What does your complete financial statement analysis suggest about the financial health of the organization?

Create a brief (1- to 2-page) description of your analyses (Analyses are found within the Excel sheets attached below – each section has a different analyses). Be sure to address the following in your summary:

1. Describe the results of each statement analysis. What do the results of each analysis mean?
2. What does your complete financial statement analysis suggest about the financial health of the organization?
3. If using your current organization’s data, does your analysis help describe any observed organizational behaviors or actions? Explain.
4. What assumptions have you made in your analyses?
5. What implications do these analyses have for your proposed healthcare product or service?

This part focuses on the different analyses you have completed on your project this term. You should describe the ROI, ROA, Breakeven Point, Payback period, or any analysis that you have completed.
You should not write a definition of an explanation of what (for example) ROI means; you should write about the results of the ROI and what it means to the financial health of the organization. You will do this for multiple analyses. Not prescriptive, but I would say at least 3 different analyses should be included.

Section WK11 Healthway Financials include a paragraph that answers the following

In your narrative analysis that you will write in the Healthcare Budget Request Template, you should address:

Income Statement
Expense per Encounter
Total Operating Revenue per Encounter
Operating Margin
Days Cash On Hand

Discuss the function of financial management and the impact of the economic environment on this.

Write a Report addressed to Dave Ellis that:
a) Discusses the way in which Autotrader raised £200m of finance and compare this with other methods available.
b) Consider the mitigation of the impact of COVID to
• working capital and short term finance
• Medium and Long Term Finance
c) Evaluate Dave Ellis proposal to cancel the dividend with respect to the
implication for investors with reference to Modigliani and Miller

Explain the implications for investors and companies if it were concluded that the evidence supporting the efficient stock market hypothesis was very persuasive as far as past price and publicly available information is concerned. 


You are required to produce a report consisting of two parts.

In Part 1, you should explain the three forms of market efficiency put forward by Fama (1970).                                                                                                                                             (15 marks)

In Part 2 you should proceed with critically discussing the evidence for and against the theory that stock market share prices fully and fairly reflect all known information. Give your own reasoned evaluation of the balance of this evidence and your views on whether it is possible to exploit market inefficiencies to consistently make abnormal returns by trading in shares using publicly available information. Go on to explain the implications for investors and companies if it were concluded that the evidence supporting the efficient stock market hypothesis was very persuasive as far as past price and publicly available information is concerned.                                                     (85 marks)

Marking Scheme:

Part 1 (15 marks)

Part 2 (85 marks)

Total (100 marks)                                                      Assessment criteria

To obtain a good mark your assignment will need to set your discussion in a theoretical context and to demonstrate the following:

  • a wide range of reading and research was undertaken
  • an understanding of differing views and opinions
  • logical and relevant argument
  • appropriate presentation and clarity of writing
  • correct referencing

Your report should be 1500 words (high marks will depend on quality, not length). Marks may be lost for exceeding the limit as excessive material may not be marked.

When referring to material from books and articles, or when quoting directly, clear references must be made. Copying sentences and paragraphs from books, articles or any other source without identifying that source is plagiarism and subject to the sanctions set out in the university’s policy on

Discuss limitations of ratio analysis

Take annual report for last 5 years of the chosen UK company
introduction of company, size, turnover, marketshare and when established.
ratio and trend analysis.look for trend in sale, COS , net profit.
trend analysis to be horizontoland vertical
COMAPRE 2020 to last year. then previous 4 years
discuss longterm strategies
discuss limitations of ratio analysis
include title page
references and bibliography

What impact would your proposal have in terms of the financial and budgetary considerations?

[October 15, 2020 19:46] 3:38 PM 10/15/2020

Prompt:Considering the major forces in healthcare today, what improvements or changes would you propose for precision optics? How would your proposal add value to the organization, and what impact would your proposal have in terms of the financial and budgetary considerations? Outline for paper is attached in word document, as well as link to company financials and website, does not need to be in specific order.

yes, it would need to be revised pretty heavily, I asked for it to be on a specific company and the paper is about healthcare facilities, the company is a surgical equipment company

Discuss longterm strategies

Take annual report for last 5 years of the chosen UK company
introduction of company, size, turnover, marketshare and when established.
ratio and trend analysis.look for trend in sale, COS , net profit.
trend analysis to be horizontoland vertical
COMAPRE 2020 to last year. then previous 4 years
discuss longterm strategies
discuss limitations of ratio analysis
include title page
references and bibliography

What are the advantages and disadvantages of selling a combination of stocks and bonds?

