Evaluate the two matrices using current actions by each country to see which matrix is most likely correct.

Incorporate the concepts of game theory with international trade and tariffs. Set up two payoff matrices.

Set up the first payoff matrix such that the outcome will be harmful to both countries.

Set up the second payoff matrix such that the outcome will be beneficial to the United States.

Evaluate the two matrices using current actions by each country to see which matrix is most likely correct.

Describe how opening up to trade specifically affects a domestic monopoly.

International trade can have big effects on domestic markets. For both an import good and an export good (in other words, address each bulleted item below twice—once for import and once for export), describe how opening up to international trade affects the following:
supply or demand for the particular good,
the competitiveness of that good’s market, and
how the change in competitiveness affects equilibrium price and quantity.

Describe how opening up to trade specifically affects a domestic monopoly. Include an explanation, using game theory, of how even a single additional competitor can lead to a market outcome similar to perfect competition.

Your essay must be at least three pages in length (not counting the title and references pages) and include at least three peer-reviewed resources. Adhere to APA Style when writing your essay, including citations and references for sources used. Be sure to include an introduction.

Evaluate the two matrices using current actions by each country to see which matrix is most likely correct.

Incorporate the concepts of game theory with international trade and tariffs. Set up two payoff matrices.

Set up the first payoff matrix such that the outcome will be harmful to both countries.

Set up the second payoff matrix such that the outcome will be beneficial to the United States.

Evaluate the two matrices using current actions by each country to see which matrix is most likely correct.

Discuss with your classmates whether or not the ensuing trade war will produce successful outcomes.

Identify the advantages and disadvantages of this investment based on the capital structure of the firm.

Finalize the key assignment that you started in the previous unit.

Identify the advantages and disadvantages of this investment based on the capital structure of the firm.

Following are the specifications for the original assignment:

Consider an investment in an international venture. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of this investment, based upon the following:

Forecasting foreign currency exchange rates

Interest rate and relative purchasing power parity, and forecasting

Foreign investment policies

Government limitations on foreign investments

Trade regulation and policies

International finance regulations

Compare and contrast associational, difference, and descriptive types of research questions.

D1.2 Research Questions I. Compare and contrast associational, difference, and descriptive types of research questions.

There are several types of research questions that can be asked. The three categories include difference, associational, and descriptive. All of them are trying to learn something but have different approaches. According to Morgan et al. (2013), difference research questions are when the researcher is looking at comparing two groups. The groups have one or more of the independent variables.

It tries to show that the groups are different when looking at the same dependent variable. Associational questions are asked to see how several variables covary. A descriptive research question only tries to summarize the data available but does not make any inferences.

D1.3 Research Questions II. Using one or more of the following HSB variables; religion, mosaic pattern test, or visualization score:

Write an association question

Will a student’s religion impact their math achievement score?

Write a difference question

Do students who score high on the mosaic pattern test, score higher on their math achievement than students who score high on the visualization test?

Write a descriptive question

What is the average math achievement test score for all students?

How would you interpret a z score of ‐3.0? c) What percentage of scores is between a z of ‐2 and a z of +2? Why is this important?

Variables, Z Scores, Population and Output RESPONSE DB 820

D2.1 Working with Variables. a) Compare and contrast nominal, dichotomous, ordinal, and normal variables.

b) In social science research, why isn’t it important to distinguish between interval and ratio data?
a) Compare and contrast nominal, dichotomous, ordinal, and normal variables.

b) In social science research, why isn’t it important to distinguish between interval and ratio data?

a) How do z scores relate to the normal curve?

b) How would you interpret a z score of ‐3.0? c) What percentage of scores is between a z of ‐2 and a z of +2? Why is this important?

Identify what you want to speak about categorize in those categories

Investment Decision Making for Managers

Useful tips
understand the data sheet
⁃ What the ratios mean
⁃ External links to understand the ratios
⁃ Understand the ratios (ready ratios)
⁃ Understand each of the ratios and what they mean
⁃ Compare with competitor company COKE COCA COLA
⁃ Find coke on the same parameters
⁃ Understand payout ratio means
⁃ Profitability, liquidity, efficiency, leverage & market
⁃ Able to compare the company with cocoa cola DO 2019 DATA
⁃ Understand the capital structure of the company and how well it utilizes its assets
⁃ 52 week average working well in the markets
⁃ Data sheet: share statistics A20 DOWN aren’t applicable besides outstanding shares
⁃ Identify what you want to speak about categorize in those categories
⁃ Interpreter the meaning of the ratios
⁃ Assessed by the media campaign by the increase of obesity by the government by drinking healthier
⁃ Overcome this negative campaign

Explain how the shifts in demand and supply are different from movements along the demand curve or movements along the supply curve and why the distinction is important.

Identify a good you commonly use or would like to use.

Explain at least three factors that would result in a shift in the demand curve for that good and three factors that would result in a shift in the supply curve for that good.

Describe the effect on equilibrium price and quantity of each factor.

Explain how the shifts in demand and supply are different from movements along the demand curve or movements along the supply curve and why the distinction is important.

Which factors influence teacher perceptions and attitudes regarding standards implementation?

Leadership and finance for effective service delivery

Standards offer a foundation for helping teachers decide what students should know and be able to do. The implementation of standards is difficult for some teachers while others embrace implementation without concern.

After developing a comparative table, justify why some teachers have a positive attitude towards standards while other teachers struggle. Utilize research studies to compare and contrast variables impacting perceptions and interventions which promote implementation.

Research P-12 national, state, and district standards which have served as a guide for teacher instruction and formative and summative assessments for student learning.

In a comparative table, use research studies to compare and contrast the perception of teachers based on variables including (but not limited to) the number of years teaching, demographic served, and location in the U.S.

Justify why some teachers have a positive approach to implementation of the standards while other teachers struggle or resist.

Which factors influence teacher perceptions and attitudes regarding standards implementation?

What data support standards implementation reform?

How can leaders promote buy-in, compliance, and application fidelity?

What is your assumption about financing of capex and change in working capital??

Finance valuation of En+ group

For discounted cash flow approach
What model you would like to use stable growth, two periods or three period growths???

Think of the discount rate you would like to use to compute PV of cash flow. Different rate for different stage of growth? Or the same???

• What you would like to value 1) entire firm (FCFF) or only equity part (FCFE or Dividend)
• Use WACC for firm valuation, required rate of return for equity for equity valuation
For equity valuation

How to estimate the growth rate of dividend and growth rate of FCFE (ratios using historical average, industry average)

What is your assumption about financing of capex and change in working capital??

EBITDA (both equity of firm)multiple is one of the most commonly used valuation metrics, as EBITDA is commonly used as a proxy for cash flow available to the firm.

When a company has negative EBITDA, the EBITDA and EBIT multiples will not be material. In such cases, Sales multiple may be the most appropriate multiple to use.

When depreciation and amortization expenses are small, as in the case of a non-capital-intensive company such as a consulting firm, EBIT and EBITDA will be similar.
For the sake of consistency (because you want to compare both DCF and relative valuation results), if you value FCFF, use the multiples that estimate the value of the firm, if you estimate the value of equity FCFE, use the equity multiples.