What are the important factors when appraising investment?

1.What are the important factors when appraising investment?
2. please add a question to continue a discussion

Describe the fiscal provisions of the selected state as described in that government’s constitution, code, charter, or budget documents.

• write a policy memo (3-4 single-spaced pages, Times New Roman 12- point) that describes the fiscal provisions of the selected state as described in that government’s constitution, code, charter, or budget documents. In describing their selected jurisdiction’s provisions, students are expected to make comparisons with California. Therefore, you need to search for information for both California and your selected state.
At minimum, the memo should explain and compare:
1. The budget process of both states and the key players in the process;
2. The budget classification of the states (e.g., performance budgets, program budgets, zero-
based budgets, etc.);
3. The major spending areas of each government;
4. The major sources of funding for the operating budget for each government;
5. The legal constraints of the state budgets (e.g., tax and expenditure limitations, balanced- budget requirements, debt limits, etc.);
6. The budget challenges each government is facing; and
7. Your policy recommendations on how to improve the CA budgeting.

Some businesses are not paying dividends. Why?

1. Some businesses are not paying dividends. Why? Any example?
2.Please add question to continue a topic

Analyze the financial condition of a Fortune 500 company and identify an issue/problem that is relevant and has a potential impact on the company’s financial results.

The purpose of the paper is to analyze the financial condition of a Fortune 500 company and identify an issue/problem that is relevant and has a potential impact on the company’s financial results.

The paper must be double spaced, on 8 ½ x 11 paper, 12 pt. font, with a minimum of five scholarly (i.e., per-reviewed) references. The paper should be no less than 15 pages [not including the Title, Abstract and/or Reference Pages]. References, quotations, and data sources must be properly documented using APA publication standards and include an Assignment Cover Sheet (see last page of the syllabus).

The following sections must be included in the paper with a heading for each section:
1. Table of Contents
2. How the course learning outcomes (see page 2) are applicable to this project (100 word minimum)
3. Company Description (250 word minimum)
• brief history
• main products or services
4. Issue or problem (500 word minimum)
• Description of the problem or symptom
• research how this problem has been addressed by other companies
• at least two recommendations for improvement
5. Financial strategy and/or overall strategy of the company (SWOT Analysis) (500 word minimum)
6. Financial Situation – describe the company’s financial situation using (500 word minimum)
• current Stock price and trend during the past three years
• six of the company’s financial ratios for the last three years
• comparison to industry ratios
• changes in revenues and net income over the last three years
7. Future prospects of the company based on relevant research such as Value line or other financial periodicals and your own opinion (100 word minimum)
8. References – include at least 5 scholarly/peer-reviewed references that are appropriate and relevant

Select one of Porter’s five forces and apply the selected force to analyze the organization’s position in the industry.


Intelligence gathering and understanding an organization’s current situation and potential for innovation as dependent on external forces is important. Conduct a TIME (technology, industry, market, and events) analysis of a local organization. See the link in the Module folder. Review Chapter 4 and Figure 4.1 to complete the assignment:
Identify a local organization that you know well or would like to know well.
Review and list the products and/or services currently offered by the organization.
– Provide an overview of the technology that the organization uses to compete.
– Is the technology a product or is the technology an external variable? What information about technology would a project manager need to develop or improve a current product?
– Provide an overview of the industry in which the organization competes. Who are the competitors?
– Select one of Porter’s five forces and apply the selected force to analyze the organization’s position in the industry.
– Provide an overview of the market served by the organization. Select one factor to show the specific data you would gather about market segmentation.
– Provide an overview of trends facing the company. What trends might impact this product? How might these trends impact the success of the product?
– Determine if the organization uses a market needs or a technology-driven approach. Supprt your answer.
– Summarize the TIME analysis in table format.
4- 6 pages
At least four to six scholarly, peer-reviewed references that provide information and guidance

How should budgets be developed to ensure that they will be useful and will be used as financial management tools?

Please write essay on the below:
How should budgets be developed to ensure that they will be useful and will be used as financial management tools?

Describe the main characteristics of the foreign exchange market.

Assignment Question

Describe the main characteristics of the foreign exchange market. What are the parities that explain how the value of a currency is determined? Are these parity conditions an accurate description of the reality? More specifically, can any support for them be found in the empirical literature? In relation to the issuance and control of currency units, what are the differences between traditional currencies (such as British pound or Euro) and virtual currencies (such as Bitcoin)?

