Identify two or three good performance companies and justify the investment motivation for the industry and the companies

Financial investment analysis

You are to identify two companies in one industry that perform well under COVID-19 investment environment. In your report, please include the following:

Identify two or three good performance companies and justify the investment motivation for the industry and the companies

Through research and review, identify key factors that could affect share performance for the companies in that industry

Construct regression model(s) to examine the effect of different factors on share performance, i.e. CAPM, Fama and French three factors model and five factors model, or other models you develop. See some journals listed in the Assignment Support folder under Module

Discuss whether these series are appropriate for a regression analysis and what problems may arise from using such series?

Empirical Finance

Using a sample from October of 1980 to December of 2020 answer the questions below.
Question 1
Report the descriptive statistics and comment on the characteristics of the portfolio and the factors series. Discuss whether these series are appropriate for a regression analysis and what problems may arise from using such series? (The statistics should be in a nicely formatted table within the main text, with Eviews output in the Appendix.)

Question 2
Estimate the CAPM and Fama-French 3 factor model using OLS in EViews. Comment in detail on your regression outputs. State/interpret the magnitude and statistical significance of the slope coefficient estimates and the statistical significance and fit of the overall regression, for both models.

Question3 (20 points) Compare the results between the two models of question 2 and comment on which one is better in describing the returns of the portfolio? Furthermore, discuss whether the regressions of question 2 violate any of the main assumptions.

Question 4
Estimate the CAPM model for the portfolio series using quantile regression in EViews for a set of quantiles ranging from 0.1 to 0.9. Comment in detail on your regression output. State/interpret the magnitude and statistical significance of the quantile slope coefficient estimates and compare them with the OLS estimates in Question 2. Perform an equality coefficient test across quantiles.

Question 5 (20 points) Describe how to choose between two non-nested models and potential problems associated with such an approach. How would non-normal data affect this selection approach?

Identify the advantages and disadvantages of this investment

Consider an investment in an international venture. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of this investment.

Explain how all parties in the scenario may be affected by the nurse’s actions

Review the NCSBN’s White Paper: A Nurse’s Guide to the Use of Social Media.

Select one of the scenarios from pages 4-7 in the NCSBN’s White Paper to focus on in this week’s assignment.

Create a Microsoft Word document and complete the following steps:

Summarize the scenario you have selected in your own words (75-100 words).

Explain how all parties in the scenario may be affected by the nurse’s actions (75-100 words).

Referring to the ANA’s Fact Sheet and the NCSBN’s White Paper, explain how the actions in the scenario violated guidelines for responsible use of social media. Provide specific examples from both documents to support your explanation (100-150 words).

Copy the following citations for both the ANA’s Fact Sheet and the NCSBN’s White Paper in your document below your response. Format the citations so that they match the rest of the document, and add hanging indents for lines that follow the first in each citation per APA formatting.

Explain what the results of your calculations and your comparison indicate about the business’s current financial health, providing examples to support your explanation.

Financial Formulas

Financial Calculations: Calculate accurate financial ratios to assess the business’s current financial health. Specifically, calculate the following ratios: o Working capital o Current ratio o Debt ratio o Earnings per share o Price/earnings ratio o Total asset turnover ratio o Financial leverage o Net profit margin o Return on assets o Return on equity

Fiscal Quarter Comparison: Using Mergent Online, summarize the differences between the results from your financial calculations of the most recent fiscal quarter and the results of the same financial calculations of the same fiscal quarter from a year before for your chosen business. o For example, if the most recent fiscal quarter available is the 3rd quarter in 2020, then you will compare those results to the same financial calculations from the 3rd quarter in 2019.

Comparison Analysis: Explain what the results of your calculations and your comparison indicate about the business’s current financial health, providing examples to support your explanation. You might consider the following questions:

o Do the results indicate the business is financially healthy or financially unhealthy? Which results indicate this?

o What might be the cause(s) of the business’s financial success or failure?

o Is more information needed to determine the business’s financial health? If so, which pieces of information might still be needed?

Short-Term Financing: Explain how potential short-term financing sources could help the business raise needed funds to improve its financial health.

Base your response on the business’s current financial information.
The following resources can help you complete this milestone:

Video: Mergent Online: Public Company Financials (4:46) Watch this video from the Shapiro Library to learn more about how to access and use Mergent Online.


