Give a brief explanation of what the ratio indicates in terms of the Company’s Financial Standing. Briefly in your own words summarize what the results mean in terms of the financial analysis of the company.


Use proper excel Formulas to compute the following ratios.
Give a brief explanation of what the ratio indicates in terms of the Company’s Financial Standing.

Refer to the company’s latest year financial statements. (the one you are basing your analysis on)

b. Compute the ratios on the Ratios worksheet.

c. Ensure you use the correct excel formula to calculate the Ratio. Include the page reference from the Company Financials to indicate where you found the financial data.

d. Briefly in your own words summarize what the results mean in terms of the financial analysis of the company.

Ratio Formula Calculation Annual Report Page Reference What does this tell me about the Company’s financial position Current R


What is the urgency? What’s the purpose of conducting this research? Why is it important to investigate the investment pattern during the pandemic? How do you think this research is still relevant after the pandemic is over?

Problem statement section

1- Add a problem statement section that should cover the following : What is the urgency? What’s the purpose of conducting this research? Why is it important to investigate the investment pattern during the pandemic? How do you think this research is still relevant after the pandemic is over?

2- Add some info, fact, figures about Saudi investment in the proposal. Does the investment trend change? If yes, in which way?

3-The methodology also needs to be further detailed up. Who are the respondents? Any specific age group? How you determine 500 respondents.

What are the direct connections to course material and what are the financial literacy or lack of financial literacy impacts?

GCH101G- Final Paper Guidelines

Background & Guidelines:
It is important to be able to identify and examine current events and issues affecting modern society for the purpose of being able to critically evaluate news articles and apply academic material to real-world events. It is expected you apply an ethical & civic lens to the events & material.

Your final paper requires you to summarize & cite 4 major events/stories throughout the semester, that you can apply and relate each story to the course material (cite chapters, theories, and definitions from our e-text), and Your analysis must include relevant historical and current civic information, along with your ethical review. Instructions on ways to become informed of current events have been posted on Brightspace (ex. Projo and NYT free subscriptions). You are welcome to use other legitimate sources (ex. WSJ, WashPost, NYT etc.).

The format will include:
A summary of at least 4 events (they should be from throughout the semester and should
NOT all be from the same two to three-week period.)
Each of the 4 events should reference different chapters in the book and citations are expected.
An explanation of historical events. A thoughtful review of ethical implications causing and/or resulting from the current event is required.

Some other questions to consider as you relate the event to course material include, but are not limited to:
fiscal impact will this event have on

What are the direct connections to course material and what are the financial literacy or lack of financial literacy impacts?

Will this event impact my personal are the global financial Comparison of historical events and civic responsibilities this have been prevented? If so, how?

What civic issues are addressed? Both current and historical Must include: An explanation and analysis of ethical implications- include considerations, ethical dilemmas, decision making that are related to the chosen events.

Document where specific guidelines are utilized and provide a rationale for how you determined your choices. Identify any child’s special needs that might require modifying this plan.

Fun, Safe, and Healthy Mealtimes

For this assignment, choose one of the developmental stages, either toddler or preschooler, and plan a well-balanced day’s menu using the national nutrition and food program guidelines: Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and the USDA-HHS Dietary Guidelines. This assignment provides the opportunity to use all of the knowledge gained these past weeks to develop an integrated daily nutritious meal plan.

Your meal plan must include the following:

You plan must be written about the following age groups:

o Toddler

o Preschoolers

The daily menu should include:

o Breakfast

o Lunch

o Afternoon snack

Be sure to document where specific guidelines are utilized and provide a rationale for how you determined your choices.
Identify any child’s special needs that might require modifying this plan.

Submit the assignment in a Word Document.

Prepare a report which identifies the relative merits of the two companies and concludes with a recommendation to invest in GM, Tesla, both or neither.

Tesla vs GM

Prepare a report which identifies the relative merits of the two companies and concludes with a recommendation to invest in GM, Tesla, both or neither.

Differentiate between managerial accounting and financial management. Explain generally accepted accounting principles applied to the health care industry and how they are applied to your Operating Budget Projection.

Part 1: 2010 Operating Budget

Review the 2009 Budget Issues – Nurses file in the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Virtual Organization. This document can be found on the Chief Financial Officer’s web page under Special Projects.

Decide which of the two highlighted options you will implement from the Nursing Statistics memo of the 2009 Budget Issues – Nurses document.

Discuss decision-making processes in creating a budget.

Create a new 2010 Operating Budget based on the labor decision you select from the Nursing Statistics memo. Use your Week 5 Health Care Budget assignment as the foundation to develop your new projected budget.

Part 2: Analysis Paper

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper. Your paper should:

Discuss decision-making processes in creating a budget.
Explain the role of variance analysis in maintaining an operating budget.
Differentiate between managerial accounting and financial management.
Explain generally accepted accounting principles applied to the health care industry and how they are applied to your Operating Budget Projection.
Discuss the decision between the two labor alternatives facing the management of PFCH and the annual cost increase of each.
Make a recommendation about which labor alternative should be chosen.
Justify and analyze the labor decision that you recommend. Your justification should present numbers related to fiscal management including how each decision affects the 2010 Budget Projection.
Analyze the effect of your decision on the operating budget, including:
The opportunity cost of your recommendation
How your recommendation affects employee satisfaction
How your recommendation affects patient care and patient satisfaction

Cite a minimum of 4 sources.

Format your sources according to APA guidelines.

