Write a report in regards of hedging with currency futures on CME.

Write a report in regards of hedging with currency futures on CME. (derivatives marketplace)

Difference between the selection of capital budgeting techniques in Larger firms than smaller firms

Capital budgeting
Capital Budgeting Techniques
Importance of Capital Budgeting Techniques
Factors that influence the selection of capital budgeting techniques
Previous capital budgeting techniques in the United Kingdom
Difference between the selection of capital budgeting techniques in Larger firms than smaller firms

 Write a report to potential investors, prepare a three year financial forecast, state clearly the amount of finance you need to borrow for the business, present the business plan

Write a report to potential investors, prepare a three year financial forecast, state clearly the amount of finance you need to borrow for the business, present the business plan ( THE PITCH )

Compare the features of different types of Derivative Contracts including forwards, futures, options and Swaps.

  1. Compare the features of different types of Derivative Contracts including forwards, futures, options and Swaps.
  2. Assess the functioning of the global derivative markets and the ethical considerations as well as responsibility in the use of derivative contracts.
  3. Evaluate the price and value of different financial derivatives using the No Arbitrage Principle.

Estimate the Price and Value of different types of Derivative Contracts using financial theory and mathematical models.

Articulate the role of the finance function in a business

a) Articulate the role of the finance function in a business
b) Recognise the purpose and content of key financial statements
d) Identify the different sources of finance for a business
e) Analyse and interpret financial information to support decision making on the strength and adaptability of an organisation

Determine the balance of principal due on the loan after 5 years or the 60th payment.

1. Explain Basel III in detail. Go to Investopedia and read, for example, “What is Basel III” by Margaret James, July 11, 2020, and “Understanding the Basel III International Regulations” by Brian Perry June 27, 2019. What is the likely impact on the financial system and economic growth?

2. Both capital adequacy and liquidity are important when evaluating a bank’s overall risk exposure. This problem focuses on both. Go to the FDIC site and obtain data for Wells Fargo and $250B-plus assets commercial bank peer group. Look up the following ratios for WF and $250B-plus banks for each of the following years ended December 31: 2020, 2012, 2008 and 2000:

a. Leverage (core capital) (row 31), Tier 1 risk-based capital (row 34), and Total risk-based capital (row 35) ratios in Performance and Condition Ratios;
b. Cash and due from depository institutions (row 4) in Assets and Liabilities (% of assets.)

Place your findings into an Excel spreadsheet table. Discuss your findings. How have the capital ratios changed over time? How has cash holdings changed? How does Wells Fargo compare with peer group?

3. A 5-year ARM (5/1 ARM) is a loan with a fixed rate for the first 5 years and a rate that subsequently changes once a year for its remaining life. Your lender locks in your rate for the first 5 years, but thereafter it changes on an annual basis moving up or down in conjunction with a specific interest-rate index, such as LIBOR. That said, suppose you’re analyzing a 5/1 ARM with a 30-year initial amortization period. The ARM is quoted at a 2.4% APR. You obtain an $800,000 adjustable rate loan.

a. Calculate your monthly payments for the first 5 years.
b. Determine the balance of principal due on the loan after 5 years or the 60th payment.
c. After 5 years the APR on your loan advances to 4.8% due to higher inflation. Calculate your new monthly payments beginning in month 61.
d. Recalculate your results to parts a, b and c assuming the 5/1 ARM is an interest-only ARM for the first five years and will be fully amortized over the final 25 years.

Discuss financial decision making.

Discuss financial decision making.

Company X has decided that they need twice as many model A computers as Model B computers.  How many of each kind of computers can the company buy?

Set up a system of linear equation for each question.  Write each system as an augmented matrix.  You do not have to solve the systems.

