What will be the ending balance for an account with an initial deposit of $10,000 earning 9% per year for 35 years?

Questions 1 through 4 require you to type in the Excel built-in formulas to calculate the answer for each problem. Examples of the Excel formulas are included in the PDF of the video lectures for TVM-Future Value and TVM-Present Value. The Excel formulas must be entered into the Excel cells highlighted in light blue.

Question 5 is primarily an Excel functionality exercise. Complete the missing items in the table that are highlighted in light blue. The purpose of this exercise is to illustrate how to use the Excel built-in TVM functions and also how to calculate the same results using the equivalent algebraic formula. The exercise can be completed in a few seconds (Yes, seconds, not minutes) by appropriately copying the formulas from the portions of the table already filled in. If you are not familiar with Excel try to learn how to copy/paste formulas from cells and what ‘absolute cell reference’ and ‘relative cell reference’ mean.
Please solve the following Time Value of Money problems by using Excel’s built-in functions.
1. What will be the ending balance for an account with an initial deposit of $10,000 earning 9% per year for 35 years?
Enter solution using Excel fomula here:
2. If you estimate you will need to have $750,000 in your retirement account when you retire in 30 years, how much must you deposit today to reach that goal assuming you can earn an annual return of 8% over that period?
Enter solution using Excel fomula here:
3. How many years will it take for $15,000 to grow into $200,000 assuming an annual return of 8.5%?
Enter solution using Excel fomula here:
4. Your firm has paid $1 million for a project that is expected to earn a lump sum payment of $1.5 million, and nothing more, in ten years. What discount rate would make the current value of the project equal to the amount the firm paid?
Enter solution using Excel fomula here:
5. Complete the table below that calculates the Future Value of $10,000 invested at 7% per year using periods from 1 to 10 years. The table also illustrates the value today of $10,000 to be received in the future from 1 to 10 years later using a discount rate of 5%. (Note: table is to be completed by appropriately copying the Excel formulas. Using Excel copy/paste functionality it should take just a few seconds to do it).
Number of Future Value Future Value Present Value Present Value
Periods (Excel Formula) (Algebra Formula) (Excel Formula) (Algebra Formula)
1 $10,700.00 $10,700.00 $9,523.81 $9,523.81
2 $11,449.00 $11,449.00 $9,070.29
10 $6,139.13 $6,139.13
Future Value Initial Present Value Future
rate Amount Disc. Rate Amount
7% $10,000.00 5% $10,000.00

How would you characterize the long-term prospects of the capesize dry bulkindustry?

Ocean Carriers Case questionsOcean Carrier uses a 9% discount rate.1.Do you expect daily spot rates to increase or decrease next year?2. What factors drive average daily rates?3. How would you characterize the long-term prospects of the capesize dry bulkindustry?4. Should Ms. Linn purchase the $39M capsize? Make two differentassumptions. First, assume thatOcean Carriers is a U.S. firm subject to 35%taxation. Second assume, that Ocean Carriers is locatedin Hong Kong, whereowners of Hong Kong ships are not required to pay any tax on profitsmadeoverseas and also exempted from paying any tax on profit made on cargouplifted from HongKong.5. What do you think of the company’s policy of not operating ships over 15years old

Discuss the limitations of the above analysis. What are the current strengths/weaknesses of your chosen company if compared with the competitor?

Financial ratio analysis
The report will focus on how the company performs as compared to its competitors in the industry. The company’s weak and/or strong areas of performance must be identified and recommendations for improvement should be presented.
To get a good grasp of financial ratio analysis, this assignment asks you to identify a listed company AND its major competitor firm whose financial ratios are either readily available (i.e., through Marketline or any other database) or, else, can be calculated through its financial statements (annual reports). Obtain (or calculate if not available) the following financial ratios for the selected company from the most recent 5 years:
1. Liquidity Ratio – Current ratio
2. Capital structure ratio – Debt ratio
3. Efficiency ratio – Total asset turnover ratio
4. Profitability ratio – Net profit margin
Then, upon collecting observations, conduct the following analyses:
1. Peer-firm comparison & Trend analysis: Based on the five-year data, compare and elaborate on how the company AND the competitor were performing in terms of their liquidity, capital structure, efficiency and profitability ratios. Discuss the potential reasons (firm-specific, industry-specific, or macroeconomic reasons) behind their recent trends.
2. DuPont method: Return on equity (ROE) is a good indicator of a firm’s overall performance. How the ROE changed over the past five years for your chosen company and the competitor? Decompose ROEs into profitability, efficiency, and leverage for the five-year period. Which element had the most influence on the ROE? Provide relevant suggestions for improvement.
3. Working capital management: Calculate the operating cycle and cash conversion cycle of your chosen company and its competitor. In the calculation, assume credit sales account for 50% of the total sales revenue. What are the implications behind the results?
4. Market ratios: Calculate or retrieve the Price-earnings ratio (P/E) of your selected company and the competitor from Yahoo!Finance. Compare and interpret their P/E ratios in combination with the analysis above, what do you find?
5. Conclude & discuss the limitations of the above analysis. What are the current strengths/weaknesses of your chosen company if compared with the competitor? Why? Highlight any areas (and appropriate suggestions) for improvement for your chosen company.

