What is encumbered real estate? What does title clarify? What’s a Cap rate? Be thorough in your discussion of all the inputs.  How does this differ from Discounted Cash Flow analysis?

Finish the question

SHORT ANSWER (20 points each, 100 total): PICK FIVE (5) OF TEN (10), AND ANY MORE FOR UP TO 20 EXTRA CREDIT POINTS).

My goal for this part is not to determine if you can “parrot” answers, but rather to see how you have advanced in thinking about “risk and opportunity”.  Write legibly, as I will not grade what I cannot read.  Evaluate these statements.  You will be evaluated by the comprehensiveness and clarity of your answers.


  1. React: Prop At 1% ad valorem, the tax appears to be an out sized discussion for such a small operational cost.


  1. React: The most critical aspects of a lease for a shopping mall are the annual base rent and the pass-through of CAM charges.


  1. React: The due diligence process for a property is a legal exercise and is not of much concern to the business people making the investment. Don’t forget a breakdown of key aspects.


  1. What is encumbered real estate? What does title clarify?


  1. In a profitable transaction when you are selling a property, what is true about the going in and exit cap rates? Assume cash flow is the same throughout.   Why?
    1. There is no necessary correlation between profitability and these cap rates
    2. The going in cap is equal to the exit cap
    3. The going in cap is higher than the exit cap
    4. The going in cap is lower than the exit cap


  1. React: Reducing a tenant’s monthly rent by $100 every month is a wise investment in landlord tenant relationships.


  1. What’s a Cap rate? Be thorough in your discussion of all the inputs.  How does this differ from Discounted Cash Flow analysis?


  1. React: The financial pro forma for a property represents the financial performance which will be realized by the property, and as such reflects the risks of the investment.

Provide a detailed financial analysis of the wind turbines and an accompanying report that explains and justifies methodology, summarises findings and recommends an appropriate subsidy for local government to contribute, and highlights limitations with the analysis and recommendations.

Capital Budgeting Report and Analysis

Provide a detailed financial analysis of the wind turbines and an accompanying report that explains and justifies methodology, summarises findings and recommends an appropriate subsidy for local government to contribute, and highlights limitations with the analysis and recommendations. To complete this task, your manager has requested the following:
– The financial analysis is to be completed in Excel. The file is to be easily adjustable for different scenarios and all inputs must be in the one sheet called ‘Assumptions’.

– The report is to be short (600 words + 20% tolerance) and written for a person with a basic understanding of financial analytical tools as the investment team will provide the report to local government and the Port of Brisbane. The report should have the following sections:

o Summary: Brief outline of task, methodology and recommendation.

o Methodology: Explains and justifies the selected evaluation metric.

o Recommendations: Summarises the economic viability of the wind turbines without the subsidy and recommends a minimum annual subsidy required to ensure the project’s economic viability. The analysis is to be completed for the project with a 20-year and 40-year life, where the 40-year life includes an overhaul of the wind turbines after 20 years.

o Limitations: Highlights the key limitations with the analysis and recommends additional analysis to alleviate these limitations where appropriate

What are the leading causes of the exploitation of BIPOC relating to student loans? What role does the type of institution attended by BIPOC play in discriminatory funding of student loans?

Student debt crisis has disproportionately affected Black, Indigenous, and People of Color

Sources/ References: Peer Review only between the years of 2018-2021.

Problem Statement: The problem to be addressed in this study is, the student debt crisis has disproportionately affected Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities due to racially biased funding in the United States

Purpose Statement: The purpose of this qualitative case study will be to investigate the drivers behind BIPOC student loan exploitation, institutional role in this exploitation, and possible recommendation to reduce this racially-based funding.

Research Questions:

What are the leading causes of the exploitation of BIPOC relating to student loans?


What role does the type of institution attended by BIPOC play in discriminatory funding of student loans?


What recommendation if adopted could reduce racially biased funding in the United States for BIPOC?

The template is attached that outlines the following directions. If the header is highlighted or strike through do not add or remove the writing under that header. Take a look at the problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions and complete chapter one of my Dissertation.

