What are the ethical implications associated with each model? If you were the business office manager of a small practice, which payment model would you prefer and why?


Medical professionals and institutions, the importance of reimbursement in healthcare cannot be overstated: this is how they are paid, of course, and how they are able to continue providing services to consumers. But, as folks on both sides of the equation know, healthcare is far from simple, and neither medical decision-making nor healthcare reimbursement rates are simple—they are continually being reformed.

Ideally, healthcare providers would be able to make course-of-treatment decisions for their patients through patient symptoms, diagnosis, open discussions, and insight gleaned from the patient’s medical history. In other words, in an ideal world, consideration of how providers will be paid would not hinder physicians from making the soundest medical directives for the patient. However, we do not live in an ideal world, and complications in healthcare reimbursement often interfere with what may be the best course of treatment for particular patients. This is an important consideration for medical professionals, administrators, and lawmakers. However, a new trend is emerging: doctors who don’t take health insurance. These providers have opted to take cash payments, set up payments plans, or offer a monthly subscription. A growing number of doctors simply are not taking contracts with insurance companies, although the concentration varies by region and by specialty. That leaves patients to pay the market rate the doctor charges, and then submit a receipt to get reimbursement for out-of-network coverage, if they have it (1).

What are the ethical implications associated with each model? If you were the business office manager of a small practice, which payment model would you prefer and why? For this activity, you will choose an organization to research and create questions to ask as part of that research.

Your Week 3 assignment ask you to research the financial condition for a specific healthcare organization of your choice.

You will need to submit a Microsoft Word document with each of the following:

Use the Strayer Library or another verified source to identify a healthcare organization of interest. This should be 1–2 sentences that clearly identify the chosen healthcare organization and provide a high-level overview of what kind of organization it is and who the organization serves.

You will want to be sure there is plenty of information available about the organization, particularly financial information. This means you’ll likely need to choose a large organization that is required to make financials public.

To gain a better understanding of the financial condition of your chosen healthcare organization, its budget preparation process, and fiscal planning strategies, you will develop five questions that you will answer as part of your research.

Ideally, these would be questions you would ask a management official responsible for the financial planning for the organization. Provide a rationale for the questions you chose.

Think about questions that will give you insight into what the company looks for when preparing their yearly budget, their fiscal planning strategies, and how they monitor their financial condition throughout the year and make adjustments as needed.

Note: You may also choose to use these questions to interview a financial manager within a healthcare organization. The interview would then be the source of your information instead of the research.

What are the applicant’s strengths? Discuss areas where the applicant could improve. Discuss the applicant’s leadership abilities, interpersonal skills, motivation and initiative. Describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant.

What are the applicant’s strengths?

Discuss areas where the applicant could improve.

Discuss the applicant’s leadership abilities, interpersonal skills, motivation and initiative.

Describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Detail the circumstances and the applicant’s response. (Up to 300 words)


Clearly identify which one of the following two projects appears to be the most promising venture, upon initial review:

FIN 630 Journal 1-3

Carefully read the Harvard Business School case study about the New Heritage Doll Company. Once you have read the case study, answer the following questions:

Clearly identify which one of the following two projects appears to be the most promising venture, upon initial review:

Expansion of the successful “Match My Doll Clothing” line
Initiating a new “Design Your Own Doll” line

Offer three distinct and well-articulated reasons for your assessment.

Was the merger considered horizontal, vertical, or conglomerate? What was the value of the deal? How was the deal structured? What was the objective of the bidder? How did the target present opportunities to meet the objective of the bidder?

Discussion 1-1

For this assignment, you will begin examining mergers and acquisitions by choosing one from a list of merger and acquisition deals. You will give this deal a high-level overview.

Research and give a high-level overview of one of the following deals from 2016:

Qualcomm and NXP Semiconductors
Sunoco Logistics and Energy Transfer Partners
British American Tobacco and Reynolds American
Bayer and Monsanto
AT&T and Time Warner

Here are some questions to consider for your initial post, although you do not need to answer all of them:

Was the merger considered horizontal, vertical, or conglomerate?
What was the value of the deal?
How was the deal structured?
What was the objective of the bidder?
How did the target present opportunities to meet the objective of the bidder?
What concerns were inherent in the merger?

How long will it take for Mark get his balance to $0? What strategies should Mark use to pay off the card sooner?

Unit 2 – Individual Project Finance

Mark has a credit card with a $5,000 balance. His interest rate is 19%, and the credit card company requires a minimum 2% payment, this is $100 per month.

This interest calculator will show how much total interest Mark will pay.

Write a short paper (300–500 words) that answers the following questions:

How long will it take for Mark get his balance to $0? (Use the interest calculator linked below.)
What strategies should Mark use to pay off the card sooner?


Is it worthwile to have impact of Corporate Governance & Transparency on firm performance during COVID-19 pandemic?

