Does Enterprise Risk affect Firm Value?

Does Enterprise Risk affect Firm Value?

What is the company’s federal income tax bill for the year? Enter your answer in dollars. For example, an answer of $1.2 million should be entered as 1,200,000. Round your answer to the nearest dollar.

An Overview of Financial Management and the Financial Environment: Forms of Business Organization

The basic concepts of financial management are the same for all businesses, regardless of how they are organized. However, a firm’s legal structure affects its operations. The main forms of business organizations are: (1) proprietorships, (2) partnerships, (3) corporations, and (4) limited liability companies (LLCs) and limited liability partnerships (LLPs). In terms of numbers, most businesses are  -Select- proprietorships partnerships corporations limited liability companies/partnerships Item 1  . However, based on the dollar value of sales, most business is done by  -Select- proprietorships partnerships corporations limited liability companies/partnerships Item 2  . Businesses are frequently started as  -Select- corporations partnerships proprietorships limited liability companies/partnerships Item 3  and then converted to  -Select- corporations partnerships proprietorships limited liability companies/partnerships Item 4  when their growth results in disadvantages outweighing advantages.
A proprietorship has three important advantages: (1) It is easily and inexpensively formed, (2) it is subject to  -Select- no few many Item 5  government regulations, and (3) it is subject to lower income taxes than are  -Select- partnerships corporations Item 6  . However, a proprietorship also has three important limitations: (1) A proprietor has  -Select- unlimited limited no Item 7  personal liability for the business’ debts. (2) The life of the business is limited to the life of the individual who created it. (3) A proprietorship has difficulty obtaining large sums of capital so proprietorships are used primarily for small businesses.
A partnership has two important advantages: (1) It is easily and inexpensively formed and (2) its income is allocated on a pro rata basis to partners and taxed on a(n)  -Select- individual corporate Item 8  basis so the partnership avoids higher  -Select- individual corporate Item 9  income taxes. A partnership has four important disadvantages: (1)  -Select- Unlimited Limited Item 10  personal liability, (2)  -Select- unlimited limited Item 11  life, (3) difficulty of transferring ownership, and (4) difficulty of raising large amounts of capital.
A corporation has the following advantages: (1)  -Select- Unlimited Limited Item 12  life, (2) ownership that is easily transferred through the exchange of stock, (3)  -Select- unlimited limited Item 13  liability, and (4) can  -Select- difficultly easily Item 14  raise large amounts of capital to operate large businesses. Its disadvantages are: (1) Corporate earnings may be subject to  -Select- triple double no Item 15  taxation and (2) setting up a corporation and filing required state and federal reports, which is more complex and time-consuming. Large corporations are known as C corporations. However, as an aid to small businesses Congress created S corporations.
Limited liability companies (LLCs) and limited liability partnerships (LLPs) have limited liability protection like  -Select- partnerships corporations Item 16  but are taxed like  -Select- partnerships corporations Item 17  . Investors in an LLC or LLP have votes in proportion to their ownership interest. LLCs and LLPs have been gaining in popularity, but large companies still find it advantageous to be  -Select- S C Item 18  corporations because of advantages in raising capital for growth.


2, Statement of Retained Earnings

In its most recent financial statements, Del-Castillo Inc. reported $35 million of net income and $820 million of retained earnings. The previous retained earnings were $800 million. How much in dividends did the firm pay to shareholders during the year? Enter your answer in dollars. For example, an answer of $1.2 million should be entered as 1,200,000. Round your answer to the nearest dollar.


3, Top of Form

Corporate Tax Liability

The Talley Corporation had taxable operating income of $345,000 (i.e., earnings from operating revenues minus all operating costs). Talley also had (1) interest charges of $70,000, (2) dividends received of $20,000, and (3) dividends paid of $35,000. Its federal tax rate was 21% (ignore any possible state corporate taxes). Recall that 50% of dividends received are tax exempt.

What is the firm’s taxable income? Round your answer to the nearest dollar.


