Present and discuss various theories and empirical studies relevant to your research topic

Identify the research question in the Chinese context that you are addressing, explain why this research question is worthy of investigation and provide some evidence and corresponding data: including: Motivate for your choice, Reseach context, Reseach aim or problem

  1. Undertake a Critical Review of Literature related to your research topic: Present and discuss various theories and empirical studies relevant to your research topic/question, demonstrate awareness by explicitly refer to both conceptual and empirical studies, and your capability of conveying the breadth of wide reading and depth of knowledge of relevant academic sources.
  2. Provide a summary of what you found in the essay, conclude with an indication of the extent to which further research and provide a discussion of policy implications and recommendations, and a list of references.



What other explanatory variables are proved to be statistically significant in predicting the required rate of return?

What other explanatory variables are proved to be statistically significant in predicting the required rate of return?

What is Roll’s critique of the CAPM?  Evaluate the relevant empirical evidence.

Discuss pros and cons of multiple sources of finance that Rick and Joanne could use to obtain the necessary funds.

Prepare a budgeted balance sheet (net assets equal equity format) for Prime & Vans at 31st December 2022.
Do a cost-volume profit analysis: calculate the break-even point in sales revenues and the margin of safety in sales revenues for the business. Briefly comment on your results explaining to Rick and Joanne the meaning of these two concepts.
Maximum 200 words. Task 1: Total 40 marks.
Business report about the company business plan.
Your report addressed to Rick and Joanne should include the following:
Critical analysis of the business plan assumptions. Use your results of task 1 to evaluate critically the assumptions made by Rick and Joanne in the business plan. You need to include evidence of competition analysis, demographic analysis and characteristics of the location to evaluate the owners’ assumptions (you need to do a data search for this type of information).
Analysis of the impact of the business plan on the company profitability, liquidity and sustainability. Use your results of task 1 to answer these questions: does the company generate contribution margin and profit? In terms of liquidity, how the net cash flow and the closing balance are evolving during the year and how much cash is necessary to fund the first year of business? Can the company survive in the short-term? Can it be solvent and grow in the long-term? Discuss pros and cons of multiple sources of finance that Rick and Joanne could use to obtain the necessary funds.
Your recommendations and advices to Rick and Joanne for establishing a successful business. Provide them with your own advices. Consider strategic, marketing and financial aspects. Will Rick and Joanne be able to expand the business and buy the two new vans in January 2023?

Apply break-even calculations to specific organisational data.

Apply break-even calculations to specific organisational data.

Use the company’s 2020 Annual Report and Financial Accounts to calculate the relevant financial ratios and make comparisons with the financial performance of one other company in the same industry sector

Use the company’s 2020 Annual Report and Financial Accounts to calculate the relevant financial ratios and make comparisons with the financial performance of one other company in the same industry sector that is as close as possible to your company in terms of size and nature of operation.

Minimum ratios to be calculated is 30. Website to get financials of Cairn Energy is:

Assess the impact of the digital currency on the Nigerian financial system.

Assess the impact of the digital currency on the Nigerian financial system.

Critically discuss how Debenhams could have improved its liquidity position and avoided going into administration applying this to Rolling Limited.

Berkshire Hathaway held $101 billion in cash at the end of 2019 similarly Apple $269
billion in 2018 (Bary, 2020). In contrast, Debenhams were among many others going into
You are the Financial Manager of Rolling Limited, a company with 500 retail outlets
selling clothing as well as groceries with a turnover of £1.5 billion and have been asked by
senior management as to the criteria as to the level of cash to be held taking into
account of other large retailers.
Assessment Criteria
Write an essay that:
a) Discusses the reasons that Apple has large cash balances and evaluate whether a
large cash balance is an efficient use of resources as far as Rolling Limited is

b) Critically discuss how Debenhams could have improved its liquidity position and
avoided going into administration applying this to Rolling Limited.

c) Evaluate two key cash management models in optimizing the cash position of the

Examine the options available to you to finance the competitor through the equity market

