What article did you select, and why did you select it? How does the article describe and analyze PCAs? Why do companies use PCAs? How do PCAs impact the company’s future capital budgeting decisions?

Discussion: Postcompletion Auditing in Capital Budgeting Decisions FIN 630

This discussion will focus on the concept of postcompletion auditing (PCA) and how it can be applied when companies must make decisions about capital investment projects. You will use the Shapiro Library for your research. In the search window, type in “post-completion auditing.” You can also use Google Scholar or a general Google search, but make sure that the resource you use for this discussion is scholarly and verified.

Use the 4-1 Discussion: Postcompletion Auditing in Capital Budgeting Decisions FIN 630 to locate a scholarly article on postcompletion auditing processes. Concentrate on articles describing different industries, different countries, or different companies and how they use or adopt PCA when making capital budgeting decisions. In your initial post, you can address the following guiding questions:

What article did you select, and why did you select it?
How does the article describe and analyze PCAs?
Why do companies use PCAs?
How do PCAs impact the company’s future capital budgeting decisions?
What are other important points related to capital budgeting that you might cite from the article?
Was your article structured around a foreign market? What are the differences/parallels to American PCAs?

Craft an initial discussion post in which you suggest effective ways to minimize agency costs, other than compliance with regulatory agencies.

Discussion: Minimizing Agency Costs FIN-660

For this discussion you will examine agency costs and different ways to minimize them in order to maximize shareholder value.

As you discovered in this module’s reading, agency costs are the result of managing the relationship and resolving differences between the shareholders and management, especially when there is a conflict of interest. Craft an initial discussion post in which you suggest effective ways to minimize agency costs, other than compliance with regulatory agencies.

Critically assess the utility of Neural Networks in a modern financial environment.

The utility of Neural Networks in a modern financial environment

Critically assess the utility of Neural Networks in a modern financial environment.


Critically reflect on the process of your group work to complete the task. Critically reflect on your individual contribution in the group task. Discuss your individual learning process within the group work while carrying out the task.

Individual Reflective report – a Strategic Financial Management Report for a Multinational Company (Tesco)


Introduction – In this section, you should provide a short summary of your group work and the approaches taken to complete the group work.

Reflection – In this section you need to address the elements request in the individual reflective report task as per the following:

1) Critically reflect on the process of your group work to complete the task.

2) Critically reflect on your individual contribution in the group task.

3) Discuss your individual learning process within the group work while carrying out the task.

4) Critically reflect on the strength and weakness of working as a group.

5) Discuss alternative methods in carrying out the group report if given the chance to do the group task again.

Conclusion– In this section, you need to summarize the main discussions of your reflective report.

– construct an argument using appropriate academic references ,journal articles, models, theory and practical case examples to illustrate your points.

– The group experience was on of the best, everyone was participating and handling their part in good way. Although 3 members of the group got covid which affected our work for 10 days, we all helped each other and worked to finish before our deadline to have a well constructed work. This group taught me discipline and dedication in all aspects.

The Board is responsible for selecting the CEO . As such what legal obligation do they have in this regard ? What is the Sarbanes Oxley Law and how does it pertain in this situation?

Duties and Responsibilities

The IRS has handed notice to your home health agency that over $600,000 of back payroll taxes are due. This is a surprise to Board Members and they are asking for an explanation.


  1. The Board is responsible for selecting the CEO . As such what legal obligation do they have in this regard ?


  1. Monthly financial reports have been given to the Board by the CEO and prepared by the Finance Director. What happened and why might this have occurred?


  1. The IRS is asking for a payment plan or they will attach a lean on organization assets and those of the CEO, Finance Director and Board Members. Can they do this?


  1. What is the Sarbanes Oxley Law and how does it pertain in this situation?

Provide a one page summary


rite about the Electronic Cheques Clearing System (ECC) write it in a language that is directed to the readers even readers that do not have a financial background that they would be able to understand explain it in a nice way also mention the benefits for banks using this system and for customers using this system.


