How does one decide what entities to include in the government’s BFS?

Is the information on the balance sheet, activity statement, and cash flow statement independent of one another or connected? Explain.
Do you think that a not-for-profit organization’s board can release the restrictions on money in a strike fund and use it for general operations? Does it matter whether we are talking about a strike fund held by a steel workers’ union to pay benefits to its members during a strike versus a fund used by a not-for-profit as a safety reserve in case its workers go on strike?
A board sets aside resources to earn investment income to support general operations. Would the resources set aside be recorded in a fund with donor restrictions or a fund without donor restrictions? Would the earnings be recorded in a fund with donor restrictions or a fund without donor restrictions?
How does one decide what entities to include in the government’s BFS?

What are several reasons that a financial manager says, “It depends,” rather than directly answering a question about how much something costs?

The Museum of New Art traditionally offers a new exhibit each month, in addition to its permanent collection. Mary Moser, the new museum director, has found that the number of exhibits must be reduced because of financial constraints. The museum has always used a line-item budget, but Mary has asked for a program budget for each of the proposed exhibits for the coming year. Explain the difference between the line-item and program budget and why Mary wants the latter.
In the past year, a major factory closed in Parsons City. Following the closure, a number of residents moved from the town. Property values are falling and the mayor believes that a tax cut is necessary to avoid further exodus. He believes that the high unemployment rate will result in a substantially increased demand for some public services. On the other hand, the declining population may reduce demand for other services. What budget approach would make the most sense for the city for the coming year? Why?
What are several reasons that a financial manager says, “It depends,” rather than directly answering a question about how much something costs?

What is the role of the manager in working capital management?

What is the role of the manager in working capital management?
Can just-in-time inventory work in public service organizations? Why or why not?
What are some of the principal impacts that the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is likely to have on not-for-profit organizations that decide to follow the provision of the law?
The fire department expected to spend $100,000 in April. Actually, it spent $108,680. The department thought it would pay each member of its team of firefighters $25 per hour. However, it paid them each $26 per hour on average. The department expected that the team of firefighters would work a total of 4,000 hours and fight 100 fires. Of course, many hours the firefighters are on duty in the station house between fires. Those hours are considered to be worked and the firefighters are paid for those hours. The actual results were 4,180 hours worked by the team of firefighters and 110 fires fought by the department. What was the total variance? What were the rate (or price), quantity, and volume variances? Which variances were favorable and which were unfavorable?
Last month, the town of New Hen established a Parking Enforcement Unit (PEU) to write parking citations. New Hen budgeted $3,600 for the unit’s first 30 days, and estimated PEU officers would write 50 citations per day in those 30 days. In addition, New Hen estimated that officers would work 12 minutes per citation written. In actuality, PEU officers wrote an average of 45 citations per day and worked 15 minutes per citation written. New Hen also paid PEU officers $0.40 more per hour than budgeted. Calculate the volume, quantity, price, and total expense variances, and indicate whether they are favorable or unfavorable.
What is the connection between the balance sheet and the fundamental equation of accounting?

What is the difference between failing to reject the null hypothesis and having evidence to support the alternative hypothesis?”

The prompt question is, “What is the difference between failing to reject the null hypothesis and having evidence to support the alternative hypothesis?”
To answer this question be sure to:
1. Define the null hypothesis (what is the definition?).
2. Explain what failing to reject the null hypothesis means. (Explain the mistake (type 1 or type 2 error) you made and its implications).
3. Explain what having evidence to support the alternative hypothesis means. What statistically do you use as proof to support the alternative hypothesis? Please discuss statistical significance.
4. Explain what the difference is between “failing to reject the null hypothesis” (making an error) and “having evidence to support the alternative hypothesis.”

Using the principles and strategies of saving and investing, create a saving and investing plan.