Write a 5–7 page paper in which you:
1. Use one of the valuation techniques identified in Chapters 11 and 12 to calculate the value of the competitor you wish to purchase. Note: You will have to make assumptions; however, your assumptions need to be rationally supported.
2. Analyze the various financial tools available to you to determine which tools will be most helpful in assessing whether your company can afford to purchase the competitor. Support your response.
Imagine you can indeed afford to purchase the competitor; however, you will need an additional $100 million.
3. Examine the options available to you to finance the competitor through the debt market, recommending the best alternative as a result of your analysis. Provide support for your recommendation.
4. Examine the options available to you to finance the competitor through the equity market, recommending the best alternative as a result of your analysis. Provide support for your recommendation.
5. Conduct a cross-comparison of your debt and equity examinations to determine where to ideally obtain the additional $100 million funding needed to make the purchase and the approach that you would take to securing the funds. Provide support for your recommendation.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
• Determine whether to use the debt market or the equity market to obtain and secure funding for a major business purchase.
2. By submitting this paper, you agree:

(1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy;

(2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and

(3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

Compare and contrast the net present value and internal rate of return

Ltd is assessing an investment project: the company plans to manufacture a new
product, ‘product Y’. The project is based on market research undertaken at a cost of
An initial investment of £30m is required: all of this will be invested in new machinery. The
company’s depreciation policy is to depreciate machinery over five years using the
straight-line method. The project will also require an investment in working capital of £5m
at the start (i.e. in year 0), which is expected to be recovered when production using the
new machinery stops at the end of year 6.
Production of product Y will take place in an empty building that is already owned by Vigo
Ltd. If the investment project does not proceed, the building will be rented out for £1.5m
per annum.
Forecast revenues from the sale of product X are £15m in year 1 and are expected to rise
by 2% per annum until the end of year 6. Costs are estimated to be 40% of revenues.
However, it is estimated that the production of product Y will cause sales of another of
Vigo Ltd’s products, product X, to decrease by 20%. In year 1, product X has estimated
revenues in year 1, of £7m. Revenues from product X are forecast to grow at 1% per
For management accounting and costing purposes, head office costs are allocated to
departments on product lines on the basis of 10% of revenues generated.
Tax is chargeable at 19% on taxable profits made and is paid one year in arrears. Capital
allowances of £7.5m per annum can be claimed in each of years 3 to 6 inclusive,
respectively. Capital allowances can be subtracted from revenues as part of the
calculation of taxable profits.
Vigo Ltd’s cost of capital is 4%.
(a) Calculate the net present value of the investment project.
(26 marks)
(b) Calculate the payback period of the investment project.
(4 marks)
(c) Prepare a data table that shows the impact on net present value of varying
percentages of lost revenues from product X. You should include a range of
lost revenues from 15% to 25% and show the effect of a range of revenue
growth from 1.5% to 2.5%.
(4 marks)
(d) Compare and contrast the net present value and internal rate of return
(16 marks)
(Total marks: 50)

In harvard style format

Explain how each alternative affects control over the company.

Describe the process (in detail) of how a public offering occurs.
A chronological account of how most public offerings would be an appropriate format, although not required.
Discuss the impact and implications of each alternative.
Explain how each alternative affects control over the company.
As a small family business, the internal affairs and finances of the company were well guarded from the public view by the family.
As a new IPO, how would the guarding of their finance change?
What are the financial reporting effects of this decision?
How will additional debt impact future earnings?
How will new stockholders change the management of the company?
Superior papers will explain the following elements:

Provide a narrative about the impact of issuing stock to the public. The narrative will include the topics of loss of control of the company and the requirements that future financial statements will be available to the public.
Provide a narrative about the impact of issuing debt to the public. The narrative will include the topics of a potential loss of the company if debt covenants are breached and the requirements that future financial statements will be available to the public.
Provide a narrative on the initial public offering (IPO) process using at least four research sources in addition to the textbook material. The narrative of the IPO process steps should include the:
role of an investment banker
deal negotiation
preparation and submission to the SEC of the registration statement
SEC approval
setting an issue date
setting an issue price