Briefly review the performance of the currency against its major trading partner(s) in the last few years in the first part of the blog, and speculate about the future currency movement against the major trading partners’ currency(ies) in the short term in the second part of the blog.

Balance of Payments

You should write the blog about the following:

Many countries run large deficits in one or more of the major components in their Balance of Payments. Yet, they do not suffer currency crashes. It is likely that their currency depreciates over time against their major trading partners’ currency or stays the same or even appreciates.

Your task is to select an emerging economy or frontier economy that uses its own floating currency issued by its own Central Bank (do not select a country that uses a common currency, like the Euro), and

(i) Briefly review the performance of the currency against its major trading partner(s) in the last few years in the first part of the blog, and

(ii) Speculate about the future currency movement against the major trading partners’ currency(ies) in the short term in the second part of the blog.

You will access the list of emerging countries and frontier countries from the following site:

You can access Balance of Payments data on this site:

You are welcome to consult any other source freely accessible on the internet.

A graph or table showing the main Balance of Payments data you used and an exchange rate chart against the currency of the major trading partner(s) as part of the submission (outside the word count) are expected.

Summarise the history of the exchange rate regime of a particular country. Discuss three relationships that describe the behaviour of exchange rate (CIP, PPP, IFE). Estimate the PPP between a particular country and the US.


Students are required to address three parts in the main body of this essay and content details are as blow:

1. Summarise the history of the exchange rate regime of a particular country;

2. Discuss three relationships that describe the behaviour of exchange rate (CIP, PPP, IFE);

3. Estimate the PPP between a particular country and the US. (Students need to collect monthly data for not less than 5 years to complete this part of the essay).

What kind of pricing approach is taken by the business here? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this pricing approach ? Discuss any other factors which need to be taken into account when considering offering this package.

Golf Course Resort Hotel

A countryside resort with golf course has the capacity 150 rooms.

1) Calculate the price per night for the package and the price for the 2-night package in order to achieve the required profit margin. The prices should be shown excluding and including VAT. (VAT is 20%) _ 2)

2) Prepare the profit and loss report to show the sales contribution margin and profits from the existing and the new package

3)Draw a break-even chart for the existing business excluding the new package.

4) What kind of pricing approach is taken by the business here? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this pricing approach ?

5)Discuss any other factors which need to be taken into account when considering offering this package.


dentify your break-even points for achieving different target profits. Then explain the target profits you selected for each area of your business. Be sure to reference your cost-volume-profit analysis in your defense.

Investor Report

Submit a detailed report to your potential investors and other stakeholders to explain and defend your costing strategies and to share your business’s performance to date. Your report can be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation or a Word document (based on the templates provided in the What to Submit section). In either format, be sure to effectively communicate with your stakeholders by breaking down concepts and using investor-friendly language to build their trust and confidence. If you choose to do a PowerPoint presentation, you’ll need to include speaker notes for each slide.

Introduction: Provide a short overview of your company and the purpose of this report.

Business Overview: Name your company and describe its business and your vision for its future.

Purpose of the Report: Explain the purpose of the report and describe why the information is important.

Methods and Approach: Explain the management accounting methods you used for generating the information that you are about to share in terms of your adherence to industry standards and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) code of ethics.

Financial Strategy: Review your original business plan and costing strategies.

Costing System: Justify the use of job order costing for this business. Be sure to compare and contrast the various costing systems you learned about in this course as part of your defense.

Selling Prices: Share and explain the selling prices you established for each of your products. Be sure to reference your cost-volume-profit analysis in your defense.

Contribution Margin: Share and explain your contribution margin per unit. Be sure to reference your cost-volume-profit analysis in your defense.

Target Profits: Identify your break-even points for achieving different target profits. Then explain the target profits you selected for each area of your business. Be sure to reference your cost-volume-profit analysis in your defense.

Financial Statements: Using the information in the Milestone Two Market Research Data Appendix, assess your financial performance to date.

Statement of Cost of Goods Sold: Share the statement of cost of goods sold and logically interpret the business’s performance against the provided benchmarks.

Income Statement: Share the income statement and logically interpret the business’s performance against the provided benchmarks.

Variances: Illustrate all variances for the direct labor time and the materials price.

Significance of Variances: Evaluate the significance of the variances in terms of the potential to impact future budgeting decisions and planning.

