Describe what makes you an outstanding applicant and describe your potential to contribute to all aspects of the course.

Statement of purpose

Tell us why you are interested in the MSc Finance course at Abc and how the course will impact on your future.
Describe what makes you an outstanding applicant and describe your potential to contribute to all aspects of the course.

Did the company change its accounting policy during the period covered by its financial statements? Did the company correct an accounting error during the period covered by its financial statements? If yes,  include details.

Advanced Financial Reporting

Part 1: Accounting research
Part 2: Leases
Part 1 Accounting research
First part of assignment (which replaces the exam in 2021) is based on research undertaken on 25 companies (groups) which follow IFRS. The assignment is focused on main topics covered in Advanced Financial Reporting module. Students are required to download 25 annual reports of companies that prepare their consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS and conduct research answering the questions set by the tutor.
Discuss the main requirements of following standards:
IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Change in Accounting Estimates and Errors
IAS 10 Events after the Reporting Period
IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
IFRS 3 Business combinations
Conduct a research based on 25 consolidated financial statements of companies that prepare their financial statements according to IFRS. Companies can be from whichever country in the world.
In your research, use 2020 annual financial statements (which are included in company’s annual reports). Answer the following questions:
IAS 8: Did the company change its accounting policy during the period covered by its financial statements?
IAS 8: Did the company correct an accounting error during the period covered by its financial statements? If yes,  include details.
IAS 10: What did the company mention as Events after the reporting period?
IAS 37: What are the areas the company recognised provisions for?
IAS 37: What are the areas the company disclosed as its contingent liabilities?
IAS 37: Did the company disclose any contingent assets? If yes, please include details.
IFRS 3: Did the company acquire a new subsidiary in the period covered by its financial statements? If yes,  include the names of subsidiaries acquired (or, if this is not explicitly stated, the number of subsidiaries acquired) and describe what the company discloses about these acquisitions.
Prepare a table including list of companies, sector of their business (industry) and your findings on company-by-company basis (this table MUST be included in your paper).
Present the findings in the form of charts (where possible) or text describing your findings. The form of charts is on your deliberation.
Prepare a brief summary of your findings (for example, how many companies from your sample acquired a new subsidiary, how many companies changed their accounting policies, how many companies corrected an error, what are typical events after the reporting period…).
Note: Do NOT include Financial Institutions (i.e., banks, insurance companies and lease companies) in your sample.
When including companies in your sample, please double check that they DO prepare their consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS.

What are some non-monetary statistics besides labor hours and patient volume that have a direct effect on the financial management of a health care organization? Are there statistics that do not translate into a monetary effect?

Week 5 Discussion

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

What are some non-monetary statistics—besides labor hours and patient volume—that have a direct effect on the financial management of a health care organization?
Are there statistics that do not translate into a monetary effect?

Using the module resources and one outside scholarly resource, discuss how participants would interact to facilitate capital market activities.

Participants in Capital Markets

In two-three paragraphs In the equities capital markets, participants play key roles to support primary and secondary capital markets. Participants include investors, speculators, market makers, underwriters, and brokers. Using the module resources and one outside scholarly resource, discuss how participants would interact to facilitate capital market activities. For example, when there is a Federal Reserve action that affects interest rates, how might the various participants interact with a company going through an acquisition? Resources below.

Based on the resources for this module, explain how a company can raise capital through the issuance of equities. Include the advantages and disadvantages of the methodology.

Raising Capital Through Equities

Overview: In this journal assignment, you will be asked to explain how a company raises capital through the issuance of equities. Journal assignments in this course are private between you and the instructor.

Prompt: There are many approaches a corporation or company can use to raise capital. Based on the resources for this module, explain how a company can raise capital through the issuance of equities. Include the advantages and disadvantages of the methodology.
Think about the Fortune 500 company you will be making recommendations for in the final project. As the CFO of the company, would you recommend the issuance of equities to raise capital? Explain why or why not

How would the board’s increased involvement in the selection of strategies affect a firm’s strategic competitiveness? What evidence would you offer to support their position?

Discussion paper

Top executives and members of a corporation’s board of directors have different roles and responsibilities. Traditionally, executives have been responsible for determining the firm’s strategic direction and implementing strategies to achieve it, whereas the board of directors has been responsible for monitoring and controlling managerial decisions and actions. Some argue that boards should become more involved with the formulation of a firm’s strategies.
How would the board’s increased involvement in the selection of strategies affect a firm’s strategic competitiveness?
What evidence would you offer to support their position?