Explain why any noticeable volatility in the currency’s exchange rate against the US dollar occurred, giving adequate reference to knowledge learnt during the course.

Investigate Finland’s adoption of a negative interest rate policy and the implications for its currency’s value.

In recent decades, some major economies and regions, including Japan, the Eurozone, and a few others, have adopted zero and then negative interest rates: a historically unconventional monetary policy response. This assignment requires that you investigate Finland’s adoption of a negative interest rate policy and the implications for its currency’s value and develop an essay on this topic. In this essay you will need to explain why any noticeable volatility in the currency’s exchange rate against the US dollar occurred, giving adequate reference to knowledge learnt during the course. You need to cite appropriate references from academic journals, government announcements and publications, newspapers, institutional reports, etc., to support your argument.

For Coca-Cola, identify any potential liabilities from the “Commitments and Contingencies” note.

Financial Statement Analysis

The “Commitments and Contingencies” disclosure note from the financial statements may provide valuable information related to off-balance financing and other complex financing arrangements. Unquantified business operations can pose as potential liabilities or litigations that can affect a firm in the future.

For Coca-Cola, identify any potential liabilities from the “Commitments and Contingencies” note. Review the information and explain why this information was determined to be a potential liability. From a managerial perspective, how would you respond?

Would you be interested in using or investing in cryptocurrency? Explain why or why not.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Discussion Topic

As new trends in the world of finance, blockchain and cryptocurrency hold immense promise for bringing prosperity into our world. The concept of a truly shared and democratic economy is at the core of the blockchain initiative.

In your initial post, address the following:

Discuss your experience with cryptocurrencies.

Have you used Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ripple, Tether, Litecoin, Ethereum, or other cryptocurrencies? If so, explain why you chose to use one of these systems and describe your experience.

If you have not used cryptocurrencies, discuss your opinion about using them. Would you be interested in using or investing in cryptocurrency? Explain why or why not.

Discuss how you would develop a coherent funding strategy for the venture.

Raising finance

You have agreed to act as an advisor to ‘ELITE PRO’, a promising early stage technology venture based in the UK. They wish to develop a funding strategy for the next 48 months, at which point they should have achieved break-even.

Write a 2000-word individual report to describe, and discuss how you would develop a coherent funding strategy for the venture, which has the following characteristics:

• Stage – Currently pre-seed, no MVP or evidence (yet) of customer traction

• Team – Two full time co-founders (CEO and CTO) who can survive for 6 months without income.

• Industry – Sports wearables

• Market – B2C, initially targeting competitive cyclists and rowers (assume a SOM of £50m in EU and US combined, CAGR 5%)

• Competitors – No direct competition at present. Substitutes exist but are more expensive.

Explain the incentive pay model Uber uses and how it affects the principal-agent problem.

Unit 8 Final Project Finance

Uber is a ride-sharing service started in 2009. If you are not familiar with Uber, you can learn more about the services it provides at Uber.com.

Construct an eight-page analysis of Uber using the following criteria.

Analyze the market before Uber’s entry. Describe the inefficiency Uber exploited.

Explain Uber’s surge pricing in the context of shifts in supply and demand.

Evaluate Uber’s surge pricing in the context of price discrimination.

Apply the concepts of economies of scale and economies of scope to Uber’s business model.

Apply the concepts of game theory to Uber’s market.

Assess Uber’s potential for international expansion and potential trade policy issues.

Explain the incentive pay model Uber uses and how it affects the principal-agent problem.

Discuss any asymmetric information issues with Uber’s business model.

Your essay must be at least eight pages in length (not counting the title and references pages) and include at least five peer-reviewed resources. Adhere to APA Style when writing your analysis, including citations and references for sources used. Be sure to include an introduction. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Explain how incentives can be used to overcome the principal-agent problem (such as paying your children for good grades).

Describe an example you have experience with of the principal-agent problem (for example, you have a desire for your children to listen in school and do well, while for them, goofing off at school might be much more fun). explain how incentives can be used to overcome the principal-agent problem (such as paying your children for good grades). Include in your explanation an analysis of the risks in using incentives.