Using the principles and strategies of saving and investing, create a saving and investing plan. Remember, a saving and investing plan is an outline or list that names the types of savings or investments you will use. The outline also shows the amount or percentage you will put into each savings account or investment. For this project, evaluate and select at least three investments or savings accounts. Did your overall portfolio increase or decrease in value? Which investments or accounts increased and which decreased? By how much? What did you learn about investing from this project? Did you learn about how much risk you like to take? Did you learn about how much work is involved in selecting investments? Explain.Remember, a saving and investing plan is an outline or list that names the types of savings or investments you will use. The outline also shows the amount or percentage you will put into each savings account or investment. For this project, evaluate and select at least three investments or savings accounts. Did your overall portfolio increase or decrease in value? Which investments or accounts increased and which decreased? By how much? What did you learn about investing from this project? Did you learn about how much risk you like to take? Did you learn about how much work is involved in selecting investments? Explain.

How does credit rating affect the rate given to the issuer? Explain your answer.

Understanding how to properly value a vanilla bond (a plain bond) is essential for finance. Using the following Web site, find 3 different funding structures. Describe for each structure: security type, term, and yield. Furthermore, take a look at each of their offering documents, and provide a short description of the information found in the documentation.

Why do the different types of bonds get different rates? Explain your answer.
What makes each of the different structures different? Explain your answer.
What does the rate given say about the credit rating for each issuer? Explain your answer.
How does credit rating affect the rate given to the issuer? Explain your answer.
Which structure has the best credit rating based on the yield given to each structure? Explain your answer.
What is the credit rating supposed to tell you? Explain your answer.
Which bond is receiving the best price? Explain your answer.
Why does having a good credit rating matter to the issuer? Explain your answer.

What is 1 mistake people make when calculating their mortgage payments? Explain your answer.

Convert these rates into effective annual rates (EARs).
Discuss which rate is actually the cheapest rate.
What are 2 things about the sample Web site given above that could be applicable to a consumer or investor?
Present the rates in a table. List the quoted rate and EAR rate, the lender, and the maturity of the loan. Show your work for each calculation.
What is 1 mistake people make when calculating their mortgage payments? Explain your answer.
Based solely on the EAR, which rate is the cheapest? Does this make sense?
Why do the different lenders have different rates?
Is the difference in rates going to make a huge impact on the cost to the homebuyer? Explain your answer.

What additional opportunities should be explored to increase the potential net cash flow beyond the actions listed in the case?

If the transition of production to Mexico creates net incremental value:
a. What additional opportunities should be explored to increase the potential net cash flow beyond the actions listed in the case?
b. What actions would you recommend to ensure success and/or mitigate risk factors?

produce an Investment Analysis Report appraising the return on equity of the firm you selected for review over the past two years using the latest 10-Q and the corresponding 10-Q from the previous year.

Your task is to produce an Investment Analysis Report (with a maximum of 2,200 words, tables/graphs not included) appraising the return on equity of the firm you selected for review over the past two years using the latest 10-Q and the corresponding 10-Q from the previous year (so if you are using the 3rd quarter 10-Q, the comparison should be the 3rd quarter 10-Q from the previous year). You are required to employ financial statement analysis to break down the return on equity into its key parts using the basic Du Pont formula (See the reference section 3.6 of Chapter Three: Analyzing Financial Statements and point values below). consider that the panelists are all busy professionals not interested in reviewing a long report; therefore, you will need to keep to the word limit. The panel has also asked that you focus on analyzing the issues rather than on purely describing information. Analysis requires you to focus on explaining and predicting implications of trends rather than merely describing trends. Plan to include the following two sections in your analysis:

Construct a pro-forma p&l and cash flow statement for 2021 to 2030 for the company assuming the relocation of Canadian production to Mexico.

Make a powerpoint presentation with notes and Answer only these two questions and do it in the excel file provided.

1) Construct a pro-forma p&l and cash flow statement for 2021 to 2030 for the company assuming the relocation of Canadian production to Mexico. Comparing the base case (declining sales in Canada due to tariff/costs) vs. the scenario of moving production for Canadian customers to Mexico what are the financial impacts? (note: the answers to this set of questions should come from the Summary tab in the provided excel workbook)
a. What is the cash investment required in 2021 (expenses, severance, & working capital)?
b. What is the cash flow impact by year: 2021-2030 of moving production to Mexico vs. the base case?
c. What is the NPV of the move scenario vs. the base case? And what is the IRR?

2) Are there possible cost impacts that were not addressed or may need to be estimated in the Mexico scenario? If so, what are they? Did the group need to make any additional assumptions to complete the analysis and if so, what are they?