If you were hired to enhance value at this firm, what path would you choose?

Use the following questions to guide your research and analysis.

What type of cash flow–dividends, FCFE or FCFF, et cetera-would you choose to discount for this firm?
What growth pattern–Stable, two-stage, three-stage, et cetera-would you pick for this firm? How long will high growth last?
What is your estimate of value of equity in this firm? How does this compare to the market value?
What is the key variable–risk, growth, leverage, profit margins, other–driving this value?
If you were hired to enhance value at this firm, what path would you choose?

Compose a 1-page paper in which you compare and contrast those instruments.

Select two (2) financial instruments from the list below. Compose a 1-page paper in which you compare and contrast those instruments. Discuss the risk involved with each as well as your opinion as to which is best and your reasons for your choice, backed by information from the text and other resources.
Federal Funds
Money Market Funds
Common Stock
Preferred Stock
Treasury Notes

300 Words
12 Calibri Font, 1” Margins

Also use references from Besley, Scott, & Brigham, Eugene F. (2015). Principles of finance (6th ed).

Explain the programs that you cut and why, the programs you did not cut and why, and potential positive and negative effects of this budget.

You will need to complete the discussion and begin work on your final grade which will be a 3 page reflection paper activity. The activity will be based around Balancing the federal budget. In the website I will provide you will have to make cuts to the federal budget and in the end take a screenshot of the final budget. Your refection paper will consist of a minimum 3 pages, on those pages you will explain the programs that you cut and why, the programs you did not cut and why, and potential positive and negative effects of this budget. This will be due during Module 6, when I open the submission file. The format for this paper will be MLA format. Introduction Page and Bibliography.

I’ve been receiving a lot of emails asking for clarification on the reflection paper. The format for the paper will consist of a Cover page, 3-4 pages of content with your explanations, followed by the screenshots of the actual budget activity where it shows the budget and the cuts one made, and lastly, the bibliography with all the sources that was used. The cover page, screenshot page, and bibliography DO NOT count as part of the explanation. Remember this is due Tuesday and there is no late submission.
This is the website:


*Can you please use simple words because i have been submitting discussions using simple vocabulary. It’s my first year in college. Thank you

Discuss the merits and shortcomings of cryptocurrencies.

FINANCIAL MARKETSBCO224-Group BMid-Term AssignmentCryptocurrenciesIndividual taskIn 2017, cryptocurrencies grabbed a lot of headlines for numerous reasons. Regardless of how they fare in the future, students are required to write anessay on the merits and shortcomings of cryptocurrencies.Key contextual elements should includedifferent cryptocurrencies, financial data and statistics.General instructions:

oDiscuss the role of cryptocurrencies in international financial markets.

oDiscuss the merits and shortcomings of cryptocurrencies.

oUse examples to illustrate statements in addition to comparing and contrasting to traditional financial markets.

oDiscuss your view and reasoning on the future of cryptocurrencies.Title page, written body, along with a bibliography of any written references, images, or diagrams used (if applicable). NOTE: Formal Written Reports must include a Title Page, Table of Contents, and Appendixif needed.Formal Written Report saved and uploaded to Moodle inPDF format.

Write a personal statement for completing the university application

Paper details:

write a personal statement for completing the university application

please write a good statement where i can confess the university
If any information you need for the statement please contact

Critically discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the above mentioned portfolio management strategy

Portfolio management problems can be viewed as multi-period dynamic decision problems where transactions take place at discrete points in time. At each point in time the manager has to assess the prevailing market conditions – such as prices and interest rates – and the composition of the existing portfolio. The manager also has to assess possible future movements of interest rates, prices, risk premia, and cashflows from the securities. This information is incorporated into a sequence of buying or selling actions, and short-term borrowing or lending decisions. At the next point in time the portfolio manager has at hand a seasoned portfolio and is faced with a new set of possible future movements. Transactions must now be executed that incorporate the new information.
For fixed-income securities the key portfolio management strategy has been that of portfolio immunization: portfolios are developed that are hedged against small changes from the current term structure of interest rates (Zenios et al, 1998).
Critically discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the above mentioned portfolio management strategy and critically evaluate the usefulness of alternative strategies available to manage fixed income portfolios.

Create a budget for a financial plan using Excel to ensure that the financial information is organized, accurate, and complete.

Criteria for Success: In this assignment, you will:
Create a budget for a financial plan using Excel to ensure that the financial information is organized, accurate, and complete.
Identify a personal savings goal and a time frame for reaching that goal.
Explain your choice of housing option in the context of how it will help you achieve your selected financial goal.
Align expenditures to reflect your selected financial goal.
Reflect on how creating a step-by-step and organized approach to the assignment helped you to adjust your financial priorities and financial plan.
What to submit/deliverables: Two completed templates: Assignment 2 Financial Plan Explanation Word Template and Assignment 2 Financial Plan Budget Excel Template.

Evaluate the approximate costs and benefits of the investment you identified, explaining how they would affect your spreadsheet projections and business decisions.

Business Opportunities
Likely Investment Opportunities for the Organization
Based on your knowledge of this organization, what is a likely investment it would consider and why? Be sure to describe the basic features of the investment as a foundation for considering its potential financial impact.
Cost and Benefits of the New Investment
Evaluate the approximate costs and benefits of the investment you identified, explaining how they would affect your spreadsheet projections and business decisions. Estimates are sufficient but should be grounded in common sense and insight into the organization.
Impact on Budgeting Decisions
How does the potential investment affect budgeting and related business decisions? For example, does the investment involve significant cash spending this coming year, followed by benefits in the following year? How might that affect short-term and long-term spending priorities? Does the benefit outweigh the cost?
Executive Summary
Clearly and concisely summarize your principal findings, projections, and recommendations as a manager with an eye to persuading busy executives to support your ideas and to read further. Provide your intended audience with a solid but brief sense of the parameters of your analysis and who you would consult in refining it further, and why. Remember that your goal is to convince readers of the validity of your observations while recognizing limitations that affect business decisions.

Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of financing options

Capital-equipment budgeting is typically related to the expansion of current services. This type of budget must be justified and requires a viability or return on investment analysis. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of financing options (e.g., mortgages and loans; lines of credit, leases; bond financing) for a specified capital improvement or equipment project.

What methods does the firm use to ensure and maintain positive cash flows?

You will need to examine Microsoft’s working capital management. Look at the firm’s annual report and answer the following questions:

What is the firm’s cash position? Does the firm reflect positive cash balances for the last three years?
What methods does the firm use to ensure and maintain positive cash flows?
What methods of short-term financing does the firm use?