What is the tax expense? Round your answers to the nearest dollar.


What is the after-tax income? Round your answers to the nearest dollar.



Bottom of Form


Corporate Tax Liability

The Wendt Corporation reported $40 million of taxable income. Its federal tax rate was 21% (ignore any possible state corporate taxes).

  1. What is the company’s federal income tax bill for the year? Enter your answer in dollars. For example, an answer of $1.2 million should be entered as 1,200,000. Round your answer to the nearest dollar.


  1. Assume the firm receives an additional $2 million of interest income from some bonds it owns. What is the additional tax on this interest income? Enter your answer in dollars. For example, an answer of $1.2 million should be entered as 1,200,000. Round your answer to the nearest dollar.


  1. Now assume that Wendt does not receive the interest income but does receive an additional $2 million as dividends on some stock it owns. Recall that 50% of dividends received are tax exempt. What is the additional tax on this dividend income? Enter your answer in dollars. For example, an answer of $1.2 million should be entered as 1,200,000. Round your answer to the nearest dollar.




Free Cash Flows

Rhodes Corporation’s financial statements are shown below.

Rhodes Corporation: Income Statements for Year Ending December 31
(Millions of Dollars)

  2020   2019
Sales $ 13,000   $ 11,000
Operating costs excluding depreciation 11,590   9,748
Depreciation and amortization 350   320
    Earnings before interest and taxes $ 1,060   $ 932
Less interest 220   200
    Pre-tax income $ 840   $ 732
Taxes (25%) 210   183
Net income available to common stockholders $ 630   $ 549
Common dividends $ 204   $ 200

Rhodes Corporation: Balance Sheets as of December 31 (Millions of Dollars)

  2020   2019
Cash $ 650   $ 600
Short-term investments 220   200
Accounts receivable 2,750   2,500
Inventories 1,450   1,400
    Total current assets $ 5,070   $ 4,700
Net plant and equipment 3,750   3,500
Total assets $ 8,820   $ 8,200
Liabilities and Equity
Accounts payable $ 1,300   $ 1,200
Accruals 650   600
Notes payable 184   100
    Total current liabilities $ 2,134   $ 1,900
Long-term debt 1,300   1,200
    Total liabilities $ 3,434   3,100
Common stock 3,960   4,100
Retained earnings 1,426   1,000
    Total common equity $ 5,386   $ 5,100
Total liabilities and equity $ 8,820   $ 8,200

Suppose the federal-plus-state tax corporate tax is 25%. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is the net operating profit after taxes (NOPAT) for 2020? Enter your answer in millions. For example, an answer of $1 million should be entered as 1, not 1,000,000. Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

$   million

  1. What are the amounts of net operating working capital for both years? Enter your answers in millions. For example, an answer of $1 million should be entered as 1, not 1,000,000. Round your answers to the nearest whole number.

2020: $   million

2019: $   million

  1. What are the amounts of total net operating capital for both years? Enter your answers in millions. For example, an answer of $1 million should be entered as 1, not 1,000,000. Round your answers to the nearest whole number.

2020: $   million

2019: $   million

  1. What is the free cash flow for 2020? Enter your answer in millions. For example, an answer of $1 million should be entered as 1, not 1,000,000. Cash outflow, if any, should be indicated by a minus sign. Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

$    million

  1. What is the ROIC for 2020? Round your answer to two decimal places.


  1. How much of the FCF did Rhodes use for each of the following purposes: after-tax interest, net debt repayments, dividends, net stock repurchases, and net purchases of short-term investments? (Hint: Remember that a net use can be negative.) Enter your answers in millions. For example, an answer of $1 million should be entered as 1, not 1,000,000. Round your answers to the nearest whole number.
After-tax interest payment $    million
Reduction (increase) in debt $    million
Payment of dividends $   million
Repurchase (Issue) stock $   million
Purchase (Sale) of short-term investments $   million




Calculate the covariance and correlation of returns between Company A and Company B for the 01/01/2016–12/31/2020 period.

