Determine why funding is needed for the company. Determine the sources of funding. Consider self-funding, borrowing, loans, equity, venture capital, etc. Evaluate the requirements of each of the funding sources that you plan to use.

Financial Plan

Prepare a financial plan for the organization that you select for your business plan. (Amazon or whatever company is a better fit for the objective)

Describe the organization, including the type of business.

Create the business case.

Determine why funding is needed for the company.

Determine the sources of funding. Consider self-funding, borrowing, loans, equity, venture capital, etc.

Evaluate the requirements of each of the funding sources that you plan to use.

Analyze the risks that are associated with each funding source.

Decide which sources are the best fit for your company based on the requirements of each. Justify your decision.

Estimate the cost of capital for both short-term and long-term funding sources.

Research current estimated APRs for your selected sources of funding.

Create a table or chart to display this information.

Estimate direct costs, including capital, marketing, labor, equipment, and inventory/supply costs.

Prepare a budget that includes starting balances, monthly costs, loan/investment payments, cash flow projections, and required revenue.

Create a profit-and-loss statement for a 3-year period. Provide a revenue forecast, stating realistic assumptions, such as growth per year, in your projections.

How does supplier leverage affect firms’ market value? How does buyer leverage affect firms’ market value? How does customer leverage affect supplier leverage decisions? How does buyer-supplier leverage affect firms’ market value?

The analysis of the effect of the buyer leverage on the supplier leverage

Modigliani and Miller’s (M&M) irrelevance theory implies that the firm’s value is not affected by how the business fund is capital structure. Therefore, it is assumed that the financial leverage between the buyer and supplier has no positive effect on the business market value. It contradicts the bargain theory of capital structure, which stipulates that the firm’s debt increases their bargaining power against the supplier and therefore would stipulate an increase in firm market value. In addition, further research indicates that when customer leverage increases, both supplier and firm may wish to do the same to minimize exposure to financial risk and remain competitive. (PDF) Capital Structure Along the Supply Chain: How Does Customer Leverage Affect Supplier Leverage Decisions?,2021). However, there is limited research to understand how the leverage between the buyer and supplier affects the business’s market value and whether it has a positive or negative effect. It could be argued that a consistent fluctuation of the leverage could lead to damaged relationships and market disruption allowing the customer to take advantage and giving higher bargaining power to drive pricing down. (Optimal Use of Financial Leverage in a Corporate Capital Structure, Investopedia, 2021).
Capital financing through raising debt has always been put under scrutiny by corporate finance as it often can be detrimental to the business and lead to bankruptcy.
To derive the research question answer, I will test the implications of the two main capital structure theories and apply them to the business in the telecommunication industry.
Over the years, we have seen significant growth of investment in the technology sector, particularly telecommunications. The consumer demand primarily drives this demand. It has been more apparent when Corona Virus disease outbreak in 2020 as it enabled people to travel. Therefore, most people globally had to set up a remote working place. As more people and businesses relied on the internet, telecom providers had responded to that demand by raising finance to fund the development of required infrastructure for the growing need for internet speed, resilience, and capacity. (Wieck and Vidal, 2021)
Research questions

⦁ How does supplier leverage affect firms’ market value?
⦁ How does buyer leverage affect firms’ market value?
⦁ How does customer leverage affect supplier leverage decisions?
⦁ How does buyer-supplier leverage affect firms’ market value?
⦁ How does supplier and buyer capital structure affect the firm’s profitability?

Find and research a current event (in the last five years) about an unethical practice in a U.S. capital market. Analyze the event using evidence from your research, and offer a reaction, response, or solution. Discuss how the capital market failed to meet standard ethical and professional practices.

Unethical Capital Markets

Overview: In this assignment, you will investigate an unethical event that took place in the U.S. capital markets. Based on the
CFA Code of Ethics and Standards
of Professional Conduct
, you will review and discuss the event.

Prompt: Your paper must address the critical elements listed below.

Find and research a current event (in the last five years) about an unethical practice in a U.S. capital market.

Analyze the event using evidence from your research, and offer a reaction, response, or solution.

Discuss how the capital market failed to meet standard ethical and professional practices.

What is the degree of each company’s transaction, economic, and translation exposure? What factors affect exposure in each currency? What desirable characteristics might limit exposure?

Unit 4- Continuation of Unit 2- Cumulative Investing Project

This is a continuation of work. Must follow pre-existing topic in essay and spreadsheet provided. No Deviations Accepted.

Cumulative Investing Project

This cumulative investing project will help you to understand the factors, decisions, and ethics that influence the performance of multinational corporations (MNCs) and foreign stocks in the international financial environment.

In this unit, you will continue to work with the stock portfolio you created in Unit II, consisting of at least three U.S.-based MNCs and two foreign stocks. You will monitor the performance of the portfolio during the course. In Unit VIII, you will attempt to explain why each stock increased or decreased in price and why your portfolio performed well or poorly. Your explanations should offer insight into what is driving the valuations of the companies.