Further Guidance Please note that the assignment question consists of three parts and you are expected to address all of them. You will need to consult academic literature in order to answer this question competently. A good starting point for your reading and fact-finding when preparing your assignment are the following:

  • Bank for International Settlements (2016). Triennial Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and OTC Derivative Markets in 2016. Downloadable at: http://www.bis.org/publ/rpfx16.htm Böhme, R., Christin, N., Edelman, B. and Moore, T., (2015). Bitcoin: Economics, Technology, and Governance. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(2), pp.213-238.
  • Polasik, M., Piotrowska, A.I., Wisniewski, T.P., Kotkowski, R. and Lightfoot, G., (2015). Price Fluctuations and the Use of Bitcoin: An Empirical Inquiry. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 20(1), pp.9-49.
  • Taylor, A.M. and Taylor, M.P., (2004). The Purchasing Power Parity Debate. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18(4), pp.135-158.
  • Valdez, S. (2007). An Introduction to Global Financial Markets. 5th Edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

In addition to the guidance in the Programme Handbook, the following points may also help you produce a good piece of work:

  • You must address the question asked. ‘Not answering the question’ will result in a significant loss of marks.
  • Your essay must be properly referenced: – only sources cited in the text of your answer should be included in the bibliography; – all sources (including those for any numeric examples used) should be acknowledged; – there should be no references in your answer to sources which are not in your bibliography BUT if you have not consulted the reference directly yourself you should indicate in the text of your answer the secondary source from which it comes. It is this secondary source which should be in your bibliography.
  • While infrequent selective quoting within quotation marks is acceptable, listing a reference in the bibliography does not make it acceptable to copy large sections of a book or article into your answer. You must aim to summarise more extensive points in your own words.
  • Plagiarism is regarded as a most serious instance of academic misconduct and is dealt with accordingly.
  • Being asked to discuss something is not the same as being asked to list things. A discussion will consider alternative points of view and your own thinking and evaluation of these points should be central in the discussion of the topic.
  • It is expected that you will consult academic journals as well as professional journals, textbooks, and other sources.
  • At the same time, indiscriminate referencing is no guarantee of a good assignment. Part of the assessment is to see how able you are to identify and use selectively the most relevant and reliable sources.
  • When citing articles and books, please follow the Harvard referencing style.

In addition to the above, the following points will also contribute to a better-quality assignment: Page 3 of 3

  • Evidence of a good understanding of key concepts and ideas
  • An argument development that hangs together as a whole
  • Inclusion of examples/illustrations where relevant
  • Substantiated conclusions
  • Last but not least, some creativity and originality!

The assignment should be fully referenced throughout and contain a bibliography.

Word limit: 3,500 (+/- 10% excluding references)

What are the dangers of over analyzing using ratio analysis?

Write a 3-4 page paper discussing the use of ratios in analyzing financial statements. What are the benefits of using ratios when analyzing the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement of an organization? If you had to choose two key ratios, which two would best serve your purposes and why? What are the dangers of over analyzing using ratio analysis? What are the pitfalls for shareholders? For the owner of a small company? For a banker assessing risk?

Please use and cite at least four sources, using correct APA format. This paper should be written exclusively in the third person.

Explain the relationship between capital structure and the cost of capital with no taxes

2017 S1 FINA2222 CFPJOEY YANGPage 3 QUESTIONSCapital structure1.With the help of the Excel spread sheet provided, compute the market debt to equity (D/E) ratio for HDC. Then use it to compute the current cost of equity (rE) and the pretax-WACC for HDC. Assuming the cost of unlevered equity (rU) is 12%. (Hint: the market value of debt equals its book value; it is the sum of Long-Term Debt and Short-Term Debt.)At present Kyle is considering the following share repurchase proposal from the firm’s CFO: the company could raise $5 billion new debt (on permanent basis) at a competitive rate of 0.58% to repurchase shares.2.Compute the market D/E ratio, rE and pretax-WACC in this scenario.3.Compare your results in Questions 1 and 2. Explain the relationship between capital structure and the cost of capital with no taxes (as if in perfect markets). How would the weight average cost of capital (WACC) differ if the effect of taxes is incorporated? Justify.Assume that Kyle was impressed by your discussion in Question

3. He now understands that interest is tax deductable and the firm could potentially benefit from issuing more debt. Kyle decides to issue $5 billion of debt (on permanent basis) and use the proceeds to repurchase shares.

4.What is the present value of interest tax shield (ITS) of the new debt?

5.At the announcement of the repurchase, what is the new market value of the equity and theshare price (assume no arbitraging)?

6.After the repurchase, how many shares are outstanding? How has this deal affected the total value of the firm?Payout policy

7.If HDC adopts a 100% dividend payout policy, what is the after-tax dividend income of a shareholder whose personal tax rate is 36%, in 1) a classic tax system; and 2) the imputation tax system? Which tax system would he/she favour? Why?

Compare East Coat liquidity, financial leverage and turnover ratios to the industry standards.

1. Please calculate the ratios for East Coast Yachts for the industry ratios listed.

2. Compare East Coat liquidity, financial leverage and turnover ratios to the industry standards. Analyze if East Coast is doing better or worse than the industry standard and what that means for the company.