Explain why you think you are a suitable candidate, and what you think you will contribute to the course.

Foundation year course in Finance


Explain why you think you are a suitable candidate, and what you think you will contribute to the course.

Develop a fiscal condition analysis of Maumelle, Arkansas analyzing the most recent three-year revenue and expenditures data of Maumelle, Arkansas. Utilize Excel Tools and charts to compute and create tables to create a fiscal condition analysis for Maumelle, Arkansas.


Sound fiscal health is imperative to ensuring the effective operation of governments. Thus, governments should periodically assess their financial condition. Performing a financial condition analysis can provide governments with valuable information on the current and future state of their finances. The analysis can highlight potential fiscal problems and provide information necessary for corrective action. By taking action to address weaknesses and strengthen fiscal health, government can better ensure that resources are available to fund the level and quality of services expected by taxpayers.

For this assignment you will write an 8-10-pages (not including title page, reference page, and any appendices). More specifically, you will need to:

1) Develop a fiscal condition analysis of Maumelle, Arkansas analyzing the most recent three-year revenue and expenditures data of Maumelle, Arkansas.

2) Utilize Excel Tools and charts to compute and create tables to create a fiscal condition analysis for Maumelle, Arkansas.

Your fiscal condition analysis will focus on the five (5) most important financial indicators for local governments:
• Total Revenues
• Property Taxes
• Sales Taxes
• Operating Expenditures
• Personnel Costs

To successfully complete this assignment, please refer to the Research Paper: Fiscal Condition

Explain why you think you are a suitable candidate, and what you think you will contribute to the course.

Foundation year course in finance

Explain why you think you are a suitable candidate, and what you think you will contribute to the course.

Analyze the role of public policy with regard to your project. What policies and processes should be in place to create an effective program? How will you measure the effectiveness of your program and your provision of health care services?

Feasibility study

Building on the work you completed in Weeks Two and Four, you will complete a feasibility study based on a pre-approved health care project of your choice. Using the feasibility study outlined in the Daniels and Dickson (1990) article as a model, and including a minimum of six other scholarly sources, create a 12- to 15-page feasibility study that includes the following headings and supporting information:

Evaluating Feasibility
The concept of a feasibility study is central to viability, the “worth to the effort” ratio, and return on investment (ROI). What needs to be taken into consideration to create a feasibility study (e.g., human resources, community needs, and technological advances, federal and state regulatory issues)? Within this section, you will research and design an economical health care service that is responsive to a given market. This research stems from understanding your target population and present need in health services. Furthermore, as you have seen from the Daniels and Dickson (1990) article, you must appraise your human resources, capital investment, and how your effort will yield a return on investment from a facilities perspective as well as the tangible greater good of providing healthcare to a community.

Strategic Effect
Analyze the role of public policy with regard to your project. What policies and processes should be in place to create an effective program? How will you measure the effectiveness of your program and your provision of health care services? Develop a microeconomic model that is responsive to the specific health care service demands of your target population. For example, the current trend of the medical home model, which allows for the coordination of care, allows for better communication among service providers as well as convenience for patients. Is the population a market priority? How does your program serve a need for your target population?

Market Analysis
Within this section you will identify the population demographics, who your competitors are, and whether or not a real need for the services you are proposing exists in the community. As you examine the demographic and population needs using Census data and other reliable sources, you must also consider what competitors, if any, exist in the present climate. This requires an evaluation of the present socioeconomic and cultural trends influencing how people make decisions in health care. In addition, in this analysis you will need to compare and contrast economic challenges and incentives among health care’s organization models. This comparison requires an understanding of past challenges and incentives that other organizations have implemented.

Financial Analysis
This section includes the revenue, expenses, and net income. Compare and contrast economic challenges and incentives by finding and describing multiple sources of public and private funding (e.g., grants, donations, awards, special projects) for this project. Include a reference list for your funding sources that is formatted in APA as outlined in the Writing Center. Next, identify the funding constraints for each source. Include limitations of monies awarded, timing issues, fitting the needs of the funding sources, difficulties of connecting with private funders, etc. Finally, specify the internal ramifications of moving forward using SWOT analysis. What are the fixed and variable costs associated with your project? What are the annual maintenance and operation costs? Elaborate on how you arrived at your sensitivity analysis conclusions.

