Explain the distinction between systematic risk and unsystematic risk.

Explain the distinction between systematic risk and unsystematic risk. Provide relevant examples to support your explanation.

Differentiate between treasury bonds, corporate bonds, municipal bonds and foreign bonds.

  1. a) Each bond differs with respect to risk and expected return. Differentiate between treasury bonds, corporate bonds, municipal bonds and foreign bonds.
  2. b) TexasCorporation has a level-coupon bond with a 9% coupon rate and is paid The bond has 20 years to maturity and a face value of RM1,000; similar bonds currently yield 7%. By prior agreement, the company will skip the coupon interest payments in years 8, 9, and 10. These payments will be repaid, without interest, at maturity.

Calculate the bond’s current value.

Explain how Ryanair can reduce financial risk

How Ryanair can reduce financial risk

Prepare a report that discusses these focuses in the context of a few investment opportunities for your chosen company.

The company of your choice is considering a few investment opportunities. Some initial forecasts
have been gathered, but specific analysis has yet to be undertaken. The Finance Director wishes
to communicate the potential usefulness of specific finance models as tools for analyses.
However, the Director also wishes to emphasise the limitations of such model applications to the
market environment. It is when these two focuses are understood that decision-makers are best
You have been asked to prepare a report that discusses these focuses in the context of a few
investment opportunities for your chosen company. You should select three relevant finance
models to form the basis of your discussion. The forecast data provided should be used to conduct
an illustrative initial valuation. This should be presented as an appendix to your report and used
as supporting evidence to the main body text.
The report will be presented by the Finance Director to the Senior Management Committee
responsible for the investment decision-making.
Submission date: Friday, 18th December 2020
Guidance points
 Word Limit: 1,500 words
 Beware NOT to simply provide a description of theory and history of recent events.
Importance will be attached to the linking through analyses of the key issues, empirical
evidence and implications of underlying theories.
 Include consideration of how events within the markets may create challenges for the
effective application of such tools.
 Ensure that you provide reference to supporting evidence (in the same format that you
would do so for an academic essay).

Describe the difference between growth stocks and value stocks.

1. Please describe the difference between growth stocks and value stocks. Growth stocks
make good investments, do you agree with this statement? Be thorough in your

2. Please describe the relative valuation approach to estimating the value of a stock (using
the P/E ratio approach). Be sure to discuss how to estimate sales, profit margins, and
earnings multipliers. Provide an example using your own numbers (it could be from one
of your StockTrak stocks).

3. Please discuss and explain how to estimate the intrinsic value of a company using the
present value of dividends model (Chapter 14, please be thorough in your discussion; be
sure to discuss how to estimate g (the growth rate) and k (the required rate of return)).
Please provide an example with numerical values.

Explain what they need to do to achieve their goals. If not, explain how they should adjust their financial goals.

Term Project: A comprehensive financial plan for a family of four. The guidelines below are provided for your reference. However, you can conduct your project in any creative way you would like. Sample projects posted on Titanium are available for your reference.

Your paper should be around 15 pages, and include the following:
• Family’s background information (5% weight)
• Family’s financial information (Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Federal Income Tax Return with Schedule A) (20% weight)
• Family’s financial goals (short, intermediate and long-term) (5% weight)
• Financial analysis and advising. This is most critical part of the project and will carry 70% weight of your total project grade (30 points). Based on the family’s financial information, you need to explain whether the family can achieve al their financial goals. If yes, explain what they need to do to achieve their goals. If not, explain how they should adjust their financial goals.
• Conclusion

Your project will be graded based on the following:
• Complexity of case set-up
• Numbers of total 15 chapters covered (The purpose is to encourage you including more contents covered in the class.)
• Strategic planning and advising
• Financial ratio analysis

Project Grading Policy

A – Cover all the chapters (except Ch.16 and Ch.17) with thorough financial analysis (number analysis)
B – Cover all the chapters but missing some financial analysis
C – Missing chapters and a few of financial analysis
D – Missing more than 7 chapters with little financial analysis
F – Not submitting

Write a Informational/Explanatory college level research paper on a public budgeting related topic.