FIN 5130 Mini-case 1Real-world Application: Risk and ReturnDr. Darshana PalkarPage 1of 2This assignment will require you to analyze time series of monthly returnsfor different securities.[5points]1)Select threecompaniesas follows from Yahoo! Finance website ( a)S&P 500 (ticker=^GSPC)b)Pick Company 1, a company of your choice and note the “Sector” and “Industry” to which it belongs.Hint: Go to Yahoo! Finance website, enter the ticker symbol under Quote Lookup. Then, click on “Profile” to check the sector/industryit belongs to).c)Pick Company 2that belongs to a different sectoror industrythan Company 1.d)Enter the name of the two companies you selected, along with their ticker symbol and sectors, under “Mini-case 1 (State names of selected companies)” Forum. If someone else has already posted your companies then you need to pick another set of companies. Please note that, if you pick companies that have already been selected by one of your colleagues, you will receive a grade of zero for subsequent analyses in this Mini-case. [5points]2)Download the MONTHLY price data for the 01/01/2016–12/31/2020 period for the three securities.Instructions on how to download price data from Yahoo! Finance website:i.Go to Yahoo! Finance website, enter the security’s ticker symbol in “Quote Lookup” box. Then, click on “Historical Data”. Enter “Time Period” as given above. For “Frequency”, make sure Monthly is selected and then click on “Apply”. Click on “Download Data”. A ticker.csv file will be downloaded. ii.Save your file as a .xls or .xlsx file before you start anything –very important step! Comma delimited (.csv) files do not retain the formulae and cell references after closing the file. You will receive a grade of zero if your excel file does not contain cell references and formulae that show how you arrived at the various answers. iii.You only need the “Date” and “Adj Close” columns. Copy over the “Date” and “Adj Close” columns of the three securities into a single excel so you can do the analysis. (Note: the “Adj Close” column in Yahoo! Finance has already adjusted the prices for dividends and stock splits so you do not have to adjust for it again.[20points]3)Calculate the MONTHLY return data for the 01/01/2016–12/31/2020 period for the selected three securities.Note: Return for Month 2 = (Adj Close for Month 2/Adj Close for Month 1) –1 [7points]4)Calculate the average arithmetic monthly return, variance, and standard deviation of returns for 01/01/2016–12/31/2020 period for the selected three securities.

FIN 5130 Mini-case 1Real-world Application: Risk and ReturnDr. Darshana PalkarPage 2of 2[8points]5)Calculate the covariance and correlation of returns between Company A and Company B for the 01/01/2016–12/31/2020 period. What does the correlation indicate? [15points]6)Calculate the stock betas for Company A and Company B for the 01/01/2016–12/31/2020period. What dothe betasindicate? Hint: What is a proxy for the market portfolio? What should go in the known-xs array and what should go in the known-ys array? [25points]7)Suppose you invest 50% in Company A and 50% in Company B. What is your portfolio average return and standard deviation?[15points]8)Compare the average return and standard deviation of Company A and Company B from #4 with the portfolio average return and standard deviation from #7. What do you observe? What can you conclude from your findings?


CRITICALLY CONSIDER THE CURRENT PERFORMANCE AND FUTURE PROSPECTS (5-YEAR TIME HORIZON) OF FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE. Please provide an appendix of calculations. The body of work must not be more than 1100 words.

Research the theorists who developed theories related to international finance, and compile key information as part of your review.

Research the theorists who developed theories related to international finance, and compile key information as part of your review.

Submit an evaluation of at least three foundational theories in the form of a properly formatted, APA-compliant taxonomy table. Use the theories and theorists uncovered in your literature search for your Discussion this week. For each of the theories you select, you should include the following:

The name of the theory
The year the theory was introduce
The theorist/author
Key components of the theory
For each theory presented, be sure to include a minimum of two references to peer-reviewed, scholarly journals, as well as appropriate in-text citations.