How effective were they? What worked? What did not work? Why?

Fund Manager for a portfolio

As a Fund Manager you have to write a report that will explain the performance of your portfolio in the year 2020. Assume that you have the benchmark portfolio and that the investment period runs from the beginning of January 2020 to the end of December 2020. The benchmark asset weights should be 30% SPY, 20% TLT, 10% GLD, 10% USO, 20% EEM and 10% cash. That means that $300,000 should be in SPY, $200,000 should be in TLT, $100,000 should be in GLD, $100,000 should be in USO, $200,000 should be in EEM and $100,000 will remain in cash. Note that cash is the risk-free asset in this case and the other assets comprise the market portfolio and the investment universe.

You can calculate the number of securities that you should have at the beginning (and end) of 2020 by dividing the total investment value (above) by the price of these ETF at the beginning of 2020. The first date will be 2nd January 2020.

You must discuss the following aspects:

1. The performance of your portfolio. This must include the return that you achieved on the $ 1.0 million and the amount of risk that you took.

2. The key events that affected the portfolio and the way that these events affected portfolio assets.

3. A critical evaluation of investment theories. How effective were they? What worked? What did not work? Why?

The report will be about 1000 words (with 10 percent leeway). It should be professional looking document that will explain your performance. The following marking criteria will be applied.


1. Risk, return and relative performance are discussed critically and this is used to assess the original strategy.

2.excellent discussion of asset performance and this is used to evaluate the weights that were chosen

3. The performance of the portfolio is used as the basis of a critical assessment of the investment theories. The is evidence of extensive reading and understanding.

4. There is excellent presentation. Tables are diagrams are fully explained. The presentation enhances the main points that are being made

What is the blockchain innovation about with regard to digital identity in this industry of choice?

Carry out a research analysis regarding the application of blockchain in Digital identity.
In this regard, prepare recommendation whether blockchain technology should be further developed about digital identity. Additionally, think of a particular industry for where this application may be vital.

Structure to follow,

1. What is the blockchain innovation about with regard to digital identity in this industry of choice? In particular touch upon the issues this blockchain aims to solve in digital identity in the industry selected

2. What are the characteristics of the blockchain in question? (Public/private blockchain? etc.)

3. Is it only about blockchain technology? Or maybe solutions at the intersection of blockchain and ML, Big Data are considered here? If you are arguing for yes, why other technologies are not solving the problem. If you are arguing for no, what other technologies are better to do the job, and why? (Think whether ML would be a good tool to solve the problem in your space, similarly to how you are assessing blockchain’ suability.)

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of blockchain application in this area?

5. Conclusions: Take a side and develop recommendation based on your analysis. oIf you argue for using blockchain technology, write what would need to be further developed (improved, changed) in order to make this application solve the still existing problems in the best possible way of you argue not for using blockchain technology, write what would be a better solution (decentralized ledger, or something completely different).

What are the additional factors encountered in international, as compared to domestic, financial management?

Answer the following questions

1) What are the factors for determining the size of investment in accounts receivable? Which of these factors is under the control of the manager?

2) If the firm experienced no bad debt losses over the past year, would this indicate proper credit management? Yes or no?

3) What are the limitations of breakeven analysis?

4) What are the additional factors encountered in international, as compared to domestic, financial management?

5) How do purchasing power parity, interest rate parity, and the Fisher Effect explain the relationships between the current spot rate, the future spot rate, and the forward rate?

6) What risks are associated with direct foreign investment? How are these risks different from domestic investment problems? If so, why?

Identify and explain the main factors causing change in values in different market sectors.


Knowledge and Understanding
Upon successful completion of the module, you will be able to:

Identify and explain the main factors causing change in values in different market sectors.

Apply conventional valuation methods to value freehold property interests for different purposes.

Apply conventional methods to value leasehold interests

Examine the RICS Valuation – Global Standards and understand when and how to use them

Practical, Professional or Subject Specific Skills
On completion you will have had the opportunity to/will be able to:

Carry out in-depth conventional valuations.

Demonstrate ability in key skills to conduct property valuation.

Recognize the limitations of valuation techniques and evaluate their effectiveness in a wide range of circumstances