Calculate the net income for Ferraro Corporation by setting up an income statement.

Finance Question

Ferraro Corporation provided following financial information. Total Revenues for the year ended MaArch 31, 2020, was $950,345. general and administrative expenses of $232,565 depreciation expenses $105,075, costs of goods sold $345,180, and interest expenses $55000. At the end of the year, current assets were $121,573 and current liabilities were $107,509. The company has an average tax rate of 25%. Calculate the net income for Ferraro Corporation by setting up an income statement.

All derivatives are based on the random performance of something. Identify and discuss this word “something.”

Discussion ; Financial Derivatives

All derivatives are based on the random performance of something. Identify and discuss this word “something.”

What role do microfinance institutions play in supporting the growth and adoption of mobile banking and electronic payment systems in developing countries?


What role do microfinance institutions play in supporting the growth and adoption of mobile banking and electronic payment systems in developing countries?

What is securitization? Explain how mismanagement of securitization is part of the 2008 GFC. You need to explain ABS, MBS & CDO process and how did the Financial Crisis spread over from the US to other countries and become Global Financial Crisis.


What is securitization? Explain how mismanagement of securitization is part of the 2008 GFC. You need to explain ABS, MBS & CDO process and how did the Financial Crisis spread over from the US to other countries and become Global Financial Crisis.

Analyze an annual report and audit reports, and to prepare financial statements for a selected company, including an income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows.

Financial Reporting Summative Assessment:

Purpose of this Assessment
The final assessment for this competency is to analyze an annual report and audit reports, and to prepare financial statements for a selected company, including an income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows.

Items Required for Submission
In order to demonstrate mastery of your competency, you will submit:
1. A one- to two-page analysis of a selected Annual Report and audit reports
2. An income statement
3. A balance sheet
4. A statement of cash flows
5. A reflection on what the numbers in the statements mean

Collect historical data for 3 stocks from the Saudi stock market (TASI).Compute the Return R= P1-P0/P0. Compute Expected Return for each stock and the Standard Deviation and the Correlation or Covariance. Create 30 portfolios with these three stocks but changing the wights in each portfolio.

Simple project

Step1-Collect historical data for 3 stocks from the Saudi stock market (TASI).

Step2- Compute the Return R= P1-P0/P0.

Step3- Compute Expected Return for each stock and the Standard Deviation and the Correlation or Covariance.

Step4- Create 30 portfolios with these three stocks but changing the wights in each portfolio.

Step5- Compute the Expected Return and the Standard deviation(risk) for the portfolio.

Step6- Draw the efficient frontier.

Compare the market price of the target company with the value estimates using EV / E * BDITA ratio and P/E ratios.

Discussion 4

Step 4: Follow the example in Q4-2, work out the relative valuation for your target company in the project

For your target company, also pick three to four companies in the same industry for comparison

  • Collect financial statement for both the target company and its comparable.
  • Estimate EBITDA P / E ratio, EV/EBITDA ratios for both the target company and its comparable
  • Estimate the Enterprise value and equity value using the comparable EV / E * BITDA ratios
  • Estimate the equity value using the comparable P /E ratios.

Compare the market price of the target company with the value estimates using EV / E * BDITA ratio and P/E ratios.

All derivatives are based on the random performance of something. Identify and discuss this word “something.”

Financial derivatives 405

All derivatives are based on the random performance of something. Identify and discuss this word “something.”

Discuss the major risks involved in investing in young business/start up. Discuss the significance of valuation methods in private equity settings.

Questions about finance subject

Discuss the major risks involved in investing in young business/start up. ( 300 words)

Discuss the significance of valuation methods in private equity settings. ( 300 words)

Imagine that you will start small business or investment in product or service that is unique in the market and will solve current problem. Ex: medicine required, or technical required, or tools required in the market.

( Please mention the goals, models, selling strategy and people that are attracted, some problems and the solutions. Also, what’s the next steps or goals in the future )  ( 300- 400 words)


All derivatives are based on the random performance of something.

Identify and discuss this word “something ( 300 words)


With the global recession we recently have along with the increasing possible failure of many financial institutions across the world ; USA, Europe and possibly China. How would you explain all of these events especially with the mater fact that global consumptions have increased after recovering from COVID19 with increasing demand for many products & high levels of inventory, but at the same time there is high cost in the capital market (even Euromarket) as long as deleveraging by many local & global financial institutions.  On the other hand, labor market has been improved worldwide.

Identify a creator from the twentieth or twenty-first century who you think made an important contribution to art and culture in the form of cultural works that impacted society.

Human Culture

Identify a creator from the twentieth or twenty-first century who you think made an important contribution to art and culture in the form of cultural works that impacted society.
Describe one of the cultural works they created and the medium. Mediums can include dance, literature, sculpture, visual arts, architecture, music, performance, and so forth.
What questions about human culture does this work prompt?
What big questions do you think influenced the cultural work you selected? Consider addressing how this connects with the larger human need to express.