In your ongoing career and everyday life, what can you do to impact change in the health care arena so that there is broader access in some form or fashion by those less fortunate than yourself?

Week 6 Discussion

Reply to the following using at least 175 words per reply. Reply to each post separately. Be sure to use FULL APA references and in-text citations. Be constructive and professional in your response.

1. The horrible thing about having medical insurance is that in spite of having coverage most folks still have to seriously budget going to the doctor because of their ever-increasing copays. This is probably not just a cost-sharing mechanism, but a calculated plan on the part of insurance companies to stall folks accessing services and thus stalling the insurance companies incurring cost for those services. However, this seems counterproductive inasmuch as folks then access services once they are sicker and it costs more. Tracking the rise in premium contributions and cost-sharing for families with large employer coverage ( is an interesting exploration of this crisis.

Do you think this is part of the reason for the growing copays or is it simply a cost-sharing mechanism?

2. In a prior course I had a student remark about accessing health care that “I would try to find a reputable doctor and would think about cost last”. That’s also exactly what I would do.

However, so MANY Americans simply don’t have that option. They cannot worry about cost last. Their first, and often only concern, has to be about cost. Key Facts about the Uninsured Population ( provides some startling facts about the situation.

As the course draws to a close, I want to impress upon you all how critical it is as health care professionals to be aware of those in our society that simply do NOT have access to the high level of health care to which many of us have grown accustomed. They most often simply don’t have health care as an option. They are struggling too hard simply to get the next meal on the table. The most important question that I think I can pose to the class is this:

In your ongoing career and everyday life, what can you do to impact change in the health care arena so that there is broader access in some form or fashion by those less fortunate than yourself?

How would you define tax reform? If you were advising a United States senator, what one specific Federal tax would you add, eliminate or modify? Be as specific as you can. Why would you advocate for this particular change?

Tax Reform

How would you define tax reform? If you were advising a United States senator, what one specific Federal tax would you add, eliminate or modify? Be as specific as you can. Why would you advocate for this particular change?

Is the income statement improving or deteriorating over time? Explain your answer, including why you reached your conclusion. Describe whether or not this company is profitable. If the company is unprofitable, explain if it is growing fast enough for sales to outpace expenses.

Interpreting Financial Statements

You will remember from the Week 1 Assignment that Medi-Supply is a small but growing company that sells medical devices to hospitals in the local area. The company wants to expand their distribution regionally and hopefully nationally with their innovative devices. They are looking for investors as well as seeking out potential banks to borrow funds for expansion. These investors require standardized financial statements and are very hesitant to get involved with any companies before ensuring their adherence to ethical business and financial practices, in order to avoid tarnishing their reputation.
XYZ Logo Tim Lewis The owner of Medi-Supply has hired XYZ Corporation to provide consulting services to help them sort through their financial data, build their financial statements to display to potential investors, and help them ensure they are on track with their goals and are avoiding any potential risks. You have been assigned to this project by your manager, Tim Lewis. Tim asks you to compile the results of your review into a series of reports, with detailed financial statements included.
In Week 1, you completed a business report on the management goals and financial ethics of Medi-Supply company. This week, you will continue your work by preparing financial statements and a business report related to your findings.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Download the Week 2 Assignment Financial Statement Excel Template and the Week 2 Assignment Business Report Template. You will use both documents to complete this Assignment.

Submit your completed Financial Statement Excel Template along with your business report that addresses the following prompts.

Part 1: Preparing a Balance Sheet
Using the Financial Statement Excel Template, which includes the needed data, prepare a balance sheet for Medi-Supply. Be sure to use proper Excel formulas to show your work in cells where math is involved to derive the answers.
Using the Business Report Template, how would you interpret the quality of the balance sheet? In your response, be sure to address whether there is excessive leverage, enough cash to make payroll and/or buy equipment, et cetera. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)
Based on your interpretation of the balance sheet, would you recommend lending to the company? Explain why or why not, including any potential risks. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)

Part 2: Building an Income Statement
Using the Financial Statement Excel Template, which includes the needed data, prepare an income statement for Medi-Supply. Be sure to use proper Excel formulas to show your work in cells where math is involved to derive the answers.
Using the Business Report Template, address the following using Medi-Supply’s income statement:
Interpret the quality of the income statement for this company. Is the income statement improving or deteriorating over time? Explain your answer, including why you reached your conclusion. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)
Describe whether or not this company is profitable. If the company is unprofitable, explain if it is growing fast enough for sales to outpace expenses. (75 words, or 1 paragraph)
Based on their income statement, would you invest in the company? (75 words, or 1 paragraph)

