Analyze the risk and return patterns and diversification benefits.

Using weekly price data of the 30 Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) stocks for the past three years, construct the portfolios listed below.

Portfolios Structure: 6 portfolios of 5 stocks, 3 portfolios of 10 stocks, 2 portfolios of 15 stocks, and 1 portfolio of 30 stocks

– For the portfolios, compute the returns, standard deviations and coefficient of
risk variation.
– Analyze the risk and return patterns and diversification benefits.
– Based on the risk/return analysis, which portfolio selections are the most
– How do the portfolios’ performances compare to the SP 500’s?
– What are the advantages and disadvantages of including international stocks
in the portfolio?
– If Mr. Smith chooses to include foreign stocks in the portfolio, how can he use
derivatives to hedge against currency risk which can be present from
international investing?

Meet the following requirements:

Be two or three pages in length for the analysis and explanations

Include Excel spreadsheets with data, portfolios, and risk and return computations; these spreadsheets should be embedded in the Word document as an appendix after your analysis and explanations

Include a minimum of three credible references.

Define all the job should consider how these aspects might change from shift to shift.Recommend appropriate opening hours.

Design a layout of the recommended floor layout with clear details of exactly how the queuing, ordering, delivery and payment process would work. Include all the furniture and equipment required in the main area.Define all the job should consider how these aspects might change from shift to shift.Recommend appropriate opening hours.

Discuss how you believe the realization and development of your ethical framework will affect your future professional relationships with your future employers and colleagues.

Realizing that an ethical framework has impacted virtually all aspects of life, work and thought in some form, describe how ethical considerations have affected your professional and intellectual development, in either a positive or negative way. Discuss how you believe the realization and development of your ethical framework will affect your future professional relationships with your future employers and colleagues. Finally, do you forsee any potential difficulties with your choice of professions/careers.

How should they fund the acquisition of 200 million pounds?

International Financial Management, Business Summative Assessment
Individual Coursework assessment of EcoE Bars which is an indicative assignment would be relating to financial decision-making and/or financial strategy.
Must read all attachments mentioned below regarding this coursework
(EcoE Bars), to be able to answer all questions requested for this assessment.
1. Coursework for EcoE Bars. attached
2. Assignment Guide for all questions to be answered and covered. attached
3. Assignment assumption DGM (Dividend Growth Module) Question 2 attached
4. Assignment material for question 7 attached
5. Assignment dividend vs Share Repurchase for question 8 attached
To start with introduction for this coursework assessment of only 300 words covering this points in paragraph:
• How to calculate rated average cost of capital of EcoE Bars.
• Can that capital used for borrowing, potential acquisition which is?
• How should they fund the acquisition of 200 million pounds?
• Should they use borrowing, shareholders money?
• What they should do if they have surplus of money after acquisition. What they should do with it?
• Should they buy that share, increase regular dividends, or pay special dividend

For this coursework must use only finance in mind (Financing problem) relating to EcoE Bars, for example how to get finance, cost of this finance and what they should do with surplus money etc.
Only financial information from this coursework to be used (only)

Core Reading
Denzil Watson, and Antony Head Corporate Finance: Principles and Practice (Pearson latest Edition)
McLaney, E and Atrill, P Accounting and Finance: An Introduction (Pearson latest Edition)
Optional Reading
Watson, D, Ross S.A., Westerfield R.W., Jaffe J., Jordan, B., Corporate Finance, (Latest European Edition, McGraw-Hill)
Barry Elliott, and Jamie Elliott , Financial Accounting and Reporting, Pearson latest Edition)
Journal of Finance * Journal of Financial Economics
Review of Financial Studies *Journal of Corporate Finance
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Journal of Business * Journal of Banking and Finance
Accounting Review * Accounting, Organizations and Society
Journal of Accounting and Economics

Analyze the short term liquidity of the firm.

Provide a background of the firm, industry, economy, and outlook for the future.
Analyze the short term liquidity of the firm.
Analyze the operating efficiency of the firm.
Analyze the capital structure of the firm.
Analyze the profitability of the firm.
Conclude with recommendations for the future analysis of the company (trend analysis).

Discuss the principles and procedures associated with any change that would need to be made to the discount rate used by the firm.

TOPIC: Write a well-structured essay on the following. Include your personal observations in italics where appropriate. 3000 words.
Please read the essay topic carefully to ensure that you give a full account.
(a) Suppose you are the manager of a family firm producing a single product line, financed by retained earnings. Explain how and why you use the NPV rule to decide on project investments, some of which may be more risky than others (approximately 1000 words).
(b) You are going to become a publicly listed company by selling shares freely to many investors but you do not intend to carry any debt. Discuss the principles and procedures associated with any change that would need to be made to the discount rate used by the firm. (approximately 1000 words)
(c) Indicate whether the firm should change its capital structure so that it is funded partly by debt and comment on any implication of this for the discount rate. (approximately 1000 words)

Must include critical remarks

Prepare a case study on the risk management tools used by your employer.

Prepare a case study on the risk management tools used by your employer. You can concentrate on one specific area within your company (for example, research, manufacturing, or transportation). Identify who performs this duty and that person’s responsibilities. The case study is due by the end of week 7. (If you happen to not be working, you may go online and find an organization to use instead. You may be able to use a public library, your city government, etc.).

What are the three largest projected revenues and the three largest expenditures?

What are the three largest projected revenues and the three largest expenditures?

What would you suggest authors to do next or to redo on current data

Writing task: The review should be thorough and compelling, giving the reader a reason to want to view the video.

As in all your work, writing quality and clarity is important.

Suggested structure:

The outline below is provided solely as a sample for some sw.

A brief overview of the video – who produced it, where you found it, who is in it, what it is about.
What you’ll learn from the video and / or how it reinforced something we’ve discussed or read in class.
Why you liked the video.

video address:

Explain the principal assumptions used in the DDM valuation?

. Prepare a valuation of a large financial and banking institution.
This should involve:
(1) Dividend Discount Model valuation;
(2) Valuation by Comparables (use multiples – Price to Earnings Ratio, Price to Book Value Ratio, etc.; has several ratios under “Valuation”); and, Damodaran’s Excess Returns Model (Excel model provided).2. Explain the principal assumptions used in the DDM valuation?
3. Are the valuations consistent – why or why not?
4. What special challenges or issues did you encounter with the valuations?