Assume that you work for New York Yankees and they wanted to get Jose Ramirez whose batting average is 0.28. You calculate the variance of his hits as 0.15. Then, what is the probability that he will have an average of 0.30 or over next season?

Statistics Home Work Assignment

Observations X Y
1 5 4
2 7 8
3 9 12
4 11 16
5 13 20

Calculate the following using Excel.

a. =445 b. c.

d. e.

f. g.

h. i.

2. Use the data from the CPS08 in Blackboard.
For the data series “ahe” (i.e. Average Hourly Earnings) find the following:
a) Create a Histogram in EViews
c) Calculate Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation in EViews

3. What is the probability of three heads if you throw three coins at the same time?

4. Suppose I assigned WSJ and NYT as reading references to my class. Now suppose 60% of my students read the WSJ, 50% read the NYT and 30% read both. Find the probability that a randomly selected student in my class reads at least one of them.
Also, find the probability that a randomly selected student in my class does not read either of them.

5. The probability distribution of the daily stock prices of google for last two months are as follows:
Closing Price (X) 1190 1210 1230 1250 1270 1290
P(X) 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.18 0.10 0.02

a. Find the expected price of the google share.
b. If you paid $400 for a google share then what is your expected profit or loss?

6. Assume that you work for New York Yankees and they wanted to get Jose Ramirez whose batting average is 0.28. You calculate the variance of his hits as 0.15. Then, what is the probability that he will have an average of 0.30 or over next season?

7. A company claimed that they found only a low percentage of flawed products in various stores in Connecticut. You went to the same stores and the store managers informed you their observations about the company’s products.
Stores Bridgeport Fairfield New Haven Hartford Stamford
Company Claim 5% 4% 6% 6% 3%
Manager Observations 8% 4% 10% 11% 4%

Run a Chi-square test to determine whether the company has made a valid claim here.

8. A online education company claims that a student will receive a coding job if they take company’s online coding bootcamp. You conducted a survey on students who attended or not taken the bootcamps and also learned whether they got a job or not. The survey results are below.
Got a Job No Job Total
Coding Bootcamp 204 350 554
No Bootcamp 195 101 296
Total 399 451 850

Using a chi-square test determine whether the company’s claim is valid (i.e. there is a relationship between the bootcamp and getting a job.)

9. Use the CPS08 data for the following two questions:
a. Find out whether the variances of average hourly earnings (AHE) for people with and without a Bachelor degree are equal.
b. Find out whether the mean of average hourly earnings (AHE) between Male and Female are equal.


Critically evaluate FASEA’s code of ethics in relation to the substantive criticisms of the Financial Planning profession.

Critical Evaluation

The Financial Planning profession was subject to significant criticism during and following the Financial Services Royal Commission, particularly with respect to public trust and confidence. In particular, the Interim Report of the Royal Commission characterised a financial services sector with a range of problems and suggested:
“Why did it happen?
Too often, the answer seems to be greed – the pursuit of short term profit at the expense of basic standards of honesty”
(Financial Services Royal Commission, Interim Report, 2018, p. 1)

Critically evaluate FASEA’s code of ethics in relation to the substantive criticisms of the Financial Planning profession. In your answer, reflect on any of the materials, theories, concepts and resources we have studied this semester to develop your response.

Why there is a difference in some ratios between these two companies. Which company is better based on the ratios analysis. Provide at least one reason with the fact to back up your analysis.


Be sure to number your response to each question so that your answer corresponds appropriately with the question being asked.
In this initial post, you will prepare a set of financial ratio analyses for two firms (firm A and B) that operate within the same industry and are close competitors. For example, IBM vs Microsoft, Home Depot vs Lowe’s, Coca-Cola vs Pepsi Co, etc .  But It is not limited to these firms.  Find the firms that you like and want to know most.
You don’t have to calculate the ratios. They can be found in, Value Line. Complete a ratios analysis for both companies.
For each of the following 5 key analysis areas, select one area (for example, profitability) and compare the ratios of A & B in this area :
Financial Leverage
Market Value
Compare the most recent ratios of firm A and firm B and then write a paragraph to explain
1) why there is a difference in some ratios between these two companies.  (2 points)
2) which company is better based on the ratios analysis. Provide at least one reason with the fact to back up your analysis.  (2 points)

General requirement:
The reasons for all posts need to be specific to your chosen companies, not just the economy.
You must use the fact or data to support your conclusion. The fact or data would be referred as a link for a webpage, a publication, a recent 10-Q, or news by the firms

Compare the financial analytical results of the two companies and justify why a merger is timely. Evaluate the elements that shape the merger’s value creation and assess its potential to maximise its triple-bottom-line performance.