Impact of Corporate Governance on firm performance during COVID-19 pandemic

Is it worthwile to have impact of Corporate Governance & Transparency on firm performance during COVID-19 pandemic?

Is it better to refinance a property whose value has risen substantially or is it better to sell the property? Why or why not? What is a like kind exchange (1031 exchange) and why may it be preferable to an outright sale?


Final Exam
Do yourself a big favor write very legibly or type. Because this exam is due before Friday, December 17th, at 11:59PM,
you may submit your exam electronically earlier than that time. I will not give credit for what I cannot read (so make sure
it is a PDF). You may use your book and notes to complete the exam. Be clear as to your reasoning and give helpful
examples when appropriate. Do not panic. I am available all week should you have questions. I expect answers with
detail commensurate to the question. Do not use your fellow students to help in any way. Use as much space as you like.

This Final Exam is worth 300 total points.
Select from any FIVE (5) of the following for 30 points (10 percent) each:

1. The advantages of increasing the TI allowance rather than offering lower base rent are:
2. React: A building leased to a highquality tenant is more valuable than the same building leased to a junk credit tenant.

1. Rent or Buy, tell me why. Be sure to cite for both commercial property as a ScheduleC business property as well as
owner occupied residential property.

3. Is it better to refinance a property whose value has risen substantially or is it better to sell the property? Why or why

4. What is a like kind exchange (1031 exchange) and why may it be preferable to an outright sale?

5. React: Mezzanine real estate financings always involve the lender taking a first security collateral position in the
property to which they are lending.

6. What are the costs to be considered when selling a property?

CALCULATIONS (Answer both, at 25% of the total exam in each question):

CASE QUESTION 1 (75 points)
You have received an offer to develop a 150,000 square foot office facility for Sierra Nevada in Chico. The brewery intends
to develop the property as a back office and training facility. You’ve been working with the brewer and they have
countered with their final, nonnegotiable offer.

They would lease the facility for 6 years, at a triple net annual rent of $2,250,000. The rent would remain constant over
the term of the lease. Sierra Nevada would also have the option to renew their lease for an additional 6 years for
$3,000,000 (triple net). In addition, they would have the option to purchase the property at any time during their lease
(including the renewal period if exercised) for the price of $29 million. They insist that the property be completed by 11
months from today. Failure to achieve this completion date would relieve them from agreement.

You estimate that the project will cost $25 million (all costs included), and will take 9.5 months from today to complete.
You feel that due to the presence of Sierra Nevada as a tenant, you will be able to secure a $20 million loan during the
next 3 months, at a 6% interest rate for 3 years with no amortization. You have $2 million in cash available to start the
project immediately, and believe that during the next 2 months you will be able to access the remaining $3 million of
required equity either by refinancing equity out of other projects you own, selling other properties you own, or bringing
in a 3rd party as an equity partner. If you provide the entire $5 million of anticipated equity requirements, it will represent
75% of your net worth. You anticipate that you would receive a $1 million development fee upon successful completion
(included in the $25 million total cost).

Your research indicates that currently market rents are roughly $16 per square foot, triple net, and that development is
occurring at a rate roughly commensurate to employment growth. Vacancy rates are roughly 5% in the market and are
expected to remain stable. Cap rates for “comparable” property sales range from 8%10%.
It is time to decide. What do you?

CASE QUESTION 2 (75 points)
Serrano Clay is a multinational firm that provides consulting services to clients around the world. The company has a 11%
expected return on its invested capital. Recently the firm has enjoyed an expansion in their clientele and is increasing their employee count. With growth in size, management feels that the firm needs to move into newer and bigger offices and is exploring options. Erika Benitez, VP of Development, was recently approached by a local REALTOR, who presented her with prime office space for rent in downtown Modesto, available for immediate occupancy. The space he proposes is a singleuser Class A office building with all of the highend amenities demanded by management. Erika felt that the space is suitable and decided to make the case at senior management’s next meeting.

The details for the rent option are as follows:

Property Value $8.9 million

Year 1 Rent for LL to achieve $MM in NOI $120,000

Rent Growth Rate 3.265%

Company Retained Capital by not buying Property $8,900,000

Equity Investment in Operations $3,560,000

Capital Borrowed for Investment in Operations $5,340,000

Annual Interest Rate on Borrowed Capital 5.00%

Annual Interest Payment $267,000

Annual Yield on Investment in Operations 11.00%

Income Tax Rate 21.00%

Company Discount 9.00%

Depreciable Value: Avg. Depr. Life: Annual Depr.:

$8.9 million 10 years $890,000

Surprisingly, a few days after receiving the rental proposal, Erika was approached again regarding the same space, this
time with an offer to purchase the space for $8.9 million. Intrigued by the idea, Erika decided to present management
with both options at management’s next meeting.