Evaluate the different types of voluntary corporate restructuring (pre-bankruptcy) and theirrelative merits.

You’re evaluating the capital structure of a firm and are required to estimate its total value basedon market prices. Following information is available to you.

1.Ordinary shares: Pacific ltd has a total of 50 million shares outstanding at the par value of £1each. The company has just announced a dividend of 10p and expected growth of thedividend is 3%. 2.Preferred shares: Pacific has issued a total of 10 million preferred shares at a par value of£0.50 each. The recent dividend announced by the firm is 7.5p

3.Corporate bonds: Pacific has issued a total of 100,000, 9% coupon bonds maturing in fiveyears’ time. Each bond has par value of £100 and the principal will be paid along with theinterest rate at the end of year 5. Total number of bonds issued is 100,000.Given this information; calculate the following:1.Estimate value of ordinary shares. 3 Marks2.Estimate value of preferred shares. 2 Marks3.Estimate value of bonds. 5 marks

4.Total value of the firm (debt plus equity). 3 MarksCurrently market value of the firm is £75 Million would you recommend buying the firm for yourestimated total value of the firm. 02 MarksPart-b10

Corporate restructuring can be voluntary as well as forced depending on the intent of managementand circumstances of a firm.

1.Evaluate the different types of voluntary corporate restructuring (pre-bankruptcy) and theirrelative merits. 10 Marks

2.Explain financial distress and its four key forms. 5 Mark

Evaluate the economic viability of these projects. Assume the required rate of return is 12%

A (000)B (000)0-420-11011507521507531500415001.Evaluate the economic viability of these projects. Assume the required rate of return is 12%:

a.Net Present value (NPV). 05 Marks

b.Internal Rate of Return (IRR). 08 Marks

c.Pay-back period. 03 Marks

2.Consider you’re tasked with training your non-finance colleague about capital investmentappraisal techniques. Given this role explain in simple terms the following:

a.Time value of Money. 3 Marks

b.Define Net present value. 2 Marks

c.Why NPV is the superior method then all other methods. 7 Marks

(compare NPV with IRR & Pay-back methods)

It’s often argued that diversification benefits are hard to materialise. Evaluate this statement and explain your opinion.

1.You are considering creating a portfolio of two stocks. However, you’re unsure that which mixof these two stocks may optimise your risk and return. Analysis of historical prices andeconomic data projects following information about these stocks:

2.Using this information calculate: 10 Marksa.Standard deviation of Stock A. 5 Marksb.Standard deviation of Stock B. 5 Marks3.The risk estimates suggest that the two assets have a covariance of 0.002433 and correlationless than 1. However, to visualise the effect of diversification you have decided to create hypothetical portfolios of following weights: weightsPortfolio ABExpected ReturnVarianceStandardDeviation0.40.67Probability Stock A returnStock B returnSlow0.16%-20%Normal0.67%13%Growth0.311%33%

4Calculate and critically evaluate:a.Expected return of the portfolio for each combination. 3 Marksb.Variance and standard deviation for each combination. 7 Marks4.It’s often argued that diversification benefits are hard to materialise. Evaluate this statement and explain your opinion.

Evaluate the differing types of financial assets

Modern investment theory pivots on the so-called “risk-return” paradigm. Keeping this in mind;answer the following question:

a.Evaluate the differing types of financial assets (i.e. equity and Bonds) and their keyproperties.

b.Explain risk and evaluate its role in determining return on financial asses viz a viz risk premium.

c.Evaluate the three major types of risk pertinent to financial assets.

d.Evaluate the influence of risk perception on risk estimation in finance.


How they can aid your personal and professional development?

you need to reflect on the topics you have studied and how you will be able to apply them to your personal and/or professional life. You can also post reflections into the journal from the various lecture cast activities throughout the module.

Write a short (approx 300-500 words) Journal Entry to explain:

The key things you learned during the last two weeks
How can they relate to the workplace?
How they can aid your personal and professional development?
Remember to be specific and give examples