Financial Ratio Analysis

Your feasibility report should address the following:
1. Use the BAO5734 financial template (XLSX 32.76KB), and calculate the firms’ financial performance using profitability, leverage (equity or debt), and liquidity ratios. (500 words)
2. Compare the financial analytical results of the two companies and justify why a merger is timely. (500 words)
3. Articulate the strengths and weaknesses, using Porter’s Five Forces model and SWOT Analysis of the merger and acquisition project using the Consolidated Financial Results (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss and Cashflow) of Baby Bunting Pty Ltd and G8 Education. (500 words)
4. Evaluate the elements that shape the merger’s value creation and assess its potential to maximise its triple-bottom-line performance (Refer to the sustainability sections of the annual reports). (500 words)

Calculate the financial worth of the firm based on four approaches: (1) the net worth method, (2) the net income method, (3) the price-earnings ratio method, and (4) the outstanding shares method.

Part III: Cash Value & Part IV: Projected Financial Ratios

Refer to and follow the steps given in Chapter 8 of the David text to learn how to determine the cash value of your CLC group’s company.

To construct this element of the project, it will be necessary for the team to make use of the financial information provided initially about the company as well as the information and data that you’ve discovered as a result of the research and assignments completed thus far in the course.

Calculate the financial worth of the firm based on four approaches: (1) the net worth method, (2) the net income method, (3) the price-earnings ratio method, and (4) the outstanding shares method.

Use your Strategic-Planning Template to complete the company valuation tables.

In 50-100 words, provide an analysis overview for this part. Calculate the average of the four methods. State a dollar amount of how much the company is worth.

Part IV: Projected Financial Ratios:

Prepare Projected Financial Ratios for your company by doing the following:

Refer to and follow the steps given in Chapter 8 of the David text to learn how to prepare projected financial ratios.

If you completed the previous parts of this assignment, the template will generate projected financial ratios after the team converts the firm’s financial statements to the template format and then creates projected financial statements based on recommended strategies.

Compute the projected current ratio, debt-to-equity ratio, and return-on-investment ratio. Use your Strategic-Planning Template to complete the company ratio tables.

In 50-100 words, provide an analysis overview for this part. Also explain how the projected ratios compare to the prior year ratios. Explain the importance of this comparison.

My company is Costco competitor is BJ’s warehouse and Walmart

For part three 50 words, part four 50 words, and a summary of part three and four of 175 words.

Compare this view with the general societal view towards money and riches. Use at least one reference to portray and document the societal view of monetary resources.


1) Using the Ron Blue Institute 4H (Heart, Health, Habits, Hope) model of financial wisdom, express the biblical view of money and financial resources based on your interpretation of the scriptures. This view should address the Heart issues of stewardship, contentment, faith, and wisdom. Next, compare this view with the general societal view towards money and riches. Use at least one reference to portray and document the societal view of monetary resources. Finally, express your personal view of money, how it influences your life/behavior regarding decisions in your life, and how both biblical principles and societal viewpoints affect your view. You should use specific examples on how choices in life are affected.

What affect does health care financing have on health care delivery in the United States? What are some of the main problems and issues pertaining to health care financing?

Week 1 Discussion

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

What affect does health care financing have on health care delivery in the United States?
What are some of the main problems and issues pertaining to health care financing?

Calculate the average return on the asset, the standard deviation of the asset’s returns as well as a risk-adjusted return measure for the asset.


BlackRock Inc. Asset Management department has asked you to write a report outlining your recommendation as to which assets your clients should invest in. When compiling this report, your clients expect to see tables outlining the respective relevant information for each of these assets as well as appendices demonstrating all relevant calculations.

When preparing the report, you have been asked to address the following points:
Calculate the average return on the asset, the standard deviation of the asset’s returns as well as a risk-adjusted return measure for the asset.
When conducting your fundamentals analysis, that you use the top-down approach to justify your choice of markets and assets.
That you find and highlight the key findings of relevant research or literature (including newspapers articles, investor reports, etc.) on each of the asset classes and specific markets.

Discuss and analyse its position in relation to its competitors over the last 5 years of trading in all the above.

Failure of working capital management for Debenhams Plc

Company background (knowledge of the business)).Explain the history of the company (you should focus on delivering a concise and precise brief ing),it’s size,locations,and position in relation to competitors.

Example:Discuss and analyse its position in relation to its competitors over the last 5 years of trading in all the above.

Sources 2 or 3 or more incl last annual report which was for 52weeks to 1st September 2018.

What is Accounting Equation and explain why the accounting equation will always work? What benefits might a company gain from having its shares listed on a stock exchange?

Business Finance. Analytical Report

2.1 What is Accounting Equation and explain why the accounting equation will always work? Also, provide an example with your explanation.

2.2 What benefits might a company gain from having its shares listed on a stock exchange?

2.3 Who do you think might be considered to be stakeholders in a large listed company like Marks and Spenser?

2.4 Is the profit that a business makes a reliable indicator of its cash balances? What are the differences between Profit and Cash?

On the assignment instruction shows as 2500 words, but it is changed to 1750 words. Do the cash budget (excel sheet sent attached to be used) + 1750 words to answer the questions.

As the written part is only 1750 I am paying for 2000 words so it covers the task one + references.