Whats the impact of money laundering on financial institutions and solutions to mitigating the risks.

A Study of Major Financial Centers in the Caribbean

Whats the impact of money laundering on financial institutions and solutions to mitigating the risks.

Review this video and analyze the various components and the financial implications within our industry.

Financial implications

Review this video and analyze the various components and the financial implications within our industry.


What were the main solutions/ approaches implemented in the case study? How did the author justify rationally the use of these approaches and how did they connect them with the problems and their causes? Illustrate the underlying concepts, purpose and procedures related to the SPC and Lean.

Operations Management Assessment-2022

Answer the following questions:

1- What is the main problem facing the SME food company? Describe the analysis followed by the authors in investigating the problem extent and implications, causes and root cause. Describe, define, and state the purpose of the tools used in the case study to analyze the problem and its root causes. What type of wastes can be attributed to the disclosed problems?

2- What were the main solutions/ approaches implemented in the case study? How did the author justify rationally the use of these approaches and how did they connect them with the problems and their causes? Illustrate the underlying concepts, purpose and procedures related to the SPC and Lean.

3- What were the results achieved?

4- Conduct a review of the benefits of applying Lean and SPC in any industry using appropriate references and research publications.

5- Which is better for a company that adopts cost leadership strategy to be agile or to implement lean? Justify your answer.

Part B (15 Marks)
Word count: Minimum 1500 words.
Compare and contrast the focus on reducing the cost era with the focus on quality era within the evolution stages that operations management has progressed through.

.State the top three (3) investments which had the BEST result based on the annualized return. Write two (2) to three (3) lines explaining why your best selection outperformed the rest.

Term Paper

Invest $100,000 of “funny” money in twenty different companies. In ten different industries:
1.Technology and communications
5.Consumer goods
7.Soft drinks
10.Oil & gas

The minimum requirements for the Portfolio analysis:

1.Show your investments in twenty (20) well DIVERSIFIED investments.

2.Indicate the industry or the specific section (i.e. gold, oil & gas, technology, entertainment, transportation, consumer goods, bio-technology, pharmaceuticals, etc.) that each investment represents.

3.The TOTAL Dollar amount of return (Profit/Loss.)

4.The percentage return.

5.Specify the holding period or duration of the investments in the portfolio

6.Show the percentage return calculated in the above item number 4 on an annualized basis.

7.State the top three (3) investments which had the BEST result based on the annualized return.

8.Write two (2) to three (3) lines explaining why your best selection outperformed the rest.

9.Specify which ones had the WORST results based on the annualized return.

10.Write two (2) to three (3) lines explaining why your WORST selection did so badly compared o the rest.

11.What did you learn from creating and tracking a portfolio?

12.Other comments and conclusions.

Evaluate different capital budgeting methodologies for their potential to promote sound, data-driven decision making in different business contexts. Apply risk management practices for making informed capital budgeting decisions through appropriate quantification, mitigation, and pricing of risk.

9-1 Final Project: Proposed Strategies FIN – 630

Analyzing capital investments to compare portfolios viability, financial profitability, risks, and future successes is an important skill for multiple roles in a modern corporate world. Organizations are looking for research and analytical skills in aspiring practitioners of finance. As future decision makers, this project serves as a realworld example of capital investment strategy and decisionmaking. You will be able to immediately apply the practical skills gained in this final assessment in your workplace.
The final project for this course is a capital budgeting case report centered on a fictional firm (the New Heritage Doll Company). You will assume the role of a research analyst presented with two different, competing capital investment options. Specifically, you will evaluate different capital budgeting methods and then apply those methods to analyze the two options. Additionally, you must complete a risk assessment for each of the projects. Ultimately, you will recommend one of the two options and defend your proposal for the senior management of the company. The product of your inquiry will be a capital budgeting case report intended for your executivelevel audience.
The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three, Five, and Seven. The final product will be submitted in Module Nine.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

  • Employ appropriate financial tools for accurately assessing the strategic value of various capital investments.
  • Apply the perspective of senior management for properly examining resource allocation within corporations.
  • Evaluate different capital budgeting methodologies for their potential to promote sound, datadriven decision making in different business contexts.
  • Apply risk management practices for making informed capital budgeting decisions through appropriate quantification, mitigation, and pricing of risk.
  • Develop coherent capital budgeting strategies reflecting the strengths and weaknesses of various capital budgeting opportunities.

Why were banks reluctant to lend to each other and customers after the Global Financial Crisis hit?

Financial market and institutions

Discussion questions: The three discussion questions will cover 30 or 40 marks each, totalling 100 in all. It will be assessed based on the completeness of the answer, clearness of explanations, clarity of arguments and other criteria set for each specific question (such as providing examples, critical assessment, providing recommendations etc). Students should make the link from theories of financial markets that we cover in class to real life market developments and policy measures.

Ahead of the mid-term, here is a sample question and short model answer (one paragraph) that I would probably give full marks to.

Question: Why were banks reluctant to lend to each other and customers after the Global Financial Crisis hit?