Topic 1 ) Write about the Electronic Cheques Clearing System (ECC) write it in a language that is directed to the readers even readers that do not have a financial background that they would be able to understand explain it in a nice way also mention the benefits for banks using this system and for customers using this system.

2nd topic for the second page: Automated Clearing House System (ACH) do the same thing explain what it is to make readers understand even if they do not have a financial background you can use investopdedia.com but do not copy anything

Do the Jones’s have a surplus or a deficit? If they have a surplus, suggest how they can use the extra money. Explain why it is important to have 3 to 6 months’ salary saved for an emergency fund. Explain the concept of “paying yourself first.”

Unit 4 – Individual Project

Rhonda Jones and her husband have a combined annual income of $50,000 after taxes. Their mortgage payment is $1,284 per month. Their average utilities payment per month is $403. The groceries and food expenses average $506 per month. They have a car payment of $402 a month. Their medical insurance is $198 per month. Gas for the car averages $102 a month, and their car insurance is $246 a month. Other miscellaneous expenses are $206 a month.

Download and complete this budget sheet, and submit it with this assignment. For this assignment, answer the following:

Do the Jones’s have a surplus or a deficit? If they have a surplus, suggest how they can use the extra money.
Explain why it is important to have 3 to 6 months’ salary saved for an emergency fund.
Explain the concept of “paying yourself first.”

Define this strategy and explain benefits and drawbacks to this approach as it relates to an expanding organization.

Discussion 2-1 FIN-660

For this assignment, you will be given a list of merger and acquisition strategies from which to choose, and you will discuss how your chosen strategy might influence your selection of a bidder for your final project.

Select one of the following merger and acquisition strategies:

-Operational synergy (economies of scale)

Define this strategy and explain benefits and drawbacks to this approach as it relates to an expanding organization. Then review the list of bidders in Milestone One PDF. Based on the strategy you have described, discuss the bidder that you are leaning toward. Why might you choose this particular bidder?

Identify and describe a long-term investment project (either real or fictional) that would likely require significant capital commitment.

Discussion 2-1 FIN 660

Why might companies disregard a positive NPV? MIT professor of financial economics Stewart C. Myers asserts that different decision rules might apply when investments are long-term rather than short-term (Myers, 1977). Financial managers may rationalize that it is in their immediate interest to invest in short-term projects because they bring the most shareholder benefits; this is, in other words, the so-called agency problem. However, what could be the long-term consequences of that strategy? Watch the short agency problem video (7:14) below for an explanation of this conundrum in detail with good examples.

Identify and describe a long-term investment project (either real or fictional) that would likely require significant capital commitment. If you were acting as a financial analyst, what factors would you consider in the decision to move forward or abandon the project? In your initial response, you may discuss such factors as:

Corporate structure
Market structure
Corporate goals and mission

Regardless of these factors, why might this project still be a worthy investment? Are there certain industries that might demand a more long-term strategy? Which ones? In your responses to your peers, compare and contrast your views with your classmates’ observations.

How sensitive is the project’s NPV to changes in fixed cost? How sensitive is the project’s NPV to changes in prices? How sensitive is the project’s NPV to changes in variable cost? Which factors seems most important to the success of the plane? Is the Mooreliner a risky project? Explain


The following table contains Grant’s estimates of demand, price, and fixed and variable costs for the Mooreliner under three alternative economic forecasts.

Important info –

The initial investment for the Mooreliner is $120,000,000

Cost of Capital 12%

Tax rate 35%

Project life 10 yrs


If all variables are assumed to be at their expected value (normal forecast).


How sensitive is the project’s NPV to changes in fixed cost?

How sensitive is the project’s NPV to changes in prices?

How sensitive is the project’s NPV to changes in variable cost?

Which factors seems most important to the success of the plane?

Is the Mooreliner a risky project? Explain