Describe three ways you will invest in your future based on the principles of finance discussed in this course.

Write a two to three-page paper in which you:

Describe three ways you will invest in your future based on the principles of finance discussed in this course. Include terminology from the course and use citations as necessary to support your explanation of the terminology.
Discuss one of the three ways you feel most confident as a way to invest in your future. Explain your level of confidence.
Of the three ways that you will invest in your future, discuss the one that you perceive might be the most challenging. Then, discuss how you might overcome some of those challenges.

Demonstrate an understanding of the overall organizational strategic planning process to determine priorities.

Each teamwill research and document the financial processes related to strategic planning, budgeting, financial decision-making,equipment,and supply acquisition.

Strategic Planning Process:
Demonstrate an understanding of the overall organizational strategic planning process to determine priorities.
Project Comparison:
Determine the process used for determining which project or purchases are approved/denied

APA Format/Style: (grammar, punctuation, title page, headings, citations, etc.)Note: As APA does not delineate referencing of personal interviews, note who was interviewed by title. Provide in-text citations as if they were books, (i.e., M. Smith, personal communication, November 3, 2012) but in the reference list, include titles and departments.

agecountmayrangefrom10-15,exclusiveof title page,tableofcontents,reference list, and appendices.•Includeatable ofcontents.•Include at least three recent scholarly references, current within the last five yearsof publication(in addition to the text book). •Convertembeddedobjects and auto-formattedtext before submission.•Appendices areto be clearlylabeled andreferencedwithin the bodyof the reportaccording to APA.•Using the interview questions as a guide will insure your thorough investigation and evaluation of this work

Make an efficient multiple-asset portfolio and analyze the effect of adding a risk-free asset to a portfolio containing risky assets.

FINANCIAL MARKETSBCO224-Group AFinal Evaluation Investments: Delineating an Efficient Portfolio

Individual task

Students should read the Harvard Business School case study entitled ‘Investments: Delineating an Efficient Portfolio’ and answer the following questions. Students should notethat the risk of the portfolio should not be more than 10% per year. Students should use the dataset in the Stock Spreadsheetfor their calculations

.Key contextual elements should includerisk diversification, portfolio theory, efficient frontier, Sharpe ratio, correlation analysis, risk and return.

General instructions:

oMake a two-asset portfolio and examine how risk is diversified.

oMake an efficient multiple-asset portfolio.

oMake an efficient multiple-asset portfolio and analyze the effect of adding a risk-free asset to a portfolio containing risky assets.

Title page, written body, along with a bibliography of any written references, images, or diagrams used (if applicable). NOTE: Formal Written Reports must include a Title Page, Table of Contents, and Appendixif needed.

Formal Written Report saved and uploaded to Moodle in PDF format.Formalities:

Word count: 1000/1500words

Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total word count.

Font: Arial 12,5 pts

Text alignment: Justified.

The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.Submission:Week 8–Via Moodle (Turnitin). By no later than Sunday, September20that 23:59 (11:59pm) CEST.Weight:This task represents60% of your total grade for this subject.It assesses the following learning outcomes:

Outcome 1:Be familiar with selecting optimal portfolios including stocks and bonds.

Outcome 2: Have an understanding of the key concepts that drive capital allocation in the light of risk.

Did the papers find positive or negative impact?



  • Abstract:250
  • Introduction:650
  • Literature review: 3000
  • Methodology:1300
  • Findings/ analysis/ discussion:2500
  • Conclusion and recommendation where appropriate:550 total:8250
  • References:
  • Appendices

Introduce every chapter with key things to cover


Literature review: 10 from date of order so as to forward to supervisor for corrections

Methodology, analysis and discussion: 10 days after literature review draft

Abstract, introduction and conclusion 7days after methodology

And then final draft after all correction made on the date of the order completion.

Literature review

  • Should be organised or structured around themes with subheadings and link subheadings to improve the flow of the literature review
  • Definition of terms
  • Theories of financial risk, risk management, digital economy and china’s digital economy with historical background (check proposal)
  • Remember, financial risk is the key focus of the study( needs a thorough background discussion)
  • Develop arguments argument for and against literature
  • Develop Critical analysis
  • Provide supportive reference in the literature review for example: (Chris 2009, Amy 2012, Paul 2016) argued that………
  • Encouraged to use more recent papers e.g. (2010-2020). However, key papers (seminar papers or foundational papers can be included)
  • Include Empirical literatures around topic (in a subheading)
  • Summary of the chapter:

What are the gaps in the literature

Are the findings consistent

Did the papers find positive or negative impact?