Operations Performance
This section examines the incremental effect of how your proposed service will impact all aspects of health services. This portion of the study explores how the statistical data you have researched affects the proposed service in terms of efficiency and value. This can be difficult to measure initially. However, through incremental and ongoing evaluation of operations, you can begin to see what constitutes the best performance in this instance and how it serves the target population. In this section, you will further illustrate the incentives and challenges faced by a health organization and communicate the relevance of economics within the U.S. health care system as it pertains to your proposed services.

If your proposed study has an inpatient component, this section will analyze on volume of patients, types of payers, and how utilization rates impact your proposed study. In addition, you will further explain how your new inpatient service will add value for patients and improve the financial viability of the institution. This section will require you to use both qualitative and quantitative data to justify the plan. Hospitals operate in terms of how many beds are occupied relative to how many are empty. Most CEOs want to see that a unit is running at near full capacity and that volume is increasing year to year. Analyze how your proposal will meet these demands by explaining the data you have collected and predicting potential financial outcomes. Finally, evaluate and explain how value-based care will impact your ability to maintain margins within this newly proposed service.

If your proposed study has an outpatient component, examine how admissions, revenue, and workflow of staff will improve the efficiency of your proposed service. Analyze how your outpatient service will add value for patients and improve the financial viability of the institution. Justify your plan with appropriate data. As stated in the inpatient section, the content here applies much the same way. However, the caveat for outpatient services lies in the ambulatory setting. This aspect should be most interesting under conditions created by the Affordable Care Act. The new paradigm shift will be toward more preventative, primary, and outpatient care settings to reduce the numbers of patients being admitted to hospitals. Please explain how your proposal takes these conditions into consideration. In this section, you will further compare and contrast economic challenges and incentives among health care’s organization models in an outpatient setting. You will also further augment your design in an economic framework that is responsive to your market.

This section examines future implications of your proposed services and how they will impact the future health outcomes of the community and financial health of the services being provided. Analyze economic theories that are germane to the provision of your proposed health services. What adjustments might you need to make in terms of what the “unintended consequences” may be? For example, Baylor Hospital in Houston proposed and spent 250 million to create a brand new hospital that currently stands empty because it was built during the U.S. economic downturn, the loan was no longer able to finance the construction, and the initial examination of its necessity did not play out as expected. Provide conclusions and implications of how your feasibility study fits within the larger context of the system of services currently being provided. How do they work with one another within the larger health care system?

Finally, evaluate how your study will respond to market and design models that impact the community based on current regulatory and market needs

What does the ValueLine per share data tell us? What about the past and projected annual rates of change? Pay close attention to the most recent figures and the trends we see in the data. Identify and discuss any strengths and/or concerns.

Business Finance

Overview: Annual Rates of Change and Key Company Risks

This week you will examine the company’s per share data and its annual growth rate percentages to get a sense of how well management has increased sales and controlled costs.

If you wish to change companies, go to the discussion thread for Discussion 1 to reserve your new company making sure no one else has already reserved it. If you decide to stay with the same company you used for Discussion 1, there is no need to re-reserve it.


The ValueLine Research Center

Go to the library website ()

Click the “I Want to Find …” dropdown menu and select Databases

Then, click the “All Subjects” dropdown menu and select Business

Once the search has loaded, click “V” in the alphabet bar or search to find the Value Line Research Center

Once you’ve opened the Value Line Research Center, enter the stock’s ticker symbol in the search box in the upper-right of the screen and click Quote or select the correct stock from the hidden menu.

Browse the research pages that follow

Scroll to the bottom of the page to view the most recent Value Line Company Report

Note: A sample Value Line document is posted in the Content area for this week. Also posted is a guide titled How to Read a Value Line Report. Pages 9-15 of the guide provide an excellent overview of how to read a Value Line company report.

Your task is to prepare a report with the required information provided below. Use the same heading names (in bold) before presenting the information as requested.

Report Headings

Name of Company and Ticker Symbol: Company name, ticker symbol

10-K Report: Paste the direct URL to the company’s most recent 10-K Report (1 point)

Company Website: Paste the URL to the company’s website (1 point)

Value Line’s Per Share Financial Data: Report the data for each of the last 3 years for which year-end data is available. In other words, stop just short of the Value Line column containing estimated data. The final year of data will be listed in the third column. See the Sample Value Line document in this week’s module to find the data. Format the data using the example below.

Value Line’s Annual Rates of Change: See the Sample Value Line document to find the data. Format the data using the example below. Be sure to update the column headings to reflect the three most recent fiscal years.