  • Company X plans to spend $500,000 on 20 new computers. Each model A computer will cost $2,000, each model B $2,500, and each model C $3,500.  Company X has decided that they need twice as many model A computers as Model B computers.  How many of each kind of computers can the company buy?
  • A baseball park has 7000 seats. Box seats cost $6, grandstand seats cost $4, and bleacher seats cost $2.  When all seats are sold, the revenue is $26,400.  If the number of box seats is one-third the number of bleacher seats, how many seats of each type are there?
  • The population of a state was approximately 24 million in 1980, 30 million in 1990, and 34 million in 2000. Construct a model for this data by finding a quadratic equation whose graph passes through the points (0,24), (10,30), and (20,34).

Discuss by referring to scholarly articles as well as case example as well as relevant rues of common law, statute, and codes of practice.

Discuss by referring to scholarly articles as well as case example as well as relevant rues of common law, statute, and codes of practice.

Explain the three theories of cash holdings including: trade-off theory,pecking ordertheory and agency conflicttheory.

Explain the three theories of cash holdings including: tradeoff theory,pecking ordertheory and agency conflicttheory. (30 marks)

b)Based on the empirical evidence in Faulkender and Wang (2006) and

Dittmar and MahrtSmith (2007), discuss the relationship between the value of cash holdings andcorporate characteristics, including corporate leverage, cash reserves, financial constraintsand the quality of corporate governance.(70 marks)Total: 100 marks

Question 2a)What is a credit rating game model? What does the credit rating game model imply about the quality of credit rating?(40 marks)

b)Discuss how CRAs can monitor and discipline corporate managers with their credit watch procedure. Your discussion should be supported by the theory of credit watch in Boot et al. (2006)and the empirical evidence in Bannier and Hirsch (2010).(60 marks)Total: 100 marks

SECTION BAnswer ONEquestion from this Section

Question 3a)Dreamline Company is a leading firm in the heavy machines sector, manufacturing plants for both corporate entities and the government. Following a successful government policy, Dreamline is in line to win a big contract to manufacture plants for waste recycling across the country. The company’s most recent revenue is £2 million per year; this revenue will potentially increase by 20% or decrease by 25% depending on the outcome of the bid for the contract. There is an equal probability of the revenue increase or decrease. It will also cost £1.6 million annually to run the plants. However, Dreamline has the option to sell the plants to another company for £5 million. The cost of capital is10%.i.Find the value of the plant given the embedded option to sell theplant.ii.Assume that Dreamline is not able to sell the plant, but it is able to shut down the plant at no cost at any time. What is the value of the option to abandon production?iii.Assume that it will cost the firm £1 million to shut down the plant, but it is able to sell the plant for £5 million at any time. Determine the value of the option to sell the plant.iv.Draw a decision treeassuming Dreamline is not able to sell the plant, but it is able to shut down the plant at no cost at anytime. (60 marks)b)“A complete contract would completely specify every action of every party to the contract in every state of the world”. However, most realworld contracts tend to be incomplete. Identify and explain four (4) consequences of incomplete contracts. (40 marks)Total: 100 marks

Question 4a)You are a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a Boutique Fashion firm that is ready to enter the leather bagsbusiness.Despitethecoronaviruspandemic,demandforfashionproductsseemstoberisingand you believe that it is right today to enter the business. You also believe that exactly a year from now wouldalsobeagoodopportunitybecauseofthemassvaccinationtocontainthepandemic.Itwillcost you £35.2 million to enter the market. You can construct a perfectly comparable company to mimic existing public companies in this sector of the fashion industry. Hence, you have decided to use the BlackScholes formula to decide when and if you should enter theleatherbagsbusiness.Your analysis implies thatthecurrentvalueofanoperatingleatherbags companyis£40.4million.However,the flow of customers is uncertain, and your analysis indicates a volatility of 25% per year. Twenty percent of the value of the company is attributable to the value of the free cash flows expected in the first year. If the oneyear riskfree rate of interest is4.1%:i.Should the Boutique Fashion firm enter this business and, if so,when?ii.How will the decision change if the current value of a leather bag company is £35.6 million instead of £40.4million? (40 marks)b)Asymmetric information in markets arises where different market participants have different information. Using appropriate examples, discuss the implications of the following concepts:i.adverse selection ii.moral hazard iii.winner’s curse