Compare the return of the investment on your investment property, stock index , and Treasury bond. Explain the under-or out-performance of your real estate investment compared to the other two investments. Justify your conclusion

Term Project

1. The submission must be a Word file. The file name must be in the format like last name-first name-term-project.docx.
2. Have a cover page to list the course name, term, and each team member’s name.

3. Maximum length: 10 pages; double spaced;

4. Please provide references you used in the term paper;

5. Use tables or figures to show your results;

6. Consult with a real estate agent about the purchase (optional); if this is applicable, discuss your experience in the report;

7. All the calculations, such as mortgage payment, NPV, etc., in this project must be done by you using Excel or a calculator. Using a template online to get the result is not allowed.

Today’s low interest rates in the USA offer an opportunity to get a low-cost mortgage. The low interest explains why U.S. housing prices have not declined but increased during the global pandemic – see the price move inside the circle of the S&P/Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index in 2020.

You are deciding to purchase an investment property in an ideal location you prefer. You would address the following issues before buying the property (ignore all the taxes, realtor agency fee, the transition fee in the calculation. Only consider the purchasing price as the total cost. Also, ignore the house insurance fee, etc. Only consider monthly mortgage and rent.):

1) Decide the location and the specific real estate property you would like to buy (e.g., a single-family house or a condo). Provide justification why the property is chosen, e.g., affordability, the potential of price appreciation. Use some data to justify your selection, e.g., the housing price growth rate in the region. You could use the resource like, etc.

2) Find out the mortgage rates for different properties and choose between 30 or 15-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM). You could use , etc. You must justify your decision.

3) Calculate the monthly mortgage payment given the down payment (20% of the price) you will make. This will be a fixed 80% payment mortgage loan with 20% down payment. It means you will pay 20% down payment at the purchase and finance 80% with the mortgage. Show your calculations of monthly mortgage payments in the report.

4) In the meantime, predict the amount of monthly rental you will be able to collect when you lease the property out ( also provides rental price information). The rental period is the same as your mortgage period. In other words, you will pay off your mortgage and end the rental in the same year. Justify your rental income projection.

5) Project the resale value of the property at the end of the mortgage payment period. You need to use some statistics to back up your numbers.

6) Once you have
a. the projected monthly mortgage payment

b. the monthly rental income

c. the resale value of the property at the end of the mortgage payment period
You could calculate the net present value (NPV) of the cash flow in a, b, and c , respectively. T he present value could be calculated in Excel or using a financial
calculator. The discount rate is the mortgage rate. The return on your investment property is calculated as return = (Sum of NPV in a, b, and c / the down payment ) – 1. Show your calculation in the report.

7) Next, assume you don’t purchase an investment property . Instead, you invest the same amount of money as your total investment in the house in stocks (for example, investing in the S&P500 index or other indexes). You could use the average of 15 or 30 years of historical data of the S&P500 index to calculate the index return, a.k.a. us e the yearly S&P 500 before the current year to calculate the yearly returns and average them. The period of the expected index return is the same as your mortgage period , but the index data is backward. For example, if the mortgage period is 30 years, use the last 30 years of the index data to calculate the average stock return. Ignore all the expected dividends in
the calculation. S&P500 index could be found in Yahoo Finance, , or other financial resources.

8) Then assume you buy long-term treasury bonds with the same amount of money as your investment in the house. The period of the expected bond return is the same as your mortgage period. (e.g., if the mortgage is a 30-year mortgage, buy a 30-year Treasury bond). Find the YTM of the Treasury bond. YTM is yield to maturity which is the annual return to the bonds. You could use the resource like, etc. If there is no yield of the 15-year bond, use the yield of the 30-year bond and 10-year bond to extrapolate it.

9) Compare the return of the investment on your investment property, stock index , and Treasury bond. Explain the under-or out-performance of your real estate investment compared to the other two investments. Justify your conclusion

How well has the firm performed financially over the past five years? What is the outlook for the firm in the future? How does the firm’s financial performance compare to its major competitors? To the industry?

Lowes Financial Analysis

This is the writing prompt that is trying to be addressed this is a term paper about Lowes Home Improvement. The paper must only pertain to Lowes and is just a segment of a larger paper.

Financial Analysis- support all of your analysis with quantitative data (5 pages)

A. How well has the firm performed financially over the past five years?
B. What is the outlook for the firm in the future?
C. How does the firm’s financial performance compare to its major competitors? To the industry?
D. Are there any financial measurements which are grounds for serious concern?

What is the “Basic Accounting Equation?” Explain how it works.

Healthcare DB 2.2

What is the “Basic Accounting Equation?” Explain how it works.

Is it a company you would use? Would you invest in it? Is it of sound governance? Is it safe? As a regulator, would you be worried about it?

Case Study of a EU Based FinTech Company

Choose any EU based Fintech Company & write a report.

1• Structure and background: How was it formed. What are its objectives. Discuss the structure of the company. How is it financed.

2• Discuss the following:

– Board of directors: the structure of the Board. Risk Management. Have they a Chief Security Officer? Quality of the Board. Is there independence on the Board?

– Data protection & cybersecurity arrangements: GDPR compliance report? Cybersecurity arrangements? Any criticism?

– Compliance with: PSDII, EMD, MiFIDII, AML (discuss any 2). Is there anything to suggest they are not compliant?

3• Overall governance quality and soundness of the fintech

Is it a company you would use? Would you invest in it? Is it of sound governance? Is it safe? As a regulator, would you be worried about it?

Report may be a Professional report if preferred by writer, the word/page count is just indicative, an allowance to go over 10-15% if needed.