Property Value $8.9 million

Year 1 Rent for LL to achieve $MM in NOI $120,000

Rent Growth Rate 3.265%

Company Retained Capital by not buying Property $8,900,000

Equity Investment in Building $3,560,000

Capital Borrowed for Buying Building $5,340,000

Annual Interest Rate on Borrowed Capital 5.00%

Annual Interest Payment $267,000

Annual Building Operating Expense $178,000

Property Year 10 Sale Revenue $11,570,000

Selling Costs $267,000

Selling Costs 2.308%

Repayment of Capital Borrowed for Buying Building $5,340,000
Income Tax Rate 21.00%

Accumulated Depreciation Tax Rate 25.00%

Capital Gains Tax Rate 15.00%

NonLand Depreciable Value: Avg. Depr. Life: Annual Depr.:

$7.120 million 20 years $356,000

Should Erika recommend the own or rent option?

Identify and show the securities issued by the company (equity, bonds, derivatives), show whether bond or equity have been more profitable in the last 6 months and make recommendations as to which securities you would invest in as a Fund Manager for a Mutual Fund based in UK. Clearly explain your choice. Value the option with a Black and Sholes model and compare with the market value.

International investments

This assessment must be prepared and submitted individually.
The project should be produced in Word. It should be submitted electronically through Blackboard and will be checked via Turnitin for plagiarism.
The rules on late submission and plagiarism are applied and fully enforced by the School: Section 10: Academic misconduct (westminster.ac.uk)
The word limit is 2,000 words (+10%) excluding cover page, table of content, executive summary, and appendices.

You are required to:

Critically discuss Portfolio Theory and the CAPM. The discussion should include assumptions and shortcomings of the model and possible alternatives.   (20 marks)

Select a company ensuring it issues Equity, Bonds and Options and that is listed on the FTSE100. Present a short summary of its business, with focus on its financial profitability ratios and strategy for future growth. You could for example show the company’s EPS growth over the last 5 years and compare their EPS and P/E with similar companies or the industry average. Is the company diversified? What are their risk levels as measured by their beta. To gain a good mark in this section you need to read as much as possible about the company, including their latest annual report and any news/reports from reliable sources. Your analysis needs to be from the perspective of an investor. Please include graphs/tables (clearly labelled with data source) as visual aids.  (20 marks)

Identify and show the securities issued by the company (equity, bonds, derivatives), show whether bond or equity have been more profitable in the last 6 months and make recommendations as to which securities you would invest in as a Fund Manager for a Mutual Fund based in UK. Clearly explain your choice. Value the option with a Black and Sholes model and compare with the market value   (15 marks)

Critically discuss different equity valuation methods and identify the most appropriate method for your chosen company. By collecting relevant financial data from reliable sources (Bloomberg terminals, DataStream, annual reports, FT, etc.) estimate a price for the company’s shares and compare it to the actual market price. Clearly explain any assumptions made when applying your chosen valuation technique. Make sure to include all workings in an Appendix.  (35 marks)

Present your report in a suitable format: Include a cover page (with module title and code, assignment title and word count), page numbers, table of content, executive summary, explicit headings. A reference list is optional and only if you reference/quote external sources (e.g. academic/ newspaper articles, textbooks). The report should be clearly written in academic English, the use of any business/scientific jargon clearly explained. Formatting Guidelines: font size 12, text alignment: justify, line spacing: 1.5.   (10 marks for presentation)

Explain your recommendations to maximize stakeholder value, translating those to tactical outcomes to be implemented by your staff. Apply the theories, models, and practices of finance to the financial management of an organization. Analyze financing strategies to maximize stakeholder value.

Financial Engineering to Enhance Shareholder Value

An 8-10 slide presentation to your staff describing your analysis, linking what tools you utilized and why you chose those tools. You will use data to support your evidence-base financial decisions. You will also explain your recommendations to maximize stakeholder value, translating those to tactical outcomes to be implemented by your staff.

This assessment builds on your prior work in Assessments 1 and 2. It is a presentation to your staff describing you analysis, linking what tools you utilized and why you chose those tools. You will use data to support your evidence-base financial decisions. You will also explain your recommendations to maximize stakeholder value, translating those to tactical outcomes to be implemented by your staff.

Apply the theories, models, and practices of finance to the financial management of an organization.
Analyze financing strategies to maximize stakeholder value.
Apply financial analyses to business planning and decision making.
Use data to support evidence-based financial decisions.
The senior leadership has approved your recommendations to move forward. You are now tasked with operationalizing your recommendations. Meeting with your staff, you will translate recommendations to strategies and corresponding tactical objectives. You will explain how you used financial analysis to develop these recommendations, discussing the financial tools you will use to monitor implementation progress.

Your Role
You are one of the high-performing financial analyst managers at ABC Healthcare Corporation and are under consideration for a promotion to Director of Operations.