Part 3: Calculating the Operating Cash Flow
Using the Financial Statement Excel Template, which includes the needed data, compute the operating cash flow for Medi-Supply. Be sure to use proper Excel formulas to show your work in cells where math is involved to derive the answers.
Using the Business Report Template, address the following using Medi-Supply’s operating cash flow:
Interpret the quality of the operating cash flow for this company. Is the operating cash flow improving or deteriorating over time? Explain your answer, as well as why you reached your conclusion. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)

Describe whether or not the company generates positive cash flow from operations. (75 words, or 1 paragraph)
Based on the quality of their cash flow, would you invest in the company? (75 words, or 1 paragraph)

Note: For each part of your business report, be sure to reference at least one scholarly source to support your findings, for a total of three (3) scholarly sources. Use the Week 2 Assignment Business Report Template and the Week 2 Assignment Financial Statement Excel Template, provided in this week’s Learning Resources, to complete this Assignment.

Calculate the Discounted Cash Flows (DCF) for 10-years and derive the Net Present Value using the uncertain input variables.

Discounted Cash Flow Modelling and Sensitivity and Risk Analysis

Blue Corn Manufacturing Ltd is in the business of automobile and other ancillary services. The company wants to start its subsidiary business in China as an expansion plan for assembling the auto part. The company’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) after taking into consideration the firm’s portfolio of investments has derived a Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) of 12% as the appropriate discount rate for calculating the firm’s Net Present Value (NPV). Given the uncertainties surrounding Brexit and the current COVID-19 pandemic, the firm’s COO has asked you, the risk analyst to model the following uncertain inputs, using appropriate probability distribution functions. Following a detailed analysis of the firm’s historical data, you have decided to use the following distributions and parameters to model the uncertain

Table 1: Uncertain Inputs and Parameters of Distributions
Uncertain Inputs Distribution Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3
Investment Cost Triangular £90,000 £100,000 £150,000
Year 1 Revenue Triangular £80,000 £100,000 £110,000
Annual Fixed Cost Triangular £32,000 £35,000 £38,000
Annual Revenue Growth Rate Normal 5% 8%
Annual Variable Cost
Normal 50% 2%

For the purpose of this coursework, you are required to do the following:

1. Calculate the Discounted Cash Flows (DCF) for 10-years and derive the Net Present Value using the uncertain input variables. (5 Marks)

2. Perform a single simulation of 10,000 iterations for the NPV model and determine the probability of getting a negative (zero) NPV at 95% Confidence Interval (2 Marks)

3. Perform sensitivity analysis for the NPV output to determine the variable with the largest impact on NPV (Biggest Driver of NPV) using the following:

a) Change in Output. (2 Marks)

b) Regression Coefficient. (2 Marks)

c) Correlation Coefficient. (2 Marks)

d) Contribution to Variance. (2 Marks)

Total (15 Marks)

Write a Report to your COO to communicate the findings from your analyses. The report should describe the purpose and result of your analyses

What are the similarities and differences between your post and your classmate’s? What argument did your classmate make that you found particularly persuasive? What additional point would you like your classmate to consider about making future predictions?

The percent of sales method is based on historical information.

Address the following in a substantive post:

Considering the turbulence of the first part of this century (wars, food and fuel shortages, and so on), is looking to the past the best way to predict the future? Why or why not?

Respond substantively to at least one other post. If possible, select a post that presents a perspective unlike yours. Consider questions such as the following when responding to your classmate’s post:

What are the similarities and differences between your post and your classmate’s?
What argument did your classmate make that you found particularly persuasive?
What additional point would you like your classmate to consider about making future predictions?

Discuss whether the term “corporate entrepreneurship” is an oxymoron. Can corporations especially large ones be innovative? Support your answer with examples.

Corporate entrepreneurship

Discuss whether the term “corporate entrepreneurship” is an oxymoron. Can corporations especially large ones be innovative? Support your answer with examples.
Use the Internet to find an example of two corporate innovations one brought about through autonomous strategic behavior and one developed through induced strategic behavior. Which innovation seems to hold the most promise for commercial success, and why?