Explain the effect of COVID-19 on startup funding

Explain the effect of COVID-19 on startup funding

What are the implications of your IIT index calculations for the UK trade policy?

1.1. collect total imports and total exports data for a particular year (e.g. 2019) to calculate IIT indices for (1) China and UK trade and (2) USA and UK trade.

1.2 Present your calculations in a table.

Step 2

2.1. Carefully interpret and share your findings from step 1

Step 3
3.1 Reflect on: What are the implications of your IIT index calculations for the UK trade policy?

Identify three potential minor league hockey franchise locations, along with financial justifications for each location and financial research to support each location.

Identify three potential minor league hockey franchise locations, along with financial justifications for each location and financial research to support each location.

Three teams:
Toronto Marlies
Palm Springs AHL Team
Syracuse Crunch

Use viable financial reasons for the locations.

Discuss whether or not your subsidiary has any role in foreign exchange risk management.

1-Subsidiary: Ford Motor Company Limited – registered number (company number) – 00235446

2- 4. Show detailed calculations, analyze, compare and comment the financial performance trend of your subsidiary for each year of the three-year period of 2017-2019 (sales and profit growth/ decline); profitability ratios of gross profit margin ratio, EBIT ratio, net profit ratio, ROA; gearing ratios of debt-to-total assets, debt-to-equity, times interest earned; liquidity ratios of current ratio, quick ratio, working capital; operating efficiency ratios of inventory turnover in days, account receivable turnover in days and account payable turnover in days. In case your subsidiary exports, analyze sales in domestic markets and international markets. You should present the financial statements of your subsidiary in the appendix in the format of the image.

3- Analyse all the major financing sources of your subsidiary for the period 207-2019? Discuss whether or not your subsidiary has any role in foreign exchange risk management.



Should there be free trade in both directions? and why?

The topic: Trade Conflicts
Key point:
Impact on US economy
Impact on US and World economy
Should there be free trade in both directions? and why?

What is the impact of exchange rate volatility and market risk on your chosen portfolio?

You have recently been hired as an investment manager at a local hedge fund. You have been assigned your first client who has a sum of £10,000 to be all invested immediately for a period of 10 years. The client expresses their desire to earn a minimum return of 14% per annum and to minimize their risk. Your client instructed you to invest the fund in international markets. You decided to create a portfolio of at least 15 Global Equities chosen from a minimum of three Global Stock Exchanges.

a) Discuss your investment return and risk objectives and investment strategy

b) Discuss how you constructed your investment portfolio and selected shares? You need to critically evaluate the methods you used.

c) How did you manage the risks of your investment portfolio?

d) What is the impact of exchange rate volatility and market risk on your chosen portfolio?



From the perspective of a stockholder in Yahoo, what is your view of the $3B share repurchase announcement?

1. From the perspective of a stockholder in Yahoo, what is your view of the $3B share repurchase announcement? Is this an effective use of capital? Recall that stock buybacks are done based on various approaches/motivations. Which buyback approach was being used by Yahoo in your opinion?

2. From the perspective of Verizon’s management, what is your view of the announced $3B stock repurchase program by Yahoo prior to the merger? Does it make sense? Add value or not? Explain your reasoning.

3. From the perspective of Yahoo’s stockholders, how would you feel about the compensation for Marissa Mayer, the CEO?

4. If you were the CFO of a large US public company what would your reaction be to a proposal to tax stock buybacks? Explain your rationale.

Is online banking the future of banking

Is online banking the future of banking

What are your takeaways about the two companies based on their communications to investors?

Answer the following questions about the selected pair of companies (GE and Honeywell) and their quarterly earnings press release and presentation:

1) What are the main common elements (content, style, messaging) between the companies?

2) What are the significant differences (content, style, messaging)? Order and priority matters; what is featured in each company’s presentations and how do they differ?

3) What qualitative observations do you have about the two companies’ messaging and results in their quarterly reporting? What are your takeaways about the two companies based on their communications to investors?

4) Do you see Supply Chain impacts or significant implications? If so, in what areas?

Discuss the tax shield advantage that debt capital provides, and briefly explain the cost of capital and WACC

Submit a written paper which is at 2 pages in length, exclusive of the reference page. The Abstract is not required or needed Papers must be double spaced in Times New Roman font (or its equivalent) which is no greater than 12 points in size. The paper should cite at least three sources independent of the textbooks.

In this paper, please discuss the following case study. In doing so, explain your approach to the problem, support your approach with references, and execute your approach. Provide an answer to the case study’s question with a recommendation.

Case Study:

The Comic Book Publication Group (CBPG) specializes in creating, illustrating, writing, and printing various publications. It is a small but publicly traded corporation. CBPG currently has a capital structure of $12 million in bonds that pay a 5% coupon, $5 million in preferred stock with a par value of $35 per share and an annual dividend of $1.75 per share. The company has common stock with a book value of $6 million. The cost of capital associated with the common stock is 10%. The marginal tax rate for the firm is 33%.

The management of the company wishes to acquire additional capital for operations purposes. The chief executive officer (CEO) and chief financial officer (CFO) agree that another public debt offering (corporate bonds) in the amount of $10 million would suffice. They believe that due to favorable interest rates, the company could issue the bonds at par with a 4% coupon.

Before the Board of Directors convenes to discuss the debt Initial Public Offering (IPO), the CFO wants to provide some data for the board of directors’ meeting notebooks. One point of the analysis is to evaluate the debt offering’s impact on the company’s cost of capital. To do this:

Solve for the current cost of capital of CBPG on a weighted average basis
Solve for the new cost of capital, assuming the $10 million bond issued at par with a 4% coupon.
Describe how you approached these calculations. Also discuss the tax shield advantage that debt capital provides, and briefly explain the cost of capital and WACC
Provide a Table(s) to present answers (Students can transfer their EXCEL Table if utilized)
Summarize findings