Your submission must address the following critical elements:
I. School Versus Work
A. The school you would like to attend costs $100,000. To help finance your education, you need to choose whether or not to sell any of your 500
shares of Apple stock you bought five years ago, 100 Apple bonds (each with a $1,000 face value and a 3.25% coupon rate) that are five years
from their 10-year maturity date, or a combination of both. Provide the appropriate data and calculations that you would perform to make this
B. What are the advantages and disadvantages of selling a combination of stocks and bonds? Be sure to support your answers.
C. Suppose that you choose to sell your stocks, bonds, or a combination of both. What is your choice, and what is your financial reasoning behind
this choice? Consider supporting your answer with quantitative data.
D. Suppose that you choose to accept the job. What is your financial reasoning behind this choice? Be sure to support your answer with
quantitative data.
II. Bonus Versus Stock
A. The company has offered you a $5,000 bonus, which you may receive today, or 100 shares of the company’s stock, which has a current stock
price of $50 per share. Mathematically, what is the best choice? Why?
B. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option? Be sure to support your answers.
C. What would you ultimately choose to do? What is your financial reasoning behind this choice? Consider supporting your answer with
quantitative data.
III. Compliance
A. While investigating the shares offered to you by your potential boss, you discover that the company you are considering working for is not
registered as required under the Securities Act of 1933. How does this influence you as a potential employee and as a potential shareholder? Be
sure to reference any applicable statutes or laws.
B. You know that accepting this job may eventually lead to a promotion into the role of the financial manager. As the potential financial manager,
what federal and shareholder requirements would you need to be familiar with in order to ensure that you are being completely compliant?
Final Project Part III Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Please ensure that your decision plan is submitted as one comprehensive and cohesive short essay. It should use double spacing, 12-
point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Citations should be formatted according to APA style.

What is the project’s initial investment outlay if the investment happens in 2012?

PB6025 Finance

Questions for Sneaker 2013 Case

  1. Questions for the Sneaker 2013 Project
  2. Should the following be included in the relevant cash flow projection in the capital budgeting analysis of Sneaker 2013 Project? Why or why not? And if you include any of the following items in the relevant cash flow, explain if it should be a positive or negative cash flow.
  3. Building a factory and purchase/installation of the equipment
  4. Research and development costs
  5. Cannibalization of other sneakers sales
  6. Interest costs
  7. Changes in current assets necessary for the product line
  8. Changes in current liabilities necessary for the product line
  9. Taxes
  10. Cost of goods sold incurred in the production of the product line
  11. Advertising and promotion expenses
  12. Depreciation expenses
  13. Estimate the following for the Sneaker 2013 Project. Show calculation, with supporting explanations for each of the questions below:
    1. What is the project’s initial investment outlay if the investment happens in 2012?
    2. What is the project’s annual net operating cash flow from Year 2013 to 2018?
    3. What is the projects’ terminal, non-operating net cash flow at the end of the project in 2018?
    4. Show all projected relevant cash flows of this project for capital budgeting decision.
    5. Is the Sneaker 2013 Project economically viable based on Payback, Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return? Why or why not. Explain in details.
  14. Questions for the Persistence Project
  15. Which cash flows should be relevant for capital budgeting decision for this project? Also explain if the cash flow associated with each item that you include is a positive or negative cash flow.
  16. Estimate the following for the Persistence Project. Show calculation, with supporting explanations for each of the questions below:
    1. What is the project’s initial investment outlay if the investment happens in 2012?
    2. What is the project’s annual net operating cash flow from Year 2013 to 2015?
    3. What is the projects’ terminal, non-operating net cash flow at the end of the project in 2015?
    4. Show all projected relevant cash flows of this project for capital budgeting decision.
    5. Is the Persistence Project economically viable based on Payback, Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return? Why or why not. Explain in details.
  17. Which project, Sneaker 2013 or Persistence, is risker? Why?
  18. How will you incorporate the difference in their risks into the capital budgeting analysis?
  19. Which project, Sneaker 2013 or Persistence, is better for New Balance shareholders? Why?
  20. What is your final recommendation to Rodriguez?

Describe and distinguish the features of the various types of personal and business insurance products, including related policy documentation and taxation issues.

Describe and distinguish the features of the various types of personal and business insurance products, including related policy documentation and taxation issues.
Evaluate contemporary issues in insurance advice.
Develop and implement personal and small business risk management strategies using a range of general and life insurance policies.
Evaluate contemporary issues in insurance advice.
Apply financial planning practice while giving consideration to ethics and the legal and regulatory responsibilities owed by the adviser and the adviser’s organisation to the adviser’s clients and other stakeholders.
Critically analyse personal and small business risks.

Describe and distinguish the features of the various types of personal and business insurance products, including related policy documentation and taxation issues.

Describe and distinguish the features of the various types of personal and business insurance products, including related policy documentation and taxation issues.
Evaluate contemporary issues in insurance advice.
Develop and implement personal and small business risk management strategies using a range of general and life insurance policies.
Evaluate contemporary issues in insurance advice.
Apply financial planning practice while giving consideration to ethics and the legal and regulatory responsibilities owed by the adviser and the adviser’s organisation to the adviser’s clients and other stakeholders.
Critically analyse personal and small business risks.