What are the risks, and how will you mitigate them? What obstacles could prohibit you from meeting the objectives of the merger, and how will you handle them? How does the deal provide value, considering the objective you are trying to achieve?

Final Project: Kroger – Recommendations FIN-660

In the recommendations section, you will decide how your company should proceed (see the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document for full details). You will look at the risks associated with the recommendation, such as political integration, cultural issues, resistance from shareholders, tax implications, and regulatory issues. Cross-border mergers and acquisitions have additional risks related to environmental laws, employment laws, intellectual property laws, antitrust laws, and financial regulations. You will also explain how the deal structure brings value to your organization. As you compose your final project, consider the following questions: What are the risks, and how will you mitigate them? What obstacles could prohibit you from meeting the objectives of the merger, and how will you handle them? How does the deal provide value, considering the objective you are trying to achieve? What can you do to make sure the merger goes smoothly and that shareholder value is achieved?

Identify three forecast content items. How will they be measured and what is the expected status of the content items in the future? Which forecasting techniques should you use? Why?


  1. Identify three forecast content items.
  2. How will they be measured and what is the expected status of the content items in the future?
  3. Which forecasting techniques should you use? Why?


As an investor, discuss which company you would choose to invest in and provide a rationale for your decision. Support your conclusions, why or why not?

Coke an Pepsi

Write a 8-10 page research paper on the selected companies below. The 8-10 pages do not include the title page, graphs or references. The paper must include an introduction or abstract and a summary conclusion. (I will assign the group members to the groups.)

OPTION: Your group may select any two companies, who are competitors in the same industry. Please let me know in advance if you wish to select different companies than what is offered below.
Company Examples:
• Coke and Pepsi

Project Assignment Using Coke and Pepsi as an Example:
Long time competitors in the soft drink industry, PepsiCo and Coca-Cola continue efforts to gain additional market share. Which do you prefer, Coke or Pepsi? Let’s take a look at these two companies from a financial perspective rather than our drink preference.
To learn more about PepsiCo and Coca-Cola Enterprises, download the latest PepsiCo 2014 Annual Report at: https://www.pepsico.com/docs/album/default-document-library/pepsico-2014-annual-report_final.pdf and the Coca-Cola 2014 Annual Report at http://ir.cokecce.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=117435&p=irol-reportsannual:. Review the annual reports for general information.

1. Read -Understanding the Income Statement at: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/04/022504.asp

2. Read -Reading the Balance Sheet at: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/04/031004.asp

3. Compute- the following financial ratios for both companies and provide as an appendix to the required paper. If you need help understanding the meaning of the ratios or how to they are computed, go to: http://www.investopedia.com/university/ratios/

  • Liquidity measurement ratio: · Current ratio
  • Profitability indicator ratios:· Return on assets · Return on equity
  • Debt ratio: · Debt ratio
  • Operating performance ratio: · Fixed asset turnover ratio
  • Cash flow indicator ratio: · Dividend payout ratio
  • Investment valuation ratio: · Price / Earnings ratio

For each company and comparing the two, you are to write a eight to ten (8-10) page report that answers the following:
1. Provide a short background on each company, the industry and the market (growing, declining, etc?) in which they operate. (This should be no more than 1- 1.5 pages for both companies in total and can be a part of your introduction.)

2. Using the current ratio and debt ratios, discuss what conclusions you can make about each company’s ability to pay current liabilities (debt). Support your conclusions. Which company is doing better, why or why not?

3. Using the profitability and operating performance ratios, discuss what conclusions you can make about each company’s profits over the past three years. Support your conclusions. Which company is doing better, why or why not?

4. Using the cash flow indicator and investment valuation ratios, discuss which company is more likely to have satisfied stockholders. Support your conclusions. Which company is doing better, why or why not?

5. As an investor, discuss which company you would choose to invest in and provide a rationale for your decision. Support your conclusions, why or why not?

6. After concluding your research about each company and reviewing their annual report, Discuss what non-financial criteria you would consider when choosing between these two investment options? Support your conclusions, why or why not?

NOTE: You will be graded on the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills.

Explain the importance of finance and liquidity to organisations. Identify the different types of business entity and the regulatory and reporting requirements associated with each. Assess financial information and make appropriate recommendations professionally.

Financial and Managerial Decision A2


The aim of this assignment is to track the profitability and liquidity of an organisation over the last five years using published financial statements that have been prepared according to relevant regulatory and reporting requirements and use this historical information and forecasts to indicate the most likely profitability for the year ending 28 February 2022 and the most likely liquidity of the organisation as of that date.

Throughout the assignment groups should also keep detailed “contact reports” (using social media) which summarise group meetings and agreed actions. These should be included in the appendices and will be referred to in cases of uneven contributions to the work.


Completion of this assignment will enable you to meet the following module learning outcomes:

·     Explain the importance of finance and liquidity to organisations.

·    Identify the different types of business entity and the regulatory and reporting requirements associated with each.

·    Assess financial information and make appropriate recommendations professionally.

·     Display confidence explaining basic financial information.