How might a financial manager go about gathering information to ensure that budgeting takes into consideration the above factors? Are there other factors that should be considered in assessing whether there are growth needs in staff or salaries?

Week 4 Class Discussion

Reply to the following using at least 175 words per response. Reply to post 1 and 2 separately. Be sure to use FULL APA references and in-text citations. Be professional and constructive in your response.

1. A good approach to budgeting is using an historical approach. Using the past to predict the future can add an element of reliability to the budget. However, one can’t simply depend on the past in isolation to develop the next year’s budget. Budget Tracking with Rolling Statistical Forecasts ( also provides a good approach for budget tracking as well.

Especially in the area of salaries you must make sure what you’re budgeting is consistent with projected need for the upcoming year. Some things to consider are:

– Is there any projected growth in patient volume that might necessitate increased staff
– Are there any wing expansions planned that will necessitate increased staff,
– Are there any increased services being planned that will necessitate increase staff, etc.

How might a financial manager go about gathering information to ensure that budgeting takes into consideration the above factors? Are there other factors that should be considered in assessing whether there are growth needs in staff or salaries?

2. Sometimes it is difficult to keep the budget on the “planned course” and it is even harder to get the budget “back on course” should the financial compass take a detour. If budgets are like roadmaps then strategic plans could be viewed as our GPS. Investments like expanding services, adding equipment or adding space should all have been incorporated into strategic plans. Strategic plans help build the budget. And, the budget guides our operations (tactical) plans. Linking Budget to Strategy in Healthcare Organizations ( explores this concept.

I know all of us are no doubt familiar with the GPS phrase “recalculating route”. The strategic plan is like a GPS system inasmuch as it can help us recalculate our routes should we get off course financially.

In the following scenario, what is some of the feedback about alternative courses (or directions) that a CFO might provide should the Nursing Director in a hospital request that the ratio of patients to nurses be decreased from 5:1 to 4:1 in order to address employee burn out?

Prepare a report for the board of directors on how to address the proposed funding limitations while remaining sensitive to the needs and health of the African nation.

You are a chief administrative officer for a large nonprofit health relief organization. A board of directors has requested that you prepare a summary of the issues and how to solve the health needs of an African country. Your organization has limited funding and will need to obtain subsidized medicine from major pharmaceutical companies. Your organization also has the opportunity to get non-generic, non-USDA approved, alternative stem cell derived medication from foreign sources. Prepare a report for the board of directors on how to address the proposed funding limitations while remaining sensitive to the needs and health of the African nation. Consider the various economic, political, moral, and health impacts for the United States citizens who may have some of the health medication diverted to the African nation. In your report, reflect on the key course objectives as well as the financial, legal, and alternative health care models. In addition, reinforce your knowledge of strategic planning and capital budgeting by using an electronic spreadsheet to display the financials.

Describe the difference between an operational and a capital financial budget. Discuss what must be included to request finances through a capital request. What are some examples for capital request items needs?

Operational and Capital financial budget.

1. Describe the difference between an operational and a capital financial budget.
2. Discuss what must be included to request finances through a capital request. What are some examples for capital request items needs?
3.Why and how are capital requests treated differently? Provide an example for a capital request.
4. Complete the capital budget request as assigned.

Briefly describe the municipality’s demographics. Evaluate the previous three-year trend of the municipality’s major revenue sources and expenditures. Analyze the impact of the issues contributing to the municipality’s budget deficiencies.

Unit V Case Study

You are a municipal budget analyst. Using your favorite search engine, locate the budget of a municipality that has completed a petition to file bankruptcy. Some examples include Detroit, Michigan; Stockton, California; Central Falls, Rhode Island; San Bernardino, California; Prichard, Alabama; and Vallejo, California.
Develop your case study findings and recommendations consisting of no less than two pages in which you discuss the prompts listed below.
Briefly describe the municipality’s demographics.
Evaluate the previous three-year trend of the municipality’s major revenue sources and expenditures.
Analyze the impact of the issues contributing to the municipality’s budget deficiencies.
Propose three alternative financing options.
Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.