Provide a brief outline of your short (i.e. first 3-5 years after graduating) and longer term career goals in the financial sector

As a professional program, the primary objective of the Western MFE is to prepare our graduates for a career in the financial industry. Please provide a brief outline of your short (i.e. first 3-5 years after graduating) and longer term career goals in the financial sector, as well as why the Western MFE would aid you in accomplishing these objectives

Explain why you intend to pursue your master’s in finance studies at this time

Explain why you intend to pursue your master’s in finance studies at this time

Summarize why you are a strong candidate for the Western MFE program

Please summarize why you are a strong candidate for the Western MFE program (i.e. tell us what are your key strengths that will help you succeed both in our program and after graduation)

Describe a hypothetical new product by addressingthe appropriate features of the product

A business case has at least four components, including market components, product components, industry components, and company components. Describe a hypothetical new product by addressing the following elements:
the appropriate features of the product
the product’s target price
characteristics of product users
size of the total market
projected product sales revenues in year one of the product’s sales
If you are unable to make reasonable assumptions about any element, identify the research needed to determine the information.
Write a four- to six-page paper.
Include a title and a reference page.
At least four to six scholarly, peer-reviewed references that provide information and guidance
Reference book as well

Discuss how much risk is associated with the bonds issued by the company?

The financial leverage ratios (10% of the project grade) a) Find the financial leverage ratios for THE COMPANY assigned for you of the project for the last 3-5 years in the Internet. Present these ratios as the table(s) in your project.You can find these ratios in the Internet or calculate them. If you use published ratios you must indicate that and cite their source.

Debt-to-assets ratio (Debt ratio)
Debt-to Equity ratio

Interest Coverage ratio (the Times Interest Earned)b) Write (about) 1 page of the analysis of the ratio results. In your analysis you should answer the following questions. Please explain your answer to each question.How is THE COMPANY financing its assets? Discuss how much risk is associated with the bonds issued by the company? How can this risk be measured? Please explain

7- Reflection – the students should write a paragraph in their own words reflecting on what theylearned from the assignment and how they think they could apply what they learned in the workplace.(5% of the project grade).

Examine the company on the factors listed below and provide an evidence-based opinion regarding its financial soundness.

One of the most effective means of learning is to apply what has been learned. The final project provides you with the opportunity to use work from previous papers and discussion forums, but you will also be required to conduct additional research regarding a specific business and country. You are required to adhere to APA guidelines and to cite your sources. Do not copy tables or material and present them as your own. A feature of good academic writing is building on the work of others in presenting a new approach to a business issue.

Imagine that you have been tasked by the Director of Finance of your company to perform an analysis of one of your competitors. Please select a publicly traded company; it can be a competitor of the company you work for or any publicly traded company you want to choose. Your assignment is to examine the company on the factors listed below and provide an evidence-based opinion regarding its financial soundness.

Choose a finance topic of particular interest to you or of particular relevance to your work or career goals.

This module is the halfway point in the course, and based on your experiences and what you’ve learned so far, you should be in a good position to pick a finance topic of particular interest to you or of particular relevance to your work and career goals.

The discussion activity for Module 5 gets you started on a simple research project (one to two pages) on a topic of your choice. The research paper itself is due at the beginning of Module 7 in Discussion Forum 5 (see Course Calendar for due date). Here are the steps to follow:

1. Choose a finance topic of particular interest to you or of particular relevance to your work or career goals.

2. Using an Internet search engine such as Google ( or one of the full-text online databases available to Thomas Edison State University students through the myEdison portal (see Research Tips at the end of this activity), begin researching your topic.

3. In Discussion Forum 3, post a short project proposal in which you identify the topic of your research paper, your reasons for choosing this topic, and the online resources or types of resources you intend to use (maximum of three resources). Please title your posting “Research Proposal/[Your Name].” Post your project proposal by the date indicated in the Course Calendar.

4. Read and comment on at least two your classmates’ postings by the date indicated in the Course Calendar.

5. Continue researching your project. Your final, documented paper is due at the beginning of Module 7 in Discussion Forum 5.

Research Tips
A lot of information is available on the World Wide Web, but, as you probably have already discovered, not everything you find and read on the web is accurate, reputable, and reliable. In searching the web for information, you must exercise discrimination. Use this proposal stage of the research topic to identify possible sources of information and to receive feedback from your mentor and classmates on the reputability of the sources you identify.

Besides using an Internet search engine to find information on the web, consider searching for suitable articles in one of the full-text databases available through the myEdison portal. Two such databases are the ABI Inform database powered by ProQuest and the Academic Search Premier database provided by EBSCOhost. After logging into the portal, locate the My Resources block. Links to EBSCOhost and ProQuest can be found under the Educational tab.

