinese Renminbi



Turkish Lira / Chinese Renminbi



United States Dollar / Turkish Lira



Australian Dollar / United States Dollar



18 Jan 2017 5.17838 1.82311 3.76184  
18 Jan 2018 5.12899 1.68475 3.81868  
18 Jan 2019 4.86940 1.26408 5.35780  
18 Jan 2020 4.71856 1.16493 5.88842  
18 Jan 2021 4.98210 0.867676 7.46804  
18 Jan 2022 4.56488 0.469323 13.511  



  1. Plot the movement of the cross rates you calculated from part c) on a separate diagram. Clearly label your axes. In no more than 1-2 sentences, briefly comment on the cross rate diagram you have constructed.


  1. You must have a bibliography using the Harvard system of referencing citing any readings, links, urls’s, etc. for the materials you used. A suggested number of references is between 4 – 10 references. Harvard referencing information can be found on the USQ Library main site (https://www.usq.edu.au/library/referencing/harvard-agps-referencing-guide). Note in particular the Web Documents and sites link if you are using internet references.


  1. Finally, don’t forget that your report should be concise and should be no more than 500 words in length or alternatively no more than 10 PowerPoint slides in total. Note that word length excludes tables, appendices and calculations. As such, any detailed technical information can be inserted into appendices to your report if need be. Finally, while in text citations do count as part of your word limit, your references list (bibliography) does not.

Discuss the motives of Brazil’s move and its implications on the country’s economy after the change. What strategy should you employ in order to manage the exchange rate exposure resulting from the change in the currency regime?

Partido Switch Plc

You are the CEO of Partido Switch Plc, which is a multinational corporation, incorporated in the US but invests in many emerging countries including Brazil. Brazil used to have a fixed exchange regime regarding its currency (Before the year 1999). However, Brazil moved to adopt a free float exchange rate regime as from January 1999.

a) Discuss the motives of Brazil’s move and its implications on the country’s economy after the change (60%). 600 words.

b) What strategy should you employ in order to manage the exchange rate exposure resulting from the change in the currency regime? (40%) 400 words.

Specific Guidelines for Report:
1- Your essay should not rely solely on the lecture notes and core textbooks.

2- You are expected to use external resources and professional databases to learn more about the topic and provide an adequate analysis. All external sources must be referenced accordingly.

3- You are expected to mention all possible techniques to manage the exposure of the company, but speak in details about one technique of your choice.

4- A good essay should include real market examples, figures and tables to support your arguments (especially when talking about Brazil’s situation and the chosen hedging technique).

5- You are entitled to use a numerical example of your own when it comes to the hedging technique.

6- Only use academic sources for statistic, graphs, data and research

7- No plagiarism!


General guidelines for Report:
I. Your essay should clearly demonstrate analytical, critical and evaluative skills in relation to international financial management.

II. It is expected that your essay should demonstrate a wide background of reading and research; and only then, you would get an above average grade.

III. All references should be acknowledged – (Harvard Referencing)

IV. Great standards of written English and presentation are expected and marks will be deducted if such standards are not met.

V. The length of the Report should be no more than 1,000 (exceeding the word limit by even 1 word will cost you 10% of the mark). Bibliography and tables do not count towards the word count!

– There needs to be lots of research done on Brazils economy to be able to answer the questions at a high level.

– Make sure you go over all the files and Lectures especially lecture 4 that I have uploaded, very important

– Make sure to read the case study question properly and answer all parts of the question carefully, every part of the questions has to be targeted.

– Your report, argument and points have to flow well, with critical thinking being shown. There needs to be figures, stats and graphs to back up your points and argument as well as calculations to explain