Are there variations


Which of these 8 cost categories would be considered variable, and which fixed? Explain why.

The corporation you work for has asked for a summary and report of the future projections for the next 5 years. With the help of your CFO, you have put together the following preliminary budget figures based on last year’s numbers for a planned production and sales level of 4,000 units per year:
Building depreciation
Machine operators
Management staff
Direct materials
Other expenses that seem to vary based on production levels
Other expenses that don’t seem to vary
Selling price per unit
This category is difficult to analyze; a part of it is related to the building’s heat and light, whereas a part of it is used in the manufacturing process itself. You have the following data to which you will apply the high–low method:
When there is no production, utility costs are $20,000/month
When production levels reached 4,000 units/month, utility costs totaled $40,000/month
You are planning for the future and working on a report based on data from last year’s actual performance. You are going to calculate various figures, including the contribution margin per unit, contribution margin ratio, breakeven level in dollars, and breakeven level in units to answer some important questions regarding your data.
Using only the data from last year’s actual performance, create an Excel report that answers the questions below, showing all calculations. After completing your Excel computations, in Microsoft Word, write a professional memo to the executive committee analyzing the calculations from your report. Within the memo, give your opinion based upon the numbers as to whether production seems to be budgeted properly, and whether the corporation can make an adequate profit above breakeven levels. Please explain your rationale, and include answers to the following:
Which of these 8 cost categories would be considered variable, and which fixed? Explain why.
Which costs would be considered mixed (e.g., semi-variable or semi-fixed)?
Ignoring utility costs altogether, compute the contribution margin per unit, in dollars and in percentage, and the breakeven level of sales.
Ignoring utility costs altogether, if instead of breaking even, the firm wants to make $10,000/month profit, answer the following:
How many units must be sold each month?
To how many sales dollars is this unit volume equivalent?
In year 2, the CEO plans to add $300,000/yr. expenses in added administrative salaried headcount. Ignoring utility costs altogether, how many additional units must be sold just to pay for this added expense?
Show ALL calculations.

Describe the data points you found in the annual report that relate to the company’s capital constraints and spending trends.

Begin to create the big financial picture of how 3M company is spending their money and managing their investments in the future value of their organization through purchases and research and development.
Include the following content in this section.
Formulate the expected financial returns and associated risks by completing the following calculations.
Calculate the Return on Equity (ROE) using the DuPont system.
Calculate the Constant Growth Stock Valuation (CGSV) and compare it to the current stock price.
Research your company’s industry and evaluate what type(s) of capital constraints your company must consider in order to be competitive in the market. Explain the appropriate financial techniques that would be used in this evaluation.
Yahoo finance may help in research
Answer the following questions on the last page, listing each question first to avoid confusion, as I need to attach a video explaining the draft.
Explain what the results of your calculations say about the overall health of the company and its future value. (1 – 1.5 minutes)
Describe the data points you found in the annual report that relate to the company’s capital constraints and spending trends. (1 – 1.5 minutes)
Interpret the data points and explain whether or not the company is making appropriate capital expenditure allocations. (30 seconds – 1 minute)

Calculate the individual reimbursement rates for all 5 payers?

Your facility has 2000 cases in the following payer mix:

– 40% commercial insurances
– 25% Medicare insurance
– 15% Medicaid insurance
– 15% liability insurance
– 5% all others, including self-pay

What are the proportions of the total cases for each payer?


The average Medicare rate for each case is $6,200. Use this as the baseline. Commercial insurances average 110% of Medicare, Medicaid averages 65% of Medicare., Lliability insurers average 200% of Medicare, and the others average 100% of Medicare rates.

1. Calculate the individual reimbursement rates for all 5 payers?
2. What is your expected Accounts Receivable?


Which of the following costs are fixed, which are variable, and which are direct or indirect:

– Materials/supplies (gowns, drapes, bedsheets)
– Wages (nurses, technicians)
– Utility, building, usage exp (lights, heat, technology)
– Medications
– Licensing of facility
– Per diem staff
– Insurances (malpractice, business, and so on)


Given the following costs per case:

– Materials/supplies: $2,270
– Wages: $2,000
– Utility, building, usage exp: $1,125
– Insurances (malpractice, business, and so on): $175

What is the total cost of all combined cases?


Calculate the difference between accounts receivable (A/R) and accounts payable (A/P)