For this unit, continue to use the spreadsheet you created in Unit II to track your investment. As a reminder, the Unit II spreadsheet consists of the following data points:

firm name;

ticker symbol;

amount of investment in each stock ($10,000 per stock for a total of $50,000);

price per share at which you purchased the stock;

exchange rate;

percentage change in stock price, which will be updated again in Units VI and VIII; and

change analysis, which will identify the primary reason for the change in stock price. (This column will be updated again in Units VI and VIII.)

Update the spreadsheet columns with the percentage change in the stock price since your last assignment submission (you may use an interval of your choosing, such as a single update or daily, weekly, or other) and the primary reason for the change in the stock price up to the current date.

In a separate Word document, respond to the prompts below.

Assess government influence on the exchange rate behavior of each company.

Do you see any opportunity for international arbitrage with any of the companies’ exchange rates? Why, or why not?

Discuss interest rate and purchasing power parity as it pertains to each company.

What forecasting technique would you use to forecast the exchange rate, and how would you assess forecast performance?

What is the degree of each company’s transaction, economic, and translation exposure? What factors affect exposure in each currency? What desirable characteristics might limit exposure?

You can monitor the portfolio using various apps, such as Robinhood or Yahoo! Finance. These types of apps provide charts, recent news, and other information on the stocks.

Submit your spreadsheet and summary. Your summary should be at least two pages in length. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, and include in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed. For the summary, use a minimum of two sources, one of which may be the textbook. Your summary should include a title page, introduction, body, conclusion, and references page.

How many nurses would be required per week? What might be the value of employing/engaging part-time or casual nurses? If agency nurses were to be used instead, what effect would this have on costs? Why? What strategies could you use to manage surges in demand?

Finance Management in Health Services


1. Read the above information carefully.

2. Based on this information, identify the following impacts (10 marks):

o The base number of nursing hours per week as planned to run the service.

o Express this as an FTE (assume a 38-hour week and no ADOs).

o Identify/calculate the nursing hours per weekend as planned to run the service.

o Identify/calculate the number of nursing evening shifts payable each week.

o The base number of reception staff hours per week as planned to run the service.

o The reception staff hours per weekend as planned to run the service.

o The number of reception evening shifts as planned payable each week.

o The medical charge levied by medical administration each week.

o The maximum possible number of tests that might be expected to be offered per week.

3. Briefly explain why the briefing information speaks about the staffing cost to the organisation rather than salary or wage. Why is the cost to the organisation higher than the hourly salary or wage paid to staff? (3 marks)

4. Identify and categorise the incomes and costs from the briefing document. (5 marks)

o Fixed

o Variable

5. Identify the contribution margin. (2 marks)

6. Calculate staffing costs (medical officers, nurses, manager and reception staff) for the 12-week program. (10 marks)

7. Identify the minimum number of nursing staff required. (5 marks)

o How many nurses would be required per week?

o What might be the value of employing/engaging part-time or casual nurses?

o If agency nurses were to be used instead, what effect would this have on costs? Why?

o What strategies could you use to manage surges in demand?

o What would be a reasonable sick leave rate?

8. Identify which type of prospective budget you plan to prepare and list the reasons why. (5 marks)

9. Construct a budget for the project. (5 marks)

10. Construct a cash flow projection. (5 marks)

11. Identify whether the program will operate at a surplus or a loss, and what financial issues the organisation should be alert to. (5 marks)

12. Identify how many tests overall must occur to break even. (2 marks)

13. On average, how many tests per week and per day and per nurse would this involve? (3 marks)

14. After one month, you discover that the demand after 5 pm is never more than 15 cases per hour. What efficiencies could you implement? (5 marks)

15. Draw conclusions and create recommendations for the chief executive and the board. (5 marks)

PART 2 – Questions/Tasks:


1. Allocate your hospital’s support department costs to the patient services departments based on the cost drivers specified. (Calculate the allocation rate first for each support department, then prepare an allocation table for the allocations to patient service departments.) (15 marks)

2. Do you think the allocation method (cost drivers) used were appropriate? Explain why or why not. Can you suggest more appropriate allocation methods (cost driver) for the support department’s overhead cost allocations? Explain why your allocation method would be more appropriate. (5 marks)

3. Are all the patient services departments profitable (please show your calculations by preparing an income statement)? If not, should they be closed? Explain why or why not. (10 marks)

Write a response paper of 80 – 100 words that speculates about why the countries experience a net inflow or net outflow of millionaires based on your observations.

Mapping the Global Migration of Millionaires

Access the article, Mapping the Global Migration of Millionaires that you read in Section 3/ Select a country that has a net inflow migration (more people migrate to the country than leave) and a second country that has a net outflow migration (more people leave the country than migrate to the country).