Value Line Per Share Financial Data




Average Annual Price/Earnings Ratio

Earnings per Share

Dividends per Share

Cash Flow per Share

Value Line Annual Rates of Change

Last 10 Years

Last 5 years

Next 5 Years

Annual Rate of Change in Sales

Annual Rate of Change in Earnings

Annual Rate of Change in Dividends

Evaluation: Share what we learn from the data and information collected for this discussion. What does the ValueLine per share data tell us? What about the past and projected annual rates of change? Pay close attention to the most recent figures and the trends we see in the data. Identify and discuss any strengths and/or concerns.


How do you leverage the information obtained through cost volume profit (CVP) analysis to determine the goods and services provided to consumers.

Leveraging Cost Volume Profit Analysis

How do you leverage the information obtained through cost volume profit (CVP) analysis to determine the goods and services provided to consumers.

Summarise the views presented in the two above research articles and link them to the views that financial industry holds about the effects of commodity financialisation for investment opportunities. 

Financialization of Commodity Markets


We would like you to begin by reading the following research papers:


  1. Bhardwaj, Geetesh, Gary Gorton and Geert Rouwenhorst (2015), “Facts and Fantasies about Commodity Futures Ten Years Later”, NBER Working Papers 21243, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. Available at: http://www.nber.org/papers/w21243.pdf
  2. Cheng, In-Haw and Wei Xiong (2014), “Financialization of Commodity Markets”, Annual Review of Financial Economics 1(6), 419-44, Available at:https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev-financial-110613-034432(earlier version, acceptable for this activity as well is here: http://www.nber.org/papers/w19642 )

In addition, we would also like you to read the following Financial Times articles:


  1. Bunge says China lenders dostorting soybean trade”, by Gregory Meyer, February 12, 2015
  2. Commodities explained: China’s new normal”, by Henry Sanderson, February 23, 2015
  3. Investment: Revaluing commodities”, by Gregory Meyer and John Authers, June 3, 2015
  4. Financialisation compounds commodity rout” by Satyajit Das, December 29, 2015
  5. Speculators march into China commodities” by Henry Sanderson, April 27, 2016
  6. A once timeless skill in commodities investing is under threat” by Gregory Meyer, July 6, 2018


There has been a debate in academia and the financial industry about the topic of commodity financialisation. Commentators focus on asking if commodity financialisation has significantly influenced commodity markets and the process of commodity price determination.


Now complete the following two tasks:

  1. Summarise the views presented in the two above research articles and link them to the views that financial industry holds about the effects of commodity financialisation for investment opportunities.
  2. In the light of what you have learned in this course so far (especially of the Theory of Normal Backwardation and Theory of Storage), discuss how, in your opinion, commodity financialisation has affected the relation between spot and futures prices for commodities?


In preparing your answers to the above questions (write around 300 words for each question), you may find it useful to reflect on the queries below in order to help help direct your thoughts. Please note – you are not required to answer these queries specifically in the written answers to the above two questions.

  • What does the term commodity financialisation represent?
  • What were the reasons for commodity financialisation?
  • Who were the main market participants in commodity futures markets before commodity financialisation and after that?

How does benchmarking or a balanced scorecard contribute to understanding the finances of an organization?

Understanding the finances of an organization

How does benchmarking or a balanced scorecard contribute to understanding the finances of an organization?

What value(s) can a healthcare administrator control for? What value does the variance analysis provide to the organization? If you are the CFO, what questions would you ask? What is your primary concern with regard to the variance report?

Healthcare 8.2

Provide a mock variance analysis for a healthcare organization of your choice. This may be a real or hypothetical organization. Include the following information:

Describe the components a 3-variance analysis for the organization. Explain each component.
What value(s) can a healthcare administrator control for?
What value does the variance analysis provide to the organization?
If you are the CFO, what questions would you ask? What is your primary concern with regard to the variance report?
What action plan might you put in place to address the variance?

Have you ever been involved in helping prepare a capital expenditure budget? Do you recall whether any of the four cash flow reporting methods were used?

Healthcare DB 8.1

Have you ever been involved in helping prepare a capital expenditure budget? Do you recall whether any of the four cash flow reporting methods were used? If you have not been involved in creating the capital budget, ask someone in your finance department to provide you with the directions they distribute each year when it is time to develop the capital budget for the coming year. Then, discuss what you learned about your organization’s capital budgeting process. (I work in a non-profit. We are looking into purchasing a building)