What are the advantages and the disadvantages of a merger?

As part of the financial planning process, a common practice in the corporate finance world is restructuring through the process of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). It seems that on a regular basis, investment bankers arrange M&A transactions, forming one company from separate companies. What are the advantages and the disadvantages of a merger? In your response, provide an example of either – a merger that was successful, or one that was unsuccessful.
Write a paper of 1,000-1,250 content words (title page, abstract and reference page not included), double-spaced format (Times New Roman 12-point font), 1 inch page margins Top, Bottom, Left Side and Right Side, with reasonable accommodation being made for special situations and online submission variances.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines, including a title page, an introduction, and a conclusion. An abstract is not required. Cite in text and include a References section. A template is included in the assignment.
In your report, make certain that you include at least three credible outside references from search engines or scholarly sources from the APUS Online Library.

Summarize main findings of quantitaitve research papers dealing with the drivers of not take up or underclaiming of benefits.

Topic might potentially be social sciences, please reallocate if thats the case
Summarize main findings of quantitaitve research papers dealing with the drivers of not take up or underclaiming of benefits. Screenshot and add regression results with links to papers in appendix.
Briefly mention what benefits were researched, what group, what effects were found and what potential explanations are given. If effects tend to repeat over studies (eg for common control variables) summarize these effects separately. Focus on UK, but international examples also ok.
If possible, find studies examining links with unsecured debt / arrears / over indebtedness
Bonus: find paper that links gap between perceived and objective debt to growth in unsecured debt. I once saw this paper but cant find it anymore….
No need to summarize if found

Provide a brief profile of the firm including the primary businesses/industry of the firm.

In the supplemental readings, you saw some examples of firms that have announced dividends, stock splits, and reverse stock splits. The assigned research paper reading (Hanion & Hoopes, 2014/Hunt Library) (Attached in materials) looked at firm decisions and what factors appear to affect payout decisions.

For this activity, you will write a short paper on a firm of your choosing.

You can provide a link to the firm’s profile and financial summary, similar to what can be found in Yahoo Finance. Other websites and non-U.S. stocks can be used as well.

Find a news article/announcement that a firm has split, repurchased, changed dividend policy, or other payout discussed in the module’s readings. The announcement must have been made in the past 3 months. The announcement could include the announcement of a firm canceling its dividend payments as well as the various payouts.

For the selected firm:

Provide a brief profile of the firm including the primary businesses/industry of the firm.
Provide an overview of the industry. Address issues such as whether the firm is considered as being in a growth industry or mature industry.
Describe the role/impact your firm has on the industry.
Discuss the payout strategy selected by your firm.
What did the firm announce?
Why did the firm make the announcement?
Based on your study of dividends and other payouts does the strategy make sense?
What signals is management sending with the announcement?
Do you agree with the decision?
As a shareholder would you be pleased with the announcement? Why or why not?
Include the announcement in your paper.

Write a brief paper about 3 pages in length. Be sure you have addressed all criteria in the rubric and the information in the Criteria, Profile, and Deliverable sections.

Provide Brazil’s SEC with insights on possible approaches to the new sustainable finance agenda, linking previous work done by the Brazilian Financial Innovation LAB

The purpose of this report is to provide Brazil’s SEC with insights on possible approaches to the new sustainable finance agenda, linking previous work done by the Brazilian Financial Innovation LAB (http://www.labinovacaofinanceira.com/) to new research.
I have attached a rough draft I had with feedback comments, so please look at that.

Explain how each of the ratios within that class is calculated and how they are used to analyze financial statements.

Course Requirement:
Write a paper on a class of financial ratios we have studied in this course. (Select profitability, solvency, or liquidity ratios to discuss in depth.)

Select a Ratio Class (do not write about all three):
– Profitability
– Solvency
– Liquidity

1. Explain how each of the ratios within that class is calculated and how they are used to analyze financial statements.

2. Select a recently filed set of financial statements and calculate the ratio for that company. Explain what this ratio tells you about the company.

Length: 3 pages
Source: 4 scholarly references to support your views

What is the role of philanthropy in our society?

Part of civic financial responsibility is the idea of philanthropy. Why is philanthropy so important in our society? In a five paragraph essay please discuss the following topics:
• What is the role of philanthropy in our society?
• Are we doing enough?
• How can people be encouraged to engage in philanthropic activities more frequently

Are there any distinctive features of financial and management accounts?

1. Are there any distinctive features of financial and management accounts? Please identify their usage in details
2. please add question to continue a topic
3. 1 page is enough

Describe the methods for sourcing equity funds from the global financial market.

Research and analyze global financing alternatives and write a paper to:

Describe the methods for sourcing equity funds from the global financial market. Form a table that would assist a multinational manager in summarizing the options with characteristics of each option.
Summarize the methods for sourcing debt funds from the global financial market. Form a table that would assist a multinational manager in summarizing the options with characteristics of each option.
Define and assess the cost of capital in a global context verse a domestic environment. Describe some of the reasons why the optimal capital structure might differ for a multinational firm. Discuss the role of the demand for foreign securities and the evidence of the cost of capital for multinationals verse domestic forms.
Support your paper with at least five (5) resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included. Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

What type of financing should this firm use?

Mechanics of Moving to the Optimal:
-If your firm’s actual debt ratio is different from its recommended debt ratio, how should they get from the actual to the optimal? In particular,
*Should they do it gradually over time or should they do it right now?
*Should they alter their existing mix (by buying back stock or retiring debt) or should they take new projects with debt or equity?
*What type of financing should this firm use? In particular,
-Should it be short term or long term?
-What currency should it be in?
-What special features should the financing have?
Dividend Policy:
– How has this company returned cash to its owners? Has it paid dividends, bought back stock or spun off assets?
– Given this firm’s characteristics today, how would you recommend that they return cash to stockholders (assuming that they have excess cash)?

Highlight the role played by the Federal Reserve Bank in the U.S. economy.

In a 1-page paper highlight the role played by the Federal Reserve Bank in the U.S. economy. What is the role of the Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee? How does it impact the way all of the banks run? Give concrete examples from the text, lecture and other readings. Discuss your personal opinion in how it is governed. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?

300 words
12 point, Calibri font, 1” Margin

Also use reference from: Besley, Scott, & Brigham, Eugene F. (2015). Principles of finance (6th ed). Canada: Cengage