Now access the Index of Economic Freedom produced annually by the Heritage Foundation, and select the See the Heat map. At the bottom of the page, you will see thirteen circles that represent 13 economic freedom ratings. One at a time, select the four ratings,

Property rights
Financial freedom
Investment freedom
Business freedom
and note the differences and similarities for the two countries you selected. Select two additional ratings (your choice) and note the differences and similarities.

Using Microsoft Word, write a response paper of 80 – 100 words that speculates about why the countries experience a net inflow or net outflow of millionaires based on your observations.

How do you envisage being able to apply your knowledge, skills and understanding to enable clients’ needs and expectations to be met and how will you incorporate the functions associated with the provision of a quality, professional practice to those customers.

Business/Marketing Plan

Assume you are now a mortgage broker and you are either working as an independent contractor, or are self-employed or about to open a franchise. Assume you have two other staff members working with you. Their roles are your choice.

Using the template we have provided as a guide, prepare a basic business/marketing plan outline for your business, for the next 12 months, incorporating the following activities:

– Developing professional relationships

– Networking

– Prospecting for clients

– Marketing ideas

– Client retention

Guidelines –

1. You must type your marketing/business plan ie. construct it as a document on your PC and save either as a doc or pdf file. A minimum of 4 typed pages is expected.

2. You will not need to provide any budgeting estimates for the purpose of this Exercise but you are welcome to do so

3. You will not be judged on your typing or word processing ability

4. The marketing plan template we have provided is for guidance only – you do not need to provide information for all of the points outlined unless you feel they are relevant and you do not need to follow the template we have provided if you already have your own business plan document or template to follow

5. You will not be judged on your skill as a marketing expert but on the evidence of your understanding of the points below

6. If you still feel unsure where to start with your business/marketing plan, then you should Google this to get a feel for what different plans can incorporate. We want to know what strategies you would use in order to succeed as a broker.

Points you must cover –

 How do you envisage being able to apply your knowledge, skills and understanding to enable clients’ needs and expectations to be met and how will you incorporate the functions associated with the provision of a quality, professional practice to those customers.

 How do you envisage you will develop, nurture and maintain professional relationships with clients, colleagues and other referrals in order to complete work tasks, further the reputation of the organisation or your company, as well as the profession generally, and improve long term relationships and sales.

 How do you envisage you will establish contact and then build rapport both in your own industry and within other finance industries incorporating sales and presentation skills as well displaying an industry-knowledge of regulations, disclosure and selling.

 How do you envisage identifying and contacting potential client prospects through use of networks, leads and research skills.

Compare market conditions with the company’s performance for the last few years. Conclude how the market conditions that year influenced the company’s performance, such as interest rates, Federal Reserve Bank monetary policy changes, or other market conditions relevant to the company you selected.

Shareholder Analysis.

Evaluate economic conditions that influence company performance. Consider political, environmental, currency (money), global economics, and government influences on economic conditions. Certainly include the impact of Covid on your company.

Compare market conditions with the company’s performance for the last few years. Conclude how the market conditions that year influenced the company’s performance, such as interest rates, Federal Reserve Bank monetary policy changes, or other market conditions relevant to the company you selected.

Analyze year-over-year performance from the last few years. Consider key metrics or ratios such as trailing PE ratio, forward PE ratio, price to book, return on assets, and return on equity in your conclusions.

Describe the organization, including the type of business. Create the business case. Determine why funding is needed for the company. Determine the sources of funding. Consider self-funding, borrowing, loans, equity, venture capital, etc.

Signature Assignment: Financial Plan

Prepare a financial plan for the organization that you select for your business plan.

Describe the organization, including the type of business.

Create the business case.
Determine why funding is needed for the company.
Determine the sources of funding. Consider self-funding, borrowing, loans, equity, venture capital, etc.
Evaluate the requirements of each of the funding sources that you plan to use.
Analyze the risks that are associated with each funding source.
Decide which sources are the best fit for your company based on the requirements of each. Justify your decision.
Estimate the cost of capital for both short-term and long-term funding sources. Research current estimated APRs for your selected sources of funding. Create a table or chart to display this information.

Estimate direct costs, including capital, marketing, labor, equipment, and inventory/supply costs.

Prepare a budget that includes starting balances, monthly costs, loan/investment payments, cash flow projections, and required revenue.

Create a profit-and-loss statement for a 3-year period. Provide a revenue forecast, stating realistic assumptions, such as growth per year, in your projections.

Describe, elaborate, and summarize the key contents of the videos, and conclude in the last paragraph what are the hard lessons that can be learnt, and reflect upon how these crises could have been better handled, avoided and how to prevent similar crises from recurring in the future.

Asian Financial Crisis

Watch the (2) videos above and write a reflection.

Carefully watch and capture the essence of the videos, describe, elaborate, and summarize the key contents of the videos, and conclude in the last paragraph what are the hard lessons that can be learnt, and reflect upon how these crises could have been better handled, avoided and how to prevent similar crises from recurring in the future.

Note: The reflection will be checked by “turnitin”.