You can also access full-text databases and other electronic resources and online services via the New Jersey State Library( To do so, you will need a valid NJSL library card, which, as a Thomas Edison State University student, you may obtain online for free. To register for a library card, please click here.

Finally, when writing your research paper, you must use documentation to identify the material drawn from your readings. This is a basic requirement of research writing, to make sure that you give proper credit to your sources of information and do not pass off someone else’s work as your own, intentionally or unintentionally. Failure to use proper documentation is considered plagiarism, a serious breach of academic honesty.

My research paper will show the importance of writing a business plan with an emphasis on writing the financial section.
In the past, I have assisted a church and a robotics team in attaining their 501C3 Non-profit status from the government. Planning was critical process. I see so many new businesses launching via social media and I’d like to make myself available to assist a new company in planning for a successful future.,you%20can%20expect%20to%20reac

Define risk, and explain how it is measured.

In a Word document, respond to the following. Number your responses 1–3.

Define risk, and explain how it is measured.
Identify a source of firm-specific risk. What is the source of market risk?
Explain what the coefficient of variation measures.
Use references to support your responses as needed. Be sure to cite all references using correct APA style. Your responses should be free of grammar and spelling errors, demonstrating strong written communication skills.


In either a Word document or Excel spreadsheet, complete the following problems.

You may solve the problems algebraically, or you may use a financial calculator or an Excel spreadsheet.
If you choose to solve the problems algebraically, be sure to show your computations.
If you use a financial calculator, show your input values.
If you use an Excel spreadsheet, show your input values and formulas.
In addition to your solution to each computational problem, you must show the supporting work leading to your solution to receive credit for your answer.

Two years ago, Conglomco stock ended at $73.02 per share. Last year, the stock paid a $0.34 per share dividend. Conglomco stock ended last year at $77.24. If you owned 200 shares of Conglomco stock, what were your dollar return and percent return last year?
Calculate the coefficient of variation for the following three stocks. Then rank them by their level of total risk, from highest to lowest:
Conglomco has an average return of 11 percent and standard deviation of 24 percent.
Supercorp has an average return of 16 percent and standard deviation of 37 percent.
Megaorg has an average return of 10 percent and standard deviation of 29 percent.
Year-to-date, Conglomco has earned a −1.64 percent return, Supercorp has earned a 5.69 percent return, and Megaorg has earned a 0.23 percent return. If your portfolio is made up of 40 percent Conglomco stock, 30 percent Supercorp stock, and 30 percent Megaorg stock, what is your portfolio return?

Describe the rights and advantages belonging to shareholders

In a Word document, respond to the following. Number your responses 1–3.

Describe the rights and advantages belonging to shareholders
Explain the differences between the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index and the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Which is a better measure of stock market performance? Why?
Describe the differences between common stock and preferred stock.
Use references to support your responses as needed. Be sure to cite all references using correct APA style. Your responses should be free of grammar and spelling errors, demonstrating strong written communication skills.


In either a Word document or Excel spreadsheet, complete the following problems.

You may solve the problems algebraically, or you may use a financial calculator or an Excel spreadsheet.
If you choose to solve the problems algebraically, be sure to show your computations.
If you use a financial calculator, show your input values.
If you use an Excel spreadsheet, show your input values and formulas.
In addition to your solution to each computational problem, you must show the supporting work leading to your solution to receive credit for your answer.

Compute the following:

Imagine that on June 4, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 13,598.14, which was up 148.86 points from the previous day’s close of 13,449.28. Calculate the return, in percent to four decimal places, of the stock market for June 4.
The cost per stock at a brokerage firm is $0.10. Calculate how much money you would need to buy 150 shares of HiTech, Inc., which trades at $18.22.
HiTech, Inc.’s growth for the future is forecasted to be a constant 10 percent. HiTech’s next dividend is expected to be $1.18. Calculate the value of HiTech stock when the required return is 12 percent.
Preferred stock from HiTech, Inc. pays $1.20 in annual dividend. Calculate the value of the stock if the required return on the preferred stock is 4.5 percent.
HiTech, Inc. has earnings per share of $1.82 and a P/E ratio of 31.54. Calculate the stock price.

Calculate projected net cash flow for this coming year.


Relevant Cash Flow Exercise

Joe Collectibles projects revenues of $20 million, operating expenses of $10 million, and taxes of $2 million for the coming year. Projected operating expenses include depreciation of $1.2 million. Joe Collectibles plans to make $0.75 million capital investments during the period, and it anticipates the following changes in its working capital accounts:

  Beginning End
Accounts Receivable $1.5m $2.7m
Inventory 0.5m 2.2m
Less: Accounts Payable

Net Working Capital






Calculate projected net cash flow for this coming year.