Students will be required to write a Informational/Explanatory college level research paper on a public budgeting related topic.

This paper will reveal your knowledge on a public budgeting topic. Utilize the information covered by PDF, blogs and assignments, as well as any other source of information your discover. Your research paper will consist of four things: cover sheet (includes your Title, your name, class, date), abstract (on it’s own page), body of your paper (which includes introduction, body, and conclusion), and your reference page. This research paper will be completed in the American Psychological Association (APA) Format. Spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax count! Students will utilize the APA format to write the paper as outlined in the text.

Each research paper will utilize a minimum of five APA-style references (resources of where you received your information, example: textbook, internet website, newspaper article etc…). Wikipedia is not an accepted source! Each page in the body of your paper (not including the abstract) will contain at least one in-text citation which will marry up with your references. Students may utilize any source they would like however the reference must be properly annotated on the reference page. It is the express responsibility of the student to ensure that the paper reaches the instructor on time. Papers will checked for plagiarism. Do not plagiarize your paper!!! (Copying someone else’s work and taking credit as if it were your own, always, always, give credit where credit is due.) Write it yourself! Plagiarized papers will receive ZEROS. Papers will be graded using a RUBRIC similar to the Discussion Board Rubric. Papers will not be accepted if turned in after the due date. Students may turn papers in as early as they wish, if received a week (or earlier) before the due date, it will be accepted as a draft and the student will have an opportunity to make corrections for a higher grade. The graded paper will remain the property of the instructor. The Assignment is to be started and worked on through the course with a draft being turned in by midterm (September 13) so I can review and send you feedback. The final paper is to be finalized and turned in as a complete paper during the final week (December 12).

Papers will be due NLT December 12, 2020 by midnight.

Describe the capital structure in terms of the selected mix of equity (stock) and bond (fixed income).

Capital Structure Analysis. Your analysis of the company’s capital structure for the past 5 years. Please describe the capital structure in terms of the selected mix of equity (stock) and bond (fixed income). For example, a 50% equity / 50% bond capital structure is considered a neutral capital structure mix. Has the company’s capital structure changed? How has its capital structure choices affected its income statement? Please see the attached document for analysis as well as find outside sources to back up analysis. Intext citations please!

Critically review and synthesize the relevant literature on the subject area in order to construct a conceptual framework to underpin the research.

Critically review and synthesize the relevant literature on the subject area in order to construct a conceptual framework to underpin the research.
There is a clear link between the extant literature in the field, the development of research aims/objectives/questions, and the design of a clear conceptual framework. The above are used to clearly guide the research design.
Apply an appropriate methodology for collecting and for analysing primary data with due regard to ethical considerations. Critically discuss the methodology used for secondary data where applicable



Assess and critically evaluate alternative short-term and long-term sources of business finance and apply working capital management techniques to manage short-term finances.

Assessment brief
Having recently graduated you are employed as a trainee accountant in the finance
department of a large organisation. The Director of Finance has asked for a report
considering asset investment decisions and capital rationing: the company is considering a
major capital investment decision, a replacement of its fleet vehicles and the DOF wants
to see any advantages of purchasing over leasing capital assets by the organisation in the
environment of risk and uncertainty caused by Brexit.
Requirement: Write a report using examples considering the evaluation of the choice
between borrowing to purchase and leasing an asset. Your report should consider the
following aspects of investment appraisal. How might the before and after tax costs of
debt affect the debt decision? How might the decision be considered in an environment
where capital availability is limited? What factors should be considered in making a capita

1. Assess and critically evaluate alternative short-term and long-term sources of business
finance and apply working capital management techniques to manage short-term finances.
2. Identify the role and purpose of financial management function in modern organisations
and assess the impact of business environment on financial management